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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 30

by A. K. Michaels

  As they entered a pair of large gates, she saw them on a road that led to a number of hangers, well away from the airport. She guessed this was where Josef kept his jet.

  “My pilot is readying the aircraft, but there is food and drink on board, Wifi access, a laptop, TV, and some DVDs. The Wolf likes to amuse himself, if we're on a long flight. This one has far more amenities than the other...."

  Sabrina interrupted, “The other? You have more than one private jet?”

  “Of course, this one can do the longer, transatlantic type flights, the other is just for trips within the US or to Canada, or some such. It doesn’t have the flight capability to make the longer trips without stopping to refuel. This one does those trips with ease, that's why it has more on it to pass the time, it's set up for long flights. I would never get any work done if Gabe did not have things to amuse himself, so it's kind of for my benefit, too.”

  Gabe laughed and Sabrina looked wide-eyed, two bloody jets. This man was waaay richer than she had even thought.

  “Yeah, yeah, blame me for all your gadgets and gizmos. He has that jet pimped out like you wouldn't believe. If there’s a gizmo or gadget available, it’s on that fancy plane. There are a couple very high tech laptops, the latest in tablets and mobile phones, a huge flat screen that can be used just to watch TV, play DVDs or to stream stuff from the internet, if he wants to see something on a big screen. There are two bedrooms, too, complete with full bathrooms. This flight’s gonna be long, so you could use those. There’s a full bar and small galley that is always stocked with everything imaginable, even though he doesn’t bloody eat. Don’t blame me for your weakness for technology, Vampire!” Gabe’s tone was a little offended, and Kyle thought that had been Josef’s intention.

  “Whatever you say, Wolf, here we are,” and Josef pulled to a stop at the entrance to a very large hanger with a pretty large jet inside.

  A man was looking over things on the outside of the plane, but stopped and walked over, “Good afternoon, sir.”

  “Afternoon, Andrew, these are my guests, you have their destination and after you see them to their driver, you can rest there before returning. I may need you in a few days, but after this, you can take some time off,” Josef addressed the man through his open window, and then turned in his seat to address them.

  “Okay, I'll leave you here, good luck, Kyle, and look after your mate. Please keep me updated, I shall be very interested to see how things turn out.”

  Kyle opened the door and helped Sabrina down. The pilot had already retrieved their suitcases from the rear of the vehicle.

  “Thanks, for everything, I hope to see you all soon and good luck at the doctor’s, Peri,” Sabrina said into the open back door.

  “Thank you, I hope everything goes okay and you get back home soon.” Peri replied, and Sabrina nodded to her before closing the door.

  “Thanks, Josef, I owe you,” Kyle said to the Vampire through his window.

  “Hmpf, this bonding thing must be making me soft, you don’t owe me anything.”

  Kyle laughed at the rather confused look on Josef’s face. “Bonding certainly has changed us, thanks again, for everything.” Kyle was still smiling, as Josef pulled away, and he turned to find his mate.

  She was standing watching the SUV leave, and he could feel her apprehension at Josef leaving. “We’ll be fine. Come on, let’s go have a look at this fancy jet.” Kyle grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the plane.

  She got butterflies in her stomach. A private jet, Italy, it was almost like a holiday, if only they weren't running from a psycho ancient Vampire!

  Chapter 10

  “Everything’s ready for you inside, we've got a little time before take-off, so if there's anything else you would like, let me know. I’ll get it for you before we leave,” the pilot was smiling, as he carried their suitcases up and into the main compartment of the jet.

  They followed behind and found themselves in an extremely plush main cabin. It was all done in cream leather with red seams and cushions to match. The chairs were fixed in place on the floor, but could swivel around. There were several sofas, a table, plush, thick carpeting, a full bar, all the gadgets Josef and Gabe had mentioned. Jeez, it was like no plane Sabrina had been on before. A door to the rear of the compartment probably lead to the bedrooms, although not ready to sleep at the moment, she knew she would. She was tired, sluggish, and felt drained.

  She was too excited to think about sleep just now, looking around and taking everything in, she thought, wow, how the other half live! The flat screen TV was there with a host of DVDs, which Kyle was looking through. She wasn't sure her mind would be able to focus on a movie, but on the other hand, it might be a good distraction.

  “What about a comedy?” Kyle asked, standing up with several DVDs in his hand.

  “Good idea,” she replied, with a small smile, thinking it would be hard to laugh just now, but hey, it might amuse her.

  Kyle set up the TV-DVD and then moved to the bar, getting a nice bottle of wine and two glasses. “May as well enjoy ourselves,” he said cheekily, as he arranged the wine on a side table next to one of the comfy sofas.

  “Come, sit down,” he motioned, and she joined him.

  He pushed buttons on a couple of remotes and the TV came to life along with the DVD, she smiled, as she saw what it was, one of the Austin Powers movies from a number of years ago. She had seen all of them and remembered enjoying the screwball humor, it was a fun series of movies.

  She took the wine glass and took a sip, very nice, she thought, as the movie started. About half way through, the pilot appeared again and went into the cockpit, soon they heard the engines roaring to life, and then felt the jet move slowly. Taxiing to the runway, ready for take-off, her nerves stirred unexpectedly in her stomach.

  “Hey, we’re on a fabulous private jet. Relax, let’s enjoy the ride,” Kyle whispered into her ear, obviously sensing her emotions.

  Nodding her head, she took another sip of wine and focused on the movie, eventually getting caught up in it again and even laughing at several parts. When it was finished, Kyle jumped up and put the next in the series on and sat back down, pouring more wine.

  The wine was taking effect, and she thought she might like some nuts, no sooner had the thought entered her head than Kyle was up at the galley looking to see what was available. He found several types and poured them into small glass bowls and brought them over.

  She laughed, as she saw the amount he had brought, if she ate everything he tried to get her to, she would be the size of a house. Nibbling on her favorites, she drank more wine. Soon they were halfway through the movie and on their second bottle of wine. She was pretty sure that Kyle hardly drank any, mainly because she was feeling more than a little drunk.

  After the second movie, he turned the TV off and looked at her with a cheeky grin, “Want to try out one of those bedrooms?”

  “Hell yeah,” she said, though she thought she had slurred her words, just a little.

  Kyle stood up and brought her to her feet, steering her towards the back of the aircraft. Opening the door, they saw a small corridor with a few doors, the first they opened led into a bathroom. The second opened up into a bedroom with bath facilities and a queen-sized bed all ready and waiting on them.

  “I need some water,” her mouth was dry as a bone.

  Kyle disappeared while she lay down on the bed, very comfy, soft, with the best pillows she had ever laid her head on. She guessed they were very expensive, but was going to ask where to get them. She would love to have pillows like these at home.

  That was her last thought before her eyes closed, and she fell into a sleep brought on by wine and mental exhaustion. When Kyle came back through, he saw her sound asleep, he smiled. He had hoped that getting her more than a little drunk might knock her out.

  He felt the continued stress inside her, even if she tried to hide it. H
e thought a good sleep would help. He hoped so anyway. He placed the bottle of water on the side table beside her head and then moved over onto the opposite side. Lying down and taking her into his arms, letting himself relax, he was also able to doze off. After all, they were in a jet going around 500 mph and cruising at 40,000 feet in the air. They were safe here, for the moment anyway.

  Kyle dozed on and off while Sabrina slept soundly for more than seven hours. He felt her stirring and reached over and grabbed the water, he opened it and handed it to her. As soon as she opened her eyes, she moaned and he held the water out towards her. She grabbed it quickly and drank nearly all of it down in one go.

  “Dear God, I feel hung-over! Why did you get me drunk?” She whined and held a hand to her head.

  “Me? I didn’t get you drunk. You drank the wine babe, I only poured it. Anyway you needed to sleep and I couldn't think of an easier way.” He chuckled at her frown, as she stared hard at him.

  “Go and get my suitcase, please, I need my toothbrush and a change of clothes. I’m going to have a shower,” she moved to get up and waited for a moment, as she felt sick, too much wine on an empty stomach was so not good.

  Kyle did as he was told, bringing both their luggage into the room, placing them on the bed and getting a clean set of clothes for himself. Sabrina got her toothbrush out before heading into the bathroom.

  Turning on the shower first and then brushing her teeth. Once her mouth didn’t feel like cotton balls, she felt slightly better and started to undress. As she did, she felt Kyle behind her and turned around, he was stark naked and smiling, as his eyes took in her semi dressed form.

  “Forget it, mister! I’m feeling rather delicate at the moment, so unless you want me throwing up on you, we're just having a shower!”

  Kyle laughed, as he made his way to the shower and got in, he started to wash himself, as she got rid of the rest of her clothes. She joined him in the shower and they kissed, though, when he tried to deepen it, she pulled away.

  “I mean it, Kyle, I’m feeling pretty yucky. Once we’re showered and dressed, I need some food and coffee, plenty of coffee,” she scrunched up her face, as her stomach did a little dance again.

  He could feel it and now he felt bad about his idea of getting her drunk. It had worked in the sense that she slept, for ages, but now she was feeling pretty awful. He should just have used his powers on her to make her sleep, then she wouldn't be hung over and a tad upset with him, but he hated to use his powers unless absolutely necessary.

  “What’ll the weather be like, when we land? Isn’t Switzerland cold?” she asked, as she was now trying to decide what to put on.

  “No, it’s quite warm there this time of year, not like Vegas, but warm enough for light clothing.” He had laid out a pair of jeans and a crisp white shirt, and he watched as she pulled out a simple summer dress.

  “Okay, so how far is it from the airport?”

  “Less than an hour, so we’ll be there soon, it can’t be much longer now,” he checked his watch and saw that they would indeed be landing soon. He only hoped that they had no trouble with customs and his gun.

  “Good, although this is a lovely plane, I prefer my feet on the ground. Think it’s the control thing in me, I don’t have any up here in the clouds.”

  “I know what you mean, but we're landing in a little while, come on, we’ll go get you food and coffee.” Kyle closed his suitcase and took Sabrina's, once she had closed hers. He left them near the entrance of the jet before going to the galley.

  He found a coffeemaker and then several packets of good coffee. “Which one do you want?” he asked, as he looked over the different varieties in front of him.

  “The one that says it’s the strongest,” she replied, as she sat down in one of the chairs around the table.

  He read a couple of the packets and picked one, not sure if it was the strongest or not, some of them had Portuguese and Spanish writing. Then he checked the small fridge, finding a selection of sandwiches inside, he brought them over to the table before retrieving the croissants he had spied.

  The smell of the coffee soon started to fill the cabin. Sabrina inhaled deeply a few times and almost moaned. “Nearly ready,” he told her, as she started to pick at a croissant.

  As soon as he could, he filled a large cup and took it to her, where she grabbed it and took a sip, yelping as she burnt her lip on the hot liquid. “Is there any....”

  He laughed, “Yes, there’s orange juice, too, give me a second,” and he turned to get the juice that was also in the fridge.

  When he sat down, she was eating the croissant, not just picking at it, and drinking her very hot coffee. Between bites she started firing questions at him.

  “So what’s the plan, when we get to Boyd's?”

  “I’m not certain, I’ll talk to him and see if we can decide what to do,” his thoughts now brought back to the Vamp who was hunting his mate.

  “You must have some idea? I assume you want to get this guy?” She still talked between drinking her newly replenished coffee and bites of another croissant.

  “Of course. Shit...I want to rip his fucking head off, but we need to do things right, and I have to make sure you’re safe. So if I go hunting...”

  “What? No, no, no, absolutely not! You are NOT leaving me to go hunt him. Do you hear me? You're not leaving me behind.” Her coffee sloshed over the sides of her cup, as she slammed it down onto the table. Her eyes were wide and angry and her faced was flushed.

  “Sabrina, we need to do what’s best. As I said, we’ll talk to Boyd, but if he thinks that's the best thing to do then I’ll do it. God-damn, don’t you understand? It's my job to look after you, and I plan on doing it and doing it fucking well!”

  His heart was pounding in his chest, as his fear and anger fought for control. Her eyes were now angry and her mouth in a tight line, marring her beauty slightly. After a few seconds, she picked her cup up and took a sip of her coffee, watching him with her eyes over the top of the cup.

  A few moments passed as they both tried to calm down, he wasn't sure he was ever going to be calm again, not until that Vampire was gone.

  “Kyle, I don’t want to argue with you, but I am not being left behind while you go hunting an insane ancient Vampire. You can shout, scream, and generally act all macho, but it won't make any difference - I am not being left behind. So your plans will have to take that into consideration.”

  Kyle opened his mouth to refute everything she had just said, but then his brain must've gotten in gear because he shut it, saying nothing. The little smile she gave him almost made him give in completely, almost.

  “We’re mates and I understand your need to protect me, but whatever we do...we do together.”

  Kyle heard the steeliness in her tone, knew she wasn’t going to go along with him just leaving to hunt this sick bastard. However, if that was what Boyd thought was the best action to take then he would do it. He would use his powers, he would ask Boyd to use his, and whatever it took, he would do to ensure her safety.

  Even if she was mad as hell at him.

  “I’m sure we can sort things out, when we get to Boyd’s,” he said that only to calm her and divert, what he guessed, would be a huge argument.

  He was saved by any further discussion on the matter, as the pilot stuck his head through the cockpit door. “We’ll be landing soon, the air traffic controller has advised me I’m taxiing to a private area, where there’s a car waiting for you.”

  Kyle smiled, Boyd, he obviously did have ‘contacts’ at this airport.

  The landing was very smooth, though the taxiing took quite a few minutes before the jet came to a complete stop. The pilot came out and opened the door, he released the stairs, and even went to retrieve their luggage.

  “It’s okay, I’ll get them,” Kyle said, as he took them from his hands.

  “Nice to have had you aboard,”
the pilot replied, with a smile.

  “Thanks,” they both replied before making their way out of the aircraft.

  Standing at the bottom of the stairs was a very tall and muscular man, Kyle saw immediately the strength and power inside the man. He looked like a very, very, dangerous individual, and he automatically moved his body between the man and his mate.

  The man gave what Kyle assumed was supposed to be a smile, but it looked more like a grimace. “Hello, I am here to drive you to Master Boyd’s residence.”

  The man, or Vampire as Kyle sensed, spoke in a rather thick Eastern Block accent and reached for the cases. Kyle handed them over and placed an arm around Sabrina, who was only staring at the hulk of a man.

  Kyle guessed he must be at least six foot six, possibly a bit more, and wide, boy was he wide. Kyle felt very small next to him, even though he wasn't considered small. Once the luggage was in the trunk of the large sedan, the man opened one of the rear doors and they got in. Kyle kept his body between her and the man mountain at all times.

  Sabrina raised an eyebrow at him and whispered, “He’s bloody huge.”

  “Yeah, but he must be okay, or Boyd wouldn’t have him working for him,” he tried to allay the unease he could feel inside her.

  The immense body of the man felt as if it filled the entire front of the vehicle, as he got in the driver's seat. Starting the car and driving off smoothly, he started to talk, “Master Boyd said he may or may not be up when you arrive. He has advised me of the rooms you have been allocated....”

  Sabrina broke in, “Rooms? As in plural?”

  “Yes, miss, you have been given a suite of rooms in the East Wing, Master Boyd is in the West Wing. He likes his peace and quiet. Anyway, if he is not up, I will show you to your rooms, and if there is anything else you would like or need, just ask, and I will see it is taken care of. The rest of the staff will probably be asleep, but in the morning you will meet them, there is the cook and also a gardener, but he lives in a small cottage at the rear of the property, not in the main house.”


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