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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 26

by A. K. Michaels

  “A contact in the SEB? Why am I not surprised?” Frank asked, ruefully.

  “Gotta go, get me that info as soon as you can,” he finished and hung up. His fingers ran over his lips, as his mind processed what he had come up with, annoyed that it hadn’t been figured out way before he had taken on the contract to kill the serial killer. Someone hadn’t done their job and it pissed him off, he would be doubly cautious in the future about any jobs that any of his contacts in the FBI sent his way.

  He had quite a few things to sort out before they left the country, so he got to it. First, he had to email Thomas, the Wolf he had promoted to Manager of his BDSM Club in Denver, to tell him he was leaving the country and just to go ahead and carry out any changes he had in mind. He knew the Wolf would not do anything wrong, or that he wouldn’t approve of.

  Then he emailed his other Clubs, though, he didn’t tell them he was going out of the country, this time he said he was doing spot checks in the future and to be ready for him at any time. He also asked the managers to send him detailed financials, so he could check that all was as it should be. After the fiasco in Denver with Mistress Blood, he wasn’t taking any more chances. He would get around to doing the checks, when they got back. In the meantime, it would do them good to think he may just pop in at any time.

  The rest of his businesses and portfolios all could be dealt with online and really didn't need a lot of input from him. That was good, because all of his attention was going to be on keeping Sabrina safe. No way in hell was she going to be hurt, he would die first.

  Chapter 4

  He spent another couple of hours on his computer and realized Sabrina hadn’t come downstairs. Sending his powers out, he found her, she was sound asleep in bed. Good, she needed the rest.

  It was nearly time for him to go pick up the passport at the usual drop off spot, and then he would go get her takeout from the Jasmine Palace. He texted Josef before leaving, telling him he was going to be out for about an hour and that Sabrina would be in the house alone. Less than a minute later the old Vampire answered, ‘Donovan aware, coming closer to guard ‘til you are back.’ He smiled, feeling secure in the abilities of Donovan and his men, as he left the house, grabbing keys as he went.

  He decided to use the Ferrari, as it hadn’t had a run for a while, having used the SUV for the trip to Denver. Getting in and starting it, he smiled at the power under the hood, always a good car to use when in a hurry. With a squeal of tires, he left the driveway and made his way to his drop off spot. Usually he would go under his own steam, preferring to run using Vampire speed, but as he was going to pick up food for Sabrina, he was taking the car.

  As he approached the area, he sent his senses out and felt nothing and nobody nearby, so he pulled to a stop near the rock under which the passport should be. Getting out and stretching, he again sent his Vampire abilities outwards, taking in everything in the area. When he felt it was safe, he reached down and easily moved the rock, finding the passport in the hole underneath, neatly wrapped in plastic to keep it clean and dry. Removing the passport from the plastic, he put the large amount of cash inside and replaced the rock on top.

  Quickly returning to the car and getting in, he pulled away with dirt and dust flying everywhere. He was more than a little relieved to have a passport for Sabrina with another surname. A name nobody would be looking for on any passenger list.

  Driving a little too quickly for the winding back roads, he got to the Chinese restaurant in record time. He ran inside and was greeted by the smiling face of the little lady owner. She spoke quickly in Cantonese and Kyle answered, having learned the language centuries ago.

  She hurried to the rear of the restaurant and came back with the takeout order in her hands. Kyle gave her way too much money and had the obligatory argument with her before he all but grabbed the food and left the money by the cash register. As he left, he could still hear her grumbling about him leaving too much money.

  He was almost home, when his senses went into overdrive. He could sense an unknown Supernatural in the area, a Vampire, and he was close. Looking in his rear-view mirror, he saw a large black SUV following with its headlamps off and in the waning light, it made it difficult to make out. That is unless you had Vamp vision. He took in the large figure behind the wheel, and although he couldn’t see clearly enough, he was pretty sure he saw a smile on the face.

  His anger flared and his first thought was to stop and take this fucker head on. The information he had on him made him think twice, he knew the Vampire would only have orchestrated this if he thought he had the upper hand. Kyle hit the button on his phone to call Josef. Four rings later, he answered in a very annoyed tone.

  “What!” Josef snapped and Kyle wondered what was up with the man.

  “I’m on my way home, and the fucker’s behind me in a large, dark SUV,” Kyle said, keeping his eyes on the road.

  “Do you have GPS in your phone?” Josef asked in a far more sociable tone.

  “Yes, it’s enabled,” Kyle knew what Josef had in mind and was a little relieved he didn't have to start giving directions as to where he was, with the speed he was going, the directions would be old as soon as he said them.

  “Do not engage, Kyle, leave it to my men,” Josef ordered, and Kyle bristled at the tone, only his Sire had ever spoken to him in such a manner.

  “Okay, as I’m not far from the house, I’ll do that. Make it fast,” he snapped, worry now worming its way inside his stomach.

  He dropped his phone in his jacket pocket and continued driving, glancing in the mirror, as he did so.

  He was now only about ten minutes away from home, and he sure as hell wasn’t bringing this guy back there. If Donovan and his men didn't appear soon, he was going to pull over and take this guy on. Gabe had told him the Vamp was old and powerful...well, so was he...not as powerful as Josef or Boyd, of course, but damn powerful all the same. No way was he letting this sicko get to his home, and more importantly, to Sabrina.

  He was still on his preferred back roads, which meant less traffic, in fact, he hadn’t seen another vehicle for miles. A sharp bend was just up ahead, he made a decision, he was stopping as soon as he got around that bend. No way was he going closer to his home and Sabrina with this psycho on his tail. He put his foot down to the floor and his car responded with a roar of the engine and a significant increase in speed.

  He tore around the bend and slammed on his brakes, he pulled to the side, and it took him a few seconds to realize he wasn’t alone. Just ahead of him, standing in the road, were Donovan and three of his Vamps in front of a black SUV. He had been so focused on the one at his rear that his senses hadn't even registered the others in the area. He snarled at himself in anger, as he realized he had lapsed. He jumped out and stood at the rear of his vehicle, just as the other SUV turned the corner, picking up speed as it headed straight for him. He could clearly see the sneer on the driver’s face, just before he started to laugh.

  Kyle stayed in place, not moving until the very last second. He used his strength to leap straight up and over the vehicle, which plowed into his sports car and sent it flying over the edge of the road and down into a small ravine.

  Kyle landed on the road behind the SUV and turned quickly, expecting it to stop and a fight to ensue. However, it didn’t stop. It continued over the edge of the road, following right behind his sports car, careening the hill at an extremely fast speed, bumping over rocks and crashing through the under-brush. He watched in shock, as it continued straight onto the connecting road below and sped off.

  “What the fuck?!” he cursed, as he heard Donovan shouting orders to his men, who got back into their own SUV and took off down the hill after the other vehicle.

  Kyle stood watching for less than ten seconds before using his speed and racing quickly for home. His legs pumping quicker than they had before, his body literally a flash, as he ran as quickly as his powers would allow. One t
hought running through his head, ‘Must get to Sabrina!’

  Faster and faster he ran. His body was completely soaked in sweat, as he burst through bushes and anything else that stood in his way. Running cross-country, the quickest route, to get home to make sure she was safe.

  He ran through a neighbor’s back garden, leapt over the ten-foot high fence, and rushed up his own driveway. He saw one of Donovan's men just inside the gate, who watched him with surprise, as he sped past him. He crashed through the door and came to a halt, seeing Sabrina in her favorite armchair reading a book.

  Thank God! Was all that ran through his mind, as he now gasped for breath.

  “What the hell happened to you?” she exclaimed, as she got up and ran over.

  “I’m okay, had a little accident with the car, sorry, your Chinese takeout is at the bottom of a ravine,” he tried to make light of it, but the laugh he went for came out more of a moan.

  “Jesus, Kyle, are you sure you're all right? How the hell did you crash?” She was staring intently at his face, knowing that Vampire abilities usually meant something as mundane as a car crash was unheard of.

  He saw the cop's eyes staring back at him, knowing she would not believe just any lie. “I was driving too fast, when I came around a bend there was a broken down car, I had to swerve to miss it, went down a ravine.”

  Her eyes bored into his, he was certain she didn’t believe him, but it was obvious she had no idea what had happened. He tried a smile and moved the few inches that separated them, pulling her into his arms and kissing her on her soft lips. She did something she had never done before and it kinda shocked him.

  She pulled her lips away and gently placed her hands on his chest, moving him slightly away. “You’re lying to me,” she said quietly, and the hurt he heard in her words struck him like a blow.

  “What?” he asked, vying for some time to sort his thoughts.

  “I are lying to me. Why? Kyle, why are you lying to me?” she asked, a little louder this time.

  “My car is at the bottom of a ravine, if you don’t believe me, I can take you there, right now, and show you.” This part, of course, was the truth, and he hoped it came across in his face and tone.

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that, it’s the why that I doubt,” she said, as she continued to stare into his face.

  As his mind fumbled around, trying to come up with an answer, there was a knock at the door and his body tensed. Moving her behind his body, he turned to the door, took two steps, and opened it a crack. Donovan was standing there, a hard look on his face.

  “I need to talk to you,” the large bodyguard said, and he nodded before turning around.

  “Business,” he said and didn’t wait on any further questions from his mate, he walked outside to talk to Donovan.

  He immediately saw the dishevelled state the Vampire was in, and that he had blood on his face. His shirt was ripped, and he was covered in dirt. He turned and walked a few steps away from the door. Kyle followed, taking in every detail, the man had been in a fight. Had they caught the Vamp?

  “We caught up to him, well, not exactly, he stopped and waited on us. We had an altercation and he got away,” Donovan looked very unhappy, and Kyle growled down deep in his throat.

  “How did he get away? There were four of you,” he said sharply and noticed the Vampire wince.

  “He’s as powerful as Josef thought, he threw us around like rag dolls...and took great pleasure doing so. Two of my men won’t be up and about for at least a day or two. They’re on their way back to base for blood and rest. I was the luckiest, if you could call it that, and was least hurt. After he put us all down, he calmly got back in his vehicle and drove away. Kyle, I’m sure I could hear the fucker laughing, as he left, he was laughing his fucking head off!” Donovan’s face was full of emotion, and anger was the most dominant.

  “He took all of you down? Fuck!” He cursed and tried to calm his thoughts, he needed to find a way to keep his mate safe.

  “Josef has invited you both to stay at his place until the flight, what will I tell him?” Donovan advised, and Kyle sighed heavily.

  How was he going to get that past Sabrina? She was already suspicious and to tell her they were now going into Vegas to stay with Josef. Well, he was sure she would be certain something was wrong. He didn't seem to have a choice, though, he couldn't take the chance she would get taken and tortured.

  “Tell him yes, but we need to keep it low key. I’ll tell Sabrina that we’re going because there’s a gas leak or something. Shit, I’m not sure what I’ll come up with, but we'll be ready to go soon.” He hoped he could pull this off, and as he turned to go back inside, Donovan’s large hand stopped him.

  “I’ve got more men coming, they’ll be here in fifteen minutes, then we’ll follow you in,” he said and Kyle nodded, good, he thought, looks like they’ll need every Vamp they can get.

  As he walked inside, he tried to calm himself, not wanting to put across any sort of vibe that would alert Sabrina that things were so very wrong.

  He found her in her chair, reading, though her face had a frown, as if her mind were wandering and not reading the words in front of her. He took a deep breath and moved forwards.

  “Hey, afraid we need to pack and leave now, we’re going to Josef’s until we leave. There’s a gas leak in the area behind here, and it’s safer if we leave ‘til they fix it. As that’s not going to be until tomorrow night, we’ll stay in town and go straight to the airport from there.” He watched as her frown deepened, she wasn’t buying any of this.

  “Really? A gas leak? I assume it’s only us that has to leave? Not the whole street?” she fired her words at him, and he was now certain she didn’t believe a word he said.

  “Yeah, come on, we need to pack,” was all he said, as he turned and walked up the stairs, hoping she would follow.

  As he entered their bedroom, he moved quickly, grabbing a large suitcase and putting clothes, shoes, toiletries, and underwear in it fast. He was almost finished by the time she joined him, she walked in the room, watching him with those cold cop’s eyes. He did his best to try and not look her in the face, not wanting to chance her seeing the lies in his own eyes.

  “Okay, I’ll play along, although we both know you ARE lying to me. I’ll pack, I’ll come with you, but you need to think hard buster - I do not like lying.” Her tone was a mixture of anger, exasperation, and hurt. Her words hit him hard.

  He didn’t reply, only finished what he was doing, closed the case and zipped it up. He picked the case up, placed it at the door and waited quietly until she had finished, then took her case from her and carried both downstairs.

  “I just need a couple of things from the safe,” he told her, as he went through the routine to open it, he took out several credit cards in different names and some more cash, just in case. He also retrieved a gun and placed it in the hollow of his back, he knew she saw him.

  Usually guns weren’t great at taking down a Vampire, but this gun was more powerful than normal and held silver bullets. It was a modified Ruger P89 and had thirty silver bullets in the magazine, if that didn't take down the fucker, he didn't think anything would.

  “You really are scaring me now,” she whispered, as he closed the safe and turned towards her.

  “It’s gonna be okay, trust me, babe,” he tried to convey his feelings, but he wasn’t sure if he had. Her face was ashen, her eyes were lined, and her face was pinched in worry.

  “I do trust you, Kyle, I just know you’re lying to me, and I don’t like it. I was a cop, I could help,” the emotion in her voice nearly undid him, then he saw one tear escape from her right eye and make its way slowly down her cheek.

  Moving very quickly, he was in front of her and grabbing her, he brought her close to his body, tightly holding her, as if he wasn’t ever going to let her go. That’s what he stay here with her in his arms, where
she was safe, but he knew they had to move quickly. Before that fucker regrouped and came back.

  “Come on, it’ll be fun. Did I tell you they live in a penthouse on top of the best hotel in Vegas?” She shook her head. “No? I didn’t think so, but they do, so we can play some tables later, if you want,” he finished while moving her towards the door.

  Opening it, he could sense Donovan and his men, close, so he opened it fully and pushed her out, then bent to get their cases. Placing the suitcases in the rear of the SUV, he then helped her up into her seat, making sure her belt was securely fastened before going around and getting in.

  “It’s gonna be fine,” he said, as he started the vehicle and drove away.

  “Whatever, I just don't understand why you’re not telling me what’s up. It must be fucking serious, if we’re leaving our home and you are carrying a bloody gun! You never carry a gun, so don't just say ‘it’s gonna be fine’ ‘cause at this minute, I don’t believe you.” Sabrina turned her face away and that tore at his heart.

  He had no other choice. He had to do what he had to, in order to keep her safe. All that mattered was keeping her safe.

  Chapter 5

  The drive into town was uneventful and soon he was following a black SUV and another was at their rear. He could feel the waves of annoyance flowing from his mate. She was well and truly pissed at him.

  She didn’t say a word on the drive in, even when he asked her direct questions, she didn’t answer, she only sighed. He wasn’t sure how the evening was going to go with her being in such a mood and then there was Josef. The ancient Vampire would probably not like her being like this, and he wasn't sure how to get her out of her funk.

  “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, not sure if she had heard him, but hoping she had.


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