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Four under the Mistletoe: A MFMM Menage Romance (Christmas Billionaire Menage Series Book 2)

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by Tia Siren

  All of a sudden, Anton felt afraid of what he’d made her become. Who is she?

  Chapter Five

  Hours became days. Days became weeks. Weeks became months. And since then, Anton had never seen the sweet Tasia he once adored. She was a fast learner. Within weeks of watching, she’d mastered everything about the mafia. She became their new rookie. An asset in case their operation failed.

  “Tasia, go and get Anton. Tell him we’re having a meeting within thirty minutes.” Java commanded her.

  Java was the big boss of Sekret rynka. He was the founder and the most flagrant leader. He would spare no one if found guilty of breaching the rules and regulations. He’d done it before, and he would do it again.

  Knock. Knock. Knock. Tasia slammed her fist against Anton’s door.

  No one answered.

  What is he doing? She thought, intrigued by what he was up to. “Hey, dirty monkey. Come out.”

  The longer Tasia stayed with them, the more she became like them. She was beginning to lose her manners.

  Ten minutes of seeking Anton worried her. Although she hated him beyond measure, an inevitable attraction was prominent. Over the past few months, he’d proven himself to be a gentleman. Losing him still scared her. Indeed, she hated him but cared for him at the same time. She was confused. She was in a crazy world of criminals.

  “This is not a good joke, Anton. I command you to come out in this instance!” Tasia said with authority in her voice.

  Realizing the situation was getting serious. She ran out to tell Java. But a mournful voice grabbed her attention. She listened carefully to where it was coming from.

  Is he underneath the bed? But why? She asked herself in great wonder of what he was doing in there.

  “Tasia?” Anton said weakly.

  Pink roses sprung up on her cheeks as she blushed. She couldn’t help herself but to wrap her arms around him and keep him warm. He hugged her back, feeling the tenderness of her body. How he’d wished to do this before.

  “Are you alright?” She asked softly as if she was talking to a child.

  He nodded, assuring her he was fine.

  “Just wait ok. I’m just gonna tell Java that you’re sick. I know he’d understand.”

  But Anton refused to let go of her.

  “Anton, I’m coming back. I promise.”

  Before leaving, she put him first in bed, assuring he was comfortable and well wrapped to trap the hit in his body. Then she went to see Java in the meeting room.

  “I’m going to stand proxy for Anton. He’s sick.”

  “What? Tell him to stop being a pussy and get his ass over here.” Java yelled.

  Everyone was tamed. Except, of course, Tasia.

  “No! He’s sick and under the rules and regulations of Sekret rynka, I commit myself as Anton’s proxy.”

  Everyone laughed. But at the same time, they found her really bold to speak up against the big boss.

  “Just this time, Tasia. You’ve used your luck already. You only get one chance.” Java eyed her creepily, patronizing every nerve of her body.

  But she was not afraid. Not at all.

  “The reason I’ve gathered every leader in this meeting is because…. a member in this table breached a decree. He knows who he is, and he better prepare himself.”

  A man beside Tasia was sweating heavily. Every drop was counted. One by one.

  “Everyone knows that a leader must be committed. And that commitment means putting your life in service. That commitment means giving up ever marrying and having a family.” Java paused and glanced around the table. “But one brave and rather an audacious man tried to raise his foot against us. We all know what the outcome is, right Albert?”

  He was the person beside her.

  “Please, let me explain. I broke up with her long time ago, and she aborted the baby already, so, so ….” He stuttered, trying to find the right words.

  Tassia was getting petrified. She’d never seen this before. Was she regretful of her decision of being his proxy?

  “So, so….? You’re dead.” Java pulled the trigger right through his head.

  Everything happened quickly. It was clean. She did not even realize he was dead already. She was traumatized.

  Java noticed her shaking.

  “Tasia. Get used to this. This is normal. It’s part of your life now. So get over it.”


  “Tasia? Hey, Tasia. Are you awake?” Anton was trying to wake her up. She was sitting beside his bed, asleep.

  He was now in good condition after she took care of him. It turned out he caught Malaria, the same disease that killed her mother. Without her, he might have lost his life as well. Outsiders were not allowed to enter the warehouse where they stayed. It was a perilous move – something to be taken seriously. They never knew, a medical operator might be a spy, disguised in a white uniform.

  Anton shoved her hair away from her face gently, exposing his naturally tanned face. What he loved the most was her bone structured face. She could be a supermodel, but, for now, she was his role model.

  “I’m so sorry, Tasia. I never meant to take you away from home. I admit I planned to use you to smuggle stuff from America to here, in Russia. But you gave me more than what I wanted. So thank you!”

  With teary eyes, he imparted a mellifluous kiss on her forehead. How he wished to see the soft side of him. A tear fell. It touched her cheek that woke her up.

  “What’s that?” She thought there was a leak in the ceiling.

  Still not in her normal senses, she rose up to see how Anton was doing. Touching his forehead, his hand traveled on top of hers. A chill swam in her spine to her neck. She had goose bumps.



  “Oh, thank goodness you’re alright. Are you feeling well now?”

  “Yes. Thanks, Tasia.”

  Dropping down, she embraced him tightly, showing that she had grown to love him.

  They stared at each other in disbelief. Who would have thought that enemies, in the beginning, became lovers at the end?

  Unable to hold back, he pulled her closer to him. Their lips intertwined, sharing their long awaited oneness. Placing his hands on both sides of her face, he kept on devouring her lips. As they exchanged saliva, he began sliding her blouse away.

  She took her blouse off completely. He rose up to help her undo her bra. Sitting on his lap, she offered her neck to be kissed. To her invitation, he helped himself do so. He ran his tongue around her scruff, tasting every flavor of her skin. It was salty, but at the same time sweet and sour. The sensual sensation must have made him imagine all sorts of relishes.

  Pulling his shirt off, the smell of his manliness was so addictive. Russian smell was by far stronger and nicer. She lowered her head down to his neck and began kissing. Running her wet tongue along his ears made him moan in pleasure, instead of tingling away.

  She leaned back, supported by his hands. Arms were wrapped around his neck as she swirled her head as if she was being exorcised. Feeling his mouth roaming around her breasts, she moaned and moaned as her body wriggled in excitement.

  “Oooh… Yeah. More. More….” She pleaded.

  He bit on her nipples. He lifted her up, and then put her down again. Then they stopped.

  Feet stomping outside their room. Who could it be? Did they know they were making love?

  “Don’t worry about them. Please, continue.” She said, annoyed to be interrupted.

  So he did.

  Pulling her panties down, her vagina smiled at him with great delight. It was perfectly hairless – virgin to shave. As he touched it and started rubbing it with his sandy hands, she moaned even louder.

  Inserting his middle finger into her pussy, Tasia spread her legs wide open. As his finger slid in, she clenched the mattress at both sides. Her body tingling repetitively as his finger sprinted faster and faster.

  Moaning veiled the room. Its sound’s spectra echoed in every corn
er. Hope no one was outside listening to their adulterous love.

  Before bringing his face down to her vulva, he looked up first to see how she was coping. Noticing he was looking at her, she brought her gaze to him. Seeing his blazing green eyes that shimmered in anticipation made her love him even more. It seemed the bad memories she’d had about him was starting to fade away now. One flake at a time, like the snow outside.

  After munching on her front bottom, he lifted his body up and then unzipped his zipper before pulling his pants down. He motioned his hand for her to suck his penis. But she seemed to be refusing the opportunity to taste it. The size must have overwhelmed her.

  “You don’t want to?” He asked, wondering whether she’d ever had any experience like this.

  “No. I’ve never done that before,” She replied, explaining herself.

  “Just try.”

  To his persuasion, she was compelled to give a go.

  Wrapping her hand around it made her heart drive 100KM. She was freaking out. This is huge, she thought as she put it in her mouth. His shaft was around eight inches in length and five-centimeter in diameter. It was humongous.

  Leaning his head back, he felt her warm and luscious tongue playing around his penis like a lollypop. So good…. He moaned.

  After a minute or so, he decided it was the right time for intimate pounding. He pushed her down back to the bed against the soft and fluffy pillows. She was surprised. But at the same time, she felt elevated to feel him filling her up from flesh to soul.

  Thrusting his shaft into her deepest hole, a sensitive part of a woman where they felt vulnerable, he could feel her vagina tightening up, gripping his dick. But he was persistent to reach her end, and so he did. As he kept on sliding it back and forth, slowly at first, she felt eased and relaxed, but as he continued pounding her – it became a sprint rather than a marathon.

  Anton did not care about the journey. He liked being rough and dominant when it came to sex. He liked it hard.

  “Aaaah…” Tasia screamed.

  But he quickly covered her mouth worried the other brothers would find out what they were up to. They were cruel and without mercy. One mistake was equivalent to the death penalty. Life was cheap.

  “Don’t make much noise. They might hear us.” He hushed her up.


  Little did they know someone was outside the door – listening.

  Chapter Six

  Everything went normally between Tasia and Anton. They treated each other no different as before. They did not want to make the brothers suspect them too much. It was dangerous. One snare, everything could go wrong.

  “Hey, Tasia,” Anton called her from afar.

  She was busy monitoring the surveillance cameras around the warehouse’s perimeter. She was in charge of it when Albert, whom Java shot in the head, died. The pressure was on.

  “Hey…. Tasia. Here….” He hissed as he noticed her looking around, trying to find out where the sound was coming from.

  The excitement came into her. She loved seeing him now, especially after the night they spent together. It had been three months, and, since then, they had never been able to meet up one on one. There were plenty of eyes roaming around.

  The brothers were starting to be suspicious of their relationship.

  “Hey, what are you doing in here? This is not your department. We might get in trouble if we get caught.”

  Tasia smacked Anton’s shoulder, signifying she wanted his presence. She was flirting.

  “Do you want to take a walk outside?” He asked as he pulled something from his pocket.

  “What? Are you insane? It’s cold out there. Can’t you see?”

  “Look. I bought two tickets for the cinema. One for you and one for me. Yah?”

  “Ummm… I-I don’t know. He might see us.”

  “Don’t worry, Java is out of the country. He’s in Ukraine and won’t be back until tomorrow night.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Have I ever lied to you?”

  “Have you?” She frowned her brows, thinking of the moments he lied to her.

  He laughed. He knew what she was talking about.

  Ten millimeters of snow covered the face of roads around Ablina Ulitsa Street where the warehouse was located. Withered trees were clothed with white blankets. Although the sun was blazing in its full glory, its heat barely touched Tasia and Anton’s faces as they walked to the cinema.

  He looked at his watch.

  “Why do you keep looking at your watch?” She asked.

  “Ah, that… I’m just making sure I keep track of the time. Just for some private reasons.”

  “Private reasons?” Her eyebrows met in wonder.


  He promised to her he was not going to lie ever again, but it seemed deception was sewed in his mouth. As he finished talking, he remembered his father who kept looking at his watch when his mother was in the hospital – on the edge of death. That stuck in his mind.

  Every time he looked at his wristwatch he remembered him, wondering whether he was still alive or already resting underground.

  “Hey, let’s help the lady.” Tasia yelled as she saw a black lady slip over, caused by the slippery snow.

  “What?” He asked, back to his senses again.

  Following her, he was astonished to see her gentle side. That side of her that he fell in love with.

  “Are you alright, lady?”

  “Are you from America?” The old lady asked, noticing Tasia’s appearance.

  “Yes. What about you?”

  “Me too. Hey –“ She pulled her closer, aware that Anton was fast approaching.

  “Be careful around here. I know there’s something going on in that huge factory over there. Take care of yourself!”

  She was talking about the warehouse where she worked. All of a sudden her poor mother came to her mind. How’s she doing? She wondered as loneliness crept into her.

  “Hey, are you ok?” Anton asked Tasia with deep concern in his voice.

  “My mom… I miss my Mama. I want to go back home, Anton. Please help me!”

  Beads of tears began to take shape around her eyes. He could feel how she missed her mother. Because he experienced it himself.

  “What? I-I can’t. You know why, don’t you?”

  He took her hands and placed them over his shoulders as he drew her into him.

  She kept sobbing. Tears wetted his coat, but he did not mind.

  She pushed him away as she felt her stomach turning. Spewing out, she released the cereals she’d eaten for breakfast out of her mouth. To her aid, he wrapped his own coat around her for extra warmth, despising the chilling wind. He thought it was just a simple cold. But it was far greater and risky.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. I must have eaten –“ She paused as she continued vomiting.

  Arriving back to the warehouse, Java was by the door waiting. His weight was as heavy as his anger. He was pissed off. The rest of the brothers who flew to Ukraine with him were arrested. Now, he needed to dissipate his anger to someone.

  “Where you been? Both of you?” He interrogated.

  “We’ve just gone for a walk,” She replied as her voice trembled.

  Touch her and you’ll see what will happen. Anton said to himself as he noticed she was terrified.

  “I told you not to leave your department, didn’t I?” He shouted at her as his saliva spat at her face. Disgusting.

  Then, Java grabbed Tasia’s arm.

  But before he could pull her in, Anton grabbed her back as quick as lightning. “Don’t touch her!” He said in a very stern and candid tone, indicating he was serious.

  “Anton! What are you doing?”

  “She’s my rookie. I brought her here. She’s under my supervision. Let go of her!”

  Anton’s eyes flamed in vexation. Java knew when he was serious. Out of respect to the rules and regulations, he pushed her away b
ack to him.

  “You better take care of your rookie. She’s used every luck she has.” He said as he spat to the floor.

  As they walked away, he called one of his slaves by finger sign, a code of quiet calling.

  Eyes must be vigilant.

  “I want you to spy those two. I smell something fishy is going on between those two monkeys. Find out what it is.”

  “Yes, sir.” The servant saluted.

  It was him, the person who was outside their door that night.

  Chapter Seven

  Why do my breasts hurt so much?

  Tasia was looking in the bathroom’s mirror, examining her growing body. She had been sick for the past few days with severe nausea and cold. She thought it was because of the changing weather, but she was heedless of something that was springing up within her.

  “Hey, Tasia. We’re having a fitness check-up in a couple of minutes. So hurry up!” One of the brothers must have been told by Java to call her.

  “Yeah… I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Getting to the assembly area, she saw Anton standing opposite her where the leaders sat along with the huge monster.

  Fitness in Sekret rynka mafia was taken seriously. They had to be extremely fit to perform important tasks. There was no room for any lanky member.

  One. Two. Three….. Fifty-four had gone through the check-up, and now it was her turn.

  As soon as she stepped on the scale, the red arrow quickly swayed to the right.

  “You need to reduce your diet. You’re too unfit and heavy. Watch your weight!” The checker said to her with contempt in his voice.

  Java cut in.

  “I thought you don’t have any appetite, Tasia? Why are you getting fatter and fatter every day?”

  She couldn’t breathe. His words stung.

  She laughed, instead, purchasing time to make up a convincing lie to cover up her mischievousness.

  “Hahaha….. Sorry, but I’ve been eating chocolates lately. I have a sweet tooth, so I love candies.”

  Java’s squinted eyes narrowed. He knew something was not right. He was just waiting for her to confess. But he knew she would not sing as quick as she could find a way to get away with it.


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