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Melissa's Punishment Examination

Page 3

by Carole Archer

  Melissa looked at Barbara, who smiled sympathetically at her. “Be a good girl and this will be over soon,” she advised the trembling girl, who nodded sheepishly.

  “I’m so sorry,” Melissa stammered.

  “You will be sorry if you don’t do as you’re told,” boomed Dr. Williams’ deep voice from behind her as he slammed the door firmly. Melissa turned and looked at him, wondering what she had done wrong. “Melissa, I already told you to remove your blouse,” he reminded her.

  “I’m sorry,” whimpered Melissa, crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes widening with fear. “Please,” she begged.

  Dr. Williams sighed, crossed the room and opened the door. “You’re free to leave any time you wish. Please don’t waste my time if you don’t intend to go through with this.” He raised his eyebrows as he regarded her sternly. Melissa shook her head. She would not walk out. No matter how bad it got, she would not leave. She needed to be brave and she would prove that she could be.

  Dr. Williams closed the door again and walked toward her. “I’m going to count to ten. If your blouse is not off, I will spank you,” he warned. “One,” he said, lifting a finger in the air. “Two,” he added, flexing a second finger. Melissa watched mesmerized until he reached seven, at which point she quickly tore off her blouse. Barbara approached and took it from her, folding it neatly and putting it on a chair in the corner of the room.

  “Now remove your bra,” Dr. Williams told the terrified young woman.

  She shook her head as she took a backward step and crossed her arms over her chest once more. “Please let Barbara do this part,” she begged, stepping further away from him. “It’s embarrassing,” she whined.

  “It’s supposed to be,” snapped Dr. Williams, marching toward her and grasping her wrists firmly. “That is the point of a punishment. It isn’t supposed to be pleasant,” he sighed, shaking his head as he pulled her toward him, dragging her arms away from her chest. She blushed as she noticed his eyes were focused on her pert breasts, barely covered in the black lace half cup bra she had unfortunately chosen to wear that morning. She sincerely wished she had chosen something less sexy and more practical for work.

  Dr. Williams lifted his gaze to look at Melissa once more and she saw sheer determination to teach her a lesson in his face. He turned and dragged her across the room, and she squirmed desperately as he sat down on one of the chairs and tipped her across his lap. His hand landed hard on her bottom, the force of it driving the air out of her lungs. When he spanked her again, her body stiffened. “I’m sorry,” she yelled as he flipped up her short skirt. She yelped and squirmed as his hand cracked down several times on the seat of her black lace panties, warming her bottom.

  Melissa was grateful when he stopped after only a few more hard smacks and helped her to her feet. The spanking had not been too bad, she realized with relief, but her bottom cheeks tingled and she knew her face must be even redder than her backside.

  Dr. Williams stood her in front of him and looked into her face. Melissa bravely met his gaze and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  Dr. Williams nodded and sighed. “Melissa, you’re making this harder than it needs to be. Do you want to go home?”

  Melissa shook her head. “I’m sorry, I’ll try harder,” she promised earnestly.

  “Very well,” responded Dr. Williams. “Now put your hands on your head and keep them there while Barbara removes your bra,” he ordered, smiling at her as she complied. As Barbara unfastened the catch and lifted the cups above her breasts, Melissa’s cheeks reddened. She watched the doctor’s eyes drop to her now bare breasts and she lowered her arms to assist Barbara in removing her bra. Once the bra was fully off, Barbara told her to put her hands back on her head and Melissa immediately obeyed.

  Melissa held her breath as Dr. Williams remained in his seat and reached out to touch her nipples. She winced and twisted her body away from him before yelping in pain as he smacked her thigh sharply.

  “Straddle across me,” he ordered. Melissa’s mouth dropped open in shock and she glanced over her shoulder as Barbara gently nudged her forward. Melissa stood with her legs wide apart and inched forward, awkwardly maneuvering herself onto Dr. Williams’ lap. She tried to relax as she straddled the doctor, facing him and wrapping her arms around his neck to prevent her from toppling from his lap, but when she felt his rapidly hardening cock pressing into her Melissa squirmed, leaning backwards and desperately trying to move away from the large bulge in his trousers. The more she wriggled in an attempt to escape, the harder he pressed into her.

  Without warning Dr. Williams pinched both of her nipples firmly and she gasped loudly. As she leaned backwards, trying to get away from him, she realized that Barbara was now kneeling behind her. She took hold of Melissa’s wrists and pulled her arms behind her back as Dr. Williams rolled her nipples between his finger and thumb, the sharp pain making her yelp.

  “Feel how hard her nipples are, Barbara,” he exclaimed, releasing her breasts. Melissa sighed, gasping loudly once more as Barbara let go of her wrists, reached around her, and pinched her nipples even harder. She released them and Melissa squirmed in discomfort as Dr. Williams took one of her tender buds in his mouth and sucked it firmly, chewing down on it and making her whimper in pain.

  As Dr. Williams tugged on her nipple with his teeth, her eyes widened in shock when she realized that Barbara had taken her other nipple in her mouth and was sucking it gently. Melissa jumped as a hand went up her skirt and fingers slipped inside her panties and into her soaking wet pussy.

  “Oh Ben, I think she’s enjoying this,” laughed Barbara. “Feel how wet she is!”

  Melissa let out a moan of sheer horror as Dr. Williams’ hand joined his wife’s in her panties. Both sets of fingers probed her wet sex and she squirmed in humiliation at her arousal. “Noooo!” she wailed as her body ignored her protests and her pussy clamped around the finger that slipped inside.

  Never in her wildest dreams had Melissa imagined that her fantasies of the doctor playing with her breasts would ever become reality, but now that it was actually happening, Melissa realized she couldn’t be more unhappy about it. She squirmed in protest, squeezing her eyes tightly closed as her pussy responded to the doctor’s—or was it Barbara’s—touch. She struggled more at the thought of a woman touching her down there. It felt so wrong to her, yet her body continued to respond and she could feel herself growing wetter still.

  Melissa whimpered gratefully as the hands moved out of her panties and their mouths and fingers left her breasts alone. She breathed deeply as she was helped to her feet.

  “Remove your skirt, Melissa,” ordered Dr. Williams. She looked at his stern expression, lowered her gaze to the visible bulge in his trousers, and slowly unbuttoned her skirt, dropping it to the floor. She stepped out of it, picked it up and crossed the room to place it on top of her blouse. She turned back toward the doctor and as a gesture of compliance and submission to his will, Melissa took a deep breath, her body shuddering as she raised her trembling arms and put her hands on her head. She pushed her shoulders back and slowly crossed the room toward him, hoping that her co-operation might make the rest of her punishment less embarrassing and not quite so painful. Deep down, though, Melissa knew that her ordeal was just getting started.

  Chapter Three

  Melissa tried to control her breathing as she tentatively approached Dr. Williams, who remained seated. She glanced down at herself and her blush deepened as her eyes took in her naked breasts. Apart from the flimsy black panties that barely covered her, she was only wearing black high heeled shoes. As she awkwardly covered the short distance across the room to Dr. Williams, she raised her eyes once more to look at him. She blushed as she focused on his smile, and his eyes that seemed to be taking in every inch of her flesh. She lowered her arms in an attempt to cover herself, but Dr. Williams locked his gaze on hers and shook his head, his lips pursed firmly.

  Melissa’s hands were immediately on top of her
head once more and she gazed into his lap as he patted it and smiled invitingly to her. She stepped to his side and looked at him, eyes pleading. “I’m sorry, Dr. Williams, truly I am.”

  Dr. Williams ignored her pleading and patted his lap again. “Bend across my lap now,” he ordered. Melissa closed her eyes, lowered her arms and leaned forward, resting her hands on his thighs. “All the way over,” he told her, pressing a hand down into the small of her back. Melissa gasped as she slumped across his lap and her feet left the floor, leaving her legs dangling behind her and her arms outstretched in front of her.

  Melissa screwed her eyes shut as the doctor started to caress her bottom, patting gently and squeezing the base of her buttocks that peeked out from underneath her skimpy panties. His palm cracked down hard on her left cheek. She cried out as he delivered a firm spank to her other cheek and as he continued to spank her firmly, Melissa buried her face in her hands, humiliated beyond belief. She began to squirm as the spanks heated up the tender flesh of her bottom, and Melissa was horrified to feel the doctor’s cock hardening beneath her again. She was grateful when his hand stilled and he patted her ass gently, giving her a brief respite from her ordeal.

  “Melissa, take your panties down,” Dr. Williams ordered

  “Oh no, please!” begged Melissa, shaking her head and reaching back to cup her butt cheeks protectively. Her current state of dress left little to the imagination, but the thought of losing the last of her clothing apart from her shoes sent a chill down her spine.

  Dr. Williams sighed deeply and smacked the back of Melissa’s thigh sharply. Melissa yelped and as tears sprung to her eyes she reached down to sooth her stinging flesh. As her hand moved instinctively to protect her injured thigh, Dr. Williams moved equally quickly and she felt him grip her panties firmly and tug them in a downward motion. Knowing that her actions would only make things worse, Melissa still frantically grabbed at her panties, resulting in a tug of war between herself and the doctor. Dr. Williams quickly won the fight and as he yanked her panties firmly, Melissa was left holding a torn piece of fabric. “You silly girl,” he sighed, “now look what you’ve done.”

  Melissa glanced over her shoulder and looked at the remains of her panties dangling from his hand, then released her grip on the small piece of material she still held and watched it drop to the floor. She shook her head in horror as Dr. Williams closed his eyes, held the tattered piece of fabric in his hand up to his nose and inhaled deeply. Melissa gazed open mouthed, barely able to believe that her boss was doing such a thing.

  Melissa tore her eyes away just in time to watch as Barbara crossed the room and then placed a tray on the table beside Dr. Williams. He took a latex glove from a box and pulled it slowly onto his hand. As he dipped his finger into a jar of Vaseline, Melissa closed her eyes and lowered her head. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, as she felt hands on her bare bottom. The hands were small and Melissa guessed that Barbara was assisting her husband with the examination.

  “Spread your legs and raise your bottom,” Dr. Williams said, clearing his throat as Melissa immediately complied. Barbara put her hands at the center of Melissa’s bottom and slowly pulled her cheeks apart. Melissa squirmed as she felt the cool air of the room on her exposed anus and realized how vulnerable she was. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, just as Dr. Williams’ finger slipped into her tight bottom hole. As he pressed deeper, Melissa kicked her legs and struggled desperately. “Please stop, I’ve had enough!” she yelled.

  Dr. Williams removed his finger and Barbara released her. “We’ll be sorry to see you leave us,” said Barbara sadly, “but it’s your choice. We won’t force you to do anything against your will.”

  Melissa sighed and shook her head. “I don’t want to go. I’m just finding this a little… embarrassing.”

  “Melissa, try to relax,” Dr. Williams said calmly as he raised his knee, tipping her further forward. Her cheeks were parted once more and his finger again invaded her tight anus. She moaned as he thrust his finger deep into her bottom. He removed his finger just as quickly. “I’m going to take your temperature now,” he told her, slipping the end of the thermometer into her rectum. It was too much and Melissa fought desperately once more.

  Dr. Williams sighed deeply and handed the displaced thermometer to his wife. “You are being so naughty,” Dr. Williams scolded, gripping Melissa firmly around the waist and smacking his gloved hand down onto her upturned bottom. Melissa yelled loudly and kicked her legs hard. She continued to kick as he delivered a very sharp spanking to her bare backside, also landing a few smacks on her thighs.

  “I’m sorry, I’ll be good,” yelled Melissa tearfully as the sting in her bottom built to an uncomfortable level. A few more smacks landed before Dr. Williams stopped spanking her, and Melissa whimpered when he immediately thrust his finger into her anus again, probing her for a while before finally withdrawing, to Melissa’s great relief.

  Barbara once more held her butt cheeks apart and Melissa yelled in shock as the doctor’s hand smacked her right on her exposed anus. She tried to push up but Dr. Williams held her down in position. Barbara was holding her cheeks firmly apart and Melissa’s squirming was only making Barbara’s sharp nails dig into her tender flesh, so she finally decided to settle down. Dr. Williams’ hand smacked down three more times on Melissa’s exposed bottom hole and she whimpered after each smack, grasping frantically at the chair legs to prevent her reaching back and interfering with this agony, which she feared would only get worse if she continued to resist.

  When the spanking mercifully stopped, Melissa lay still, her buttocks spread, and she froze as the end of the thermometer once more slid into her bottom hole. “Take a deep breath in,” Dr. Williams told her. Melissa filled her lungs with air. “Now breathe out slowly,” he said. As Melissa released the breath, her body relaxed and she felt the thermometer slide deep into her rectum. “Good girl,” Dr. Williams encouraged, “that’s a good girl.”

  Dr. Williams’ comforting words helped Melissa to relax, but as he gripped the thermometer and twirled it inside her bottom she squirmed, wondering how bad this could possibly get before her bosses decided that she had learned her lesson. As far as she was concerned, she already had. Melissa knew without a doubt that she would never skip work again.

  She allowed herself to relax and hope it was almost over when the thermometer was slid out of her bottom, but it was immediately put back inside her. Since everyone knew that there was nothing wrong with Melissa, she guessed they were just trying to prolong her ordeal. She did her best to relax and tried to get comfortable with the long thin wand penetrating her most private place.

  “What a splendid idea that was,” Dr. Williams praised his wife.

  Melissa raised her head and twisted her body, trying to see what they were doing. Immediately she felt Dr. Williams press against the thermometer and she yelped with shock as a jet of water squirted into her rectum. “Noooo!” she yelled, realizing too late that it was not a thermometer in her bottom anymore but the nozzle of a small, disposable enema.

  “What a splendid idea,” he repeated, patting Melissa’s bottom. “A good cleanout will increase her shame. It’ll also make her rectal exam easier.”

  Melissa shuddered as she realized that Dr. Williams intended to penetrate her anus once more with his finger. She found this worse than the spanking or anything else he had done to her so far as she had never had a finger inside there before—for either sexual or medical reasons. As she fretted about having to cope with the humiliating examination, Melissa’s bowels churned and she begged to be allowed to use the toilet.

  “Get me a plug,” Dr. Williams requested of his wife, one arm wrapped around the squirming girl across his lap, his other hand pressing on the base of the enema syringe. Barbara walked across the room and Melissa tried to focus on her footsteps rather than the strange sensations in her stomach. When Barbara returned, Melissa gasped as the syringe was pulled quickly out of her bottom.

t me do it,” said Barbara, excitement evident in her voice, and Melissa felt the doctor release his grip on her waist. He took her buttocks in his hands and pulled them apart.

  “Relax,” he told her, as he held her bottom cheeks crudely spread open.

  “Don’t relax too much,” Barbara laughed. “We don’t want you having an embarrassing accident,” she added as she pressed something hard into Melissa’s bottom. It was the same width as Dr. Williams’ finger, but it was rigid and Melissa squirmed as it was eased slowly into her bottom.

  Dr. Williams laughed along with his wife. “No, we don’t want any embarrassing accidents.” Melissa’s cheeks reddened at the thought of not making it to the toilet and she clenched her butt cheeks tightly around the object that plugged her.

  “If you release your enema before you’re given permission,” Dr. Williams scolded, landing a smack on each cheek, “you’ll get another enema and you’ll be spanked for fifteen minutes while you hold it. Do you understand, young lady?”

  “Yes,” squealed Melissa, squirming as he gave her bottom a few more sharp smacks.

  “Go and stand in the corner,” he ordered, helping her to her feet. Melissa felt flustered when she rose to her feet and it took a moment before she felt able to walk. She glanced at Dr. Williams and her cheeks reddened with humiliation as she stood before him in nothing more than her shoes, with an enema swirling around inside her belly and a plug pushed firmly up her ass. Melissa turned her back to him quickly and stepped into the corner, grateful to hide her face from them both.

  As Melissa waited in the corner, she shuffled anxiously. The enema was starting to work and she was not sure how long she could hold on to it. She did not dare to ask permission to go to the toilet for fear of what her employers would do to her, and she clutched her hands over her tummy anxiously and clenched her cheeks around the plug lodged inside her bottom hole.


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