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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 31

by A. K. Michaels

  They found it quite hard to follow what he was saying because of his accent, and Sabrina realized he hadn’t told them his name. She wasn’t going to ask, though.

  “I’m Kyle and this is Sabrina, what’s your name?” Her mate had obviously heard her thoughts.

  “I am Petre, apologies, I should have introduced myself. My English is still a struggle at times, sorry.”

  “You speak English a lot better than I would speak your native tongue, whatever that is, I’m useless at languages,” Sabrina could see the man was trying hard and his English was precise, no short cuts nor any slang at all.

  “I am from Romania, although I have been in the employ of Master Boyd for the past twenty years. He was my savior.” Petre said this matter-of-fact, but they both wondered what he meant.

  Both thought it would be a little rude to ask, so they said nothing.

  “Just sit and relax, we will be home in under an hour,” Petre said quietly, then focused on the road ahead. They were out of the airport and on the main highway heading towards Italy.

  Sabrina looked out her window, trying to see Switzerland, but it was very dark and she saw nothing of any interest. As they drove, she wondered about Border Control. Was there one? Would they search the vehicle - find the gun?

  “No, hon, they don’t stop, or even check passports between Switzerland and Italy. We only slow down to go through what looks like toll booths, other than that, there’s no checking,”

  “Okay, well, that’s good,” she was a little relieved and relaxed into the side of her Vampire.

  His arm moved to around her shoulders, holding her to him, as they drove on, she was more than a little intrigued to see Kyle's Sire and where he lived.

  It sounded so very grand, and she was more than a little excited.

  Chapter 11

  The trip was over quicker than she thought it would be. She noticed they came off of main roads to take smaller and smaller ones until they were on what was basically a single car road. If anything came in the opposite direction, they would need to pull onto the grass edge.

  “We are almost there,” Petre spoke for the first time since leaving the airport.

  “Good,” Kyle answered, she could feel his excitement.

  She wasn’t sure if it was because he was visiting his Sire, or because it meant that he was a step closer to deciding what to do about the Vampire after her.

  “Both of those, but the main one is that I know you’ll be much safer with Boyd around.” he answered her unspoken thoughts, and she wished she could do that. Since they had bonded she could now sense his moods and emotions, but nothing like the total mind reading he could do with her.

  “That’s the way it’s always been, unless a mate is another Vampire or sometimes a Wolf or Witch. Humans don't miraculously get the mind reading gift, even after a bonding.”

  “Witch, you said Witch, does that mean that Peri can read Josef and Gabe?” she was curious, especially as she still found it a little strange that the young woman was mated to both the Vampire and Wolf. It was obvious that they doted on her, she was sure she had never seen anyone more loved, well, maybe apart from her that is.

  “I would think so, but I’m not certain. It's not the kinda thing that you can just come out and ask.”

  “Oh, that’s just not fair. Just about everyone I know now can do some kind of mind reading jiggery pokery and I can’t,” she all but pouted, and he smiled down into her perfect face.

  Leaning down slightly, he placed a gentle kiss on her lips before turning to look out the windshield, just as the large house came into view. It couldn’t really be called a house, it was very large and more like a grand château.

  She couldn’t see too much, not having Vampire sight, but she could see large rolling lawns leading up to the gravel parking area in front of the home. A stone staircase led up to a patio area in front and there were two huge doors in the entranceway. Windows spread out either side and up the outer façade, three floors and what looked like attic space with windows and curtains towered above them. Maybe the staff stayed there on that very top floor, she thought.

  There were quite a few lights on, so she could definitely get a sense of the size of the place and it was huge. There were windows on either side of the doorway and out towards the edges of the chateau, which looked like a kind of rounded turret with lights on in both of them. No wonder Petre had said the East and West Wings, she guessed that’s what these two opposite ends of the building were.

  Petre stopped in front of the stairs and got out, he opened the rear door on her side before going to retrieve their suitcases. She got out of the car and looked around. She could see some more details up close, due to the light coming both from the windows and some outside lights. The stairs led up to a large stone area in front of the house, which had several large stone statues, which were exact opposites of each other. A couple of them were nice and one looked like Cupid off to her right, however, there were two that she thought would look more at home with the gargoyles on the top of Notre Dame and made her shiver, as she looked at them.

  “He has a weird sense of style,” Kyle half chuckled, as his hand moved to her elbow and lead her after Petre.

  “If you will follow me, I will take you to your rooms,” the large Romanian said, as his long legs strode quickly across the entrance to the building.

  Sabrina’s eyes widened, as she entered the area, a huge entranceway, which was carpeted in a plush cream carpet that her feet literally sank into. She saw paintings, some of them she was sure were the originals and from an age that made them more than just a painting but a true work of art. There were marble statues on either side of a sweeping staircase, set in the middle of the entrance that would give Gone With The Wind a run for its money. The grand wooden staircase had no carpet and that's where Petre was waiting.

  They had fallen behind, as she had stopped to look around. Long corridors ran off either side from where they were standing, and there were lots of doors leading from it, but it was not the time for a tour. Kyle tugged her along, and they continued to follow Petre.

  “This place is...I have no’s kinda like a museum with all the paintings, statues, and ornaments. The table at the side of the doorway has pieces on it that belong in a museum.”

  Kyle had a cheeky grin on his face, “You could say that. I’ve helped Boyd ‘acquire’ some of the things in his collection over the centuries.”

  “You mean you stole them?" she asked wide eyed, but a slight frown on her face.

  “Absolutely not, I wouldn’t stoop so low as to steal something, well, not often. Some were acquired directly from the source, sometimes with a little ‘persuasion,’ and others were taken back from thieves. A lot of Boyd’s collection was recovered from a group of Germans during the war. He just took it back from them, they were the ones that stole the stuff.”

  “Semantics, Kyle, the Germans stole an awful lot of precious things during the war and lots of people have tried to find things with no luck. Now I know why, you and Boyd took them.” She wasn’t at all happy, especially as her mate didn’t seem at all bothered.

  “Okay, Miss Cop, I’m duly chastised,” was the only reply she got, as they followed Petre up the large staircase.

  About half way up the stairs, it branched off and curved around, Petre took the left hand side and continued on. The stairs stopped at the second floor and he moved onwards, going along a large, long, hallway, which she thought must be the rounded turret she had seen from outside. As he opened one of a double set of doors, she saw she was right and saw even more luxury, more antiques and collectables, more both in the hallway and in the rooms they were led into.

  “This will be your suite of rooms for your stay, if you need anything you can use that telephone there on the desk, it connects you to the cook and caretaker, she will be able to help you. I see cook has left something for you...” he pointed across the
room to a table and two chairs set at either end, there were two thermos flasks, a glass carafe of juice, and plates with plastic covers over them. They could see sandwiches, fruit, cheese, biscuits, and cookies, more than enough for several people.

  “Oh, I won’t manage even half of that,” Sabrina hated food to go to waste, but knew there was no hope she could manage it all, especially as there were things she didn’t like, cheese being one.

  “Do not worry, Miss, Cook has gone a little overboard, as she tends to do when there are people around that actually eat food,” Petre had a smirk on his face and suddenly he didn't seem nearly as scary.

  “Okay, thanks,” she smiled back at him.

  He moved through another set of double doors and was back in a few seconds, minus the luggage. Guess that's where the bedroom is, she thought, as he walked back to the main door.

  “I hope you have a good rest,” he said, as he closed the door behind him.

  “Thank you,” Sabrina called, as the door shut.

  “Hungry?” Kyle asked, as he moved over to the table, almost laughing when he saw two cards propped up in front of the thermoses.

  “Hey, look at this, Cook’s even told you that one is decaf, in case it keeps you awake.”

  She walked over and indeed there on two cards, written in very neat handwriting was: ‘this one is decaffeinated in case caffeine keeps you awake’ and ‘this one is not.’ She laughed at the cards before reaching for the jug of juice and pouring herself a drink. It wasn’t orange juice, she wasn't sure, thought it was peach, but it was cold and sweet, so she drank it.

  “I’m not hungry, but I feel bad at leaving all this,” she motioned to the plates on the table.

  “Don’t worry, if you thought Josef was rich, then Boyd makes him look like a pauper. Leaving some food won't break his bank. I don't think the collapse of the entire banking industry would even hurt him.”

  “Still, I don’t like wasting good food, but I’m really not hungry. What I am is curious to see the rest of our rooms, come on, show me.”

  Kyle took her hand and led her to their bedroom. Upon entering she stopped in her tracks, the room was like nothing she had seen before, except on TV. It was a sumptuous room filled with antiques, one of which was a huge hand-carved mahogany, four-poster bed, complete with brocade curtains tied to each of the four posts. There was a very old dressing table with a three piece mirror set on top and a tufted vanity stool in front, she was sure a full year of her cop salary wouldn’t have bought that one item. Everything else was the same, old, expensive, luxurious, like nothing she had stayed in before.

  A door was set into the wall on the left and she walked over to open it, wondering what it led to and how that room would look. It was their adjoining bathroom, and although it was obviously modern, it was kept in the same vintage style. A large claw footed tub sat out from one wall with antique styled sinks along another wall, there was also a large shower, and she couldn’t remember seeing one quite like it. It was obviously a newer addition, she was certain there were no showers a couple of centuries ago. It was tastefully done, with arched doorways and travertine tile, the waterfall showerhead and controls were of burnished bronze. The floor was like slate tiling, so absent-mindedly, she kicked off her heels, worried about damaging it.

  When she did, she felt warmth coming up from underneath the floor, and then noticed there were no radiators on the walls for heat. Under floor heating kept the rooms warm without radiators to mar the look of the rooms - pretty cool - but with a property this size, the cost must have been astronomical.

  “Want a shower or do you want to go to bed?” Kyle had a glint in his eye and she knew what he wanted - bed - or shower - either would do.

  “Bed then shower,” she smiled, and he grabbed her to him, kissing her passionately. Picking her up, he carried her easily to the bed, placing her on her feet at the side and removing her clothes quickly. As he undressed himself, she climbed onto the bed, moving to the middle, where she lay and watched his body be revealed, as items of clothing dropped to the floor.

  Her eyes raked his fine, toned, muscled and lean body, and as his arousal came into view, she sighed. God, she loved seeing her man naked. She licked her lips and a growl escaped his own, his eyes now hooded, as he stalked towards her. She could feel herself getting moist and the entire area ‘down below’ was tingling in anticipation of what was to come.

  “You are quite the naughty girl,” Kyle groaned, as he read her lusty thoughts.

  “Yeah, what’re you gonna do about it, Vampire?” she quipped back, as he moved onto the bed slowly.

  “Plenty,” was his reply, as his body moved quickly to lay over hers, pinning her to the bed.

  His lips came down and took hers, completely owning her mouth with his. A moan broke free from her into his mouth, as his knee moved her thighs apart. Positioning himself at her entrance, he pushed in, filling her, and making her breathing come in short gasps.

  His lips didn’t leave her mouth the entire time he entered her, his tongue darting in and out, almost in time with his hardness. As she had found out early in their relationship, he was a master at moving his hips, so that he connected with her sensations’ center, and far too soon she could feel her release build and come ever closer.

  His head moved, breaking their lips apart and his fangs descended quickly, seeing them brought a thrill to her already increased heartbeats. Moving her head slightly, she gave him clear access to the vein in her neck, and he smiled before moving and piercing her skin, biting deep before taking her blood inside his mouth.

  With every pull on her throat, she rose higher and higher until she could hold back no more, a scream of release tearing from her throat. Another couple of pulls on her throat and Kyle thrust in hard, as his own climax hit, his body quivering on top of hers.

  Retracting his fangs, he pulled back, licked his lips of the few stray drops of her blood, and smiled, “You know I love you, but I don’t think you really know how much. I would do anything for you, to keep you safe, anything at all,” he leaned forward and kissed her again, as she melted against his body.

  “Shower,” he whispered, as he broke contact and moved from on top of her, pulling her with him until they were both on their feet and heading towards the bathroom.

  The ‘shower’ ended up being very long and very sexy and when they finally fell into bed, she was exhausted. She sometimes wished she were some kind of Supernatural being, so she could keep up with her mate. Those were the last thoughts running through her head, as she fell over into a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 12

  Sabrina woke to find herself alone in the four-poster, feeling the space beside her, she realized the sheets were stone cold. Kyle must have gotten up ages ago, she thought, as she pulled herself up and looked around, in case he was nearby.

  “Kyle?” she said, not bothering to shout, knowing if he were nearby, he would hear her. She got no answer, so got up and moved to her suitcase, retrieving her toothbrush, hairbrush, and her makeup bag.

  After a very quick shower, she brushed her teeth, hair, applied a little understated makeup, and got dressed in jeans and a sleeveless blouse with flat strappy sandals. Making her way out of the room, she moved towards the staircase they had come up last night, she walked down listening for signs of her mate.

  Near the bottom she heard him, he was shouting loudly, he sounded very unhappy. She also heard another voice, one that was calm and reserved. She headed towards the sounds and soon found him in a room with sofas, chairs, a piano in one corner, and windows that went almost to the ceiling and looked out over the front of the house.

  A man was sitting in one of the armchairs, and Kyle was pacing back and forth in front of him. Her mate looked very upset while the other man looked very calm and watched passively, as Kyle stalked back and forth.

  “It’s not right, Boyd! I should be the one, she’s MY mate!” Kyle growled, and
his tone scared her.

  “That may be the case, and I won’t argue that she is your mate. However, you are one of mine and are therefore under MY protection, you have a mate, so she also is under MY protection. So, Kyle, you will just have to accept that it will be me and not you dealing with this Raige....”

  “Who or what is Rage?” she asked, as she made her presence known. She walked over to Kyle, who now stood staring at her, as if he had forgotten she was even in the house and now here she stood in front of him.

  The man got up, his tall, trim, body unfolding as he stood. She saw that he was taller than Kyle and looked to be in his late thirties, though she knew this was not the case. He had dark, almost black, hair that was cut fairly short, but was a little longer in back. His eyes were a striking blue color and his face was perfect, she would describe him as hot!

  He moved to take her hand, a smile on his face, “Hello, Sabrina, it’s very nice to meet you. I’m Boyd, welcome to my home.”

  She took the hand in one of hers and shook it before moving to stand by her mate. “So is someone gonna tell me what's going on? Kyle, I could hear you shouting from the stairs.”

  She could see him trying to calm himself, not something she witnessed very often, but it wasn’t Kyle who answered it was Boyd.

  “Why don’t you both sit down and I’ll tell you what’s going on, Sabrina.”

  She took one of Kyle’s hands and pulled him to one of the large sofas, she sat down and tugged him down after her. He sat grudgingly and she kept hold of his hand. She looked over at Boyd and raised an eyebrow, waiting on him to continue.

  “Kyle is a little upset, as I have told him that I am going to be the one dealing with Raige....”

  She frowned, interrupting him, “I heard you mention that before, what or who is Rage?”

  “Ronan called Josef, apparently he was a little intrigued with what was going on and started his own investigation. He found out some valuable information, the Vampire that is after you calls himself Raige, spelled R A I G E - a play on words. It appears that this particular Vampire has been on their radar for some time, in fact, he is number one on their equivalent of the FBI's Most Wanted. They were unaware he was working with a human serial killer, but Ronan assures us that is just the kind of thing this...this...thing would be involved in."


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