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Melissa's Punishment Examination

Page 2

by Carole Archer

  Melissa gulped as he looked at her. “Your choice, Melissa,” he told her. “You know what the alternative is,” he added, as she lowered her eyes and turned her back on him to hide her blushes. She slowly raised her skirt, hesitating as she gripped the waistband of her skimpy black lace panties.

  “Now Melissa!” he snapped, and she quickly tugged her panties down below her buttocks and bent forward across the edge of his desk.

  Melissa whimpered as he pressed his hand firmly on her back, forcing her down until she lay flat on the desk. He then used one hand to pull her panties right down to her ankles before he pulled the flimsy material over her feet.

  “Spread your legs wide,” he ordered, “and raise your bottom.” Melissa’s cheeks were burning as she struggled to comply with her boss’ orders. She briefly considered quitting— anything seemed worth it at the moment to avoid this humiliating procedure—but she knew that she needed this job too badly for that to be an option. Her thoughts were interrupted when he parted her buttocks with one hand, pressed his finger against her anus, and thrust it firmly in. Melissa gasped as he pushed the digit deep into her and probed around for several seconds. She held her breath, unable to believe what he was doing to her, and she felt immense relief when he finally removed his finger.

  She had just allowed herself to relax again when seconds later she felt the end of the thermometer slide into her bottom. She immediately tensed up again. “Relax!” Dr. Williams snapped, smacking his hand down hard on her bare bottom.

  “Owww!” squealed Melissa, reaching back to rub her stinging behind. Not wanting another smack, she immediately relaxed as much as she was able, gritting her teeth as the thin and rigid rod slid into her tight bottom hole. Dr. Williams twirled the thermometer around inside her and Melissa squirmed anxiously. She was horrified to be in such a position.

  She had fancied Dr. Williams since her first day at the practice, and over the past year she had developed quite a crush on him. She had always dreamed of playing doctors and nurses with him, but her fantasies were nothing like this… She was thoroughly humiliated and she closed her eyes tightly, trying to block out what he was doing to her, but he constantly fiddled with the thermometer and it was impossible not to focus on her embarrassing position.

  Melissa was able to breathe once more when at last he slid the thermometer out, but she was disheartened when she immediately started to rise from the desk and he pressed a hand firmly down on her back. “Stay where you are,” he said sternly, smacking her bottom.

  “Your temperature’s fine,” he said, patting her bottom. “Let’s just take it again though, just to make sure you’re well enough to be punished.” Before Melissa could object, his hand was pressed on her back and the thermometer jabbed into her back package once more. Melissa yelped and squirmed as he twirled the thermometer inside her anus, not letting her forget for a moment what he was doing to her. Melissa was relieved when finally the thermometer was removed.

  “If you call in sick again, Melissa, be sure that I will come round to your house after the office closes and do this to you. If you’ve lied about being ill, you’ll be instantly dismissed,” he warned her.

  Melissa nodded sadly as Dr. Williams’ hand pressed down on her back. He landed a sharp slap on each of her bare cheeks.

  “Owww!” she yelped. “Please stop. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, I promise,” she pleaded.

  “Oh, I’m sure you won’t, young lady,” he said sternly, landing a hard smack to the center of her bottom, which took her breath away momentarily. As he landed another smack, she squirmed across his desk. “We are going to make very sure of that when you are punished this afternoon,” Dr. Williams added sternly, cracking his hand down twice on her slightly pink bottom. “I have patients to see and you have work to do,” he reminded her, landing the hardest smacks of all to her sit spots, three to each side in quick succession. Melissa kicked her legs and yelped as each smack landed. When Dr. Williams released her, she stood quickly and rubbed her smarting butt.

  “Get yourself dressed and get back out on reception,” he told her sternly.

  With tears in her eyes, Melissa nodded as she pulled her panties over her sore bottom and lowered her skirt back into place. “I am sorry,” she said, touching her hand to his arm.

  Dr. Williams looked up at her, his brow furrowed. “You will be punished severely for your behavior,” he warned. “If you’re prepared to accept that punishment you will return here once the office closes today and we will discuss what is to happen to you. If you’ve had a change of heart after that little taste and you wish to leave, you may go now,” he added, before returning to some papers on his desk. “I am thoroughly ashamed of you.”

  “Dr. Williams, I’ll do anything to make it up to you, anything!” she told him.

  Dr. Williams looked up at her once more, amusement in his eyes. “Very well,” he smiled, “I’ll see you this afternoon. Let’s see if you can keep that promise.”

  Melissa rubbed her bottom once more and her cheeks flushed as she could still feel the sensation of both his finger and the thermometer in her rectum. Turning, she slowly walked out of his office and closed the door.

  With her head lowered, she approached the reception desk, her cheeks burning, knowing that Barbara would have heard her spanking and most likely knew exactly what Dr. Williams had been doing to her. She was certain they must have discussed it.

  Her cheeks flushed and she blinked back tears as Barbara stood up. Melissa was surprised when Barbara gave her a brief hug before stepping aside. Melissa’s eyes settled on the cushion on her chair and she winced as she turned around and sat down.

  “I am sorry,” she said, looking up at Barbara. “I really am.”

  Barbara nodded. “I’ll go and get you a coffee,” she kindly offered. “In the meantime you might want to think about your behavior and whether you want this job or not. There are plenty of other young ladies out there who would be glad to have the position,” Barbara told her sternly.

  Melissa nodded sadly. She had been a fool and she knew it. Her bottom still stung slightly and she was thoroughly humiliated by Dr. Williams’ treatment of her, but she had a suspicion things were about to get much worse—if of course she decided to stay. Shaking her head, she knew she had no other option.

  Barbara returned moments later and put a steaming mug of coffee and a couple of cookies on Melissa’s desk beside her.

  “Thank you,” Melissa said, looking up at Barbara. “I will…”

  Barbara raised a hand to stop her. “Save it for later, Melissa, we’ll talk then. I am very disappointed in you, I thought better of you.”

  Melissa put her head in her hands as Barbara walked away. “Oh, what have you done?” she asked herself. “You stupid, stupid girl,” she snapped, raising her head and suddenly smiling brightly as the door opened and the next patient entered the office.

  Melissa knew she would have to put a brave face on for the rest of the morning. After that she would have to face the music.

  Chapter Two

  The morning passed slowly for Melissa. Too slowly, she realized. It would be much better to get this over and done with and then she could relax once more. She hated feeling so tense, checking her watch every five minutes as she started to pray for 1 PM to arrive and then moments later changing her mind and hoping it would never come.

  She desperately wanted to close up for the day at which time she could beg Dr. Williams and Barbara’s forgiveness. She wished more than anything that he had actually finished punishing her and did not intend to do anything else so humiliating. She believed that she had been punished enough, she certainly felt very contrite and vowed to never be so foolish again, and she hoped that Dr. Williams agreed.

  Melissa sighed deeply. She guessed that if Dr. Williams intended to spank her once more, it was a small price to pay. She hoped that he might just be trying to scare her with the threat of further punishment, but a little voice in the back of her head kept telling
her that her punishment had barely even begun. She tried to block the voice out, but it became louder and more insistent as the morning passed. When the final patient left and Dr. Williams locked the doors and closed the blinds, Melissa rose to her feet and lowered her eyes

  “Come with me,” he told her sternly, walking into his office and sitting beside his wife.

  Melissa walked slowly toward them, anxiously chewing her lower lip, her hands clasped in front of her. She glanced at the empty chair, but as they had not invited her to sit down she stayed on her feet and lowered her gaze, paying close attention to the beige carpet, following the swirling pattern with her eyes. She had never noticed it before, but now she wished she could be pulled into one of the whirls and whisked away to some place nice.

  “Melissa,” snapped Dr. Williams.

  She raised her head and looked at him, wringing her hands as an expression of fear froze on her face. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “It won’t happen again. I promise.”

  Dr. Williams’ eyes remained fixed on her and he nodded solemnly. “It certainly will not happen again, otherwise you’ll be out the door immediately,” he told her. He shook his head as his eyes travelled up and down her body. Melissa felt the blush rising in her cheeks at his words and she squirmed, tensing her bottom cheeks as she recalled the humiliation of bending across his desk, her bottom bare as his hand briskly spanked her quivering cheeks. Her buttocks clenched tighter as she recalled his finger and also his thermometer invading her previously untouched anus. Whatever they were going to do to her, she sincerely wished they would just get on with it and let her go home.

  “So,” sighed Dr. Williams, “are you prepared to accept your punishment? You’ll be getting a proper spanking, of course, and a good deal more as well,” he stated, glancing over at Barbara with a smile. His wife nodded approvingly, returning his evil grin. “It’s the very least you deserve,” he added.

  Melissa took a deep breath and swallowed anxiously as her heart hammered against her chest. It would be horrible, but she would get over it, Melissa tried to convince herself as every bone in her body rebelled against a spanking from this man she held in such high esteem. Despite her reservations, she found herself nodding in agreement.

  “Give us a moment please,” Dr. Williams said to Melissa, standing up and walking through to his wife’s adjoining office. Barbara followed him, leaving Melissa standing alone in the doctor’s office. “I’ll do anything to make it up to you both, anything,” she called after them as the door was shut firmly behind them.

  * * *

  In the adjoining office, Barbara smiled wickedly as she approached her husband. “See, she’s desperate to put things right. I’m sure she’ll agree to almost anything,” she grinned, grabbing hold of his collars and pulling him toward her, kissing him deeply. Dr. Williams returned her kiss before reluctantly pulling away from his wife.

  “Do you think she’ll be up for it?” he asked, stopping to look at his wife, whose cheeks were flushed as she breathed deeply. She was clearly turned on at the thought of punishing this young woman, and Dr. Williams had to admit that probing their young receptionist’s bottom hole with his finger and spanking her firm butt cheeks had left him longing for more.

  Barbara smiled and nodded. “She’ll do anything to keep her job,” she told him, “and this is the perfect opportunity for us to engage in some very entertaining play,” she added with a sexy pout. Dr. Williams approached her and kissed her once more, groping her breasts through her snugly fitting dress and pinching her nipples. He watched with fascination as his wife threw her head back and gasped as he kneaded her full breasts.

  “It’s been a long time since we had a play mate,” she gasped, moaning with pleasure as her husband leaned forward, pulled her dress and bra aside, and sucked on her erect nipple.

  “Oh Ben,” she gasped, “later.”

  Dr. Williams kissed his wife briefly and smiled as he watched her straighten her clothing. His cock hardened as he thought of what he was going to do to her later. It had been a long time since they had stayed late at the office and played their kinky games there, and he was looking forward to it immensely.

  But first they had Melissa to deal with.

  * * *

  The office door opened and Melissa raised her head and looked imploringly at Dr. Williams. She opened her mouth to speak but he immediately held his hand up to silence her. “Melissa, you have disappointed us very much. If there is ever a repeat of this behavior, you will be dismissed immediately. There will be no more second chances. Do you understand?” he asked, his dark eyes boring into her.

  Melissa squirmed uncomfortably. “Yes, Dr. Williams.”

  “If you wish to stay…”

  “Oh but I do, more than anything…”

  “Silence!” he bellowed.

  Melissa nodded meekly and lowered her eyes. She breathed deeply, twisting her hands nervously as she waited for him to continue. She felt absolutely terrified, but it would not help matters if she made him even angrier by constantly interrupting him. She vowed to keep her mouth closed. She had never seen Dr. Williams so angry and she trembled under his stern gaze.

  “If you wish to stay,” he repeated, and this time Melissa silently nodded and kept her mouth shut, “you must submit to a very thorough medical examination. It will not be pleasant. It will be intended to humiliate you and ensure you think twice if you ever even consider shirking your responsibilities again. You will also be spanked on your bare bottom, hard.”

  Melissa gulped audibly and nodded once more. She tried to control her breathing as she felt a flush rising up her chest, neck and face. Even just the thought of what Dr. Williams planned to do to her was humiliating beyond belief. She could not imagine how bad the reality would be, but she knew she had no real choice in the matter. Losing her job was not an option.

  “You have let us down badly, and this punishment will show you just how disappointed we are, young lady,” Dr. Williams continued. “In misusing sick days, you have betrayed our trust. You’ve had some time to reflect on what happened to you earlier. Now you have a choice to make. What’s it to be?”

  Melissa trembled as she raised her head and looked at him, tears welling in her bright blue eyes.

  Dr. Williams shook his head. “I don’t want to see any tears,” he warned her, “not yet anyway.” Melissa shuddered as she wondered if indeed the spanking he intended to give her would bring her to tears. “Remember that you brought this on yourself,” Dr. Williams continued.

  Melissa nodded sadly and quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hands, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks.

  “Well?” Dr. Williams asked her. “What’s it to be?”

  Melissa nodded once more. “I am sorry,” she whispered. “I did let you both down. I guess I do deserve to be punished. I just want to keep my job, please,” she begged, looking up and feeling relief when the initial anger had left his eyes and he smiled at her.

  “You are free to leave at any time, Melissa. But please be aware that if you leave before your punishment is over, your employment with us will also be over,” he told her firmly.

  Melissa nodded in understanding, willing herself to get through the rest of the afternoon.

  “Very well, then we’ll begin,” he said, walking toward his desk and sitting down.

  Taking a deep breath, Melissa slowly walked toward him, her heart beating like jungle drums inside her chest and her stomach doing cartwheels. She was pleasantly surprised when Dr. Williams invited her to sit down beside him, took her wrist and checked her pulse. He also took her blood pressure, looked into her eyes, ears, and throat, and then put a thermometer into her mouth. She winced as she recalled the more embarrassing method of temperature reading he had adopted earlier and she hoped he would not be repeating that.

  He worked in silence, nodding as he wrote brief notes on a chart. Melissa glanced at the chart but even after a year at the practice she still had troub
le deciphering Dr. Williams’ handwriting. Even Barbara struggled at times, and Melissa allowed herself a small smile as she thought how sometimes even Dr. Williams had no idea what he had written. Remembering the seriousness of her situation, her smile quickly disappeared as Dr. Williams unfastened her top button. She gasped as the cold stethoscope touched her warm skin and she felt her pulse quicken as the attractive doctor leaned close to her and listened to her heart.

  She gazed at him—as she often did when she thought he was not looking—and blushed as she admired his square jaw and those full lips that she had imagined many times pressed against her own. She looked into his deep brown eyes, which reminded her of rich, velvety chocolate, but her daydreams were quickly shattered when he stared back at her and raised his eyebrows questioningly.

  Melissa immediately lowered her gaze and her blush deepened. “I’m so sorry I skipped work to spend time with my friends,” she said quickly, hoping to make him believe she had been looking at him so intently because she wanted to apologize. “I feel so guilty,” she added.

  Dr. Williams nodded. “So you should!” he scolded. “Now go through to Barbara’s office,” he told her. “We will conduct the rest of your examination—and your punishment—there.” Melissa cheeks flushed at the word ‘punishment’ and she jumped to her feet and started to re-button her blouse.

  “Don’t bother,” Dr. Williams told her. “Get in there and remove your blouse completely.” Melissa looked at him wide eyed. “Now!” barked Dr. Williams. Melissa nodded and scampered away from him and into his wife’s office.

  Whereas Dr. Williams had a lovely homely office, with calming beige and brown decoration, carpeting, and wallpaper, bookcases filled with medical books—in fact the only sign that it was a medical office was the small examination table in the corner of the room with a curtain around it—Barbara’s office was very clinical with white painted walls and tiled floors. Normally a white examination table was placed against the wall, but Melissa gazed at it as it now stood in the center of the room. She swallowed anxiously as she guessed that at least part of her examination would be carried out on that table. A few small metal chairs were placed around the room too.


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