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Sunshine & Rain

Page 10

by Dawn Desiree

  * * *

  It was one o’clock in the morning, and Rain couldn’t sleep. She had tried everything from drowning herself in television to trying to read one of the boring self-help books that sat with dust posted on her shelf. She had even tried taking three tablespoons of cough syrup when she wasn’t even sick. Her body must have been immune to the medicine, because she still lay awake and restless in her bed.

  Rain took out some blank paper and a pen and began to write Jody a letter. She would put it in the mailbox and send it off to him first thing in the morning, so he could get it by the weekend.

  Hey, Hey, Little Brother,

  Wuzup with you? I hope you’re doing okay. I know it’s rough for you right now, but I talked to your attorney on Monday and he assures me that you will be out soon. Everyone knows that it was self-defense. I don’t understand why they asses ain’t been let you out. You ain’t no criminal. You saved my life, shit, and I will always love you for that, li’l brother.

  I still haven’t talked to Jerome yet. I called over to Ms. Darby’s stanking-ass house, but her old ass done gone and got her number changed. I wish I knew how to find where she lives, ’cause I would go snatch Jerome up and roll out with him, and let them charge her with neglect. I try not to worry about him. I suppose if anything went down, they would have to call me and let me know.

  Anyway, I’m sending you a money order for $150. I hope it holds you down until the next round.

  Oh, yeah. Don’t drop the soap!

  Luv, Rain

  Rain sealed the letter in an envelope and placed a stamp in the right-hand corner. She still felt restless. She tried calling Terrance to see if he was still awake, but all she got was his voice mail. Rain thought about calling Sunshine on her line, but the house was so peacefully quiet that she didn’t want the ringing of the phone to scare the shit out of anybody.

  Rain got up from her bed and slipped on a long Tweety Bird nightgown that Sunshine had given to her. She tiptoed down the hallway and silently entered Sunshine’s room. Instead of turning on the small lamp that provided adequate light, Rain opted for the main overhead light. She plopped her body on the mattress beside Sunshine’s resting body.

  Sunshine jumped up. “Rain, you scared the mess out of me!” Sunshine cried through sleepy eyes.

  “My bad. Were you ’sleep?” Rain wore a devious smile on her face, because she knew damn well that Sunshine had been asleep. Nevertheless, she was bored and she needed something to do. If Sunshine didn’t wake up, Rain would go insane.

  Sunshine began slipping away, dozing back off into her comfortable, deep sleep.

  “Wake up, dammit! I’m bored,” Rain whimpered. Rain began shaking Sunshine’s stretched-out body until she was awake and irritable.

  “Are you some kind of freak vampire or something? Normal people are all sleeping at this hour. I wish that you would stop waking me up out my sleep during the middle of the night like this.”

  Rain wasn’t trying to hear all that. “Get up and get dressed,” Rain ordered.

  Sunshine looked at Rain like she was certifiably crazy. “Okay, humor me, Rain. Where could we possibly be going this time of morning, and how do you suppose we’re getting there?”

  Rain took the stolen keys that sat beside her and dangled them in Sunshine’s face.

  “How did you get the keys to Cathy’s truck?” Sunshine asked in amazement.

  “Trust, it wasn’t hard. So, what’s up? It’s still early on my block. You trying to go for a ride or what?” Rain was wide awake and obviously on a mission.

  “Rain, that wouldn’t be right. I mean, Cathy would hurt us if she found out,” Sunshine said.

  “That’s why she’s not going to find out. Now stop acting like a goodie-goodie all your life and bring out the gangsta that’s dying to get out of you, boo. You know you from the hood just like me, and ain’t nobody from the hood that damn innocent.”

  Sunshine was insulted, but she wasn’t going to fall for Rain’s elementary reverse psychology. “Okay, you’re right. I may have come from the hood, but that doesn’t mean that I have to have a hood rat mentality,” Sunshine said in defense of herself. “I can’t just sneak behind Cathy’s back and ride around in her truck without her permission, and you shouldn’t either. Cathy’s got big love for me and you, and you shouldn’t take advantage of her like that. You make me wonder what you would do behind my back if you go out like that.”

  Rain’s shoulders began to droop. The exciting vision of joyriding with Sunshine was slowly disappearing, while pastor Sunshine’s preaching began to sink in.

  “See, I told your ass you were a goodie-goodie. I’ll put the damn keys back, but don’t think I’m soft . . . and I’m still bored.”

  “Do some jumping jacks, crazy,” Sunshine joked.

  * * *

  Cathy was on her way to check on Sunshine and Rain before she went to bed for the night. As she approached Sunshine’s door, she could hear Rain’s voice. She was about to open the door to see why they were still awake, when she heard Rain asking Sunshine to go out for a ride. Cathy stopped to make sure she was hearing her correctly. After listening to their entire conversation, Cathy was pleased with Sunshine for not taking the bait, and for actually talking some sense into Rain’s knuckle head. Cathy was even happy that Rain had backed out and took Sunshine’s advice.

  Cathy tiptoed back downstairs to her bedroom, remembering the days when she used to steal her own mother’s Buick to go out and visit her first love. They would ride around all night long until the gas ran out, and they would have to bum some gas money to fill the tank back to where her mother had left it. Cathy smiled as she thought about the many nights they had used the back seat of the Buick to make love until it was time to take him home, usually just before the sun came up.

  Those were the days. Cathy laughed to herself.

  Cathy climbed into her bed and pretended to be sleeping when Rain safely brought her keys back downstairs and put them on her dresser where she had gotten them.

  I have got to remember to find a new spot for my key ring.

  * * *

  The next morning, Sunshine awoke before Rain. She went to her bathroom to wash her face. She applied the apricot cleansing scrub to her face and let it sit while she washed away her morning breath. After rinsing away the mask and dabbing a hand towel over her face to dry, she was ready to face the day.

  Still wearing her night clothes, she walked down the hallway to check on Rain. Rain was still knocked out in a heavy-duty sleep. Sunshine was tempted to harass Rain like she had done to her just a few hours ago.

  Scratch that. Rain is one evil queen when she first wakes up in the morning.

  Sunshine closed Rain’s door behind her and went downstairs to bum-rush Cathy. She knew that Cathy would be awake. When she got to Cathy’s room, however, she noticed that the door was closed and locked. Cathy hadn’t started locking her door until Rain had come to live with them. Since the episode that happened last night, Sunshine could understand why.

  Where could she be? Sunshine wondered. Maybe she’s just sleeping. I won’t disturb her.

  Sunshine walked into the kitchen to start breakfast and noticed a note lying on the dining room table.

  Good morning, girls.

  I hove some very important business to take care of. I will be gone for most of the day. There’s plenty of food for you, so eat up. I wanted to wake you, but you were both sleeping so peacefully I didn’t want to disturb you. Sure you guys weren’t up all night taking the truck for a spin? Because you were sleeping kind of heavy! Just kidding. Any who, I’ll be back this evening. Call my cell if you need me. I left fifty dollars for both of you inside the envelope. Don’t spend it all in one place.

  Hugs & Kisses, Cathy

  Cathy worried Sunshine sometimes. She was always doing something on business, or being extremely secretive while on her cell phone talking business.

  Sunshine went to the fridge and took out some eggs, cheese, and corne
d beef hash. She whipped up a quick breakfast for two, as she knew that Rain would be awakening soon.

  As soon as the thought crossed her mind, Rain dragged herself into the kitchen.

  “Well, hello, Miss One-o’clock-in-the-morning, wanna hang out in the hood and party like a big girl all night but can’t even wake up,” Sunshine greeted.

  “Wuz up,” Rain said, barely hearing Sunshine and barely awake. Somehow the smell of breakfast had made her get up from her comfort zone and sleepwalk her way to the kitchen. “What are we eating?” Rain asked.

  “Breakfast,” Sunshine answered. Sunshine set both plates on the table and poured two glasses of Welch’s grape juice.

  Sunshine noticed Rain waking up a little more with every bite she took. She slid Cathy’s letter to her to read when she felt as though she was coherent enough to comprehend.

  Rain read the letter.

  “Okay, so where’s the money?” she asked once she was done.

  Sunshine handed Rain her half of the money.

  “My girl is having a cookout today down at Anacostia Park. Everybody under the sun who got it going on in D.C. is going to be there. She throws the gig every year, and every year it gets better and better. You trying to go with me?” Rain asked.

  Sunshine was quiet. She did not know how to tell Rain without offending her that no freaking way on this green earth would she go to S.E. without a bulletproof vest and a grenade or some form of protection. Sunshine also knew that she wouldn’t be comfortable hanging out with Rain’s clique. She enjoyed hanging out with Rain on a solo tip, but to be exposed to a whole slew of Rain’s crew in one gathering was way out of her league.

  “I know that look, Ms. Sunshine. You had better change it, ’cause yo’ ass is going. So you might as well go upstairs, get your stinky butt in the shower, and throw on something fly, ’cause we way up in there. You hear me?”

  “Well, then in that case, I’d better carry some mace,” Sunshine joked.

  “Stop faking, Sunshine. If you scared, say you scared,” Rain said.

  “I’m scared,” Sunshine cried.

  After breakfast, Rain put in a Tae Bo DVD. She and Sunshine did a thirty-minute workout, and afterward, they hit the showers.

  After her shower, Rain charged into Sunshine’s room while she was still wrapped up in her towel, busy oiling down her body.

  “Damn, phatty girl, you looking mighty sexy. You need some assistance with that oil?” Rain asked jokingly.

  “Yes, you can help me. Can you please hand me my Victoria’s Secret right there beside you on the dresser?” Sunshine pointed toward her perfume.

  Rain tossed the small bottle over to Sunshine. “It ain’t nothing secret about that body,” Rain said while walking toward Sunshine’s closet.

  Rain had seen Sunshine undressed and naked on many occasions, and even Michael Jackson would agree that Sunshine had a lethal body. It didn’t get better than Sunshine. However, strangely enough, Rain didn’t look at Sunshine like that for real. She played and joked with her every now and then, but actually, she looked at Sunshine more like a sister.

  Sunshine was very much aware of Rain’s bisexuality. Even though she seemed to have a bigger crush on guys, females were certainly not excluded from the picture. Rain played with her often, but Sunshine was fully secure in her own heterosexuality and understood that it was all in fun, so she didn’t get all uptight about it. Most times, she would have fun playing along with her.

  Rain loved to borrow Sunshine’s clothes, because her selection was unlimited. Her gear was on Trina or Eve’s level, nothing but the real McCoy. Rain couldn’t wait until her own closet was filled with the finer things.

  Sunshine was way ahead of Rain this time. “Ahem.” Sunshine cleared her throat and pointed to her never-worn Apple Bottom capri set that she had laid out for Rain to wear.

  Rain looked over at the outfit and was completely satisfied with it. “You see why I love you? I’m gonna be the tightest one in the piece.” Rain ran off to get dressed.


  The yellow cab dropped Rain and Sunshine off at Rain’s friend Miami’s house. Miami lived two blocks over from where Rain used to live with her family. As the cab rode past her old apartment, Rain wanted to point it out to Sunshine. However, looking at the run-down building now secured by pipeheads and dopefiends brought negative feelings of shame and embarrassment. Sunshine might not be able see past the basics; she might not understand that once upon a time, this building meant everything to Rain.

  Tears came to Rain’s eyes as she remembered how it used to be. This was where she had lost her mother, her father, and in a way, Jody and Jerome too.

  “Hey, are you all right?” Sunshine asked Rain noticing her red, watery eyes.

  Rain rubbed her eyes to push back the load of tears that wanted so anxiously to fall, so they wouldn’t make her seem childish or weak. She was far from weak and didn’t want Sunshine to get the wrong impression.

  “Yeah, girl, but what you do, pour the whole damn bottle of Victoria’s Secret on? My eyes are burning.”

  Sunshine sucked her teeth. “Very funny, Rain. I know you not trying to say that my perfume is burning your eyes,” Sunshine added.

  “Yeah, well, it’s either that or you ain’t use no kind of soap to wash yo’ ass this morning,” Rain goofed.

  Sunshine landed a playful punch on Rain’s shoulder. “Or maybe it’s your upper lip,” Sunshine said.

  “You so played out,” Rain said.

  Rain hadn’t talked to her boo in over a week. She had hoped to see Terrance standing on the corner or at least riding past before Miami answered her door. No such luck. Miami answered the doorbell so quick that Rain thought she had been posted up by the door waiting for a piece of action.

  “Damn, hood rat, you pressed for company,” Rain teased.

  Miami’s eyes grew wide with excitement. “Hey, hey, beeyatch. I miss yo’ ass so much. Shit ain’t been the same around here since you rolled. Everybody out here trying to be the baddest bitch. You know what I’m saying? But we the originals; they just carbon copies. You feel me? Ooh, girl, I’ve got some shit to tell you.” Miami was talking a mile a minute with no break for air. She didn’t seem to even notice Sunshine.

  “Oh, shit, my bad. Who is this fresh meat you got with you?” Miami asked.

  “If you would shut the hell up for five seconds I could have been introduced you, mighty mouth. I see you ain’t changed,” Rain said.

  “Not for nobody,” Miami added.

  “Miami, this is my cousin, Sunshine. Sunshine, this is my ace, Miami.”

  Sunshine reached out to shake Miami’s hand but was left hanging.

  “Wuz up, Sunshine? That name is real cute. What, your folks some hippies or some shit like dat?”

  “Not even close,” Sunshine answered.

  “Well, whatever they is, they sho’ know how to pick out a fly name. So anyway, Rain, girl, you betta sit down for shit, ’cause I’m ’bout to blow yo’ mind.”

  Rain and Sunshine both sat down on the love seat next to the couch. Miami had their undivided attention.

  “Guess who Terrance is fucking?”

  Rain’s heart dropped somewhere in the basement. Miami didn’t wait for her to go get it.

  “He fucking wit’ Simone.”

  Rain thought she heard wrong at first. “Excuse me? Say that again.”

  “You heard me, bitch. I said, he fucking wit’ Simone.”

  Rain shook her head. “That’s what I thought you said.”

  Rain could feel a possessed demon rise within her, like it was time to kill. “Miami, don’t be lying. I hope you got your facts straight before you be putting some shit out there like that.”

  “Whatever, Rain. Like you said before, ain’t shit changed about me since your ass left the hood. All my shit is still official, and I can prove it.”

  “Prove it then,” Rain said.

  Miami left and came back with her cell phone. She dialed a number a
nd put it on speaker phone.

  “Hello.” Rain recognized the hideous, screeching voice right away.

  “Wuz up, Simone? You coming to my cookout today or what?”

  “What’s up, Mi Mi? You know I’ll be there. It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t show this adorable face up in the place. You know I’m already there,” Simone answered.

  “Is your baby coming with you?” Miami asked.

  “Who, Terrance? His ass went to New York without me last week to visit his sister. He wont be back in town until tomorrow. But that don’t stop the show. I’m still gonna party with you.”

  “A’ight, I’ll see you at the park. It starts at two, and we gonna be posted by the big red, white, and blue playground. You won’t miss us, ’cause we gonna be deep!” Miami said.

  “A’ight. Later.”

  Rain wasn’t satisfied. She didn’t hear enough evidence. Only thing that was confirmed to her was the simple fact that Simone assumed that Terrance was her baby. That didn’t necessarily mean that they were fucking, or that Terrance felt the same way.

  “That ain’t saying nothing to me,” Rain said. “You got to come better than that, Miami.”

  “Oh, yeah? You want better? Wait till we get to the cookout. I’ll show yo’ ass better.”

  Rain and Sunshine rode with Miami to the park to help her set up the grills and food. It was noon when they arrived, and the park had already begun to accumulate its Saturday crowd. As Miami drove through the crowded park headed to her destination, she made sure to ride her STS real slow.

  “Good God a’mighty, check out the scenery today.” Miami didn’t hide the fact that she was impressed by all the Escalades riding on spinners, Navigators on 24’s, and Tahoes riding on chrome. The way she squealed with every passing ride she liked, Sunshine thought she was having sexual orgasms.


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