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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 23

by A. K. Michaels

  Kyle stood up and brought Sabrina with him, holding her hand tightly as they made their way to the boarding gate. As was usual for Business Class they were ushered through quickly and before Sabrina could blink they were sitting in huge seats and being offered some champagne.

  Sabrina looked all around and was astounded at the amount of space they were allocated. The seats were so large compared to the ones she normally traveled in. No cramped legs on this flight.

  She settled down, her seat next to the window; took the champagne and looked forward to the flight.

  Chapter 16

  The flight was the best she had ever been on. Comfortable seats and constant attention from the cabin crew. She ate a meal on board so when they landed she wasn't hungry.

  Kyle had rented a large vehicle, one that had dark tinted glass. He knew he would be out and about in the sun while here. Although it didn't do him any serious harm, it did tire him. The less exposure he endured the better.

  Sabrina was now so excited she could hardly contain herself and Kyle found her excitement more than a little catching. The drive to the hotel was uneventful, the onboard sat nav doing the work for them.

  Sabrina loved the hotel and the suite Kyle had booked. The suite having it's own private Jacuzzi which she knew they would be using.

  She was right. The Jacuzzi got quite a bit of action whilst they were there. The days spent going around the parks were magical and the evenings relaxing. After a nice meal and a few drinks they invariably ended up in the Jacuzzi.

  Kyle thought he might just get one for their place back in Vegas.

  The trip wasn't as bad as Kyle had envisioned. He enjoyed watching Sabrina take it all in. She made him take her picture every time one of the characters went past them in the parks. She was photographed beside Mickey, Cinderella, The Beast and a host more. Her smile as wide as could be as she stood beside them.

  Her inner child came out to play and Kyle spent a lot of the time either smiling or laughing in response. Sabrina loved it all. From the rides to the parades, she laughed, smiled and had a ball.

  The four days went by so quickly she realized she would like to come back again. Hopefully, Kyle would bring her, when he recovered from this trip.

  Sabrina was exhausted on the flight back to Denver. They packed so much in on the four days. She now knew what colleagues with families had meant when they came back from Disney saying they needed another holiday to get over the one they just had.

  Sabrina could now only agree. She was totally wiped out.

  Kyle helped her back into their SUV at Denver airport and saw how tired she was. He was sure she would be sleeping before too long and he knew he was in for a quiet couple of hours in the car.

  He had been right, though it was more than a couple of hours. Sabrina slept for nearly three hours solid and woke up only because her stomach was rumbling. She was hungry.

  “It's not far now to the hotel. Can you hold off or do you want me to try and find somewhere?” Kyle asked as he heard her stomach rumble again.

  Sabrina stretched and looked for the bottle of diet cola she brought into the car. Finding it she took a good long drink before deciding. Was she so hungry she couldn't wait?

  “It's ok, drive on. I'll eat at the hotel.” Sabrina smiled over at Kyle who gave her a little cheeky smile back.

  “Ok hon, but if you change your mind let me know.” Kyle's eyes went back to the road and he relaxed back into his seat.

  They were stopping off in Grand Junction; it was near enough half way between Denver and Vegas. It wasn't in the city and there wasn't a five star hotel but it would have to do. He was absolutely not driving the full way this time without a stopover. He just couldn't stand not being able to touch his mate for such a long time.

  Kyle had booked them into the Marriot and already preordered a meal for Sabrina. The meal would be delivered as soon as they arrived, together with a nice bottle of wine. Once they were in their room Kyle had no intentions of leaving it until they were back on the road.

  Sabrina was looking out of her window and didn't see a hell of a lot. “It's quite deserted here? I didn't notice on the way to Denver but now, jeez, there's nothing for miles.”

  “Yea I know, we're staying in Grand Junction, a small town, but there are no cities between here and home. Lots and lots of open space and desert.” Kyle wondered how many bodies were lying undiscovered in this vast area? More than a few he bet.

  Sabrina's stomach rumbled again so Kyle put his foot down. Speeding along the almost empty road to get to the hotel quicker.

  Sabrina was still tired. She didn't know if it was the time differences or just that they had done a lot of running around in Florida. She still couldn't believe she had been there. It was always something she wanted to do and for Kyle to take her meant more to her than anything.

  She curled her legs up under her and moved sideways a little so she could watch both Kyle and see out the windshield. Her heart hitched, just a little, as she watched him. He was so handsome and deadly. Not a combination she ever met before. Not a combination she would probably have gone for, in a human.

  However, Kyle wasn't a human, something she had to remind herself of now and then. The fact that his being a vampire didn't bother her still surprised her. Jeez before Kyle she hadn't even met a vampire. Well not to her knowledge anyway.

  As she watched him Kyle's lips twitched, a sure sign he was listening in on her thoughts. Now that was something she wasn't so keen on. She could have no secrets from her man. Surely a girl should have some secrets?

  “Nope.” Was Kyle's response to that thought and Sabrina laughed.

  “I don't see why not. I mean I'm pretty sure most folks have secrets.” Sabrina was trying to sound serious but she probably didn't pull it off.

  “Not between you and I baby.” Kyle gave her a little smile before turning his eyes back to the road.

  “Ah but that's not entirely true now is it? I mean; you could have secrets from me. I wouldn't know if you did. I know I can feel your moods etc..... but I can't hear your thoughts the way you can mine.” Sabrina cocked her head to the side, wondering just how many secrets her vampire had.

  “Sabrina, if it's important then you would know. Don't get all worried about it. Look, we're nearly there. Just another five minutes or so and we'll be in our room.” Kyle gave her a very lustful stare and she knew exactly what was on his mind then.

  “Yea baby, that's exactly what I'm thinking.” Kyle laughed as he slowed the SUV a bit before entering the town.

  They parked, registered, and were in their room in record time. The receptionist informing them that the meal would be delivered shortly.

  Sabrina raised an eyebrow as they went towards their room.

  “Thought I should just order you food plus a nice bottle of wine. I plan on staying in that room baby, until we leave for home.” Kyle was now almost dragging Sabrina along. He wanted to be alone, with his mate, so he could kiss her and hold her just the way he wanted. With no prying eyes.

  Before the door to their room was even closed he took her in his arms. His want was clear and Sabrina struggled to catch her breath.

  “My food will be here in a few minutes Kyle!” Sabrina envisioning them standing naked when they came with the food.

  “I know but I just wanted you in my arms. You know I don't like it when I can't just grab you, kiss you, and touch you.” Kyle was now nuzzling Sabrina's neck and her breathing was picking up. If he didn't stop she would be the one ripping his clothes off.

  “Naughty naughty.” Kyle murmured into her neck and Sabrina was saved by the bell; or rather knock at the door. The meal was delivered, just in the nick of time or Sabrina was sure both her and Kyle would have been stark naked in minutes.

  Chapter 17

  The food was eaten quickly and the next few hours were spent enjoying each other. Kyle brought Sabrina to highs she never
thought possible before she met him.

  He brought her to multiple orgasms each and every time. She sometimes wondered if she would survive the sensations he elicited from her body. Sensations that had her screaming in ecstasy and not knowing what day of the week it was.

  Every time Kyle watched his mate come, every time he heard her scream his name, he was in heaven. Never did he ever think he would have this. Never did he think he would regain a measure of his humanity. Never had he thought he would be so blessed.

  He gave thanks each day to have found Sabrina.

  He watched her face as she slept in his arms. Her nose twitching where some strands of her hair tickled it. He moved his hand and his fingers moved the offending hair out of the way. She was tired. He wanted her to rest, as he held her close.

  Kyle was just beginning to relax himself when he heard a ringtone. It wasn't his normal phone. It was his special phone, one that he acquired from a contact in government. One that could not be traced or hacked in any way.

  This was the one that only a very few contacts had.

  Kyle got out of the bed as quickly and quietly as he could and reached for his jacket. The phone was always in his inside pocket where it was safe and close to him.

  He checked the number; it was one of his contacts in the FBI, very high up in the FBI. However, this guy was more than a contact. Kyle thought he could actually call him friend. They helped each other out on many occasions and covered for each other on just as many occasions.

  Kyle frowned, why was he calling? He was aware that Kyle had just finished a job. Kyle wouldn't be looking for another for quite some time. His friend would know this, so why was he calling?

  Kyle moved into the bathroom and closed the door before answering. “Yes Frank, what's up?”

  Kyle's body stilled as his friend replied.

  “Kyle! Thank god! I wasn't sure if you changed this bloody phone. I've got bad news Kyle, John has been murdered.” Frank's voice was filled with shock and Kyle could hear something else. Panic?

  “Shit, what happened Frank I'm glad you called to tell me I'm confused as to why?” Kyle knew John, dealt with him several times on 'jobs' but he wasn't as close to him as Frank. They weren't friends.

  “He was taken over a week ago. We didn't know for sure why or by whom but we sure as hell know now. Kyle I think you are in danger.....”

  Kyle cut Frank off. “Danger? Frank my friend, you do remember what I am? How powerful I am? Just what would I be in danger of?”

  Kyle was more than a little confused. There wasn't a hell of a lot out there that could hurt him.

  “Not what, who. That case, last year, well the killings continued. We realized later that he had a partner. The partner is worse, much worse, and we think he's the one that took John. He's been tortured Kyle. Real bad. Never seen anything like it in all my years in the FBI!” Frank stopped and Kyle thought to steady himself.

  “Partner? Are you fucking kidding me? How could you not have known that?!” Kyle was a little pissed. That was the kind of information they should have for Christ sake.

  “I know Kyle, I know you must be upset but we didn't know at the time. After you took care of that......job...... we started to get letters saying how angry he was that his friend had been eliminated. That's the word he used – eliminated – like he knew what happened. Kyle, I think he knows about you. No I'm fucking certain he does. He left a message on John. Carved into his fucking chest!.....” Once more Frank stopped, Kyle could feel his panic through the phone.

  “What are you saying Frank? Some sicko knows that I took out his pal? Just why would I be scared? He doesn't have any of my details and even if he did I'm pretty sure I could take him. I don't know why you're so upset Frank.” Kyle quite liked the thought of taking out this fucker that killed John.

  “It's more than that Kyle. John broke, Christ anyone would have, the state he was in was fucking awful, he probably prayed to die. John told him everything he knew, including about Sabrina......”

  Kyle almost roared into the phone....”What! What did you just fucking say? How did he know about Sabrina!! Frank tell me – how did John know about Sabrina!?”

  Kyle's voice rose and his power started to thrum inside him. He fought to keep it under control as his blood rushed through his system and roared in his ears. Who the hell was it that put Sabrina in danger?

  “I'm sorry! I let it slip a couple of months ago. I didn't see the harm in it! I just said that it was great you had found yourself someone. I'm so fucking sorry Kyle.” Frank was near tears; the thought that he put anyone in danger was abhorrent to him. He fought for control just as much as Kyle was doing.

  “Tell me Frank. All of it. Why do you think Sabrina's in danger?” Kyle lowered his voice, not wanting to wake his mate.

  “Ok, well, as I said there was a message carved into John's chest. It said 'You can't hide in Vegas. I'll take what you love.' That can only mean you and Sabrina. Obviously this has all been hushed up. Nobody will get that information, I've made sure of it. But by the time we found him John had been dead for at least a couple of days. He could already be in Vegas and we have no clue as to who he is. We don't know what he looks like, nothing, we don't have anything Kyle!” Frank was upset, angry, scared. So many emotions were running through his body he was finding it hard to focus.

  “Frank, I'll take her away. You, Frank, you better find him. I don't fucking care how you do it but you better find him!” Kyle's mind was working fast.

  They would need to leave, soon, as soon as they got back home. Where to go? Fuck, he would need somewhere safe for Sabrina. Somewhere that there wasn't only him watching over her. Somewhere that there was another strong being to help.

  Kyle's stomach kept clenching in fear. Even the thought that Sabrina could be in danger made him feel sick deep down inside. He couldn't let anything happen to her. He wouldn't let anything happen to her.

  Kyle tuned back to the phone conversation as Frank started to speak again.

  “I know Kyle. I've got everyone I can on this. Everyone. I've pulled agents from just about everywhere and I've asked for help from the other agencies. I don't care about all that fucking shit about inter-agency jurisdiction. I've used up every favor I've ever had, asked everyone I could to help on this. I'll keep you informed of what's going on. What are you going to do Kyle?” Frank's voice quieted a bit, knowing the army he had working on this should surely get results.

  “I'm going to protect Sabrina Frank, that's what I'm going to do. I'll take her somewhere safe and if that fucker finds us he won't know what hit him. If he does come I'll make sure he suffers, for John, and nobody will ever find him. I've got to go Frank, I've got calls to make.” Kyle hung up not even bothering to say goodbye.

  He didn't care about goodbyes, he only cared about getting things sorted to keep his mate safe. He thought he knew just the place to go and he dialed a number from memory.

  It was answered on the second ring and he relayed the events. Before he could even ask if they could come, to keep Sabrina safe, the offer was spoken. No, not an offer, a command, Kyle was commanded to take Sabrina there to keep her safe.

  It was a command that Kyle had no trouble submitting to. He needed to keep his mate safe. He had no intention of letting a psychopath get his hands on his lovely Sabrina.

  He would go to any lengths, any lengths at all to keep her safe. This fucker had no idea who he was dealing with. No idea at all.

  Sabrina's Vampire

  Book 3



  A K Michaels

  © 2014 by A K Michaels All Rights Reserved

  This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission by the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Chapter 1

  Kyle paced in the hotel bathroom, his breathing quick and
shallow, as fear invaded his entire system. Fear? Shit, he hadn't felt fear in centuries, but he sure as hell was feeling it now.

  His mate was in danger.

  He knew the place he was taking her was safe and secure, but he had checked the flights, and he couldn't get them on a plane for two days. Two fucking days! That meant he had to make plans to keep her safe, when they got home to Vegas. His sleeping mate expected him to take her home, when she woke up.

  His mind ran all around processing the situation, formulating solutions, and then doing it again and again. He had to do this right, or Sabrina could be in even more danger. That was something he was not prepared to let happen. No way, no how.

  His mind worked harder, he had to ensure she was safe until they left the country, and he needed people in the area to help. No point in him asking for help from someone who lived on the other side of the country, by the time they could help, he and Sabrina would be boarding the plane to leave.

  That left a couple of options. One was not as appealing as the other. He could ask the SEB (Supernatural Enforcement Bureau), or he could ask a friend, well, sort of a friend, but he came with another very, very, powerful Vampire. More powerful than even Kyle was himself. Yeah, that's what he would do, that's what he had to do.

  He checked his phone to see what time it was, morning, not too early to phone, so he started to dial. It was only as the phone started to ring at the other end, he realised he was still using the phone he used for missions. The number was blocked, so the person at the other end would have no idea who was calling. He hoped his friend picked up.

  He did, thank God. “Gabe, it’s Kyle, sorry I’m on a different phone. Listen, I’ve got a mate....Yeah, her name’s Sabrina...over six months now...yeah, she’s great....You do? You AND Josef have a mate?! A witch? Shit, good luck with that Gabe. No, wasn’t calling just to tell you about Sabrina. Gabe, she's in danger...from a psycho, one of my FBI contacts just called to warn me.... Yeah, I would like your help...okay, here’s what I need. I need you to go to my place and check it out. We're out of town, but we’ll be back in four hours at the most, I'll try to delay as long as I can without her catching on. Can you check and make sure my place is safe? Use that wonderful Wolf nose of yours and see if anyone's been about. I need to keep her safe Gabe...oh okay, no problem. Talk to you later.”


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