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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 14

by A. K. Michaels

  Kyle nearly choked on his wine. The thoughts running through Sabrina's mind were coming to him loud and clear.

  Sabrina watched as Kyle got over his choking fit and she smiled. “Sorry.” she said quietly, but the cheeky look on her face told Kyle she wasn't sorry......not at all.

  As Sabrina finished her spring rolls she wondered what was for the main course? Kyle being very cryptic about the food and the conversation in Cantonese with the lady more than intrigued her.

  “So when did you learn Cantonese? I'm pretty sure it's a hard language to learn?” Sabrina watched him closely; in fact she couldn't take her eyes off him. He looked so damn handsome tonight.

  “Oh a long time ago, I ended up all over the place and spent some time traveling all over China, Japan, all around Asia. I found a nice little village I stayed in for a while and learned it there. In those days nobody spoke English so it wasn't really an option but to learn the language. I know a few dialects, that one is one of the easier ones.” Kyle took a sip of his wine as he stared at his mate. Her face bore a slight flush, brought on by the wine. She always got a little red when drinking alcohol.

  “So you were there for a while then?” Sabrina played with her wine glass as she waited on his reply.

  “Yea, you could say that, about thirty years. I liked the simplicity of the place. Plus everyone was so damn polite! It was quite a change from Europe and the Americas.” Kyle thought back on his time in the village with fondness, it had been a peaceful time in his long life.

  “Thirty years? That's more than a while Kyle, that's half a lifetime!” Sabrina still had problems sometimes remembering her vampire was very old and probably thirty years was nothing to him.

  “Not half of my lifetime baby. Let's just say I traveled a lot, there weren't many places I didn't go. Sometimes for a few days and sometimes for decades.” Kyle's memory was almost perfect. He could remember places, names, things he had done, as if it was yesterday and not centuries ago.

  “So what's for my main course?” Sabrina asked, hoping he would give her a clue.

  “You'll just have to wait and see, though I'm certain you'll like it.” A mysterious smile was on his face and Sabrina frowned, what had he cooked up.

  The little lady appeared and took her plate away and chattered away to Kyle in the process. This time Kyle spoke back and Sabrina's eyes widened at how well he spoke. If she closed her eyes she was sure she would not have known it was her vampire that was speaking.

  The lady rushed away and was back in a few minutes, ushering a chef towards the table.

  The white clad chef started to speak in his native tongue and held out two dishes in his hands. Kyle spoke in return and nodded his head. The chef placed the dishes down in the middle of the table and the little lady produced a clean, warm plate, which she placed in front of Sabrina.

  As Sabrina looked at the food in front of her she nearly laughed. No, it couldn't be? Was that her favorite? A dish she found she could only get in Scotland. Even the English Chinese restaurants didn't serve it, it was a purely Scottish invention.

  “Kyle, is that Chicken and Sweet corn with fried rice?” Sabrina picked the dish up and gave it a good long smell; it definitely smelled like her favorite dish. She put some onto her plate and then followed with some rice.

  She mixed it all up on her plate and got a small portion onto her fork. As she moved the fork to her mouth she hoped it tasted, as it should.

  She took in the first mouthful and after a couple of chews she moaned. It was perfect. How the hell did he manage this?

  Kyle laughed at the moan from Sabrina and her shocked expression.

  “I contacted the restaurant here and told them what I wanted. I then contacted the Chinese restaurant near where you used to life in Glasgow. I got the two of them in touch and the Glasgow chef talked this one through how to make it. Voila, your favorite dish. I hope you enjoy it?” Kyle was happier that he had pleased Sabrina with this little surprise than he had been in a long time.

  Her face lit up and he was sure he could see a tear in one of her eyes? Why did she have tears?

  “Oh Kyle, you have no idea what this means, jeez, you've gone to a lot of trouble just to get me my favorite meal! You do know I love you, right?!” Sabrina couldn't believe that Kyle had done this for her.

  “Yes baby, but I'm pretty sure I love you more!” Kyle chuckled at his mate's expression. Her eyes were wide, her head was shaking in denial.

  “No, uh uh, I'm sure I've got the dibs on that, so don't go trying to take that from me vampire!” Sabrina placed another forkful of food in her mouth and she felt as if she was in heaven.

  “Well why don't we agree that we love each other the same? No arguments baby, ok?” Kyle couldn't believe the way it made him feel watching her enjoy this simple pleasure. Her favorite Chinese meal. Bugger, he would need to find out more so he could do it again. He felt high, as if injected with some kind of drug.

  “Ok, that's fine by me my vampire.” Sabrina took a sip of wine and got back to devouring her meal. It was divine, and she was so happy at this moment she felt fit to burst.

  Kyle sipped his wine slowly and refilled Sabrina's glass whenever it went under half full. She smiled as she ate but didn't talk for a while, her attention fully on her food.

  As she finished the meal she took a deep breath. “Jeez I'm full, that was heavenly Kyle, thank you.” Her smile was broad as she finished and she moved one of her hands across the table to take hold of his.

  “Oh it's not over darling, one more course. This was a little more difficult as it's not something they usually make.” Kyle did that lip lift thing again and Sabrina was sure she felt her underwear getting moist.

  “I'm not sure I could eat anything else Kyle! Are you trying to fatten me up or something?” Sabrina was only half joking. Kyle seemed to have made it a mission to get her to eat, a lot.

  “No but you don't eat nearly enough! Barely one meal a day, you said when we met you usually ate three or more.”

  “Well yea, I'm what I call a grazer. I used to eat lots of small meals not huge ones like this!” Sabrina was sure she couldn't eat another thing.

  The little lady appeared and took the plates away, chattering to Kyle. He nodded and spoke, and the lady's face lit up. A bright smile now pasted on her features.

  Sabrina guessed the lady was asking if she had liked her meal.

  Less than a minute later the she was back with a bowl in her hands, which she placed down in front of Sabrina. Sabrina looked down and once again she was more than a little surprised.

  Eton Mess! Her favorite sweet, meringue mashed with cream and raspberries. A raspberry compote covering the top, jeez she was definitely going to make room for some of this.

  “You're definitely trying to fatten me up Kyle! If I ate like this every day I'd end up as big as a house!” Sabrina took the first taste and moaned in pleasure as soon as it touched her taste buds.

  Kyle actually managed a full on smile as he watched her. The little noises coming from her throat were more than a little erotic and he had to adjust himself on several occasions.

  Sabrina only managed to eat half of the sweet, the portion was huge and she was already full.

  “Kyle, that was amazing, thank you. Though we need to cut down on the sweets or I won't fit in my jeans!” Sabrina chuckled as she thought of eating like this every day. None of her clothes would fit her inside a week.

  “I'm just glad you enjoyed it. Even though I no longer eat food it's nice to see you do so. I must say it's made me more than a little hungry my darling. I may just have a little taste of you on the way home.” Kyle raised an eyebrow as he spoke and Sabrina's face blushed red.

  “I see, well I'm sure than can be arranged vampire. After all I don't want you going hungry.” Sabrina's eyes were now half closed and she felt her body respond to his suggestion.

  The little lady came over wi
th a small cake box and handed it to Sabrina, inside was a large portion of the Eton Mess and she thanked the lady profusely. Kyle repeated her thanks in Cantonese and the lady bowed low and smiled.

  Kyle lay money down on the table and the lady was shaking her head, trying to hand some cash back into his hands.

  Kyle shook his head and spoke rapidly and made sure the little lady kept all of the cash he laid down.

  As they left the restaurant Sabrina wondered what they had said to each other? Kyle's hand was around her waist as he led her outside.

  “I told her that it was worth every penny to see you enjoy the food. She says we can come any time and if I give her a day's notice she'll make sure they cook whatever you want.” Kyle gave her waist a little squeeze and Sabrina turned her head and shouted - “Thank you!” over her shoulder to the lady who stood watching them leave.

  “Right, I've got a small errand to run then we'll be on our way home.” Kyle placed Sabrina up into her seat in the SUV and placed the cake box on the floor then walked around and got in.

  “What errand?” Sabrina wondered as he never ran 'errands' while they were out.

  “I've got to go pick up the drugs, it's only about a mile as the crow flies from the house but going in a vehicle it's a round about journey. Once we get it we can make our way home, luckily that round about journey takes us along a very quiet part of the road! We did say I could feed on the way home?” Kyle kept his eyes on the road as they pulled away but he heard clearly the gasp from Sabrina.

  “Oh, yea, sure, I think you should hurry up. I don't want you to get too hungry.” Sabrina's thoughts were on exactly what was going to happen as her vampire fed. She kept her eyes firmly in front of her, not chancing a look at his face.

  She thought if she did she would ask him to stop right here and now.

  Kyle glanced at his mate and saw the tense way she was sitting. Heard the heart that was starting to race, her breathing coming much quicker than usual. He knew exactly what was on her mind, the same as what was on his.

  Kyle put his foot down on the pedal and the powerful SUV moved faster along the street.

  Chapter 6

  As the SUV ate up the road Kyle ordered himself to concentrate. When they got to the drop off area he had to be able to make sure there was nobody around. He couldn't do that when all his thoughts were on having Sabrina straddle him in the vehicle as he fucked her brains out.

  Sabrina watched as Kyle took several deep breaths, as if trying to control himself. A small smile was on her face as she watched him and then the cop in her kicked in. They were going to a drop off to retrieve drugs for Christ sake. They had to focus and she knew that was what Kyle was attempting to do.

  “Ok, I'm going to pull in and get out as if I'm stretching my legs. I'll be able to sense if there's anyone about. If not I'll get what we came for and then move on. You stay in the car Sabrina, in case we need to move fast.” Kyle slowed as he came nearer to the drop off and pick up area.

  He pulled the large SUV onto a piece of land at the side of the road, covered in dirt and bushes. He put the vehicle in park but kept the engine running. He was always very careful doing pick ups, some of his contacts could get too nosey for their own good.

  Kyle opened the door and got out; standing next to the driver's side door he stretched his arms upwards and then shook them out. He bent his back forwards as if suffering a cramp and sent his powers out.

  They flew outwards for quite some distance and Kyle processed what came back. There were several small animals in the vicinity but nothing bigger than a large cat. No humans were anywhere near. He nodded to Sabrina and walked behind the vehicle for a few paces. On the ground was a large rock, which he moved aside, laying there were the drugs he asked for.

  He picked the packet up and placed the money in the space where the drugs had been. He replaced the rock and returned to the SUV, got in and fastened his seat belt.

  Sabrina turned in her seat to watch him and she relaxed as soon a he was back in the car with her. Kyle placed the package in the side panel of his door and started to drive. This road was a long and winding one and there was very little traffic at any time of the day. At night it was all but deserted.

  Kyle knew exactly where he was going. About a mile or so further was a dirt road that led to a small copse of trees. He was going to park there and do exactly what had been on his mind. A smile came over his face as he thought on his mate screaming his name in the confines of the vehicle.

  “What're you smiling about vampire?” Sabrina saw the look on his face, it was pure lust and her heart started to beat faster.

  “Oh I'm just thinking on what we're going to be doing in a very short time baby, that's all.” Kyle turned to Sabrina, he already heard her heart starting to beat faster. He could sense her arousal and she wore that little flush she got when she was sexually excited.

  “And what's that exactly?” Sabrina asked, she held her breath waiting on his answer.

  “Well if I told you it would spoil the surprise now wouldn't it?” Kyle smirked and Sabrina's lips twitched in a small smile.

  They arrived quickly, due to the speed of Kyle's driving, and he pulled off the road until they were completely unseen from any prying eyes.

  Sabrina looked around and saw that they were hidden from the road and surrounded by trees. She hadn't been here before.

  Kyle switched the engine off, unbuckled his seat-belt, and turned towards Sabrina. “Come over here baby.” Kyle held his arms out and she slid over to him. As soon as she was near enough Kyle moved his seat backwards and grabbed her and pulled her onto his knee.

  Sabrina was sitting sideways on his lap and one hand clasped the back of her neck and pulled her in for a long, lingering, kiss. The touch of her lips on his made him even harder than he had been.

  She moaned into him and he groaned loudly as his other hand snaked up her thigh under her dress and found the top of her stockings. Christ! He loved stockings on his mate.

  His hand caressed the bare skin above the stocking and he moved it around to clasp her round behind. “Fuck Sabrina, you know how sexy that is? The stockings, the skin, it's enough to drive a man insane!” Kyle nibbled her bottom lip and she melted into his body.

  His tongue ran from her bottom lip and along her jaw til he found her neck where he started to nuzzle in earnest. He could feel her blood running wildly through her system and he was going to taste it very soon.

  Kyle moved back enough to pick Sabrina up and place her so she had a leg on either side of his. He was so bloody glad he had bought this nice big SUV.

  Sabrina looked down into Kyle's face and saw his hooded eyes change to a darker color of green. They always did when he was aroused. She placed a hand on the side of his face and lowered her lips to his.

  Both of Kyle's hands were now caressing the skin on her thighs between the stockings and her suspender belt. The sounds coming from his throat testifying to just how much he liked them. One hand moved to her ass and then to her thong, he moved it out of the way so he could gain access to her wet folds and as soon as his fingers lingered there Sabrina bucked under his touch.

  Her hands moved downwards and undid his belt and then his trousers, his hardness popping free. She encircled it in one hand and started to move it up and down. She made slow strokes that had Kyle gasping into her mouth.

  “You're killing me here baby, really......and I owe you another pair of panties!” Kyle said this as his hands moved and grabbed the sides and broke the thin piece of material. He removed them from her and dropped them on the floor as Sabrina wiggled herself to be nearer his cock.

  Kyle picked her up by the hips and positioned her over his hardness and brought her down with a quick movement. As he did so he thrust up and slid all the way into her tight, wet, warm sheath. A long low growl rumbled from his chest and Sabrina's head fell back as little whimpers left her mouth.

moved fast, using his strength to both lift her up and bring her down as he thrust upwards. The feeling was exquisite and he could clearly hear her heart stuttering before stampeding into very fast beats.

  He moved one hand to bring her head and neck closer to him and continued to thrust inside her. She was using her own motion now and was riding him hard and fast. Each time she came down onto him she moved her hips forward so that her nub brushed against him and he knew she was near.

  His fangs descended and he placed them on her neck, at that special spot where he could gain access to her vein. He bit down hard and his fangs entered her skin deeply, right into that precious vein. As soon as they did Sabrina's head fell back and she screamed his name long and loud as the sensations overwhelmed her system.

  As the precious blood of his mate entered his mouth he held the first mouthful for a few seconds to savor the taste. Sabrina's blood always took his breath away, so sweet and tangy at the same time. He pulled more and more into his body as she rode him with wild abandon. His own release was near and as Sabrina's overtook her he felt her tighten and convulse around his cock as he buried himself deep within her.

  A few more mouthfuls and he retracted his fangs and roared her name as his own release hit his body. It swept over his entire system and the feelings were so vast it had him shaking from head to toe. Sabrina had only just finished her own orgasm and lay in his arms like a broken doll.

  Kyle held his precious mate close as she slowly came back to him. Her mind fractured by the immense feelings that were responsible for taking her to a high so vast that he could still hear her heart beating way too fast.

  Several long minutes later Sabrina placed a gentle kiss on his neck as she murmured. “I love you Kyle.” Her voice low and soft and Kyle squeezed her tight.

  “I love you my mate. Always.” Kyle still experienced moments of panic when he thought of how close he came to not finding her and he held her as if not wanting to let her go. Ever.


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