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Sunshine & Rain

Page 11

by Dawn Desiree

  Rain would usually be going crazy with excitement for all the thugged-out dudes and dolled-up ladies who busied themselves by hanging on the side of their booming vehicles, waiting for someone worth their while to put the brakes on for them. Only today, Rain was no longer in the mood to play the dating game. She needed desperately to get down to the bottom of the issue with Terrance and Simone before she would allow herself any fun.

  “Sunshine, let me see your phone, boo.”

  Sunshine obediently unhooked her cell phone from its clip and handed it up to Rain. Rain dialed Terrance’s cell number and pushed SEND.

  Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system . . .

  Click! Rain flipped the phone shut and gave it back to Sunshine without leaving a message.

  Sunshine sat in the back seat with a strange feeling in her heart. Something didn’t feel right. She wanted nothing more but for her and Rain to jump back in a cab and go anywhere else except for Anacostia Park. Sunshine didn’t like Miami, not even a little bit. She was a troublemaker and an instigator, and now she had gotten Rain all upset about a no-good player.

  As the hours passed, Miami’s annual cookout became overdosed with people ready to get their party on, their eat on, and their freak on. Good thing she had it at a huge park like this, Sunshine thought, because nobody’s backyard could handle all this action, not even Puffy’s.

  To Sunshine’s surprise, she actually found herself having a nice time. She danced to all the songs and ate the best barbecue chicken ever served. She had to lick her fingers after every bite. For some reason, before she got there, she was expecting nothing but fighting, hating, and bullets, but instead, everyone seemed to be funning, playing cards, eating, or getting drunk on the down low, so the cops wouldn’t catch them.

  Sunshine noticed that even Rain seemed to be having a good time, as she caught up with all her old friends. Maybe she had gotten that player off her brain.

  Rain was engaged in a heavy conversation with her friend Andrea about how the twins from Lincoln Heights had gotten shot by the police, when she noticed a silver Acura with midnight-tinted windows. There were hardly any more spaces left, so the Legend parked right in front of two cars, inconveniently blocking them in. Rain recognized the car as being Tammy’s, the bitch-ass ringleader of Simone’s clique, and Rain’s long time rival. Rain could feel her soft brown skin turn red. Andrea must have noticed it too.

  “Are you all right, Rain? You don’t look so good. We can change the subject if you’d like.”

  “Naw, I’m good, thanks, but I do gotta step for a minute. I’ll holla at you in a little bit.”

  Simone, Tammy, China, and Damika all piled out of the car, making their unwanted presence known. Rain wanted to charge after Simone and beat her ass, even if it meant getting jumped by her little posse, but she knew it wouldn’t be wise to get at her like that, so she had to calm her nerves, humble herself for a minute, and think logically. If she kicked Simone’s ass right there, one of them would die, and it was way too many police cruising and too many people to witness.

  Rain pushed her way through the heavy crowd and found herself right in front of Simone. She didn’t even make eye contact with Tammy or the other two shadows that stood close behind like a pair of pitiful watchdogs.

  “What’s up, Simone,” Rain said with a sly smirk on her face.

  Simone rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as if she didn’t have time for her visit. All Rain could think was how it was the perfect opportunity to steal Simone a few good times while she wouldn’t be able to block the blows.

  Calm down, Rain.

  “What’s up, Rain? Is there some kind of problem?” Tammy asked.

  Now Rain looked into the eyes of Tammy and wished that her body had been provided with a poisonous venom that she could sic on her.

  “Listen, Tammy, this beef ain’t got nothing to do with you—or you, or you,” Rain said, pointing and including the others. ‘’This here is between me, Simone, and my baby Terrance.”

  “Your baby? Don’t get it twisted, Rain,” Simone said with fire in her eyes. “Terrance told me out his own precious lips that you and him are just friends, and that he don’t fuck with you like that. Anyway, he’s got me now, so he don’t need no little girl who’s only gonna trick and tease. He needs a duchess like me who’s gonna lick and please.”

  Rain couldn’t remember what happened next. She blacked out. She was no longer in control of the situation like she had tried to be. She had hoped that this was all a mistake and they could talk it out like real young ladies, but Simone had just slanted her character. Rain could not feel herself pounding Simone like raw meat. She didn’t see the blood that oozed from her nose down into her busted lips while she sat on top of her, forcing her head in the dirt. Simone tried to get up and fight back, but it was useless.

  Tammy, China, and Damika started to throw hardcore punches on Rain’s back and kick mightily at her sides, but Rain couldn’t feel any of it. She was numbed by rage, and Simone was her victim. Rain didn’t feel the saliva she spat into Simone’s bleeding wounds as a final insult. All she could remember was being pulled back into life and physically dragged off of Simone by nearly a dozen people. One of those people was Sunshine.

  “You dirty, filthy, chicken-head bitch! Don’t you ever lie on my nigga again! I will kill you, bitch!”

  “Knock out!”

  “Rain did it again.”

  “Them hands should be registered.”

  Rain could hear her friends congratulating her and giving her big props as if she were Layla Ali. However, her mind was not ready to receive the trophy. She still needed to talk to Terrance. She had to know if he fucked with Simone or not.

  “Sunshine, let me see your phone again real quick,” Rain said through heavy breaths.

  “No, Rain, leave him alone. Evidently that guy is no good for you, or anybody, for that matter. He don’t know what he wants. He’s got two females fighting over him in broad daylight, in a place filled with families, kids, and undercovers, while he’s out of town, probably with some other female. So no, I’m not giving you my phone unless you want to call us a cab so we can get out of here, because I’m ready to go.”

  “We’re not going home yet. Let’s have some more fun first. You know, what we came here for, then later I can get my girl Andrea to take us home.”

  Rain watched as Simone tried to continue on partying with a damaged face. After twenty minutes of faking, she gave it up and left. Rain figured she was finally too embarrassed by everyone commenting on her face like it was an appalling work of art.

  Never once did Simone look in Rain’s direction again, nor did Tammy.

  That will teach the bitch to mess with another lady’s man.


  Cathy was ending her phone conversation with Irvin, about to make breakfast, when her doorbell rang. Sunshine and Rain were still sleeping, so she went to answer the door herself. She was stunned to see Brian and his father standing in her doorway with suitcases and tote bags surrounding them. Brian reached out to give Cathy a great big hug.

  “Hi, Mama. I’m home.”

  Cathy didn’t return Brian’s warm greeting. She held an obvious look of disappointment on her face. She wasn’t expecting Brian back home for another two weeks. She looked angrily at Brian, Sr. She tried not to let the irritation be heard in her voice when she found the air to speak.

  “What’s going on? I wasn’t anticipating seeing you this soon.”

  Brian, Sr. reached for his handkerchief from the left top pocket of his overpriced tuxedo. He began to wipe away the sweat that drizzled down his forehead. The dark, bulky suit he wore didn’t agree with the ninety-degree humidity.

  “I’m sorry, Cathy. I know I said I would keep him longer, but I’m going to be away for three weeks. I have to go to Chicago for a very important business trip. I don’t want to leave Junior at my place alone. I know you understand,” Cathy’s ex-husband said.

“What do you mean alone?” Cathy asked.

  “Brian is old enough to take care of himself.”

  Brian, Sr. gave Cathy a pathetic look, like he wasn’t trying to hear it. He held his hand up to stop her from saying anything further. “Cathy, you need to stop being like this when it comes to our son. This is his home, too, and you act as if you don’t want him in it.”

  Brian, Jr. looked at his parents and knew a serious argument was brewing. He picked up a handful of his luggage and switched his ass up to his bedroom.

  Cathy shook her head with pity as Junior walked past her. She was disgusted by the way he sported his tight muscle shirt tied up in the back in a rolled-up bun, and the pink spandex tights he wore defined more ass than she had.

  She turned back to her ex-husband. “So, I guess he doesn’t just act like a bitch now, but he dresses like one too? What else has changed about our son since he’s been with you?” Cathy asked sardonically.

  Brian rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “Cathy, you really need to come to terms with the fact that our son is gay. I mean, come on. How do you think I feel about this? My only son is walking around like he’s my only daughter. But the way I see it is like this: Things could be much worse.”

  “It doesn’t get any worse!” Cathy interrupted. “If it was meant for me to have a daughter, I would have given birth to one with a real pussy!” Cathy was getting very upset and didn’t realize that she was screaming.

  “Speaking on that, Junior is taking hormone pills. He wants to enhance his body,” Brian, Sr. said casually.

  Cathy was too through. “And who in the hell paid for that shit, Brian? I suppose you, right? Is that what you work so hard for? To turn our son into a real live girl?” Cathy was now fully aware that she was screaming at the top of her lungs, but she didn’t give a fuck.

  Brian, Sr. turned away from Cathy and headed for the door. Before he walked out, he looked back at Cathy sympathetically and said, “No matter what, that’s our son. He came out of your body, and you have to love him regardless. Let that boy be who he is.”

  “Now you talking gay, nigga!” Cathy yelled, but she was screaming to his back.

  Suddenly Cathy wasn’t in the mood to make breakfast anymore. She grabbed the keys to her truck, and with only her housecoat and slippers on, she stormed out of the house, slamming the door to go for a refreshing morning drive, something she loved to do when things were heavy on her mind.

  * * *

  Rain awoke from her asleep from all the loud yelling that was coming from downstairs. She could now feel the pain from the punches that were dealt to her during the fight yesterday. It took her a minute before she realized where she was, as she still felt drowsy. However, when she looked around at her laid-out domain, it all came back to her. She was at home.

  Rain was still half sleep and couldn’t make out everything that was being said. She could hear the strong voice of a man, along with Cathy’s, but she didn’t know who it could be. She knew that Cathy didn’t have a man living up in there, so she naturally assumed that it must’ve been Cathy’s mystery date from last night. Rain jumped out of bed and headed downstairs to get a peek.

  Everything downstairs was quiet and empty. Maybe I was just dreaming, Rain thought. She walked to the refrigerator to see if there was something cold to drink. The fridge was loaded with food, so much so that it was damn near overflowing and hard to keep the fridge door closed.

  Rain was tempted to make breakfast the way she used to do back at home for her brothers, but her brothers weren’t there with her, so there was no need. A throbbing pain shot through her heart as she thought about Jody and Jerome. Once Cathy got used to her living there and she had charmed her with her winning personality, she would ask her if Jerome could come to stay too. Maybe when Jody came home, he could come to live there, too, and they could all be together again.

  Rain took a glass from the cupboard and poured herself some orange juice. When she closed the refrigerator door, she almost spilled her OJ when she saw a tall, shapely shim standing directly in front of her.

  “Damn! You scared the shit out of me,” Rain said to the stranger. Rain immediately noticed the boy’s budding breasts and protruding hips. His shape was almost as ripped as hers.

  He had soft, jet-black hair styled just like Betty Boop’s. The ol’ boy was gorgeous. If it weren’t for his fat dick print that bulged from his colorful spandex, Rain would have been certain that he was a female.

  “Who are you?” Rain asked.

  Brian extended his long, slim fingers out to Rain. She shook the big, brown hand that felt like it could tight-grip a Mack truck with little effort. He spoke in a soft, delicate voice, like Michael Jackson.

  “My name is Brian, but you can call me Brianna.” It was official; this dude was a big bowl of sugar.

  “What’s up, Brian? My name is Rain.” Rain observed that Brian had a striking resemblance to Cathy. “Are you related to Cathy?” Rain asked.

  “You could say that. I’m her son,” Brian said. He spoke proudly, with his hand on his hip and his breasts in the air.

  Rain admired his sexy, high-yellow cleavage and wondered where he got it from.

  “Where is Cathy?” Rain asked.

  “I don’t know. She hauled ass out of here when I got here. You must be a new girl,” Brian stated.

  “Yeah,” Rain said.

  “Well, you’ll like it here, and I know you’ll like my mother. She’ll love you back and treat you like a princess as long as you’re straight. My moms don’t play that gay shit. That is why she don’t mess with me like that. I don’t trip about it, though. I figure if I give her some time to accept the new me, she’ll come around just like my pops did.”

  Rain didn’t feel comfortable with getting so down and personal with Cathy’s son-slash-daughter, and she was relieved when she saw Sunshine appear in the kitchen.

  The room got quiet for a moment while Sunshine and Brian sized each other up. Brian spoke up and broke the spell first.

  “Mama surely got some beautiful girls living up in here this time. Where y’all come from, a teen pageant?” He didn’t take a breath to let them answer the question. “Y’all lucky I’m into my own kind, ’cause if I wasn’t, y’all would be on the top of my hit list.” Brian placed one hand on his hip and stood in a sassy position with one hip out. “But I like mines like you like yours’—precious, packing, and paid.”

  Rain studied Brian real hard and tried to picture him as a boy, but it was pointless. His facial features were so appealing and perfect that even if he didn’t dress fem, people would still call him a pretty boy.

  Sunshine walked to the fridge to get herself something to drink.

  “Rain, was that you I heard arguing earlier?” Sunshine asked while taking a seat at the table next to Rain.

  “No, chile,” Brian answered. “That was my moms and my pops. Girl, don’t trip off them. They get into it all the time. I think they still love each other, but they don’t know how to show it anymore.”

  Sunshine gave Brian a confused look. Rain explained the situation to her.

  “Sunshine, this is Brian, Cathy’s son,” she said.

  Brian looked irritated, “The name’s Bri-an-na. It ain’t hard! Maybe I’ll go to the mall and buy me some of them big gold hoop earrings with my name engraved on them so y’all can remember.”

  Sunshine looked at Brian and could see the resemblance to Cathy. The attitude was different, but he definitely wore strong features of his mother.

  “Cathy told me that she had a son, but she didn’t mention that he was . . .” Sunshine couldn’t get the word out her mouth.

  “That I’m gay.” Brian said it for her. “Don’t be scared to talk, girl. I am what I am, and I don’t get mad when I hear the ‘g’ word. I get pissed when I hear faggot, or fag, or Tinkerbell. That’s when the acrylic comes off and the boxing gloves go on. Some haters out there get it twisted, but I’ll show them that I was a man before I was a woman, and I can sti
ll whoop some ass.”

  Rain was getting a kick out of Brianna, while Sunshine, on the other hand, was getting a little irritated because he wouldn’t shut up. She had never been around a bonafide homosexual before, and she wasn’t quit feeling it.

  Sunshine turned back to Rain. “Are you okay, mighty woman, ’cause you put your work in yesterday?”

  “Yeah, boo, I’m straight,” Rain answered.

  Sunshine was about to go back upstairs to her room when the phone rang. Brian was standing up against the wall right beside it, so he answered it before Sunshine could.

  “House of beauty, cutie on duty, talk dirty to me!”

  Sunshine and Rain stared at each other in disbelief. Brian handed the phone over to Sunshine seconds later, wearing a look of dismay. Rain knew it must have been Cathy on the other end by the look on Brian’s face. Sunshine grabbed the receiver.

  Brian looked at Rain and began chatting again, but this time in a loud whisper.

  “Girl, you think I got issues, that woman got more issues than me. Now she trippin’ about how I answered her phone. I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s not like it’s a business phone or something. I just like to have fun in my life. You feel what I’m saying girl? Girl, we as women gotta live a little, ’cause your boys is out here to dog us out in some shape, form, or fashion. It could be our fake-ass friends, our so-called family, or our unfaithful niggas, so shit, we gotta live for us.”

  Rain was speechless. In a crazy sort of way, he was making sense.

  Sunshine hung up the phone feeling fortunate to have missed the words that fell from Brian’s lips. She could understand why he annoyed Cathy.

  “Cathy said for us not to worry about making any breakfast. She’s at the Waffle and Pancake House ordering some breakfast sandwiches.”

  “Good, ’cause I’m starving,” Brian said.

  “Rain, she said she’s going to take us to the mall to go shopping, so you can get some more things that you need. She’s going to give us some money and drop us off,” Sunshine said.


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