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Four under the Mistletoe: A MFMM Menage Romance (Christmas Billionaire Menage Series Book 2)

Page 99

by Tia Siren

  As she gulped the last drop of water, she heard someone slam their car’s door with a mighty bang. She had a suspicion it was him. He liked a loud entourage to grab ladies’ attention.

  “I knew it was you,” Tasia said as she turned her gaze to Nigel.

  His X-Large yellow hoody shone brightly against the rays of the sun. His jewelry spoke that he was rich, not just pretending, pure 18 karat gold. His original NY hat covered his patchy, severely curled hair. But his outfit did not quite compliment his dark and shiny skin.

  “Hello there, cousin. How have you been?” He gave her a hug and kissed Tasia’s cheeks as a token of his appreciation to see her after years of without.

  “I’ve been well. What about you?” She asked, although she already knew the answer.

  “Can’t you see?” He spanned his arms, showing off his expensive attire.

  “Yeah, I see….” She agreed as her head bowed repeatedly.

  They sat together, letting the heat of the moment calm down. After a couple of minutes, he noticed she became quiet.

  “Tasia, you’re ok?”

  “Ha? Ah, yeah… I’m ok, Nigel. I’m just thinking of Mama.”

  “By the way, how’s Aunt Tonya?”

  “Yeah… she’s fine.” Tasia’s voice hinted resignation, which he quickly read. She could not lie to him. They grew up together, and he knew exactly that she had something in mind. Or otherwise, she would not have called him to meet up.

  He was aware this was not just a casual meeting. She needed something.

  “Tasia.” Nigel’s voice was stern.

  “Yeah?” She lazily replied.

  “Tell me the truth. Is everything fine with you and Aunt Tonya?”

  “Ha?” She was shocked. Did he know already?

  “Don’t lie to me. I knew something was up. What is it? Is it money?”

  “Ummm… Actually, you’re right. It’s money. I don’t know if you already know but –“ She paused, thinking whether she should tell the truth or not.

  “But?” Nigel extended his neck, waiting for her to continue.

  “Mama is going to jail, and we’ll be evicted soon.” Tasia looked away, trying to restrain the tears welling up in her eyes.

  “What?” He asked in disbelief. He’d never imagined them being destitute. As a young lad, he remembered her father giving him money just to attend school. His death was hard for him to accept, but ascertaining his beloved aunt would be imprisoned was even harder to take in.

  “What happened?” He continued.

  “Don’t ask!” Tasia said rudely, turning her back on him.

  “Look, I don’t mean to offend you in any way, but I need to know how I could help you.”

  “I need money. And I-I don't know where to get it. I don’t earn as much as you probably do, and all my wages go towards the bills. Oooh…. I don’t know what to do.” She cried silently, not wanting to attract anyone’s attention.

  Nigel felt guilty. While he was earning tons of money by illegal trading on the Black Market, his cousin was problematic about her mother’s debts.

  “Look. I know of something that could help you pay off your mom’s debts.”

  Tasia’s countenance brightened. A glimpse of hope lightened her heavy laden.

  “Really? Oh, thank goodness. What is it?”

  “Before that, I just wanna ask you something.”

  “Yeah, sure. Tell me.”

  “Whatever you heard in this place, stays in this place alone, ok?”

  Suspicion dimmed her mind.


  “Ummm… Not sure. Tell me first.”

  “No. Deal or No Deal? Choose one.”

  Sighing, she could not say anything but to agree.


  “Alright. Here it goes.” Then he paused and looked at her in the eyes.

  Please, just say it. She thought.

  “I work as a trader in the Black Market.” He began.

  “What?” His words drummed against her ears. She couldn’t believe it.

  “Remember what you said.” He reminded her, making sure her tongue wouldn’t slip off and put him in tremendous trouble.

  “Right. Continue.” Tasia inhaled deeply.

  “That’s why I get a lot of money to buy these.” He pointed at his jewelry.

  “So… if you want to earn a lot of money in an instant, I would introduce you to my boss. He’s black too like us, so I think you’d be fine. Just make sure you dress properly. No skirt. No tight-fitting blouses. And most of all, no stripping naked.” He laughed.

  “Hey…. I ain’t a whore.” She laughed as well, sharing her cousin’s humorous jokes.

  “So, what do you think?” He whispered, making sure no one was listening.

  “Ummm… Let me think.”

  “You can’t prolong this opportunity. There’s many out there who’re waiting to get in. So what? Yes, or no?”

  “Oh, man… I don’t know….”

  Fist clenching her arms, Nigel wanted an instant answer. “Tasia. Look, you’re doing this for your mother. Think of her first.”

  Drawing a deep breath from within, Tasia finally said, “Yes.”

  Although against her will, she had no choice. Family first before herself.

  Sorry, Papa. I’m not doing this for myself, but for Mama. She’s going to jail, and you don’t want that, right?

  Her eyes fixed on the cloudy sky.

  Chapter Three

  Ivories from Africa lay on the floor, perfectly aligned, allowing the traders to choose the best ones with the best prices. Guns. Armalites. Bombs. All sorts of stuff were laid out for everyone to choose from.

  “Welcome back to the Black Market, Anton.” Sam placed his left arm around his shoulder as they discussed the matter intimately.

  “I’ve told you already about the shotguns that you’ve ordered, right?” Anton spoke.

  “Yes, son. Don’t worry about it too much now. Let me do the talking to our other brothers. I know they’d understand. If they don’t, they know what’s gonna happen.”

  “Make it sure!” Anton replied.

  Just around the corner, Tasia was standing still, letting everything sink into her head. She couldn’t believe she was actually taking part in illegal trading in a notorious market that the majority of average people did not know about.

  She had been in the industry for a week now. But it felt like she was in a dream. A dream she hoped to be unreal with real money. It did not make sense. Nothing made sense. Everything happened in a blink of an eye. What am I doing here?

  “Hey, don’t just stand there. Look for customers!” The other traders in her group yelled at her as if they were the boss.

  Trembling. She opened her mouth to respond. “Yes, sir.”

  “Hello everyone….. Come and see our cheap products here…. Yooohooo….” She tried her best, but it was not enough. In fact, it was not good at all. This was not a normal market. Professionalism was highly required in this field.

  “What are you doing? That’s not how you call for customers. You’re booing them away.” Nigel told her in a quiet voice.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I-I just don’t know if I can do this any longer. It’s hard.”

  “It’s just in the beginning. You’ll get used to it. Keep on trying.”

  Anton noticed their muttering. It intrigued him. But what got his attention was Tasia. He had never seen her before, and he knew by experience and the way she acted, she was new to this field.

  “Alright. I’ll try again.” She inhaled as she bravely spoke, not wanting to put her cousin in trouble.

  “I’m gonna go now,” Nigel said. “They need me inside. We’re having a meeting.”

  As soon as Anton saw him leave, he raised his foot towards Tasia’s direction. Hands in his pocket, he kept walking as his shoes made ticking noises of a clock. Approaching, she noticed him coming. Her heart gladdened. Finally, a customer who would purchase their products.

there, sir. How are you today?” She smiled as if she were a sales lady in a department store.

  He was impressed by her attitude. In his mind, she had a place that could help his business grow. He could use her.

  “What are you selling?” He asked.

  Hearing his voice, she knew he was not an American. His accent was so strong that made her wonder which country he came from. Whenever he spoke a word, she found it cute. His golden brown hair that gleamed by the light of the yellow bulb made him so attractive. She liked brown-headed guys. They were sexy.

  “Are you, ok?” He asked as he noticed her staring at him continuously, following his every move.

  “Ha? Oh, yes. Of course. Sorry.” She stuttered.

  He smiled. Seeing her freak out put a smile on his face. He liked whenever a woman was in a hurry. Her true self came out.

  “We’re selling electronics, sir. The brand new IPhone 6 and 6S are here, look.” She pointed at the mobile phones on the left-hand side.

  He was not genuinely interested in the stuff she was offering. He was more interested in her. He saw a potential in her – something that could benefit him.

  “Let me ask you something. How much do you earn?”

  “Come again?” She asked, surprised to be questioned such a private matter.

  “I didn’t know you’re a bit deaf. I said, how much do you earn?”

  “Sorry, sir. But in this country, privacy matters the most. I don’t think it’s necessary for me to answer your question.”

  Smart woman. He thought. Instead of being annoyed by her rude response, his interest in her grew even larger.

  Recognizing his voice, Nigel came out just to see what was going on. Eyes widened. Heart pumped wildly. He could not believe it.

  “Anton Belinsky?” He was astonished. He’d only seen his photo on T.V as one of the most wanted mafia leaders in the world.

  Anton looked up in wonder of who called his name.

  “It’s you. Oh, goodness gracious me. Is this real?” Nigel asked himself as if he’d seen a celebrity.

  “Who are you?” Anton asked in annoyance. He knew he was popular, but not with guys. He was a straight male.

  “Oh, let me introduce myself. I’m Nigel Smith, from Chicago. I’m her cousin.” He pointed at Tasia.

  She was shocked. What’s going on here?

  Teleporting to her direction, Nigel pulled her in to whisper something that would change Tasia’s life forever. Something that would make her regret about what she said.

  “He’s one of Sekret Rynka’s leaders. He’s from Russia and he’s freaking rich.”

  Her eyes bulged out. Yes, she was convinced she was in a dream. Everything that was happening was unreal and fabricated by the figment of her imagination.

  She laughed. Her white teeth exposed. Her eyes twinkled.

  Anton smiled, finding her reaction amusing. Whatever the boy said to her, it did not matter to him.

  Hearing something funny was going on, every member of Nigel’s team went out to join the conversation, including Big Boy, the boss who was a member of a rival mafia group.

  “What’s going on here?” Big Boy asked.

  After recognizing each other, Anton and Big Boy’s expressions fell in great dismay. Their mafias were not in harmony with each other. In the industry, everyone was so competitive. Greed. Hatred. Fear were the words to describe accurately their memberships.

  “What are you doing here?” Big Boy asked again.

  “I want to buy her. How much?”

  Buy me? Tasia looked around for any woman. She tried her best but found none. Her heart beat raced. Every sprint made her gasp for air. Were they selling her?

  “I don’t sell anything that I own.” Big Boy spat.

  How dare you! I’m not even yours, asshole!

  “$1 Million. Cash.” Anton said stoically.

  “No Deal.”

  Tasia cut in. She couldn’t help but to break her silence. She needed to make sure she was not being sold. Human trafficking was illegal. But in this industry everything was legal. No law. No rule and regulation. Nothing at all. They did as they pleased.

  “Wait….” Before she could even say the next word, one man grabbed her aside by the mouth to keep her from talking.

  “I’m not going to make this any longer. $3 Million. Fixed. Take it or leave it.”

  Big Boy knew that a mafia leader like him never made any joke. They were always serious. Covetousness took over.


  What? She thought she was going to pass out. After he had announced that she was sold, every word she heard was like a loud cymbal. What could she do? Just before she started working for Big Boy, she signed a contract allowing him to govern parts of her life in exchange for a large amount of cash. She was heedless that it was going to be this big.

  Mama and Papa, forgive me. I didn’t know what I was doing. Please, help me! She cried.

  Chapter Four

  A bolt of pain struck Tasia’s head. Every nerve in her brain must have been shaken up as she felt so dizzy. Oh, I think I drank too much. She thought.

  As she opened her eyes, she found out she was not in a dream. Not at all.

  Casting the duvet cover away, a cold breeze touched her delicate skin. She looked down. Sure enough, she was naked. She had neither clothes nor underwear.

  “Aaaah…..” She screamed at the top of her voice. She almost reached the dolphin note.

  She heard someone running to her direction. Quickly, she grabbed the duvet back and covered her voluptuous body. Her breasts were quintessentially round. And her nipples were a little darker than her skin tone. Her vagina was impeccably flawless.

  “What’s the matter, ma’am?” The housekeeper asked.

  By the look on her visage, Tasia knew she was a few years older than her. She was twenty-six. The housekeeper must have been in her late twenties to early thirties. She had a great body like her. Only, she was lighter.

  “Where am I?” Taskia asked.

  “You don’t know?”

  “Just tell me!” Tasia yelled.

  She was heedless Anton was just outside listening to their conversation. Before the housekeeper could even open her mouth to explain, he appeared from behind. In an instant, she recognized him from the Black Market.

  “You –“ Tasia accused. Anger and frustration clouded her perception. She could no longer think straight whenever she saw him.

  “Ostavit’ nas v pokoye.” Anton commanded his servant. It was a Russian phrase for leave us alone.

  Tasia hurled the pillows at him without thinking of what he might do. “You’re a godless man. You’re an animal! How dare you to purchase me, you’re an asshole!”

  “Listen. Please, listen to me.”

  Anton’s words did not pierce through her eardrums. Her ears were shut, disallowing his deception to enter her head. Once was enough.

  “You’re an animal! You’re an animal……” She kept on screaming the same words over and over again.

  Anton must have had enough of her big mouth. He approached her and then grabbed her wrist as he pulled her up, forcing her to stand up.

  Slipping down, the duvet sheet no longer hid her shame as her nakedness revealed itself to his eyes. He’d forgotten she was naked.

  “Hands off me!” She screamed at him while at the same time spat at his face.

  He was shocked. He remembered the day when his father spat in his face for being so weak to endure his oppression. He was a child back then. Now, he was a full grown man.

  “How dare you!” His fist met her face. She was thrown back to the bed.

  Her round bottom faced him. He could see the gap in between her legs that led to her vagina. He felt lecherous to rape her, but he allowed his morals to take over. He did not want to prove to her he was a godless man. If she only knew what he’d been through, maybe then she might have retained her anger a little bit.

  “Look. I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to lay my hands on you.
I-I was just so… so carried away. Please, forgive me.” He kneeled down.

  She continued sobbing.

  “Please, face me,” He begged. As he stared at her, an unexplainable sadness pinched his heart. Perhaps, he could see himself in her. He was now starting to realize that he was becoming like his father, if not worse.

  Warm. Comfortable. Cosy. It was Anton’s bear coat that curtained her back, preventing her from catching a cold. All of a sudden, she stopped crying.

  On the brink of going far from her room, he heard her voice.

  “Wait,” She said.


  “Why? Why did you buy me? Don’t you know my mother is in debt, and she’s going to jail? Maybe she is already.” Her voice croaked.

  “I know.”

  His words hit her ears. It was painful. How did he know?

  “Before I took you here to Russia, I made sure I cleared everything up. Don’t you worry, your mom is fine. She’s no longer in debts. It’s been paid. You can relax now.”

  Russia. Am I in freaking Russia? That was her initial worry. She was miles away from home. But when she heard her mother was fine and no longer in debt, she began to calm down and breathe smoothly.

  She stood up. As her legs stretched out, she made up her mind. It was now time to change. She needed to put her old self away. That girl who was so naïve of her surroundings was dead. She was now a new creature. Bulletproof – nothing to lose. She thought she’d already lost her virginity, so what else could be taken away from her? Her life? She was no longer afraid to die, especially now that she knew her mother was in the good situation.

  “What do you want from me? How could I repay you?” Tasia turned to face him. Hands against her waist as if she was a black wonder woman. Still naked. But fierce.

  “Aren’t you gonna cover your body? Use the duvet, perhaps?” Anton asked.

  “You’ve already taken my virginity. So, what’s the point?”

  “Oh…. No, you’re wrong. I-I didn’t…..”

  Tasia cut in. “Do you have woman’s clothes in your wardrobe? I’m sure you do. You’re a billionaire, right. You could do everything.”


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