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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 28

by A. K. Michaels

  He could see her trying to figure out why he was so upset, so worried, and he knew he just had to come out with it. He needed to tell her the god-awful truth.

  “Normally, I would say yes, but there’s an added complication...this guy is a Vamp, an ancient one at that. He threw Donovan and his men around like they were dolls, and it was him that totaled my car...”

  “What? Are you shittin’ me? A fucking Vampire is who’s after us? Who the hell is Donovan? I knew you were lying about the bloody car,” she gave him a small punch on that last part, as her annoyance came to the fore.

  Kyle almost chuckled at her outraged tone, and he noted she said ‘us’ and not ‘me.’

  “Yes, it’s a Vampire, and Donovan was the guy in the SUV in front of us tonight, he came up in the elevator with us, he wasn’t the one carrying the cases. He’s Josef’s Head of Security, he and his men have been around our property, since we got back.”

  He saw her mind working, processing everything he had told her. She nodded her head, a few times, and then looked back up at him.

  “How? How did he know to come with his men?” She asked, as she frowned, trying to work it all out.

  “Frank called me and I called Gabe, I wanted him to check out the house. With his Wolf nose, I knew he would be able to sniff out if anyone had been there that didn’t belong. He was the one that discovered it was a Vampire. Josef then arranged for Donovan and his men to keep guard.”

  “Ah, I see, so everyone knew except me?” She asked, knowing the answer.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry, I was just trying to stop you from worrying. Guess I was a fool to think I could keep it all from you.”

  He saw her smile at that and saw her mind begin working. He could see it in the concentration on her face.

  “Okay, well, if it’s a Vamp, why did you bring a gun?”

  “It’s no ordinary gun. It’s modified, it has more fire power, and it holds silver bullets, there are thirty silver bullets in the magazine.”

  “Silver bullets, that’s right out of an old Hammer House of Horror movie! So what's the plan, Kyle, what are we gonna do?”

  “We’re staying here until we get on our flight to Italy, then we’re going to Boyd’s, where we’ll reassess everything and decide what to do. Boyd is even older than Josef and is very powerful, he'll be able to protect you.” His fingers were moving in small circles on her bare skin, but he was pretty sure she didn't feel them. She was so engrossed in what he was telling her.

  “Do you have another of those?” She asked, with an eyebrow raised.

  “Another what?”

  “Gun with silver bullets, I think I should have one, don’t you? As an absolute last resort, just in case.”

  “No! I don’t want you with a gun in your hands. I’m supposed to protect you!”

  “Kyle, what happens if you get hurt, knocked out, or something, I’m going to be very vulnerable to a Vampire! I think you should think about that for a few seconds before flying off the handle and going all macho on me. IF you get hurt, I’m dead, but if I have one of those guns, I may just be able to protect myself.”

  He could feel the fear and apprehension roll off her, and he was just about to argue some more, when he stopped and thought about it. If, and it was a big if, he was hurt, delayed or something else, then she was right, she would be a sitting duck for this psycho.

  Maybe he should teach her to shoot and get her a Vampire gun of her own. After all, he couldn’t take the one he had with him on the plane, but he knew that Boyd would either have one or be able to get one.

  One of her hands was now lying on his stomach, caressing his skin, and he watched her fingers move, as he thought some more about her point.

  “Okay, I see some merit in what you said, we’ll discuss it with Boyd, when we get there. That’s as far as I’m prepared to go, at the moment, Sabrina,” he placed one of his hands on top of hers and held it gently.

  “Well, what do ya’ know, you’ve agreed with me!” She gave a little laugh and moved up to place a kiss on his lips.

  “Are you not angry with me?” He asked her, staring into her eyes again, God, he could drown in those eyes.

  “Yes, but not about the Vampire that’s after me, I’m angry that you didn’t tell me straight away. We’re bonded mates, we share everything, including the bad. So, buster, if you do anything like that again, the consequences will be dire! Understood?”

  “Yup,” was his only reply, as he got up, picked her up, and started to carry her to the shower.

  “Hey, I’ve not even had a chance to look around the room,” she said excitedly, looking all around.

  “Lavish, isn’t it?” She said quietly, taking in the decadence of the room.

  “Yeah, Josef doesn’t do anything less than luxurious,” he said, as they entered one of many guest baths that was the epitome of opulence.

  The bathroom was absolutely huge with a very large sauna, a hands-free waterfall shower, and a whirlpool bath. Every single item in the room spoke of money, from the Swarovski-studded taps to the D. Porthault towels and his and hers La Myse bathrobes hanging on pegs on the wall.

  Kyle carried her to the shower, turning it on, and then taking her inside. He washed her body as she washed his, taking time using the lavender scented body wash that had been provided. Afterwards they dried off and put on the robes before going back to the bedroom and unpacking a few things.

  Sabrina pulled out an old t-shirt of Kyle’s that she sometimes used in place of a nightie and took off her robe and put it on.

  “You won’t need that,” he smiled cheekily at her and saw her blush slightly.

  “I feel kinda weird being nude here,” she replied and laughed, as he threw his robe onto the sumptuous chair beside the bed before getting under the covers, naked. Her eyes took in his strong, lean form before the duvet hid him from her eyes.

  She got into the bed, and he cradled her in his arms, as she fell into a deep sleep.

  Kyle started to feel sleepy, too. Though, he wasn’t sure if he could rest, not with everything running through his head the way it was.

  However, very soon his own eyes closed and he lapsed into a dreamless sleep, still holding Sabrina in his arms. He didn’t get to sleep long, though. He was ripped from his slumber by shouting and banging.

  Chapter 7

  Kyle was out of the bed so quick, she barely glimpsed him with her sleepy eyes. Loud banging at their bedroom door was followed by a voice, “Kyle, move your ass, we've got trouble!”

  It was Gabe. Sabrina jumped out of bed and followed her mate, grabbing his robe on the way, as he had ran out of the room stark naked.

  As she ran behind, she could see Josef in a robe, talking to the man she now knew was Donovan, a sleepy looking, very thin, young woman was standing in the doorway, rubbing her eyes.

  She then realized that Kyle wasn’t the only naked male in the room, Gabe was naked, too. And what a fine specimen he was, he was tall, very muscular and strong, and his muscles rippled underneath his skin in a weird fashion. As she got closer, she gasped, his eyes were different. They were no longer only dark brown, there were gold and yellow tones, now clearly visible, and there were huge canines protruding from his open mouth.

  She was sure his skin shimmered, too, and she wondered what was causing that. She tuned back into the conversation, as she handed Kyle his robe. He took it and shrugged into it, as she kept her eyes on Gabe. Something was definitely going on with him, but she had no idea what. She could feel power emanating from his naked body and it intrigued her.

  The girl in the doorway disappeared for a moment, she returned holding a pair of jeans. She moved to Gabe and touched his back, he turned his head to look down at her and she spoke quietly. He said something in reply, and the girl said something else and nodded her head towards Sabrina and Kyle.

  Gabe nodded and pulled the jeans on. Sabrina sighed, seeing Kyle
naked was one thing, but seeing someone she had only just met made her feel awkward. Everyone was now listening intently to Donovan, who was disheveled and looking very pissed off.

  “He came out of nowhere! One of my guys is dead, Josef, two more are hurt badly, and they’ll be out of it for at least two days. I’ve no idea why he didn't finish me off. I was down and only semi-conscious. He walked over to me and laughed, fucking laughed down at me, then turned and walked away.” Donovan was breathing hard, but Sabrina guessed it was in anger more than anything else.

  “Is he gone?” Josef barked out and Donovan was nodding his head.

  “As far as I know, but I didn’t feel him ‘til the last second, just before he attacked. So he's either very, very fast or has some kind of shielding power that I've never come across. I’ve already put in a call for more men, there’ll be at least a dozen. We may not be able to take him down, but we can delay him a bit.”

  Josef was nodding his head, and his face was cold and hard, Sabrina was scared just looking at him, she definitely wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of the anger she knew was lying just under the surface.

  “Okay, I'm going down with you to double check. I can assure you I will be able to tell if he's still in the area. I think we may need some magic to discern, if he's near again. Peri, can you put a robe on and come with me please?” Josef spoke in harsh tones and Sabrina hoped his anger was never directed at her.

  Peri moved back into the bedroom and came out in one of the fluffy robes before following Donovan and Josef out the door. Gabe followed right behind her. She noticed the young girl’s hand reach for the Wolf’s, and he took and held it, as he followed.

  “What the hell is going on?” she asked Kyle, who was now pacing back and forth in front of the bar.

  “Looks like our psycho is even more of a nut job than we thought. He came here and attacked Donovan and his men downstairs in the parking area. The elevator is private. It doesn’t stop on any other floors, other than the one with the kitchens on it. There’s only one way in and that’s the parking area. One of Donovan’s Vampires is dead. He must be very powerful to kill a Vamp.” Kyle was obviously worried and upset at what had happened and that made her even more scared.

  “Why? I mean what was his purpose? If he’s powerful, then he’ll know Josef is here and how powerful he is. Surely he’s not stupid enough to try and take on Josef, you, and Gabe?” She was pretty sure that Josef could deal with the guy on his own, but add Kyle and Gabe? It would be a suicide mission.

  “I have no idea how he thinks, babe, he’s obviously unhinged. What he expected to gain? Shit, I don’t know. Probably just to upset you, unsettle us, let us know that he knows where we are.” Kyle continued to pace as he spoke, and she felt more and more nervous.

  “Well, it’s bloody working. I’m scared, Kyle, really scared.” Her voice was more like a whimper and it annoyed her. She hated feeling weak in the face of danger. So far she had only dealt with humans, and she could take care of herself, even against men. She was very proficient in various martial arts and had used them successfully more often than she would’ve liked. Especially when she worked under cover.

  Now, she felt like a child in the face of the power that Vampires wielded. How the hell could she take on an ancient Vamp?! For the first time since she had met Kyle, she felt fear lap at her belly. It was not something she liked.

  Kyle turned to her quickly, closing the distance between them and taking her in his arms. “I won’t let anything happen to you!”

  He had obviously been sensing her fear, and she clung to his body tightly, not wanting to ever let go. She knew if she was in his arms, she would be safe and for that reason, she held on for dear life. Her mind went in a dozen different directions, as she tried to sort through the facts and rid herself of the fear.

  They were still standing like that when Josef, Gabe, and Peri came back in and went back to the seating area. The Wolf sat on one of the sofas and pulled Peri onto his lap while Josef sat in his usual chair and looked more than a little thoughtful.

  “Please come and sit down,” Peri said, and Kyle directed Sabrina to a sofa, he kept a tight hold on her as he did. He sat down on one of the other sofas and did what Gabe had done, he pulled her into his lap. She held tight to the robe he wore and tried to calm her breathing. She knew if she didn't, she would end up having a panic attack!

  Slow breaths brought her back under control. She studied Josef's face, as he started to talk.

  “Okay, we have placed an alert spell so that Donovan and I can sense if he comes back. We'll have plenty of warning, if there's a next time. The other spell I asked Peri to do is a shielding spell on both of you. It hides your presence from the Vampire that's hunting you. We need you to be able to leave here without him being able to sense you and then follow. Is that all right with you?” Josef asked, with an eyebrow raised in query.

  “Is that even possible?” Kyle asked, looking between Josef and the Witch sitting on Gabe's lap.

  The young woman smiled, “Yes, I can do that, it’s quite easy.”

  “Will it hurt?” She asked, never having met a Witch before and never having a bloody spell put on her.

  “No, you won't feel a thing, honest,” Peri said, with a sincere smile, Sabrina’s years as a cop trained her to discern when people were telling the truth or not. She instantly trusted Peri.

  “Okay, then,” she smiled back, hoping she didn't look as scared as she was feeling.

  Peri sat up straighter, pulling one hand free from the tight hold Gabe had on it, she saw the Witch struggle for a moment before she got her hand free.

  “Just relax, you won't feel a thing,” Peri said, sitting up with a look of concentration on her face. For a few short moments her hands moved as if in a silent dance, then out towards Sabrina and Kyle.

  She expected to feel...well, she didn’t know, but she expected something. Nothing, that's what she felt, nothing at all, and Peri dropped her hands back into her lap, cuddled closer to Gabe, and smiled.

  “All done,” was all she said.

  Sabrina was more than a little confused about all this magic stuff, but then Kyle pulled her back into his arms.

  Gabe stood up, still carrying Peri in his arms. “We’re off to bed,” he said over his shoulder, as his long legs carried his mate back to their bedroom.

  “There's nothing else to do tonight, I'm going to stay here, just in case. Go and get some rest. Oh, yes, meant to say, I've arranged for my private jet to take you to Italy. I think it will be safer for both of you.” Josef got up and moved to the bar, he poured himself a whisky, and then sat back down.

  Sabrina’s eyes were wide, as his words connected with her thoughts. Did he just say a private jet?

  “Thanks, Josef,” was all Kyle said, as he picked her up and carried her back through to their room.

  As soon as the door closed, she all but squealed, “A private jet? Really? Christ, he really is rich, isn’t he?”

  Kyle nearly laughed at her expression, “Yes, he is, very, very rich. The jet will be much safer, plus we won’t be around humans, in case there’s any trouble. I’ll need to ask him if I can take the gun.”

  Sabrina was slowly calming back down again, she knew there was some kind of alert in place, so she didn't feel quite so scared. She was upset that one of Donovan’s men had been killed, though. She couldn’t figure out what this guy’s game plan was, and it was troubling her something awful.

  She was frowning, as Kyle took his robe off and joined her in the bed, where he had gently placed her. Her thoughts must’ve been engrossed with the situation, as she hadn't even noticed his naked body, as he slid closer to her.

  “So, what was that all about? Earlier, I mean, what did he hope to achieve? I don’t get it, he must know you’re strong and Josef, he’s one scary mother!” She was trying to figure things out, and her brain was just going around in circles.
/>   “I don’t know, maybe just to unsettle us or scare us, who knows, when the person you're dealing with is clearly insane. Come here, you need to rest,” he pulled her close and placed a hand over her eyes, closing them.

  “Sleep, baby, try to sleep,” he coaxed quietly, rubbing his hand up and down her arm gently.

  Her mind wandered and then went blank, as she fell over into a sleep disturbed by a faceless figure chasing her, naked, through a forest. She felt the twigs and stones digging into her feet, as she ran and ran, the faceless figure closing in on her.

  Breaking through the forest, she saw a large stone mansion in front of her, and she redoubled her efforts. Her legs pumping as quickly as they ever had in her life, her mouth opened in a loud scream...“KYLE!”

  She awoke with tears streaming down her face and Kyle holding her tightly.

  “It was a dream, babe, only a dream,” he said softly, trying to calm her.

  “I hope so,” she cried into his bare chest, as he held her closer, tighter.

  Chapter 8

  Kyle thrust his power onto his mate. He calmed her mind, which was in utter turmoil, gently, slowly, until she was fast asleep once more. This time in a dreamless sleep.

  The fear in that scream made a cold darkness invade his belly, and he hoped he never heard that from his mate again. He gently wiped her face clean of the tears that still lingered and lay down with her in his arms. He would do whatever it took to keep her safe.

  Whatever it took.

  He dozed fitfully for the rest of the night, waking early. Sabrina was still asleep, when he got up and padded through to the lounge. He found Josef exactly where he left him.

  The ancient Vampire nodded to him, as he sat down.

  “I heard your mate scream. Is she all right?” Josef asked, with his head to the side, he was surprised at himself for even asking.

  “Yes, I used my powers. She’s still asleep. I can’t let anything happen to her, Josef,” his voice barely a whisper.


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