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Safe and Coasting with Ecstasy [The Heroes of Silver Island 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Tonya Ramagos

  “That should be long enough to heat this back up.” She lunged for the baking pan as he removed the foil and he twisted, moving it out of her reach.

  “Oh, my God. You brought me cornbread dressing, didn’t you?”

  He winked at her as he shoved the pan on the bottom rack of the oven. “Missing ingredient included.”

  She crossed her arms and thrust her chin in the air. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  He chuckled. “You’re supposed to be.” He unwrapped the sides he’d brought as he set them on the counter and smacked her hand when she snagged a deviled egg off one of the plates. “No sampling.”

  She waggled her brows and shoved the egg half in her mouth. “So, how did you know where to find me?”

  It took him a second to translate her words around the deviled egg she was still chewing. “I stopped by the Welcome Center first. The attendant said you’d already finished your shift, so I went for a walk down the main drag. A woman there, I think she said her name was Arie or something like that, stopped me and told me where you live.”

  Kimberly nodded and licked her fingers. “That would have been Arianrhod. A lot of people call her Arie for short.”

  Mett shrugged. “She seemed to know I was looking for you, though I didn’t tell her.”

  She smacked her lips. “Yeah, Arie is, um, a witch, if you believe in that sort of thing. I never really have, but the woman seems to know things. Her mother is of Welsh ancestry and she named Arie and her sister Cerridwen after Welsh goddesses.”

  “Are you saying they got more than their names from the Welsh goddesses?”

  She pushed off the counter, pulled two glasses from the top cabinet by the fridge, and set to pouring them a glass of wine. “Some people on the island think so. Arie has been known to be right about some predictions, I guess you would call them.”

  “There really are some eclectic people on this island, aren’t there?”

  She grinned at him as she passed him a glass of wine. “Oh, you haven’t stumbled across our nudist colony yet.”

  Mett nearly choked. “There’s a nudist colony?”

  Her eyes twinkled with laughter. “On the far end of the island. The sheriff makes them put on clothes when they venture into town, but they’re bare and free in their own area.”

  “Wow, and here I thought the island was just a place for people in ménage relationships.”

  “Kenneth and Marcus Winters and their wife Charlotte founded it for that purpose, but it’s here for anyone with an open mind.”

  Mett couldn’t help but wonder if his mind was open enough to be on the island. Sure, he didn’t see anything wrong with people living their lives however they wished to live them as long as they weren’t hurting anyone else. Still, the idea of being a nudist or sharing a woman with another man just didn’t compute in his own life.

  “So, how did I do?” he asked minutes later when they’d settled at the small kitchen table to eat. He propped his elbows on the table and laced his fingers over his plate, watching and listening as Kimberly made sounds and faces of sheer pleasure that sent his mind reeling straight to a darkened bedroom and rumpled sheets.

  “It’s perfect!” She pointed to the cornbread dressing with her fork. “This is exactly how mom used to make it.”

  Mett lifted a brow. “Then you’re impressed?”

  She giggled as she shoved another bit into her mouth. “Oh, yeah. I’m definitely impressed.”

  * * * *

  Kimberly watched as an expression of pure satisfaction overtook Mett’s handsome face.

  He straightened and finally lifted his fork. “Then my mission is accomplished.”

  “Why did you do it?”

  His hand froze halfway to his mouth and he gave her a confused look. “Do what?”

  She pointedly stabbed her fork into the dressing. “This. You could’ve told Charlie what he’d done wrong and he would’ve made another batch. Instead, you made it yourself and brought it to me.”

  He held her gaze and the look in his eyes stopped her heart. “I wanted to be the one to bring that smile to your face.”

  Her mouth went dry as her heart started to beat again, now at a far more rapid pace. She lifted her wine glass to her lips and studied him over the rim as she sipped. “Would you have done it for anyone?”

  A smile played at the corner of his lips as he went back to eating. “That’s a trick question.”

  “Oh?” She narrowed her eyes at him. “How so?”

  “If I say yes, then it will make you feel less special.”

  “And if you say no?”

  “Let’s just say that I believe it’s a man’s job to put every smile on a good woman’s face that he can manage, even if it only takes something as simple as cornbread dressing to put it there.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve said something to me about making a woman happy.”

  “Women deserve to be happy.” The inflection in his tone was so convinced and serious she didn’t think his belief came from merely how he was raised. There had to be more to it.

  “Why is it so important to you?”

  He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and set down his fork. He looked away, as if going through a mental battle with himself about whether or not to answer her honestly, and then met her gaze again. “How much has Charlie told you about our childhood?”

  “Nothing. We talked about my childhood more than his.”

  Mett nodded. “It’s not something either of us talks about often.”

  Kimberly hated the grim line that had set in his lips and the pain she saw shadowing his eyes. She wanted him smiling again, wanted the heat and sparkle back in his eyes, but whatever had taken that away was what obviously made the man tick. She wanted to know that even more.

  “Will you talk about it with me?”

  He pushed to his feet, snagged the bottle of wine off the counter, and topped off their glasses. “My mother’s first husband was a piece of work.” He glanced at her as he returned to his seat. “A very shitty, violent, fucked up piece of work. He was supposed to be my mother’s high school sweetheart. That changed on their wedding night. She was barely seventeen.”

  “He beat her?” Kimberly guessed in a horrified whisper.

  Mett nodded and his gaze dropped to the wine glass hugged in his large hand. “That was his way of consummating the marriage. He swore if she ever tried to leave, he would find her. If she told anyone, he would kill her and whoever she told.”

  “He made her too afraid to try.” God, Kimberly had heard similar stories about abused women. She’d even been afraid in Hollywood when she’d found herself the victim of an abusive man. She hadn’t admitted it to Charlie the other night, but for the first time in her life, she’d fled a city looking over her shoulder. She probably would’ve stayed in Hollywood if it hadn’t been for Mack Snider and the fear he’d instilled in her.

  “It went on for almost three years and then she got pregnant,” Mett went on as if he hadn’t heard her speak. “He stopped beating her after that. He was smart enough to know he couldn’t and not get caught with her under constant medical care. The doctor would’ve seen the bruises. She got eight months of peace before he beat her again. That time, he nearly killed her and me. I don’t know the full story about how she managed to get away from him and get to the hospital. I only know she did and the staff brought in the police. She pressed charges and they put her under protection. She got a restraining order and she stayed in the hospital until I was born. As fate would have it, the night she had me, he went on a drunken binge at a local bar. He got into a fight, beat the guy to death, fled the scene, and caused an accident that killed the driver and injured a ten year old child.”

  “Oh, God.” Needing to be closer to him, wanting to offer him whatever comfort she could, Kimberly scooted her chair around the table until she sat next to him and reached for his hand.

  He finally met her gaze, his eyes swirling with a turmoil that he put
to voice. “I’ve toyed with that since I found out what happened. I didn’t know any of it until I was twelve. I didn’t even know Buster Walsh existed. That was the name of the man who provide the sperm that helped create me.”

  He didn’t say that was his father and she could clearly understand why. It was hard to believe a man like that’d had anything at all to do with making a man like Mett Doyle.

  “Charlie and I were digging through old boxes. I don’t even remember what we were looking for, but we stumbled across the police reports, the legal papers, and stuff. My heart goes out to the people he killed.”

  “But if he hadn’t done it, you and your mother might not have ever gotten away from him alive.”

  “Yeah,” he said gruffly. “Two innocent lives were taken so that her life and mine could be spared. No woman should ever have to live through the things she did. No woman should ever have to know that kind of fear.”

  “She found happiness, though, didn’t she?”

  His lips twitched in the first hint of a smile since he’d started telling her his story. “She met Charlie’s father, my father.” The emphasis he put on the word spoke of how solidly he believed that. “Charles Doyle. I was two when she met him. It took him months to get her to trust him enough to let him get close to her, but he didn’t give up. He finally convinced her to marry him and Charlie was born shortly after.”

  “Now they’ve been together, for what, twenty-five years?”

  That finally brought the smile back to his face. “Twenty-five blissfully happy years. Dad worships the ground Mom walks on. He taught me that a woman’s happiness is what should make a man’s world go around.” He skimmed the backs of his fingers down her temple. “Seeing her eyes light with joy.” His hand continued down her cheek and then his knuckles dragged lightly under her bottom lip. “Bring a smile to her face. That’s what a man should care about most.”

  Kimberly leaned closer to him as his hand slowly dropped from her face. “Just so you know,” she said softly, “you’ve been bringing a smile to my face since the moment I met you and I’m really, really happy you came by today.”

  Chapter Four

  “I couldn’t stay way.” When it came to her, Mett apparently had the willpower of a gnat. He dropped his gaze to their hands, still locked together and resting on his thigh. He probably shouldn’t have admitted that, even if it was the truth. He didn’t want to go to battle with Charlie over her, but damn if he could find the strength to back away from the amazing woman they’d found.

  He lifted his gaze to meet hers again. He’d already given her part of the truth. He might as well give her the rest while he was at it. “You got into my head, Kimberly. I’ve tried to get you out, but I can’t. I know I shouldn’t want you.”

  “Because of Charlie.”

  Though her whispered words were more of a statement than a question, he slowly nodded. “I can’t give you what you want, Kimberly.”

  Her eyes started to glisten, but she didn’t look away. “That’s why I haven’t asked you to. Even knowing that, it doesn’t change the facts. Whether I should want you or not, I still do.”

  Mett heard the emotions making her voice crack, saw them swirling in her eyes, and something in his head snapped. He held her gaze as he touched his lips lightly to hers, heard her inhale a ragged breath, and knew he couldn’t stop himself from wanting her any more than he could make his heart stop beating.

  Her lips parted, forcing nothing and inviting everything as he traced the outline of her mouth with the tip of his tongue. He couldn’t resist. He slid his tongue into her mouth, found hers, and lost his mind all over again. Her taste exploded on his tongue, feeding his hunger for her even as it drove his needs higher.

  He slid a hand beneath her hair, cupped her nape, and angled his head as he took the kiss deeper. He wanted to curl into her warmth and never let her go. For the first time in his adult life, he found himself fighting the urge to ravage a woman, to demand and take without the compassion and tenderness she deserved.

  He damned the urge even as he ruthlessly squashed it, recognizing its roots and refusing to allow it to consume him. He was better than that. Kimberly was worthy of more than that and he would give it to her.

  Her head fell back as he continued to kiss her as he got to his feet. Bending, he picked up out of the chair and lifted her gingerly into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” she pulled back to ask breathlessly.

  “Taking you somewhere I can lay you down. I want to feel you, Kimberly. Please, sweetheart. Can I do that?”

  “My bedroom is down the hall.”

  She cuddled into his chest as he carried her through the cottage to her room, her lips planting fiery kisses on the side of his neck. Her tongue glided over the heated flesh at the collar of his shirt, leaving a path of blazing desire in its wake.

  He found her lips again as he crawled onto the edge of her enormous bed and gently laid her amidst the array of colorful throw pillows surrounding them, going down with her. Her arms came around him, her hands gliding down his back. She bunched his shirt in her fingers, pulled it free of his jeans, and dragged it up.

  Mett wrenched his mouth from hers, let her pull his shirt over his head, and went right back to kissing her. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, her hands were on his bare flesh now, skimming up and down his back and over his shoulders and biceps. It wasn’t enough. He needed to feel more.

  His back bowed as he reached between their bodies, gathered her blouse in his hands, and pulled it to her chin. He licked his way down her jaw, loving the way she tipped her head back to expose the silky column of her throat as he dragged his tongue down. He eased up, skipped over the bunched material of her shirt, and found the smooth flesh of her chest.

  Bending, he continued down, licking his way to the valley between her breasts. It delighted him to discover the bra she wore had a front clasp. He freed it with a finger-snap, peeled the cups from her breasts, and moaned in sheer appreciation at the sight.

  “Jesus, sweetheart, you’re beautiful.” She wiggled beneath him, taking off her shirt and bra as he dipped his head and licked a nipple into his mouth.

  “Oh, Mett.”

  Her soft, sultry moan flowed through him like a satin ribbon and tied itself painfully around his cock. He tenderly worked her breasts with his hands, traced the pebbled surface of her areolas with the tip of his tongue, and bit back a pleased grin when her breaths quivered out of her.

  His hunger for her persisted. He returned to his gradual exploration of her body, dragging his tongue down her abdomen and stomach as he found the button of her jeans. He unfastened her pants and sat back on his heels as he peeled them and her panties down her hips. She lifted her legs, holding them straight in the air in front him, giving him the position he needed to take them off of her and then, God, yes, she was naked.

  Her legs fell back to the mattress, spreading on either side of his body, and opening her pussy to his sight. Her feminine lips were smooth, glistening with moisture, and pouting as if begging for his touch. Her hips came off the bed as he grazed the tip of his finger over her labia and a low moan escaped her lips.

  “Mett, please.”

  He wouldn’t make her beg. She wanted pleasure and he was more than happy to give it to her. He scooted back, folding his body between her legs, and delved his tongue between her pussy lips, licking her cunt from back to front.

  * * * *

  Kimberly closed her hands on Mett’s head and made a frustrated sound when she couldn’t grab enough of his buzzed hair to hold onto. His lips felt like rough velvet brushing over her most sensitized flesh. Her senses reeled, her head racing with ecstasy as he buried his face in her pussy and tentatively eased his tongue into her sodden opening. His tenderness was driving her to the brink of insanity, pleasuring her and tormenting her all at the same time.

  “Mett.” His name rolled from her lips on a pleading whisper as he withdrew his tongue and dragged it to her clit. He drew circles
around the pulsing bud with the barest tip of his tongue, making her shiver, and then licked her clit between his lips for a tender nip. She panted for air, gasping as the pressure built in her womb.

  His tongue returned to the opening of her vagina, flattened over it, and then eased inside, a long, wide strip of satin going as deep as it could into her sodden opening. He twisted his tongue inside her, licked the ultrasensitive walls of her channel, pulled back, and then dove deep again.

  She moaned, blinded by the sharp sensations of agonized need. No man had ever taken such time with her. It made her feel cherished even as the urge to scream at him to go faster bubbled in her throat. She closed her eyes as she teetered on the edge of release, not wanting the moment to end, but knowing she wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer.

  His tongue picked up pace ever so slightly, sinking deeper inside her channel, and sending her body closer and closer to bliss. His broad shoulder shifted between her thighs and she felt the slightest graze of his hand over her flesh before he pressed a fingertip to her clit.

  “Oh, God, Mett.” Her head lolled uncontrollably as he manipulated her clit with his finger, keeping pace with his tongue in that same slow rhythm that had every muscle in her body tensing. She came in a rush of color and light, the force of the orgasm drawing a scream from her lips as her inner muscles convulsed around his tongue.

  He kept licking her until her entire system turned to the consistency of jelly and then he finally lifted his head. His handsome face was covered with her cream. He met her gaze as he licked his lips and climbed up her body.

  “Christ, sweetheart, you’re delicious.” His voice was husky with his own arousal, his drawl thicker than she’d ever heard it. “I could eat you all night.”

  “Uh-uh.” Kimberly reached between them and went to work on his jeans. “Either I get to taste you now or you’re going inside me. Either way, I want your cock, Mett. Please.”


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