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Lakeshore Lyrics: The McAdams Sisters (By The Lake Series Book 5)

Page 24

by Leah, Shannyn

  He hadn’t.

  Riley waited for her instead and embraced her with compassion, love and pride. As much as she loved that her brother had met her, her mood had shifted that moment into one of fear that Avery’s absence was his way of telling her it was over.

  Riley hadn’t had any information on Avery’s thoughts about her, but he apologized for the way he’d behaved, promising he’d done the same with Avery. That declaration had given her a little thrill on the ride home thinking that if Riley had talked to Avery, maybe Avery would be at Abby’s house.

  He wasn’t.

  This weekend was going to be an up and down rollercoaster of waiting for Avery to come to her. She couldn’t go to him. When she’d walked away, she’d been specific with him, he had to be able to move past this. She’d told him she loved him again, praying his heart couldn’t be away from her.

  Spending two days in Willow Valley, Cece found herself speeding around every corner holding her breath, staring across the sun bathing beach goers and peeking out Abby’s windows for Avery. Her heart jumped with excitement each time, and then her stomach sickened with each disappointment. She didn’t let it show. She hoped she didn’t because Riley and Abby had been amazing hosts whisking her around town.

  Riley proudly introduced her to Mrs. Calvert and Cece watched the bond they shared with joy not jealousy, that this woman had been there for her brother when he wouldn’t listen to anyone else.

  When Mrs. Calvert looked unsure whether to hug Cece or keep her hands to herself, Cece stepped forward, wrapping her arms around the lady and quietly whispering a thank you for only her to hear.

  Cece had the pleasure of sharing the year she had with Dani with her mother. She enjoyed watching the smiles she put on the older lady’s face, as she explained the ways Dani had changed after Jenny’s birth, from her wild ways to a mother...a mother who still longed fame...but tried her hardest to put Jenny first. Mrs. Calvert held no judgement when Cece told her side of the relationship between Riley and Dani. Cece was honest. There was no point in lying to a woman who was well aware what her daughter was like and learned who Riley was. There were a lot of bad times during those years for the parents of a baby they both hadn’t planned. But there had been good times too and telling them to Mrs. Calvert with Riley at her side, Cece reminded him too of the good times.

  Riley’s smile as he remembered them was now no longer haunted like it had been before. When Riley left them alone, it was Mrs. Calvert’s turn to share her time with Riley. His struggles, pain and guilt...all the things Cece was ready to hear.

  Now, Riley and Abby were adamant Cece attend the summer send-off party that Willow Valley was having on the beach. It was apparently a huge event along the beach with bon fires, activities and local bands performing at the bandstand. Cece wasn’t sure if the town didn’t realize they were a little late with their summer was September...but it wasn’t her place to say, so she simply nodded and smiled.

  Would Avery be there?

  After Rusty’s statement, followed by a statement from Justice on behalf of the band, they were clear to come out of hiding.

  Cece didn’t get her hopes up. She was guessing if he did show up, which he likely would since it was his hometown, he would be avoiding her. That thought made her want to run a bath and soak in her tears. But Riley was pushing for her to attend and she didn’t want to crush him after they were finally getting back to normal.

  Cece applied a coat of gloss to her lips, pressed them together, forced a sad smile in the mirror, then made her way into the small living room. Abby and Riley were curled up on the couch...dressed. Thank goodness. These two were a sex-crazed, horny couple.

  Abby smiled first, her brown eyes lit with happiness as always; a definite contrast against her black skinnies, t-shirt and leather jacket. Funny for being so bubbly and positive she dressed like she was off to a funeral every day. Cece almost smirked, thinking about how much Abby would enjoy that comment.

  “Looking hot,” Abby said. “Isn’t she?” she asked Riley who made it a point not to do a once over on her saying, “That’s my sister.” He pushed Abby’s legs off his lap and stood up, offering his hand to her.

  “You look so hot,” Abby said, passing her in the direction of the kitchen and looping an arm in hers.

  Cece stopped at the front door. “Can I just have a moment with my brother?” she asked Abby.

  “Of course.” Chipper Abby grabbed her purse off the counter. “I will wait outside.”

  Cece turned to Riley. He was more underdressed then she’d ever seen him. Boot cut jeans hung over loafers with a plain, long-sleeved black shirt across his broad chest. He looked handsome all the same.

  “I wanted to say I don’t blame you for what happened to me with Rusty. I said some pretty mean things on the bus and I’m sorry. I wished you had been there with me.”

  “I wish I had too.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m not leaving you again,” he promised.

  “I know that Riley. I don’t need another promise or an apology.” She grinned. “I will settle for a hug.”

  Two steps and Riley pulled her into his strong arms and practically squeezed the death out of her and didn’t let go.

  “I didn’t say a bear hug.” She laughed.

  Abby was waiting on the porch swing, her legs stretched across the bench pounding away at her phone. She looked up. “Ready?”

  When they nodded, Abby led them to Riley’s car.

  “I thought we were going to the beach,” Cece said, watching them climb in. The beach was literally through Abby’s backyard, across an alley and onto the main street of Willow Valley. They certainly didn’t need a vehicle for the short distance.

  “Change of plans,” Abby said. “Come on.” She waved her hand, climbing into the back seat, leaving the passenger’s seat empty for Cece. She didn’t have to, Cece would be just as satisfied glumly sitting in the back seat, alone. Her curiosity to where they were heading was lacking, her desire to go was even more lacking.

  They drove past the strip, which was beautiful at night. The main street of Willow Valley came alive with old-fashioned streetlights, mini lights hung in all the trees along the boardwalk, around the balconies and in the trees throughout the beach like a magical forest of fireflies.

  It was almost nine and all the businesses were still open, probably for the celebration. Their racks of clothing, souvenirs and beach supplies poured out onto the boardwalk in front of their lit windows.

  The whole area was surreal and beautiful. Cece wished she could experience it all with Avery. As they drove through town, her eyes darted in every direction in search of the man holding her heart. What if she saw him? What if he didn’t want to see her? What if she was forced to leave Willow Valley and her heart with a man who didn’t want it?

  They were such gloomy thoughts for such a gorgeous evening. Cece sat blanketed in her own sulking pity party as Riley drove them out of town. When they pulled up to a sprawling building, Cece caught the name, Caliendo Resort. Caliendo Resort? Why did that sound so familiar?

  “What are we doing here?” she asked.

  “Izzy invited us to a party,” Abby said, leaning forward and resting an elbow on each seat for a better view as they drove around the circular pond and spraying fountains. Riley parked under a three-arched stone shelter beside stairs leading up to automatic glass doors.

  Izzy Caliendo, Abby’s best friend. That was it. This belonged to Izzy Caliendo?

  Cece and Izzy hadn’t started off on the right foot either. She was surprised that Izzy would ever talk to her again, much less invite her to a party. Must have been an extended invitation on Riley and Abby’s behalf.

  “What kind of party?” Cece asked.

  Abby passed Cece, skipping up the stairs. She shot a mysterious grin over her shoulder. “A private party.”

  Riley came up beside Cece and looped his arm around hers. “I might catch a cab home early,” she said. �
��I’m not really in the mood for a party.”

  He rubbed her arm. “Give it a chance at least,” he asked.


  Izzy Caliendo met them in the lobby beside another woman Cece didn’t know. Her cream colored designer dress was as stunning as the marble floor they crossed.

  Cece regretted her outfit immediately. Cece regretted leaving the house. In fact, Cece was regretting coming to Willow Valley at all. There was clearly nothing...or no one here for her.

  Izzy was all smiles for Abby and Riley, but her eyes fell short on Cece. “So you went and grew a heart and fell in love with Avery McAdams?” she said.

  “Izzy!” Abby and the woman exclaimed at the same time.

  “What?” Izzy asked it innocently. “This is my sister, Violet. Violet this is Cece Boyd.”

  Violet offered a firm handshake that left Cece wishing for the first time in weeks that she was wearing one of her suits similar to the grey sleek, blazer and skirt set Violet attractively wore.

  “You two will have so much in common. You’re both a tad bit on the stuffy side with that watchful, judging eye,” Izzy added with a devilish grin.

  Abby nudged Izzy out of the way, pulling Cece’s arm. “Come on.” She led the way down the cream hallway with wrought iron and tile tables sporadically placed with massive urns exploding with overflowing flowers.

  Cece’s heart hurt. A lot. Suddenly it hit her. She couldn’t live without Avery. She didn’t want to live another day without him. She needed to go get Avery. Tonight. If he couldn’t find her then she was going to find him and they were going to talk this out. She had to try at the very least.

  She opened her mouth to tell Abby she had to run and that she was madly in love with Avery and add to find him, but Abby spoke first.

  “Ignore Izzy,” she said. “Violet is always telling her she has no filter and I tend to agree.” That was the truth. “And smile,” she added with a squeeze.

  Smile. Why?

  Violet and Izzy moved in front of them and when Abby stopped before closed double doors, the two Caliendo’s pulled them open with big smiles on their faces.

  What was going on? Why was Izzy smiling at her?

  An empty ballroom unfolded in front of her and one glance at the man standing in the middle of the room, Cece didn’t notice another detail. Not the sparkling lights draped from the ceiling or the candlelit tables or red rose bouquets. She forgot about how she felt underdressed or that there was an audience behind her. Cece couldn’t move her eyes past the man she’d been longing to see for days.

  Avery stood in the middle of the room, his head dipped down wearing a fedora and, of course, a vest. Her fingers curled wanting to touch every part of him. In his hand he held a single red rose close to his chest, his eyes only for her.

  “Don’t break his heart,” Abby whispered, reminding Cece she was still holding her arm. “He’s a keeper.”

  “I won’t. I promise.” Cece smiled at Abby as she pulled away and stepped back leaving her to support herself.

  Cece turned to Avery. This time taking in how handsome he was, standing before her, waiting for her. Finding her courage, and trying not to run into his arms, Cece crossed the floor to the center of the ballroom where he stood. Had he planned all this? For her?

  Avery held the rose out and she took it, placing it against her nose to inhale its sweet aroma, but only wanting to smell Avery’s familiar scents.

  Without a word, he took her hand and wrapped his arm around her waist, at the same time “Evoked Heartbeat” strummed to life around them. Cece caught sight of the stage and in the shadows were Ems, Drew and Sean.

  Avery pulled her against him, stealing her attention. Cece didn’t want to tuck her face against his, she wanted to see him. Moving with the deep depths of his loving eyes, they didn’t need words to express their love. His actions right now spoke volumes to her heart.

  With one hand, Cece touched the side of his face. “You didn’t have to plan all this, Avery. If you had shown up at Abby’s house, I would have been just as thrilled.”

  Avery kissed her, enclosing his mouth over hers drinking in all her worry, sadness, and leaving her knowing he was her hero.

  When he pulled away he said, “You deserve someone who will go the extra lengths to make sure you understand what an incredible person you are. You deserve to be loved and cherished with a happy future that doesn’t revolve around trudging up the difficult memories of your past. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that was all you wanted.”

  “I want you, Avery. That’s all I want. And I don’t need all this to prove that you love me. I know you love me. I love you.”

  He kissed her again and she deepened it, pulling his face harder against her. “I kind of wish I had just went to Abby’s house, and then I could have swept you up and carried you into the guest bedroom.”

  “Sweep me up and I will get us a room,” she promised. “With a hot tub and we can...”

  He groaned. “I didn’t think this out well.”


  “There’s more.”

  “More?” She didn’t want more, she only wanted Avery.

  “I love you Cece Boyd, and I have a surprise for my entire family wouldn’t stay away and they are all behind you.” What? He kissed her nose. “I will be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

  Avery left her, crossed the floor, and climbed onto the stage with the rest of the members of Inch Away.

  Biting her lower lips, Cece slowly turned around and Avery was right, they were all behind her, standing in front of the door. Were they mad at her? They had to be mad at her.

  Taking a deep breath, Cece walked to them. Every part of her body was shaking, but the closer she got, the more smiles she saw. They were all there, his four sisters, she assumed the pregnant woman sitting on a chair to be Peyton, and their four spouses, plus his dad and Elaine, and even Haylee.

  She stopped in front of them and didn’t give them a chance to speak first. If one of them even started it would fireball to all of them and Cece would never get her side in. “I owe all of you an apology,” she started. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen with Avery. His career was by far my first priority and I would have never knowingly put it in jeopardy. I guess after what I did with Abby and Riley, that might be hard for you all to believe, but it’s true.”

  Kent stepped forward first. “Sweetheart, we are all under the impression that your first priority is Avery himself and not his career. That you are in love with my son. Are we wrong?”

  Cece’s body flushed. “No.”

  “Alright, then you don’t owe any of us an apology.” Kent gave her a hug...the root of these McAdams affection. He whispered in her ear, “Welcome to the family, Cece.”

  Welcome to the family. To this family. Cece loved that. The family erupted around her into hugs and laughter, light teasing and more welcomes. Cece had just finished being introduced to Peyton and her husband Colt, when Avery’s voice came over the microphone.

  “Cece Boyd, I thought I told you not to move,” he teased and the McAdams laughed. “Will you get up here, please?”

  The ballroom was huge and every step toward Avery only excited her more. He needed to get off that stage and into her arms.

  She stopped nice and close to the stage. “Is this good?” she called to him.

  Avery nodded. “Perfect.” A new sound came from Inch Away. A new tune, new lyrics that she didn’t recognize until the chorus came and Avery sang her words from their conversation at the apartment.

  “Your touch makes me forget...your kiss leaves me craving more...and your voice convinces me that we will be different...” He sang the words in perfect harmony with the tune and tears sprung to Cece’s eyes. For not wanting or needing such gestures, this one sure felt wonderful. Everything felt wonderful when she was with Avery.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  THE MELODY PULSED from Avery’s fingertips, strumming the strings of his
guitar and traveling through his body, right down to the drumming of his foot, as he sang the song he’d written from the inspiration of Cece’s loving feelings combined with his own. Meshing their emotions and love for each other into lyrics and singing them to the woman he loved, was the best concert he’d ever performed. Avery felt the intense passion of each word and knew people would relate to the message of this song. It could easily hit the top of music charts. But tonight, the song was for only him and Cece, for their love, and for their future together.

  When the song slowed, with only two more rounds of the chorus left, Avery couldn’t stand another second being so far away from Cece. He wanted to feel her beneath his touch and her lips against his.

  Avery slipped the strap of his guitar over off, leaving the musical instrument resting on the stage to hop down from the platform. Drew, Sean and Ems continued playing the song without him.

  Avery felt euphoric as he crossed the distance to Cece, with their words of love enclosed around them.

  As Avery had sang to Cece from the stage, he’d watched tears form and fall down her smooth, delicate skin. Now, taking a breath with each step, those tears caused the same reaction in Avery and he felt the warm water pooling around his eyes. By the time Avery reached Cece, and wiped her tears away, she was lovingly and gently wiping his away.

  Avery kissed her softly, taking in the full, warmth of her lips.

  “That was beautiful,” Cece said against his mouth.

  “They were your words,” he said, remembering the surprised recognition across her face when he’d sang the chorus, her words, and adoring the loving gaze she didn’t take off him.

  “I meant every word. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you,” she said with that same loving gaze.

  Avery kissed Cece again. Longer this time, a little harder, greedily catching her tongue, and swiping every area inside her mouth he could reach, leaving them breathless.

  “I planned to have you to myself, but my family wouldn't stay away,” Avery said. He loved that his family and friends were ecstatic to help him show Cece the depth of his love for her. But right now, with Cece melting in Avery’s embrace, and kissing him like there was no one watching, he wished no one was watching.


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