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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 22

by A. K. Michaels

  “Good, they deserve a dose of their own medicine!” Sabrina hoped Thomas was more than a little rough with those that had anything to do with what that bitch had been allowing.

  “Sabrina, I was thinking earlier, I think we deserve a little holiday. Where would you like to go? Anywhere baby – it's up to you.” Kyle saw a little bit of excitement come into her eyes and then she looked away, a frown on her face.

  “What?” Kyle asked, trying to read what was going through her head. He caught glimpses and it was mostly of the sun? He knew his little mate liked the sun and sunbathing but he wasn't as keen on it. Direct sunlight could make him tired if he stayed in it too long.

  “Oh nothing. You decide.” Sabrina was biting her bottom lip and Kyle knew her well enough to know that she was trying hard not to say what she wanted to.

  “Out with it or I'll just probe deeper into your lovely little head.” Kyle stared intently, letting Sabrina know that if she didn't tell him then he would find out himself.

  “Well, it's daft really. Plus it's not the right climate for you, but, I've always wanted to go to Disney.” Sabrina half laughed, knowing it may sound a bit daft coming from a full grown woman.

  “Disney? Really?” Kyle frowned – that would have been the last place he would have chosen, for a myriad of reasons. The last one would be the sun, the first would be all those screaming kids.

  “Yea, but I know it's daft. We'll pick somewhere that's better for you, where do you want to go?” Sabrina knew that Kyle would hate Disney, she just knew it.

  “Disney? Well it wouldn't be my first choice but I did say you could choose so Disney it is. Though can we only spend a few days. I think any longer and I'll go insane. All that laughter, smiling and screaming kids – not something a vampire would normally subject themselves to, baby.” Kyle smiled as he spoke, the things Sabrina had him doing.

  “Really!” Sabrina screamed, she hadn't thought Kyle would go. “Oh God, thank you, I'm so excited!” Sabrina had to put her cup down; she was sloshing coffee all over the place.

  Kyle laughed at Sabrina's excitement and the look of joy on her face. He, himself, never understood the mania surrounding those kinds of places but seeing his mate so happy made him glad, very glad, that he agreed.

  He probably wouldn't have much fun but if Sabrina did then it would be worth it.

  Sabrina jumped up and flung herself at Kyle, she was happy, excited and a host of other emotions. She couldn't wait to see Disney.

  “Ok, ok, calm down. Come on we'll go and see Thomas.” Kyle was trying not to laugh at his mate's over enthusiasm as he pried her arms from around his neck. He knew if they didn't leave the hotel room he would have her back in the bedroom and they would spend their entire time there.

  There was business to attend to, so he grabbed her hand and pulled her after him as he made for the door.

  Once they were in the SUV and heading towards the Club Sabrina's eyes widened. Shit. She should've checked before she left the room.

  “Kyle, I didn't even check. The local news. Was there anything about – you know?” Sabrina looked at his face as he drove and saw a tightening of the muscles around his jaw, she knew he was clenching his teeth. Something he did when upset or angry.

  “I checked. Yes, he was found. The Police are looking for some gang members who deal in drugs. My cover story looks to have held.” Kyle checked the news on his phone earlier and then pushed it from his mind. He didn't want to think of that pedo ever again.

  “Good. I'm glad.” Sabrina settled back in her chair and started chattering about Disney. Her voice rising as she got more excited.

  Kyle was quite glad when he pulled up outside the Club. He was really quite dreading the trip to the theme park but he said they could go so he would just have to 'suck it up'.

  Sabrina jumped out of the SUV before Kyle got around to help her. Something she normally didn't do but her excitement made her all edgy and she was trying to dampen it down a bit.

  The Club looked different now, it was not dark yet, only a few lights on inside. She didn't think it would be busy at this time of day. Surely it got busy at nighttime.

  She was wrong. As they approached the door a large male appeared and opened it. Not Thomas, but almost as large. When they walked inside Sabrina saw more people around than were there last night?

  The dress code was eclectic to say the least. Some dressed in black from head to toe, no skin showing at all. Others were dressed in barely anything, with just about all their flesh showing. It was really quite disconcerting.

  Thomas was behind the reception desk where Mistress Blood sat on their previous visit. As the large wolf saw them his face broke into a huge smile and he came around to grab Kyle in a huge bear hug.

  Kyle allowed it, for a few seconds, and then pulled away. “I take it everything is fine?” Kyle asked while Thomas gently shook Sabrina's hand.

  The wolf knew not to overstep in regards to a vampire's mate.

  “Yes, everything is hunky dory. As soon as I felt a little better last night I put a notice on the website. I informed everyone about the change of Management. I said there would be a newcomers mixer this afternoon in which all newcomers were to come fully clothed. I didn't want to make them feel nervous or obligated to wear anything that could put them off the Club. I asked members to come along to show the newbies what the Club is all about. The response has been phenomenal! Look at it Kyle, the place is full!” Thomas spread his arms out wide to the large amount of people milling around and spilling out from the large bar area they were in last night.

  “That's a really good idea Thomas. Put everything together and send it to me. I'll send it on to the other clubs”

  “Ok I'll get it sent.”

  “Have you already suspended the memberships of all concerned with Mistress Blood's wrongdoing?” Kyle was impressed with how Thomas had taken to things in such a short time.

  “Yes, I've already telephoned them all. Most shouted and swore, but that was about it. However, there are two coming in for a face to face. They were that little bitch's lackeys and I'm looking forward to seeing them personally.” Thomas had a hard glint in his eyes now and both Kyle and Sabrina knew the wolf was going to dole out some much needed punishment.

  “Good and if they get bloodied up a bit all the better.” Kyle smiled, thought about staying just for the hell of it but decided to let Thomas deal with it. He was, after all, the new Manager and it was up to him to do as he saw fit.

  “You staying? Want a drink?” Thomas asked but Kyle shook his head.

  “No, got a lot going on. Can you show me the information I asked for?” Kyle wanted to get that part over and done.

  “Yes, come on back to the office.” Thomas led the way and Sabrina was pleased to note that when they entered the room there was no sign whatsoever of the events of the previous night.

  Thomas walked to the desk and pulled a sheet of paper from a tray set to the side. “Here you go, there's three, names and addresses.” Thomas handed the paper to Kyle.

  Kyle read the names and, of course, they meant absolutely nothing to him, no clue as to who these females were but these were the ones worst hurt by what happened in his Club.

  “You got the Club's checkbook handy?” Kyle thought he might as well just get this over with.

  “Um yea – but Kyle – I checked last night – there's not as much money in there as there should be. I'm going to try and find where she stashed it but she's been stealing for a long time and bleeding the place dry.” Thomas wasn't happy about what he had found out but he needed to let Kyle know.

  “Ah I see, ok give me a minute.” Kyle moved to the desk and flipped open the laptop. Logging into one of his bank accounts he transferred a sizable amount to the Club's bank account. Once he was done he logged off and grabbed the checkbook and wrote out three checks.

  When he was finished he handed them to Thomas. “H
ere, see those girls gets one of these each.”

  Thomas looked down at the checks, his eyes going wide. “Kyle! This is a hell of a lot of money!” Thomas exclaimed, all the while still looking at the amounts on the checks.

  “Yes I know. I've transferred enough to cover those and to give you a start in running the club. If you find what she stole let me know. I'll give you a hefty bonus if you do.” Kyle smiled at the look on Thomas's face. He was sure the wolf would try and find the money and Kyle didn't have any doubts that he would hand it back.

  Kyle could read this wolf easily, he was trustworthy and not the type to steal. He could clearly feel the excitement in Thomas at getting a bonus if he found the money. The thought of keeping it hadn't entered the wolf's mind.

  Kyle knew he was leaving this particular Club in safe hands. He planned on giving the wolf a huge raise.

  “Ok, thanks Thomas for taking over in such difficult circumstances. You have my mobile and home phone and email. If you need me just get in touch. Any changes you want to make are at your discretion but I would appreciate an email giving me details of anything major. I'll be back in a few months to see how things are going. Take care.” Kyle shook the wolf's hand and Sabrina shouted “Bye Thomas.” over her shoulder as Kyle dragged her out.

  He wanted to get organized for Disney and get it over with as quickly as possible. Then he wanted to spend a few days in a luxury hotel and not leave the bloody bedroom.

  Chapter 15

  Kyle jumped out the SUV as he came to a stop in front of the hotel and moved quickly to help Sabrina out. Handing the keys to the valet he held her hand as they went back inside.

  “I'm a bit hungry.” Sabrina said as she got a whiff of something rather nice coming from the restaurant.

  Kyle changed direction and entered the restaurant to the side of the lobby. They were shown to a quiet table where Sabrina ordered some food and Kyle ordered some wine for them.

  “So when do we get to go to Disney?” Sabrina asked, trying to keep the excitement down to a minimum.

  “Well it's a long drive, after the drive here I would prefer not to do that. I think we'll fly this time, then fly back here and get the SUV. We can stop off somewhere on our way back home. I don't want to do it in one like on the way here. How does that sound?” Kyle knew he couldn't go another long drive with Sabrina at his side. His need to have her on the drive to Denver was not something he wished to repeat.

  “Whatever you think's best Kyle. I'm quite looking forward to seeing more of the US. Where will we stay in Florida?” Sabrina couldn't see Kyle staying in one of the Disney hotels.

  “I'll do a check but I'm sure there will be something suitable. NOT on-site at Disney though. I couldn't do that – not even for you baby.” Kyle took a sip of the wine the waiter brought and poured, before disappearing again.

  “Ok, thank you Kyle, I really am excited and grateful. I know it's not your cup of tea.” Sabrina was having a hard time seeing her vampire in such a place as Disney.

  Kyle pulled out his phone and started checking out flight times and hotels while Sabrina started to eat the food the waiter brought. A nice, upscale hotel, and not one on Disney's property was what he was looking for.

  Sabrina had nearly finished her food by the time Kyle found what he was looking for. He thought he wouldn't get what he was after so when he did he felt more than a little relieved.

  The flights were booked in business class, he had no intention of being crammed into one of those tiny seats in coach on a plane. If he was forced to fly he always went Business and if the plane had the facility of First Class he would utilize that instead.

  The flights to Florida only did Business Class so that would have to suffice. He wondered if Sabrina had flown Business before but thought probably not. He would keep it as a surprise, together with the Lounge at the airport that they could use.

  Disney was the last place on earth he wanted to go but Sabrina's enthusiasm was a little catching. He thought it might not be so bad, looking at it from her eyes. He could just see her getting all excited at all the razzmatazz that Disney had to offer.

  He only hoped that there weren't too many squalling kids.

  Sabrina finished her meal and sipped her wine in silence until Kyle finished on his phone. She wasn't sure if it was business he was doing so didn't want to interrupt.

  As Kyle finished and looked up she smiled at him to let him know how grateful she was for letting her pick and for agreeing to Disney.

  “That's us we're all booked. We fly tomorrow, early afternoon, we're there for four days Sabrina. That's all I could stand – is that ok?” Kyle knew she was very excited but he just didn't think he could last more than four days.

  Sabrina was nodding her head, she was just glad she got to go at all. “Yes Kyle, whatever you say. We better get to bed a bit earlier then, if we need to be at the airport early afternoon.”

  Usually they would be in bed until mid afternoon so they would be getting up a few hours earlier than usual. Kyle just nodded his head and gave Sabrina a rather cheeky smile.

  “I'm finished, we should go to bed now.” Sabrina barely whispered. She knew what that look on Kyle's face meant. If she was going to have enough sleep they needed to go to their room – now.

  “I think that's a good idea baby. Come on.” Kyle took her hand and let her out of the restaurant and to their suite.

  Sabrina was right, she barely got enough sleep, Kyle made love to her for a long time. Then they showered and he started all over again.

  She was still sleepy as they got in the SUV for the journey to the airport. She hoped she could grab a nap on the plane.

  As Kyle drove to the airport he had a huge smile on his face. The previous evening was fabulous, their lovemaking still etched inside his brain. He just could not get enough of his little mate.

  A mate that was looking very tired. At least with the comfortable seating in Business Class she should be able to rest. He hoped so because he was looking forward to a repeat of last night at the hotel later.

  Kyle had arranged for a 'Meet and Greet' for the SUV so he pulled up in front of the airport and located the man from the company he had used, holding a bright yellow file folder, very easy for anyone to see.

  Kyle checked the paperwork and also asked to see some ID. He had no intention of just handing over the keys without making sure the guy was who he said he was. After he was satisfied he handed over the keys and the man gave him a business card. The telephone number on the reverse side being the one they should phone on their return.

  Sabrina was getting more excited now they were at the airport. Kyle could see her big smile and it brought one to his own lips. He never smiled as much as he had since meeting Sabrina.

  As he led her through the airport and to the special line for Business Class her eyes widened. She didn't say anything; just let Kyle lead her on and through. As he walked towards the door of the Lounge she tugged his hand.

  “We are going in there?” She asked with eyes wide and Kyle nearly laughed at her expression.

  “Yes. You don't think I would be sitting in the main terminal? With all those kids and people about?” Kyle was sure that was something he couldn't do. Screaming kids, drunk guys on bachelor parties. Nope, couldn't do it. Well not without causing some serious bodily damage.

  Kyle led her into the quiet calm of the Lounge and he noticed it was nearly empty. Good. Just the way he liked it.

  Sabrina looked all around, never having been in one of these before. She smelled the coffee immediately, a nice full flavored one. She went straight to it and poured a large cup for herself. Kyle shook his head as she offered him some and waited on her to finish.

  They found a nice quiet corner where it was just the two of them and sat down.

  “I've got some work to do.” Kyle said as he pulled his iPad out and Sabrina nodded her head. She was quite content to just sit and re
lax while sipping her glorious coffee.

  Kyle got to work, checking emails, sending replies and generally just catching up. He noticed that Thomas had sent him some files from the Club. Kyle filed those away in another folder and thought he would look at them on the plane. He was glad that the wolf sent the files so quickly. He was sure he had made the right decision in putting him in charge of the Club.

  “How long is the flight?” Sabrina hadn't thought to ask before.

  “Oh it's about three hours or so.” Kyle answered whilst still doing some work.

  “Jeez I keep forgetting how big the US is. You can fly from one end to the other of the UK in just over an hour.” Sabrina having done so on many occasions.

  “Yea, it's a huge place. Easy to get lost and stay lost here, but if that doesn't work there's always Mexico. Just over the border and hey presto nobody would find you.” Kyle was mumbling as he worked.

  “What? Why would you want to get lost? Or go to Mexico?” Sabrina was a little confused at his words.

  Kyle looked up, realized what he had said. He smiled as he thought back on the times he had gotten into trouble and ran for the border. That was many years ago though. Now he was a businessman and tried to stay out of trouble.

  Apart from his being an assassin that is.

  “Oh that's all in the past baby. When I was a lot younger and a lot more stupid.” Kyle almost laughed as he continued to think on the things he used to get into.

  “I see; I assume we won't have any thugs coming a-calling?” Sabrina wasn't sure what Kyle meant but if he got into trouble that usually meant trouble could find you. She didn't relish that thought at all.

  “No, of course not.” Kyle was a little embarrassed that she would think that.

  At that point a member of staff came and advised that Business Class was now boarding for their flight.

  Sabrina had never flown Business Class but when she thought about it she knew that Kyle wouldn't ride in the normal seating.


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