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Safe and Coasting with Ecstasy [The Heroes of Silver Island 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Tonya Ramagos

  He wrestled with the urge to quiz her more about that low-life, but decided to let it go for now. “Where did you go next?”

  Her face contorted in an expression that made him laugh. “Home. All those years of bouncing around, following my dream of getting out of that small town and living it up in the big city, and I ended up back at home.”

  A few of her hairs had fallen into her face and he pushed them back behind her ear. “You can take the girl out of the small town, but you can’t take the small town out of the girl?”

  “Something like that. I still didn’t want to stay there, but it was Christmas and the first one in years that Dad didn’t have to be on the road. We spent the holidays together and then I started deciding where I would go next. The company my father works for called him in to make a short run to Silver Springs. While he was there, he heard about Kenneth and Marcus and what they were doing to the island. He came back and told me about it. I thought it was beyond cool the way they were developing it for the sole purpose of giving people in ménage relationships a place where they could live or visit without ridicule. Then I saw the ad for the job at the Welcoming Center. Me, being the customer service chicky I am, applied and got it.” She shrugged. “I figured I’d stay on the island a couple of months while I made up my mind where I wanted to go, but I felt something the moment I stepped off the boat.”

  “Sunlight, a warm breeze, the sand between your toes…”

  “Ah, you think you’re being cute, but I did feel all of that. It wasn’t what made me stay, though. Have you ever gotten that sixth sense feeling that you’re right where you belong?”

  “Yeah,” he said, his voice a little thick to his own ears. He’d felt it more than once, every time he got close to her. Just like now, sitting in his boat, floating on the water with her in his lap, he knew he was right where he belonged.

  She lifted a shoulder. “Then you understand why I stayed. I love the island, the people, the scenery, the whole nine yards. It’s like I found my place, found myself, as soon as I came to it.”

  And it doesn’t bother you that you’re surrounded by people in ménage relationships and you aren’t one of them?

  He didn’t put voice to that question, though a similar one had been bouncing around in his mind since he’d seen her with Mett last night. Was that what she was hoping would happen between the three of them, that he and Mett would share her? Mett was more than his half-brother. He was his best friend. They’d shared nearly everything their whole lives.

  Except for a woman.

  No, they’d never even considered sharing that, even when they found themselves attracted to the same woman. Sometimes they’d both go after her and sometimes they wouldn’t, but one of them had always backed off in the end.

  As he gazed into Kimberly’s eyes, the idea of ever walking away from her had something tightening in his chest. He wasn’t in love with her. He couldn’t be. He’d just met her two days ago, for Pete’s sake. Still, he already knew what was happening between them was turning into an affair he wouldn’t be able to walk away from without being destroyed.

  He skimmed one hand up her side, cupped the side of her neck with his other hand, and pulled her face closer to his. “I’m glad you intend to stay on the island. I’d be listed as AWOL if I had to chase after you all over the country and that wouldn’t look very good on my military record.”

  * * * *

  Kimberly’s laugh turned to a moan as Charlie kissed her. Sweet mother of hormones, the man could kiss. He had a way of taking control the moment his tongue pushed between her lips that demanded her surrender in the tastiest of ways. His hand slid from the side of her neck to her nape. His fingers laced in his hair and fisted as he voraciously ravaged her mouth, his tongue driving inside, tangling with hers, and greedily taking all he wanted.

  She shifted on his lap, turning more toward him, and felt the impressively large bulge of his cock press against her butt cheek. A low-rumbling growl left his throat, his hand on her side pushing between their bodies to cover her breast.

  She arched her chest into his hand as he squeezed her breast, rolling it in pressured massages in his palm. Her nipple beaded and pulsed, her flesh burning to feel his hand on her naked breast. As if he could feel her desperation, he moved his hand down, shoved it beneath the hem of her sweatshirt, and pushed the cup of her bra up as he palmed her breast again.

  His hand was hard and sure as he fondled her breast, flicked the tip of his thumb over her pebbled nipple, and then caught it between his thumb and the side of his hand in a pressured squeeze. She moaned into his mouth as he continued to devour her, igniting a need deep in her soul she knew could not be denied. Only when she managed to wedge a hand between their bodies, turn it, and cup his cock through his jeans did he break the kiss. He wrenched his mouth from hers, gazed at her through heavy-lidded eyes, and growled.

  “There’s a sentence for doing something like that,” he told her, his voice thick and husky.

  She smiled, remembering their conversation on the patrol boat the day they’d met when he’d called her on checking him out. “Hmm, I’m thinking it’s a bit stiffer than the sugar sentence we endured the last time.” She framed his cock with her fingers, stroked it through the denim, and moaned. “Definitely stiffer.”

  He released her hair, pushed his hand between her legs, and palmed her pussy. “Damn it, Kimberly. I want you.” He caressed her pussy through her jeans. “I want this. I want to be inside this.”

  She nuzzled her face in the side of his neck, nipped his lobe, and then whispered in his ear. “You’ve already asked me out.” And there was no way she was going to stop him this time. She couldn’t. She wanted him with an exotic passion that defied all reason. She’d never experienced a reaction to a man this strong, this violent, or this demanding. Except when you’re around Mett. “What are you waiting for?”

  He looked away from her as his gaze scanned the empty waters around them. “Here?”

  Kimberly grinned, scooted down his lap to give herself room, and reached with both hands to unfasten his jeans. “Here. Unless you’re worried the cold might have an adverse effect on the early Christmas present I’m unwrapping.”

  He looked back at her, tongue in cheek. “Early Christmas present, huh?” His hand was still on her breast, the other still between her legs, and he gave both her girly parts a squeeze of attention that had her momentarily losing her focus. “Baby, you’re so hot we could be in Alaska right now and not an inch of me would get cold.”

  “Is that so?” She knew she was wet. She’d soaked her panties practically the moment he’d touched her and the juices hadn’t stopped flowing. She pushed her hand into his pants and grabbed hold of his thick cock, feeling it soften infinitesimally as he shivered. She swirled her thumb over the head leaking with pre-cum and felt his shaft harden to stone. “Hmm, I guess you’re right.”

  “Christ.” He let out a laugh, followed by a pleasured moan as she stroked as much of his length as she could reach given the tightness of his jeans and her position on his lap. “Keep toying with me, baby, and you’re going to get it hard and fast.”

  She nipped his lower lip, enjoying the obvious effect she was having on him. “Maybe I want it hard and fast.”

  His hands closed on her waist. He lifted her off his lap and stood her in front of him as he got up with her. A wave crashed into the boat, causing it to rock, and she latched her hands onto his biceps, feeling her eyes grow wide even as a short laugh escaped her lips.

  “If we capsize, there’s going to be an adverse effect on both of us.”

  “It’ll take a far more powerful wave than that to make us capsize, baby.”

  He was right. The boat had already steadied out again. She let go of his biceps as he bent forward and pushed his jeans down his legs. Then his hands were back on her, working the button and zipper of her jeans free. He peeled them down her hips, catching the string of her panties, and taking them down, too.

d, okay, it was really cold. She started to shiver when the chill of the air came in contact with her bare flesh. Determined not to be deterred by Mother Nature, she flattened a hand on his shoulder, using him for balance, as she toed off one shoe and pulled that foot out of the pant leg.

  “Fuck,” Charlie breathed. “I wish I could see you, really see you right now.” His hands returned to her waist as he sat back down on the bench, sucking a startled breath through his teeth as his bare ass came in contact with the seat.

  “Next time.” Kimberly hoped he could hear the promise in her tone and prayed there would be a next time for them. She carefully shuffled her feet forward, widening her stance to straddle his lap, and lowered her pussy onto his cock.

  Her head fell back, her eyes closing on a ragged moan as her inner muscles parted and stretched to accommodate the thickness of his cock. With each inch her body welcomed, she knew this one time with him would never be enough.

  His fingers dug into her hips as she slowly lowered her body until he was balls deep inside her. “Kimberly, baby, God, you’re so tight.”

  “It’s been a while,” she admitted breathlessly as she lifted her hips and slowly lowered them again, letting his cock nearly slip out of her sodden channel before taking it inside her fully once more. Her head fell forward as she fought the need to ride him with the reckless abandon her body was demanding. She wanted to slam her body down on his cock over and over again until they both scream loud enough for the residents on Silver Island and those in Silver Springs could hear them, but she wasn’t sure she could handle riding his massive cock that way just yet.

  “How long?” he asked through gritted teeth.

  Kimberly lifted her head to look at him. In the pale moonlight with his face contorted in concentration and his eyes darkened by passion, he looked ten times more dangerous, more forceful, and god help her, more appealing than ever. “Months.” Her breath hitched as he used his hold on her hips to take control of her movements, lifting her and pulling her back down onto his cock faster than she had been doing. “Before I moved to the island.”

  Something moved through his eyes that looked suspiciously like a mix of satisfaction and relief and he nodded once before he settled balls deep inside her and used his hold on her to rock her back and forth. The movement ground her clit against his pelvis even as it allowed his cockhead to graze over a spot deep inside her no other man had ever found.

  She let her head fall forward again, turned it into him, and opened her mouth, closing her lips around the muscle bulging in the side of his neck. She nipped and licked his flesh as lifted her body off his cock and yanked her down harder than before.

  “Look at me,” he hissed as he settled into a brisk rhythm that proved her body could take his enormous cock and ride of the pleasure of it after all. “I want to see you know who is inside you right now.”

  Kimberly pulled back, barely able to keep her eyes open as intense ecstasy grew claws in her womb. She locked her gaze with his as he controlled everything, her body, her mind, and her soul. He increased the rhythm to a driving beat, his gaze never leaving hers as their breaths quickened and sweat trickled down their bodies.

  “The sentence,” he panted, his jaw clenched in concentration. “It doesn’t end here.”

  The authority in his voice sent a wicked thrill racing through her system. “I don’t want it to.”

  “You’re mine, Kimberly. I’ve known it from the first moment I saw you.”

  Her heart stilled. She’d known it, too, but to tell him that she belonged only to him would be a lie, wouldn’t it? She couldn’t say it when Mett had been occupying as much of her mind as Charlie.

  “Mine,” he growled again and pistoned his hips up, and at the same time he pulled her body down, driving his cock even deeper inside her pussy.

  She couldn’t hold his gaze anymore, couldn’t keep her eyes open as sheer pleasure consumed her. Every muscle tightened, preparing to release the orgasm already trying to claw its way free. “Charlie, oh god, oh god, I’m going to…”

  “Come for me, Kimberly. Now,” he commanded. “Let me feel your juices run all over my cock and balls baby.”

  His erotic words did it. She couldn’t have held her release back if she’d wanted to. A strangled scream left her throat as raking fingers of pleasure, pain, sharp sensations, and fiery explosions tore through her and ripped out of her. Somehow, she managed to open her eyes through it all in time to see his face contort with his own release. An animalistic growl rumbled from his throat as he spewed his seed inside her.

  * * * *

  Mett stopped in the street, adjusted the small duffle on his shoulder, and studied the car and cottage in front of him. The woman he’d met on the main drag had told him to look for the faded black Chevy Corsica parked outside a baby-blue cottage. She’d told him Kimberly was the only one on the island with that combination, so he figured this had to be the place.

  He stifled a chuckle as he scanned the yard. How Kimberly had managed to squeeze so many holiday decorations in the matchbox space was beyond him. Inflatable replicas of every Christmas character known to man stared into the street with wide smiles plastered to their faces, some with their hands waving in the air. Lights circled the two tree trunks and snaked into the branches, where more strands in ice cycle shapes hung from the leaves. She’d gone more overboard than Charlie had done with the patrol boat, making the place look like a child’s Christmas fantasy.

  He shot a sidelong look at the car as he headed up the drive. Though faded and out of date, it was obvious the car had been well taken care of. An envelope tucked beneath the windshield wiper on the driver’s side caught his attention as he walked by. He considered leaving it, but plucked it from the windshield instead and absently shoved it in the outside pocket of the duffle as he continued to the front door. He might as well deliver it along with the goodies he’d brought her at the same time.

  He took the steps to the cozy front porch two at a time, knocked when he didn’t see a button for the doorbell, and rocked back on his heels to wait. The soft singing drifting from inside that got louder as he heard footsteps approaching brought a smile to his face.

  “I saw mommy kissing—” Kimberly’s singing came to an abrupt halt when she opened the door to find him standing there. Surprise flashed through her eyes and then a slow, sultry smile unfolded on her lips. “Well, hello, Santa Clause.”

  Mett bit back a grin. “If I remember the lyrics to that song correctly, I think you just added a couple of words in that don’t belong.”

  Her gaze instantly dropped to his mouth and the memory of her kissing him two nights before sped through his mind in vivid Technicolor. “Yeah, I guess I did.” Her gaze lifted to meet his, her eyes sparkling with heat and mischief. “But I had to say hello before”—she closed the distance between them, rose to her tiptoes, and brushed a soft kiss to his lips—”I did that.”

  Tingles exploded on his lips, sending fiery embers racing through his system and making his extremities sizzle. He resisted the urge to pull her against him and turn that soft kiss into a whole lot more. It was a bad idea. He’d come here to deliver the cornbread dressing he’d promised her. That was it. Nothing more. At least that’s what he’d been attempting to convince himself all day.

  She stepped back, grabbed his hand, and pulled him through the doorway. “Come on in. You can put the angel on top of the tree for me. I was headed to the kitchen for a chair to stand in when I heard you knock, but you’re tall enough you won’t need a chair.”

  “You’re still decorating?” It took him a moment to find the tree among all the other cheerful clutter. Candles were scattered about every available flat surface on top of red or green clothes. Figurines sat between the candles and a couple of monkeys wearing elf hats danced and clapped merrily in the center of the coffee table. Wrapped boxes were stacked to create stands for more collectibles and a cardboard Mickey Mouse stood at the end of the sofa.

  She giggled and let
go of his hand as she closed the door and then walked to the Christmas tree he finally spotted in front of the front window. “The angel is the last of it. I promise. I would’ve had her on the tree already, but I had to get a new one.” She picked up a box from the floor, pulled out a Minnie Mouse dressed in red, with white cotton outlining the hat and suit and wings spanning from her back, and handed it to him.

  Amused, Mett moved to the tree and shot her a look over his shoulder. “Should I position her to face Mickey over there?”

  She glanced at Mickey, looked at the tree, and nodded. “Yep. That’ll work perfectly. So what’s in the bag?” she asked as Mett secured Minnie to the tree and stepped back.

  “Dinner.” As if on cue, a Christmas coo-coo clock with a Tweety Bird dressed as Santa chirped five times. “That is if you don’t mind eating early.”

  “Nope, I’m starving! And, after we finish whatever you brought, I’ll feed you a cookie for dessert.”

  Mett had noted the scent of something baking when he’d walked in. “What kind of cookie?”

  She walked backward toward the kitchen. “Chocolate with peanut butter reindeer in the center.”

  “You’ve got to love Pillsbury’s great ideas,” he said, tongue in cheek.

  She stopped and planted her fisted hands on her hips as she glared at him. “I can’t get anything by you, can I?”

  “Not in the kitchen, sweetheart.” He walked around her, hefted the duffle on the counter, and started unloading the contents. He glanced at the oven and noted the temperature. “How long before your cookies are finished?”

  She joined him at the counter, leaned a hip against it, and stretched her neck to peer into the duffle. “Ten to twelve minutes.”


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