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Getting The Edge

Page 7

by Alexandra Warren

  “Certainly!” I followed the girl as she rambled on and on about stuff I could care less about until we made it to a door with Ariel’s name sketched into the glass. I peeked inside and she peeked up with the phone attached to her ear before I heard her say, “I’ll call you right back Mommy.” Then she hung up the phone and sauntered over to me, giving me a kiss that I wished I could be more enthusiastic about. Even though I knew the whole mix-up wasn’t her fault, I still wasn’t in the best of moods about it.

  “Babe, what are you doing here?”

  “I just wanted to come see you. Can we...close the door?”

  “Oooo one of those visits huh?” She grabbed the waistband of my pants pulling me in closer and I grabbed her hands to stop her.

  “Uhh, not quite. Not this time at least,” I said, as I removed her hands and headed to close the door.

  “Well, what’s up?”

  “Have you heard the track your new girl group dropped today?” I wasted no time getting to the point.

  “Of course I have. It’s a smash right?” Her excitement was understandable. I was simply on the wrong end.

  “It sounds umm...very similar to the one Zalayah was gonna drop.”

  Her face frowned a little bit as she said, “You’re kidding me right? You don’t think they stole it, do you?”

  “I do, but I doubt I can prove it. Have they said anything to you about it?”

  “Nothing more than enough information to…” She stopped talking in response to a knock at the door. Before Ariel could actually get a chance to invite whoever it was in, the door was already opening and Ariel’s irritation instantly surfaced. “AJ. Can I help you with something?”

  “I was coming to check on the progress of the report Johnson and I asked you to take care of and it looks like I’m right on time. Aaron Jones, CEO.” He extended his hand to me as if it was our first interaction and not our third.

  “Jamison. We’ve met.”

  “Oh that’s right. You interviewed here didn’t you? Well sorry to break it to you, but we definitely picked the right candidate. She does stellar work around here; always going above and beyond for the best of the label.” Out of my peripheral, I saw Ariel grimace.

  “I can imagine that.”

  “You’d be surprised by some of the things she has done for the label; meeting all of our needs and more.” It felt like Jones’s words were laced with some kind of undertones but I didn’t wanna read into it too much. He had already tried to get under my skin once so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was attempting to do it again.

  Ariel must’ve had enough as she said, “AJ, I’d like to finish up here in private if you don’t mind. I’ll give you an update when I’m done.”

  “Sure thing, Ariel. Nice to see you again Jamison.”

  “Likewise Mr. Jones.” I waited until the door was shut and Jones was out of earshot before I said, “He hasn’t hit on you again, has he? You know I’ll knock his ass out in a second.”

  “I know Jamison. But no, you have nothing to worry about.”


  I couldn’t sleep.

  Not because I wasn’t tired. I was actually exhausted. But I felt so guilty that it kept me awake night after night until my body couldn’t take anymore. Jamison had been nothing but good to me, day in and day out, and I had betrayed him. Not necessarily him the person, but him the professional. He shared things with me in confidence and I used it against him to save my own ass. It was selfish but there was really no way around it if I wanted to keep my job. I thought about calling J&J’s bluff a few times, but the thought of only getting a pink slip in return scared me out of it. So I continued to play the dutiful employee while trying to balance that with being at least a halfway decent girlfriend.

  The sound of my alarm seemed to come way too quick but I grudged my way out of bed anyway. The days were starting to blur together as I felt myself getting more and more invested in what would surely be considered some type of scheme. I could only hope that Jamison would understand when I finally got the chance to explain everything to him. He knew how important the job was to me and I was almost sure he would do the same thing if faced with a similar dilemma.

  Okay, maybe not, but the thought did make me feel better about it for at least a split second.

  As I stood in the shower, letting the borderline scalding water smack my skin, I pondered ways to explain what was going on to Jamison without sounding like a complete idiot.

  “My bad babe, I didn’t wanna lose my job so I slipped my bosses a note that Zalayah was auditioning for the role in that new animated film you told me about. Oh, and told them about her first single so they could do it first.”

  “I know, I know, it’s ridiculous that I’d rather sacrifice my relationship over my job. I feel terrible but I’m glad I’m still getting a check in case this thing between us doesn’t work out.”

  “No I didn’t tell them everything, just the most important stuff that could hurt the company you work for. No big deal though right? I mean we can still be together even though I did some shiesty shit behind your back.”

  I laughed to myself at that one. Not because I thought it was funny but because of how ridiculous I was being. There was no way this would come to light if I didn’t say anything. Jamison wouldn’t have a reason to even think I had something to do with all of this. So as long as I kept quiet and stopped acting so guilty about everything, we would be...okay.

  At least that’s what I hoped.

  - & -

  “I don’t know who ya’ll got over there keeping tabs on our moves but that shit isn’t stopping us,” Jamison said with an innocent laugh although his innocence made my guilt creep up knowing that the somebody he spoke of was me. We were sharing dinner at my apartment, our Wednesday night ritual, the one night of the week we made absolutely sure our schedules were cleared for so that we could spend time together.

  “Yeah...I don’t...know either.” It was times like this that I wished he would just ask me straight up so I could start the forgiveness tour but I knew it wouldn’t be that easy.

  “You still haven’t heard anything from anyone about it? I know somebody’s gotta be running their mouth by now.” He was so engrossed in the idea of figuring out who it was when all the conversation did was make me sick to my stomach. It was like no matter how much I tried to justify things to myself, none of it ever felt right.

  I looked down to my plate of spaghetti and catfish, swirling the noodles on my fork as I said, “Not a word. I mean, I don’t think this is really the type of thing you would want too many people knowing you were a part of.” It was easy for me to speak on how somebody may feel about the situation considering that somebody was me. I hoped that I wasn’t making that fact too obvious.

  “True, but since they must assume it’s working, you would think somebody would at least be braggin’ about their strategic success.”

  “Uhh...I guess whoever is doing it doesn’t really want the spotlight.” I could feel the heat of his glare without looking up. Matter of fact, I couldn’t look up because I would’ve surely given myself away.

  “If you say so. I’m just glad we’ve had so many angles with this Zalayah campaign that the interference doesn’t matter. Did I tell you she’s about to get the leading role in some new Disney show?” My ears seemed to perk up on their own. It was like they knew the task at hand without me needing to do any real work.

  “You didn’t. That’s cool. I’m sure she’ll do great.” I didn’t mean to be so nonchalant about his excitement but the information was simply a means to an end for me.

  “I know she will. She’s actually pretty talented, building the brand mostly on her own since our bigger projects keep getting sidelined by you guys.”

  “Jamison, I told you…”

  “I know, I know. That’s not your job. You’re just the promoter. You’ve told me that a million times already and I believe you but you still work there so it’s you guys until you get fired.” I kne
w he meant it as a joke but I couldn’t laugh. Not even a giggle. Things were a lot more serious than he knew.


  “Wow Jamie. I mean I always assumed you would have some bad ass chick on your arm. But that...I don’t think anyone in this room can top her.” I couldn’t agree with Dawson more even though he called me by the nickname I still hated to this day. Ariel looked like a goddess, literally, as she made her way back from the bar at Intergalactic’s Annual Halloween party. She had initially turned down my invitation, her reason being that it was on Intergalactic turf, but after a little extra convincing, she eventually agreed to come.

  “Okay, why are you two looking at me like that?”

  “Like what? Like you’re the most beautiful woman in the room? Because you are.” I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her in closer but making sure she didn’t spill the girly ass drink she was holding onto.

  “I see you’re still tryna build your case for why this outfit should be for more than just Halloween. You aren’t slick Jamison Parker.”

  “I may not be slick but you sure are. At least you will be tonight.”

  “Alright lovebirds. Even I can appreciate seeing Black Love live but can it at least wait until I find something to snuggle up with for the night?”

  Ariel laughed her way out of my hold, “See Jamison, you’re making your friend uncomfortable with all of that PDA.” I pulled her right back in, reaching under her little goddess dress to grab her ass.

  “Does it look like I care? This is all mine baby and will be for a very long time if you act right.” I held her gaze and could feel myself getting lost in her orbs even with all the action going on around us. Ariel was a different kind of beautiful. Of course, she was physically beautiful. But even more than that, she had a beautiful soul that mine naturally gravitated to and couldn’t seem to get enough of.

  “If I act right? And what about you?”

  “Trust me. If you act right, you have nothing to worry about.” She offered me a smile that seemed to be lacking its usual genuineness, but it could’ve just been the couple of shots I had with Dawson beginning to fuck with my senses.

  “Well if it isn’t my two favorite marketers.”

  I turned to where the voice had come from to find Erin less than half-dressed in a cat costume. A cat costume that consisted of nothing more than cat ears, a bra, and panties with a tail attached.

  “Hey Erin. I didn’t know you were coming,” Dawson said as he shamelessly checked her out, surely her intentions when she decided on the costume in the first place.

  “You know I love a good Halloween party. Any reason to get dressed up in fact.” Even though she was having the conversation with Dawson, her eyes stayed fixed on mine. “You look good as always Jamison. Who’s your friend?”

  “This is my girlfriend Ariel. Ariel this is Erin, Zalayah’s mom.”

  Ariel turned her face up as she said, “Mom?”

  “That’s right,” she replied, taking a twirl as if she needed to do anymore to show off her body. Erin by herself was definitely a sight to see, but not so much in comparison to Ariel.

  “Wow. That’s...awesome. You should be very proud of your daughter. She’s doing big things.”

  “Oh of course. More than proud. But we couldn’t do half of what we’ve done without Jamison’s help. He’s the best of the best if you ask me. But I’m sure you know that.”

  “You’re right. I do.” I could feel the tension between the two ladies beginning to brew and although it was a little entertaining, I knew I had to break it up to avoid an argument with Ariel later.

  “Well Erin, I know Dawson’s been waiting for a dance partner so now that you’re here, I’m gonna take my girl out to the dance floor.” She looked annoyed by my rejection, but it was way more important to me to see the look of satisfaction on Ariel’s face as we made our way into the crowd.

  I turned her around, letting her ass fall right into the lap of my toga. The fabric was pretty delicate, so even though we were just dancing, the thin layer allowed me to feel every inch of her which may not have been a good idea since we were in public. I didn’t know if she was motivated by the fact that somebody had tried to get at me in front of her, or she was just really feeling the music, but her moves felt calculated; as if she was doing everything she could to turn me on. And boy was it working.

  “Slow down baby. You can get what you want when we leave.”

  “Don’t make me wait Jamison. I want you noww.” She was actually whining for the dick like it had been that long since her last dose. Unfortunately, it would have to wait as I was still on company time.

  “I have to stay baby. At least for another hour.”

  “We can stay. Let’s just…go to the bathroom or something.” It wasn’t like Ariel to engage in something so lewd and spontaneous but I instantly attributed it to the fact that she had been drinking all night. She probably didn’t even know what she was offering.

  “You’re really down for some public bathroom sex?” Maybe the mention of it being a dirty ass place would strike something in her brain for her to reconsider. Not that I was against it by any means, but I knew she wouldn’t be with it under normal circumstances.

  “I’d do you right here if things like that were considered acceptable, but for the sake of everyone else’s eyes and our criminal records, bathroom; now.”


  I walked into the J&J building with a heavy heart. I had more information that I could share with my bosses but it just didn’t feel right. Not that it ever felt right, but with Jamison and I being closer than ever, it hurt me to hurt him. I knew it didn’t affect him on a personal level that much, but just the fact that I was doing the shit behind his back bothered me.

  I sat at my desk, skimming through emails, until it was time for our weekly all staff meeting that I dreaded going to. I had finally gotten use to AJ’s ogling, but I knew that after every meeting, J&J expected me to have an additional meeting with them privately to discuss whatever information I had gotten out of Jamison. As if it was any of their damn business what me and my man chose to talk about.

  Ha, who am I kidding?

  As the all staff meeting came to an end, I began to file out of the conference room just like everyone else. Hopefully they would forget about the…

  “Ariel. Get back here.”


  I held my tablet close to my chest as I made my way back into the room, finding a chair as far away as possible to sit in. Mr. Johnson waited until everyone was completely gone before he addressed me again.

  “You know the drill, Ariel. What’s new?”


  “You do realize you say that every week right? Yet, every week we get something new. So what is it this time? Another song? Movie? Possible endorsement deal? Or were you just giving him that ass without getting anything in return,” AJ questioned with a laugh.

  “Unlike you, he has a dick that’s actually worth my time.” Formalities were long gone. With all the extra work that I was putting in, my attitude was surely justified.

  “Oh Ariel, if you use your mouth for anything else as well as you do to spit fire at me, you could probably have a profitable career.”

  “Fuck you AJ.”

  “Alright, alright, that’s enough you two. Save that shit for another time. Right now is about business. So Ariel, what has that boy of yours told you that we could make use of?” Mr. Johnson called himself playing peacemaker even though his questioning was equally annoying.

  “I already told you; nothing. Nothing you guys don’t already know at least.”

  “Well I heard through the grapevine that they’re working with Disney. Is that true?”

  Damnit, how do they know that?

  “Uhh...I don’t know.” I looked down at my hands that were resting in my lap, refusing to make eye contact.

  “Bingo. Girl, you have got to work on your deception skills. I can read your ass like a book,” AJ said, making
me finally look up just long enough to roll my eyes at him.

  “No need to play hardball Ariel. You do for us and you keep your job. It’s really a fair trade.” Mr. Johnson spoke of it so casually knowing good and damn well that it was really a messed up situation.

  “Whatever. Are we done now?”

  “Sure thing. Keep up the good work beautiful.”


  This shit was getting out of hand.

  First the single, then the movie audition, and now the role in the Disney show.

  It was like somebody was tracking our every move before we made it and then capitalizing on it before we could. On top of that, Erin and Zalayah were both on our backs about what was going on as if we were setting her up to fail. I was finally getting use to the panicky Dawson pacing my office as we tried to figure out where the loose end was.

  “It has to be someone from our camp playing for both teams. That’s the only way this could keep happening.”

  “Someone like who though? I mean, J&J would have to be paying damn good money for someone to sacrifice their credibility in the industry like that.” I knew for a fact it wouldn’t be worth the trouble to me.

  “I don’t know man, but there has to be some explanation for this. Maybe they hired a spy or something.”

  “Really Dawson? A spy? It’s never that deep. We both have good artists that can make a killin’. There really isn’t a reason to go that far. Unless...they didn’t hire anyone new at all.” My heart immediately began to thump out of my chest. The idea that came to my head couldn’t possibly be true. There was no way she would…

  Nah bruh, you’re trippin’.

  Then again, the coincidence of it all was a little too close for comfort. I mean I had literally just told her about the Disney deal, and somehow, some way one of the girls from their group was suddenly in the running for the same part. I had to play this smart. I couldn’t just come at her accusing her of shit that she hopefully had nothing to do with cause that would’ve surely created a rift between us.


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