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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 27

by A. K. Michaels

  “About what? Lying to me? What exactly are you sorry for, Kyle?” her voice was low, and he knew she was fighting not to cry.

  “All of it,” he replied, hating the way he was making her feel.

  “Are you going to tell me what's going on?” She asked, he sure as hell didn’t want to, but he may just have to.

  “Not at this moment, no,” he replied, trying to get out of it.

  “Oh, I see, well, ye better remember mate that I’m no pushover! If we don’t have honesty, then we don’t have shit!” Her voice had risen, and her Scottish accent once more came to the fore, as it always did when she was upset.

  “I know that, Sabrina, please, let’s just try and get tonight out of the way.”

  “What? You afraid I’ll embarrass you in front of your friends?” She snapped at him, and he realized she knew him so much better than he did himself.

  “Josef is very, very, powerful. He’s an ancient Vampire, Sabrina, he’s not used to folks not being polite to him,” he tried to explain, but was doing a god-awful job of it.

  “I am always polite. It’s you I’m pissed at, Kyle, not anyone else,” her voice had risen again, and he could feel her fighting to control her anger.

  “Okay, sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you any more,” he finished with a slight smile, hoping she would come around.

  “I’m goin to be upset until you tell me what the fuck is goin on,” she all but spat at him before turning to look out the side window.

  He stayed quiet, thinking that was the wise thing to do in this circumstance.

  The rest of the journey was in silence, and he was relieved when they pulled into the underground parking area. The SUV in front pulled into a space and Donovan and three more Vamps jumped out. Donovan held his hand up, and Kyle parked their vehicle but stayed inside, waiting on the all clear.

  The other SUV that had been following them pulled in and parked, four more Vamps getting out, and then all eight surveyed the area, checking everything and everywhere. Finally, Donovan motioned for them to get out, waiting on them at the elevator.

  Another of the men got the suitcases from the rear and carried them, as he followed behind. The large Vampire’s eyes were looking all around, still checking and making sure all was fine, Kyle smiled, knowing he was good at his job. Josef wouldn’t have him in his employment otherwise.

  Just as they reached Donovan, the elevator doors opened and they got in, Kyle’s arm was around Sabrina's waist. She was looking between Donovan and the other Vamp with wide eyes, and then she looked pointedly up at him. He gave a slight shake of his head, this wasn’t the time for questions, and he saw her frown again. This time her frown was deep and angry.

  The elevator was very quick, and in no time the doors opened, and the first thing they saw was Josef, standing at the door to the penthouse, waiting on them. Kyle saw him take them all in and nodded at Donovan before smiling at Sabrina, his arm held out to usher her through the door.

  “Welcome, Sabrina, I’m very pleased you could join us for a little while.” Josef said in a rather warmer tone than Kyle had ever heard from him before.

  “Uh, thanks for having us,” Sabrina managed to get out, even though Kyle knew it was a struggle for her to remain civil.

  “Put the suitcases in the bedroom down the hallway,” Josef ordered the man at their rear.

  Kyle looked around, the place was very similar to the last time he had been here. Now that had been a damn good night, he and Gabe had a night on the tables, then came back here with a couple of women. Josef had been away on business, thank goodness, Kyle was sure he wouldn't have been happy at what had gone on in here that night!

  Gabe was sitting on a sofa, but jumped up and came over, giving Sabrina a polite hug, “Hi again, welcome to our home,” he said with a cheeky grin, one that Kyle was very familiar with.

  “Hi, Gabe, nice to see you again, though, I hadn’t thought it would be quite so soon," she answered, as he released her.

  “Well, you’re here now, do you want a drink? Some wine perhaps?” He asked, and she nodded absent-mindedly.

  “Any preference?” He asked, as he walked to the bar, and Josef led them to the seating area.

  She sat down on one of the large sofas and Kyle joined her, she shook her head in answer to Gabe's question and looked around. Taking in the lavish furnishings and very large living area, she realized that Josef was probably very, very rich.

  "I took the liberty of ordering some food, as your meal is now at the bottom of a ravine," Josef said with a slight smirk, and Kyle wondered at his old friend’s frame of mind. The man rarely smiled and was usually cold and detached. Maybe it was having a mate that had changed him.

  He felt a tingle in his head, so he placed a strong block up. Josef had been trying to read him. He looked into his eyes and raised an eyebrow, letting him know he had felt it.

  Josef raised one of his eyebrows in return and took a seat.

  “That’s nice, but I’m not very hungry. Surprisingly, my appetite has deserted me,” Sabrina said sarcastically.

  Gabe chuckled, as he brought her a glass of wine, “Oh, she’s pissed at you,” he said, as he sat down.

  “We’ll sort it out,” Kyle replied, hoping that was indeed going to be the case.

  “Hmf” Sabrina sounded, with a hard look in her eyes, as she looked at him.

  “So, you’re here ‘til your flight, please feel free to use the place, as you would your own. Your room has every amenity, and if you want anything at all, just ring room service.” Josef told them and Kyle nodded his head slightly.

  “I take it you two know just what in blazes is going on?” Sabrina asked and looked at the Wolf and the Vampire pointedly.

  “Not our place,” Gabe said, trying hard not to laugh out loud at the angry look on her face.

  “Hmf,” was her reply once more.

  “Where’s your mate? Peri isn’t it?” Kyle asked, trying to change the subject. He was more than a little shocked at the smile on Josef’s face.

  “Yes, Peri, our little Witch. She's resting, she's been through a lot the last week or so, you will meet her in the morning.” Josef replied, and even his tone had softened at mention of his mate.

  “She’s fucking awesome, oops, please excuse my French,” Gabe laughed and was smiling so much, Kyle was sure it must hurt his jaws.

  “She’s so powerful, you ever meet a Witch?” the Wolf asked Sabrina.

  “No, never, hadn’t met a Vampire either ‘til Kyle, and you’re my first proper Wolf, well, as far as I know, that is. I did meet a bouncer from a club that was a Wolf, in Denver,” she smiled back, the man's exuberance was catching.

  “I’m honored, being your first proper Wolf ‘n all,” Gabe chuckled, and Sabrina blushed at the double entendre in his words.

  “Don't embarrass our guest,” Josef said, with just a hint of steeliness.

  “It’s okay, I’m used to folks saying a lot worse,” Sabrina was still smiling at the Wolf.

  “Ah, yes, you used to be a police officer didn’t you?” Josef asked, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

  “Yes, I’ve seen everything, I’ve dealt with battered women, and worked undercover, so believe me, I’m used to folks talking far worse than Gabe.” She was watching the ancient Vampire, as she spoke, trying to decide if she was scared of him or not. As that thought entered her head, she saw the corner of his lip turn up on one side, as if he knew what she was thinking.

  Her head snapped around to Kyle then back to Josef. Gabe was now stifling a laugh. “If you’re thinking he can just about read your mind then you're right, he can.”

  “That’s just plain rude,” Sabrina said in a shocked tone, not wanting anyone but her mate to have access to her thoughts.

  “Sorry,” Josef said, but he didn't sound sorry at all.

  “You should’ve warned me,” she shot at Kyle, who was shakin
g his head.

  “I totally forgot he could do it, too, not all of us can, only older Vamps, sorry, Sabrina,” Kyle realized he was saying that word a lot lately...sorry...he hadn’t said it until he met her.

  “Well, I would be very happy if you tried to stay out of my head, thank you very much!” Sabrina all but pouted and Kyle wanted to press his lips to hers, but knew if he tried, she would probably slap him in the face.

  Josef got up. “Food's here,” he said a moment or two before there was a knock at the door. He opened the door and a woman came inside wheeling a trolley. “Just put it all on the table,” he told her.

  Sabrina watched, as the woman placed many plates with cloches on top of the large table, then wheeled the trolley out the door. Josef closed it and motioned for them to join Gabe, who was already sitting down and getting food for himself.

  “Gabe, you ate earlier,” Josef admonished, and the Wolf shrugged his shoulders.

  “I’m a Wolf,” was all he said in return.

  Kyle stood up and brought her with him, worried that she hadn’t eaten, he sat her down and then sat beside her. “Try and eat something,” he coaxed.

  She looked him dead in the eyes, “Tell me the truth?” She asked.

  “Later,” he found himself saying, when he absolutely didn’t mean it.

  A smile came over her face, and he bent forward and placed a quick, gentle kiss on her lips before pointing to the food. She took a plate and placed several items on it before starting to eat. She didn’t eat a lot, but at least she had something, he thought.

  She held the wine glass, that Josef had refilled, and her other hand was in her lap. He reached over and took hold of it in one of his and was relieved when she didn’t pull away. He relaxed slightly, hoping she wasn't too angry with him, but thinking she was probably more hurt than anything else.

  Gabe kept the conversation going, telling jokes and anecdotes of things he had gotten in to, both on his own, with Josef, and he even told some about Kyle. Sabrina started to relax more, even laughing in some places. Kyle had never felt more grateful to the Wolf’s cheeky character as he did at this moment.

  As Gabe regaled about another of his exploits, Josef stood up, motioning for Kyle to follow him. He let go of Sabrina’s hand and followed the ancient Vampire to his office. Once the door closed, Josef sat down behind his desk.

  “Donovan gave me a full report, and it is as I suspected, he is very powerful, Kyle. I know you are much older than Donovan, but I'm not sure if even you are as strong. I think it's wise you are going to your Sire’s. He will be able to protect your mate. I will also go with you to the airport and make sure you get on the plane safely.” Josef had a hard look on his face again, and Kyle saw the coldness there, too.

  “Thanks, Josef, I really appreciate the help,” Kyle hadn't sat down, he was pacing back and forth in front of the desk.

  “You are welcome, though, I have to admit before Peri, I would have looked on this as more of a nuisance than I do now. A mate really does change one, don’t they?” Josef said it as more of a statement than a question.

  “Oh, yeah, they do. I even care about humans in general now. What’s that all about?” Kyle asked, glad that he could talk to another Vamp about this.

  “I'm not quite at that stage yet, though, we have only had our mate for a short time. I cannot say what the future will bring, other than more changes.” Josef said quietly, as if he was deep in thought about the matter.

  “Thanks again, Josef, I think we’ll go to bed now,” Kyle moved to leave, and Josef got up and followed him.

  “The door on the left is where you'll be staying, there is the usual bed and bath with full toiletries. If you need anything, just ask,” Josef said and pointed to a door, Kyle nodded, knowing the room would be lavish. Josef didn't do anything but lavish.

  “Oh, yes, I meant to say, I have arranged for your car to be retrieved, but I doubt it's going to be good for anything other than the scrap yard.”

  “Yeah, he really did a job on it. I’ll email my insurance company and ask them to get in touch to find out where the car is. I doubt they’ll honor the claim, because I haven’t filed a police report or anything. I’ll have to replace it, when we get back.” Kyle was more than a little angry. He had liked that damned car!

  “I agree the insurance will not pay out,” Josef finished, as they arrived back to the lounge, Gabe and Sabrina were sitting on the sofa chatting away. Sabrina was telling some stories from her time as a cop.

  They stopped talking and both looked to the two Vampires. “I’m going to turn in,” Kyle said and held his hand out.

  Sabrina frowned once again, but got up and took his hand, letting him lead her to the bedroom.

  Chapter 6

  He held her hand tightly, as they walked the short distance to the bedroom. Opening the door, he pulled her in after him. As soon as she was far enough in, he kicked the door closed and pulled her into his arms. It felt like an eternity since he had her body close to his, even if it had only been a few hours.

  His lips closed on hers and he kissed her deeply, his tongue gained entrance, when he thought she might deny it. Her mouth opened to his probing, his arousal was instant, and he devoured her mouth as if he was starving. Her soft moans against his lips had his heart soaring and his loins tightening.

  Picking her up, he carried her to the king-sized four-poster bed and stood her up, only long enough to rid her of her clothes. His came off quicker still, and he placed her on the bed, lying down beside her they continued their foreplay.

  His hands roamed her naked body and tweaked and caressed until he could stand it no longer. Positioning himself over her, he nudged her legs apart, laying completely on top of her, he kept only a small portion of his weight on his elbows. He needed to be as close as he could to her skin and feel her body underneath him as he took her.

  He moved his hips, positioning his hardness at her very hot entrance, he pushed inside. A low growl escaped from his throat at the sensation, and he began to move, thrusting hard and fast. Neither spoke as pleasure engulfed them and both rose very quickly indeed.

  He pulled his head back slightly and stared into her dark green eyes, as she neared her climax. He saw it take hold, in her eyes first, then her mouth, as it opened in a silent ‘oh.’ He felt it as her sheath tightened and convulsed around him and then it took him over. His seed spilled deep inside her core, and his breath came in great silent gasps.

  As it neared its end, he kissed her once more, quickly, before staring again into her beautiful face. “You know I love you, don’t you? More than anything, Sabrina, I love you with all my being.”

  His words brought a reaction from his mate, but not one he had thought those words would ever bring. Her eyes filled with unshed tears. The sight made his heart ache, because he knew he had put them there.

  “Yes, I know, Kyle, and I love you, but you’re lying to me, and I never thought you would ever do that. I can see that you think it's for the best...keeping me in the dark about what’s going on...but trust me, lies are never good.” Her voice was so low that if he didn't have Vampire sensibilities, he would have had to strain to hear her.

  He did hear her, though, and every word was like a punch to his gut. His eyes left hers, not knowing what to say or to do.

  This was so very hard for him, he loved her with everything he had, but before he met her, he hadn’t given a damn about others or what they thought. Seeing her so upset, because of him, affected him in ways he just wasn't sure of and had no idea on how to cope with.

  He moved from atop her slick body and lay at her side, an arm circling her waist, holding her to him. “I’m sorry, Sabrina, I’m only doing what I think is best. I’m trying to keep you safe.”

  He was finding it very difficult to have this conversation, but it didn’t look like she was going to let it go. He wished she would just understand what he was doing was for the be

  “Why and from what? What's so bad that you need to lie to me?” Her voice barely a whisper and full of anguish.

  “Shit! Sabrina, baby, you know I would do anything for you, anything at all, but the reason I've not told you, well, partly it's because it's my fault. You're in danger because of me!” his voice didn’t even sound like his own, fear was clearly evident in his tone.

  “Please, please just tell me. We can decide together what’s best. I know you would never knowingly put me in danger, Kyle. I know that, so please just stop all this nonsense and talk to me, my mate.”

  Her last two mate...were his undoing, he couldn’t keep lying to her, she was his soul mate. “Okay, I’ll say up front I’m sorry, but I'll understand if you get mad at me, there's no other way to say this than to just come out with it. Remember the last target I told you about? The serial killer that kidnapped and killed young girls?” he watched her face closely and she nodded, a frown on her face, she didn’t quite understand - yet.

  “Well, it has to do with him, Frank, one of my FBI contacts, called to say that John, another agent, had been kidnapped, tortured and murdered, it seems that the killer had some kind of partner...”

  “What?! How the hell did they not know that? Someone fucked up, if they didn’t know that!” She exclaimed, her cop’s mind kicking in.

  “Exactly, I’ve found out how they were communicating. I went over everything and noticed him emailing and texting an aunt, but the intel on him said he had no relatives. Anyway, Frank’s on that, as we speak. He’s got really good code breakers, so they’ll come up with something soon. Back to John, though, when they found him, he had a message carved into his chest that said ‘you’re not safe in Vegas I’ll take what you love,’ which obviously meant me, and you are obviously what I love, so, this after you.” He waited to see her reaction to this news before he said anything about the fucker being a Vamp.

  “Oh, I see, so this guy is trying to get to me to hurt you? That’s a bugger. But, Kyle, you’re a strong Vampire, surely you can protect me from some psycho?”


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