Book Read Free

Fading to Light

Page 14

by Sarah Cole

  “Good morning.” she says tossing me a sweet smile.

  “Morning, sweetheart. You’re up early.”

  “Yeah, I couldn’t really get back to sleep, so I just got up and did some yoga and decided to start the day. I wasn’t sure when you were heading in and I realized I don’t have my car here.” She says placing a plate in front of me.

  “Thank you. You know you don’t have to do this, right?” I ask. I don’t want her to feel obligated to make my breakfast every day. I should be the one lavishing her with attention.

  “I know hun, but I like to. I love cooking and it’s nice to take care of someone.” She shrugs.

  “Oh and if you want, you can just take my other car.” I say.

  “Other car?”

  “Yeah, the black Range Rover that is parked a spot over is also mine. The GT-R is great, but it doesn’t really have a lot of room to haul things.” I say.

  “Well that makes sense. Are you sure you don’t mind? I promise I can park it and everything. I used to drive the truck around at home and my Mom always had a large SUV to haul instruments in and stuff.” She says quickly, seeming unsure of the situation.

  “Babe, I trust you. It’s just a car and not that big of a deal. They keys are on the hook in the laundry room.” I say taking another sip of coffee.

  “Ok, well thank you, I have a few more errands to run between my meetings today. What time will you be done today? We should probably head out by four thirty or so if you want to make it to the airport in time.” She says taking a bite of her toast.

  “I should be out by one. I don’t have any surgeries scheduled, just some post –op paperwork and a consults to do. I’ll make some dinner reservations too, so don’t worry about that. I will just meet you back here by let’s say three?” I ask, grabbing my spare lab coat and my wool jacket.

  “Sounds good, see you then.” She says reaching up on her toes to kiss me.

  I pull her into me, and man, do I wish I had more time right now to give her more than just a kiss. “See you then beautiful. I love you.” I say holding the back of her neck and bringing her lips to mine.

  “Love you too.” She breathes between kisses. I plant one last kiss on the tip of her little nose before sending her a wink and heading out the door.

  Chapter 15


  Even though I only have a few meetings today, there is still a ton of stuff I want to get done. I planned on getting a centerpiece for the table, picking up the gifts I ordered for Andrew’s Mom and sister, and some chocolates and wine. I also got five tickets to the Bears game on Sunday to surprise everyone with. I know none of us are huge fans of either team playing, but it’s always a fun experience just to go.

  I set out to the mall so I can pick up the gifts and a few serving platters from a trendy kitchen store and some bakeware. I figured Andrew doesn’t really get all excited about presentation like I do. There’s a chocolatier there too where I can pick up some goodies. While I browse I call the florist to make an arrangement to pick up right before my lunch meeting.

  After picking up some goodies, I head a few blocks over to Rush Street where the studio is. The band has a new album coming out in a couple months, and we are shooting a magazine cover and promo shots for summer tours. The guys are already there when I make my way into the industrial looking space.

  “Charlieeeeeeee!” Jay yells as he jogs over scooping me up into a hug and spinning me around as I laugh.

  “How’s my favorite lawyer slash manager?” he asks winking.

  “Good! Did you get a chance to run those numbers by the guys so I can call and confirm on Monday for the tour?”

  “Yeah, it sounds good. Hell of a lot more than we’re used to, but since it’s so long can we see if we can bump it fifteen percent? That would give you more too.”

  “I’ll see what I can get them to commit to. I think they were lowballing anyways considering you’re kind of green on this scene.” I say. “But they don’t know me. Also, I have a lunch meeting about copyrights to Hardcore Affliction. Is there anything specifically you want put into writing in regards to publishing, advertising, etcetera?”

  “Nah, we’re good with what we already went over. I know you know our stuff and what needs to be done. That’s why we wanted you. Charlie, for all intents and purposes you’re part of the band. Hell, you can outplay any of us and you helped write most of our songs so make sure you put your name on that list too. You wrote half of that song, you should get royalties.”

  “Jay…” I warn.

  “Yeah, yeah. I know, you don’t care about the credit, but we do. We’re family Charlie, and whether you choose to believe it or not, you are part of the band. You’re our fill in, our songwriter, sounding board, everything. We wouldn’t even be a band or have ever gotten this far without you. You got us our first big gig, and did all the promos yourself, remember?”

  I smile remembering that summer. I was a Junior in high school and we played for a major festival in the area. My Mom helped me work with the arts department at the university to network and make some connections. We were so excited, and we had an amazing turn out. Everything seemed to go up from there, and we haven’t looked back.

  “Yeah, bud, I remember. Ok, let’s get to work, some of us have turkeys to marinate.”

  He raises his eyebrows in question. “You are so fucking strange sometimes. Are you not going home tonight like usual?” he asks.

  “Nope. Mom and Dad are on a cruise this year, and Kate is with her husband’s family. Laney is reluctantly going to visit her parents in Jackson Hole since they moved there, so Andrew’s family is flying in tonight and I’m making dinner for them tomorrow.” I say, knowing he’s going to give me hell over this.

  “Oh the big leagues huh? Meeting the parents already, eh?” he jokes, jabbing me with elbow.

  “Stop!” I laugh. “Yes, I’m meeting them and I’m excited about it.”

  “So it’s pretty serious then?” he asks, playfulness aside.

  “Yeah, it is. Jay, I dunno, but I have this gut feeling like this is it. Ya know?” I pause.

  “I’ve never felt that before. Sure I’ve felt love and affection towards boyfriends, but nothing like this. It’s like a need and a magnetism; almost like I was searching and then when we met, I felt complete and finally settled.”

  “Sweet Jesus. Write that shit down Charlie! That’s song material!” he jokes, but I know he heard and acknowledged everything I just said. It’s just his personality and I think that is part of the reason he and Abby had such a turbulent relationship. He never took things seriously enough for the structured, Type-A, Abigail Mason.

  “Funny, but really though.” I say.

  “No, I get it. I do.” he says as a sad look washes over his face.

  “Charlie, Andrew looks at you like you hung the moon. We all can see how much he loves you, and if you think this is it, do me a favor. Don’t let it go. It will forever be your biggest regret if you do.”

  “Jay?” I say. I know he’s thinking about Abby. He’s confessed to me that Abby was his one, even though they were on again off again. They loved each other fiercely, but it was never the right time to make it work for good. They never got the chance.

  He shakes his head at me as he rubs his palms over his eyes. “Just remember what I said, and always remember that you do hang the moon Charlie Adams. You are the perfect package, and you always have me and the guys. We love you. If Andrew ever hurts you, tell him that we’ll cut his nuts off and feed ‘em to him.” He says deadpan.

  “Jesus! Jameson Michael Collins! You talk to your mother with that mouth?” I ask giving him a playful shove.

  “I do more than talk.” He says waggling his eyebrows.

  “You are so freaking twisted it isn’t funny. I’m going to tell your Mom next time I see her.” I laugh as we make our way over to where the stylists are outfitting the rest of the guys.

  After I’m greeted with a bunch of bear hugs and fist b
umps I help the stylists decide what the guys should wear for the different projects. They were going a little too Black Veil Brides and Motley Crue for my guys, and Brenden looked a little terrified of leather leggings and an open motorcycle vest adorned with feathers. I really can’t help myself and decide to play a joke and pick out the most ridiculously over the top outfits I can find for each of them.

  After we all have a good laugh, we settle on a more casual look that is tough, yet cohesive, and I make everyone get their hair cut, and I mean everyone. They were looking borderline street rat. Their mothers will thank me tomorrow, believe me. The shoot was super successful and in the end everyone was happy with the proofs we saw. In a few weeks we will narrow them down and select which photos to use for the various promos and things we will work on. I make a note on my phone to look into their social media presence and see what we can do to up the game in that area.

  After wishing my guys a happy Thanksgiving and promising to see them soon, I pick up the tickets and stop to grab the flowers, centerpiece and some small white heirloom pumpkins from a street stand, and I head into the restaurant where I’m meeting a group of people in regards to song copyrights.

  I give my name to the hostess and she leads me to the waiting table. As I approach, recognize one of the faces and stop dead in my tracks. Tyler. You have got to be kidding me. My eyes lock with his and he smirks, although I’m not too sure what he has to smirk about considering after a few weeks his face is still twenty shades of bruised from where Andrew broke his nose. Even though its fading, he looks like shit. Everyone at the table stands as I approach.

  “Hi, you must be Charlotte.” The middle aged man closest to me says extending a hand. “Bosley Richards with Voltage Records.”

  “Nice to meet you Mr. Richards. Please, call me Charlie.” I say giving him a firm handshake.

  He introduces me to the rest of the team and then lands upon Tyler. “This is Tyler Ashford. We have a partnership with his employer. Our usual contact was out sick today, so Mr. Ashford is filling in today. As you can see, he’s recovering from an unfortunate mugging incident.”

  I snort as I try to stifle the laughter that is threatening to burst from my chest. That’s hysterical. I get a bunch of funny looks and Tyler just glares at me. Oops. They all probably think I’m some callous girl who thinks muggings are funny now.

  “I’m sorry,” I say with a fake cough, “Something stuck in my throat.” And with that their concerned looks fade. Good save.

  “How unfortunate Mr. Ashford. Have they caught the guy?” I ask feigning concern.

  “Still an open case, but I’m confident I’ll get him.” He replies, but the seriousness of it sends a chill down my spine.

  Luckily, Tyler keeps everything strictly professional during the meeting and doesn’t make a complete ass of himself like usual. However, his presence here has me completely on edge. I can’t believe I never saw how much of a slime ball he truly was, or I did but never let myself get close enough to him where it really mattered to me. I am just thankful that Tyler would never usually be involved with this client on a normal day so I won’t have to see him regularly.

  All in all, the meeting isn’t too terribly long and accomplishes everything that we needed to accomplish to consider it a success. As everyone gets up to leave, we shake hands. Out of formality, I treat Tyler the same as everyone else, and reach out for his hand to shake. Tyler takes my hand in his grips my fingers in a death grip, as his other one comes up and latches onto my forearm, his fingers digging into my skin. He leans in and says just loud enough for me to hear, “I’ll be seeing you soon, Charlotte.” I catch his eye and all I see there is a seething hatred.

  Yanking my hand out of his and shaking it to assuage some of the pain, I grit out, “I hope not for your sake.”

  Shaken up, I head to the bathroom to collect myself. I’m not sure if I’m shaking because I am so angry or if I’m scared of him, because honestly right now I really think Tyler is a bit unhinged. He would sometimes get in these moods when we were dating where he would flip a switch and turn into a completely different person, but this is a completely new side of him. It’s a thinly veiled rage, I could feel it radiating off of him in waves like heat on new asphalt.

  Making my way back down the street to where I parked, I notice a group of people on the sidewalk talking to a few police officers, red and blue lights flashing. I pick up my pace realizing what they are standing next to; Andrew’s Range Rover. Except it is definitely not how I left it. The windshield and headlights have been busted, a couple of the tires slashed as I approach I see that the side of the car is heavily dented as if something crashed into it. What the fuck?

  I begin running down the street, and just as I near the commotion, my heel catches and snaps in the grate and I pitch forward, hitting the pavement hard and smacking my forehead. Sonofabitch! Stunned, I try to sit up and the nearest officer rushes over.

  “Ma’am are you alright? Please don’t try and get up. Someone call an ambulance!” He calls to the other two police officers standing there.

  “I’m ok, I think. I don’t need an ambulance.” I say, and I can feel the hot tears welling in my eyes. So freaking embarrassing. Once the tears start flowing, I can’t stop them, and pretty soon I’m in hysterics. I’m crying for the giant goose egg I can feel forming on my head, for my scuffed knee and torn pants, my broken shoe, crying for the frustrating encounter I just had with Tyler, and for Andrew’s car. Oh my gosh! Andrew’s car! I panic and start to sit up.

  “Ma’am, please! You hit your head pretty hard, I saw you.” The officer tries to get me to lay back down.

  “I’m fine, I promise!” I say still sobbing. For the love of God, just make the tears stop.

  “My boyfriend’s car! What happened?”

  “We called the owner the vehicle was registered to, and they are on their way.” He says not giving me any information.

  “Yes! Andrew Montgomery. I was driving his car today. I had a lunch meeting down the street and I came out to this!” I nearly shout through my sobs, and I can’t breathe. The officer notices and helps me to sit up. My knee is bleeding pretty badly, and with the combination of everything that just happened I just put my head in my hands and cry some more. Why can nothing ever just go my way?


  I’m walking to my car in the parking garage, when my phone begins buzzing in my pocket. I pull it out to see an unknown local number on the screen. Strange. Thinking it could be someone from the hospital or my patient list, I stop and answer, “Dr. Montgomery.”

  “Errr, yes. Andrew Montgomery?” The voice on the other end asks and I hear a bunch of street noise.

  “Speaking.” I reply, shifting my weight on my foot.

  “Yes, this is Officer Ryan with the Chicago Police Department. We have a black Range Rover here registered in your name. It appears to have been in an accident, but we don’t really have any more information at this time. Can you please meet us at… well, just come to the corner of Wabash and E. 8th, and you’ll find us.”

  Accident? Where’s Charlie? A million things are flying through my brain, but I just need to know that Charlie is safe.

  “Officer?” I ask trying to catch him before he hangs up, but the line is already dead on the other end.

  “Fuck!” I say sprinting to my car. I have to get to her. Even though it only takes a grand total of ten minutes to drive, I’m coming out of my skin with worry the whole way there. I don’t know what I’m going to do if something happens to her. How will she get through another accident? My mind is racing with worry. I pull my car up to the corner and luckily there’s a spot there, but I can see a couple police cars and an ambulance. My heart takes a nose dive as break into a sprint.

  “Charlie!” I yell and my voice cracks, thick with emotion when I don’t see her anywhere.

  I hear my name and I turn to find her on the sidewalk with an officer and a couple paramedics who are patching up her knee, and I run her dire
ction falling to my knees beside her so I can gather her in my arms, and she starts crying harder.

  Taking her face in my hands I have to see her, see that she’s ok. “Baby, please look at me. Are you ok?” I ask.

  “I’m fine, but oh my gosh, Andrew…. Your car!” and she buries her face in my neck, letting out another body racking sob.

  “Baby, fuck the car! Are you ok? What happened?”

  She sniffles her cute little nose and looks up at me with puffy, red eyes. “I’m fine! I just tripped on the sidewalk when I was running to get down here. They won’t tell me what happened!”

  “I don’t really care what happened. I’m just so glad you’re ok. I was nearly sick to my stomach when I thought you were hurt.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s just been kind of a craptastic day and on top of all that I broke my shoe!” she teases with a smirk. There’s my girl.

  I chuckle. “Well we can’t have that.” I look at the paramedics, one of them I recognize from hospital runs.

  “Hey Gary! Is my girl good?”

  He reaches out and shakes my offered hand, “Hi Dr. Montgomery. Yeah, just a bump on the head and a superficial cut. No concussion and just keep the cut clean and covered for a few days. You know the drill.”

  “Good deal. Thanks man.” I say picking Charlie up, and setting her down on her feet. “Let’s go sort this mess out and get home.”

  We walk, well I walk, she hobbles on one high heel towards the officers.

  “Officer Ryan?” I ask and he steps forward.

  “Mr. Montgomery I presume?”

  “Yes sir.” I say offering my hand.

  “Do you have any idea what happened? My girlfriend was in a meeting and came out to all of this, but no one would give her any information.”


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