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Red Star over China

Page 61

by Edgar Snow

Braun, Otto, see Li Teh

  Browder, Earl, 424

  Buck, Pearl, 67n

  Buddhism, 45, 134, 136

  Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich, 271, 335, 427

  Burma, 136, 192, 417

  Canada, 103

  Canton, CCP organized in, 157;

  counterrevolutionary movement in, 162;

  Mao in, 158–60;

  Uprising in, 139, 168;

  general references: 74, 76, 97, 98–99, 115, 156, 164, 209, 230, 251, 297, 306

  Canton-Hankow railway, 141

  Capital, 36, 271

  Central Asia, 306, 311, 396–97

  Central Soviet Government, 169, 178, 180, 221, 247, 298, 367, 395

  Chahar province, 49, 102, 120, 286, 374, 394, 403

  Chamberlain, Neville, 15, 449

  Changchia Cha, 316

  Chang Ching-fu (Chang Mu-t’ao?), 212

  Chang Ching-yao, 153–54, 269

  Chang Chun, 392

  Chang Chung, General, 397

  Chang Fa-kuei, 79, 115, 297

  Chang Hao, 148

  Chang Hsueh-liang (“Young”) Marshal, BN 452;

  captures Chiang Kai-shek, 380–81;

  career of, 46–51;

  chairman of United Anti-Japanese Military Council, 382–84;

  negotiates with Chiang Kai-shek, 386–90;

  punished by Chiang Kai-shek, 391–93;

  relations with Chiang Kai-shek, 373–79;

  general references: 43, 45, 53, 66, 112, 151n, 211, 259, 274, 286, 287, 367, 379, 390, 412, 424, 430, 437–38

  Chang Kuo-t’ao, 152, 157, 164, 166n, 168, 202, 298, 423, 425–26, 428, 432–35, 437, 449;

  BN 452–53

  Chang Nai-ch’i, 103

  Chang Po-ling, 72

  Chang Sheng-fu, 158

  Chang Ting-ch’eng, 169, 189, 453

  Chang Tso-lin, 47, 151–52

  Chang Tsung-chang, 376

  Chang Wen-ping, 167n

  Chang Wen-t’ien, see Lo Fu

  Changchow, 179, 323

  Changsha, 91, 135, 139–49, 153–54, 155n, 160, 165, 167, 174–76, 233, 264, 267, 269

  Changsha Normal College, 233

  Changtehfu, 229

  Chao Heng-t’i, 154–55, 158–59, 423

  Chao Po-sheng, 178

  Chao Shih-yen, 73, 75

  Chao Tse-yen, 75

  Chattopadhyaya, Suhasini, 94

  Chekiang province, 71, 83, 106, 217, 362, 392

  Chen Chang, 152

  Chen Ming-hsiu, General, 361

  Chen Tso-hsing, 141

  Ch’en, Jerome, 422

  Ch’en Chang-hao, 427, 449

  Ch’en Ch’eng, 112, 179

  Ch’en Ch’iao-nien, 73–74

  Ch’en Chi-t’ang, General, 179, 191, 246

  Ch’en Hao, 166

  Ch’en Keng, 203, 365, 425;

  BN 453–54

  Ch’en Kung-po, 151, 157

  Ch’en Kuo-fu, 384n

  Ch’en Li-fu, 384n

  Ch’en Ming-shu, 178

  Ch’en Po-ta, 419, 420, 426;

  BN 454–56

  Ch’en Shao-yu, see Wang Ming

  Ch’en Tu-hsiu, 73, 148, 154, 156–57, 160–62, 163–64, 176, 229, 270, 419, 423–24, 426;

  BN 456

  Ch’en Wang-tao, 155

  Ch’en Yen-nien, 73–74

  Ch’en Yi, 167n, 173, 189, 336, 425, 431;

  BN 456–58

  Ch’en Yun, 158n, 165n, 430, 449;

  BN 458–59

  Cheng Kuo, 216

  Cheng Shan-jui, 212

  Ch’eng Ch’ien, General, 230, 269

  Ch’eng Fang-wu, 123

  Chengchow, 42

  Chia Ho-chung, 344–45

  Chiang Ch’ing (Mme. Mao Tse-tung), 420, 421;

  BN 459–61

  Chiang Ching-kuo, 44;

  BN 461

  Chiang Hsiao-hsien, General, 378

  Chiang Kai-shek, against Long March, 191–93, 197, 199;

  against Shensi soviets, 211–12;

  agrees to truce with CCP, 391–95;

  anti-Red campaigns of, 187–89, 230, 264, 298, 300–1, 337, 348, 354–55, 362–63, 375, 377–79;

  Chou En-lai and, 74–75;

  coalition with Reds, 386–90;

  counterrevolutionary moves of, 36–39, 160–62, 358;

  foreign aid to, 355, 360;

  in Communist hands, 186;

  marriage of, 44;

  militarism of, 99;

  moves against Red Army, 178–80, 257;

  negotiates with Reds, 398–99;

  New Life Movement of, 100, 249, 282–83, 355;

  Nineteenth Route Army against, 361–62;

  nonresistance policy of, 45, 48–49, 361, 373–76;

  pact with Japan, 375–76;

  reform schools of, 324;

  relations with Chang Hsueh-liang, 46, 48–49, 373–79;

  strategy in Northwest, 43;

  taken prisoner, 380–85;

  visits Sianfu, 369;

  general references: 12, 40, 47, 51, 57, 70, 90, 93, 100n, 102, 106, 111, 115, 148, 157, 159, 164, 166, 175, 176, 202, 293, 319, 327, 336, 367, 397, 402, 405, 410, 412–14, 417, 418. See also Chronology, 22–30 passim, and Notes, 419–38 passim.

  Chiang Kai-shek, Mme. (Soong Meiling), 43–44, 192, 384n, 385, 387–88, 390

  Chiang Kuang-nai, General, 178, 285, 361

  Chiang Ting-wen, General, 379

  Chiao Hui, 179

  Chiao Ta-feng, 141

  Chien Ning, 179

  Ch’ien Lung, 144

  Children’s Brigades (Erh-T’ung T’uan), 221

  Chin Dynasty, 89

  Ch’in Dynasty, 141n

  Ch’in Pang-hsien, see Po Ku

  Ch’in Shih Huang Ti, Emperor, 54, 138

  China, North, 12, 108, 116, 142, 153, 319, 321, 346, 374, 399, 407, 411–13, 414, 416, 428, 431;

  Northeast, 47, 381; see also Manchuria;

  Northwest, broadcasts from, 71;

  Chiang Kai-shek in, 43;

  Communists in, 38, 216;

  description of, 55;

  economy in, 227–32;

  education in, 234–37;

  famine in, 54, 214–18;

  industry in, 246–49;

  land reform in, 219–26;

  Long March to, 36–37, 80, 90, 147, 179, 202, 205;

  Moslems in, 305–11, 312–16;

  newspapers in, 94;

  peasants of, 258;

  theater in, 122–23;

  Tungpei Army in, 49–50;

  villages and soviets of, 89, 209–13;

  Young Vanguards in, 324–26;

  general references: 13, 16, 39, 41, 43, 46, 109, 180, 195, 226, 251, 262, 264, 279, 299, 332, 345, 361–62, 364, 374–77 passim, 383–84, 389, 392–93, 397;

  South, 81, 121, 122–23, 142, 147, 153, 179, 211, 219, 229, 247, 253, 279, 297, 298, 319, 322, 324, 325, 328, 338–39, 348, 374, 412;

  Southwest, 45, 109, 122, 153, 191, 269, 373;

  West, 100, 109, 211, 319, 348, 412

  China International Famine Relief Commission, 214–15, 217

  China Quarterly, The, 434

  China Socialist Youth Corps, 73

  China Weekly Review, The, 367n, 446

  China Year Book, The, 363, 395n

  Chinese Characteristics, 355n

  Chinese Communist Party, see Communist Party of China

  Chinese Peasant, The (Chung-kuo Nung-min), 160n, 161

  Chinese People’s Front, 107

  Chinese Students Union, 74

  Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Revolutionary Committee, 175

  Chinese Youth (Chung-kuo Ch’ingnien), 160

  Ch’ing Dynasty, see Manchu Dynasty Ch’ing Pang (secret society), 47

  Chinghai province, 218, 247, 305, 307

  Chingkangshan, 150, 165h, 166–69, 172–75, 338, 418

  Chou Chia, 241, 244

  Chou En-lai, BN 461–64;

  first interview with, 68–6

  in France, 157;

  career of, 70–76;

  and Li Li-san, 426, 427–28;

  on Long March, 197, 203, 432–34;

  negotiates truce with KMT, 382, 388–90, 397, 399, 438;

  role in Red Army, 429–30, 437;

  general references: 51, 89, 93, 148n, 188, 212, 335n, 420, 425, 449

  Chou En-lai, Mme., see Teng Ying-ch’ao

  Chou Fu-hai, 157, 158, 423

  Chou Hsing, 431

  Chou P’ing Fort, 193, 196

  Chou Yi-chung, 79

  Chou Yi-sung, 79

  Chou Yun-liang, 72

  Chronicles with Imperial Commentaries (Yu-p’i T’ung-chien), 144

  Chu Hsun-pei, 152

  Chu Jui, 427

  Chu Pei-teh, General, 173, 336

  Chu Shao-liang, 178

  Chu Teh, BN 464–65;

  career of, 333–39, 436;

  as commander of Red Army, 37, 71, 76, 79–80, 158, 167–69, 173, 175, 178–79, 263, 319, 328, 332, 338, 411, 425–27, 429–30;

  on Long March, 197, 202, 432–34;

  in Nanchang Uprising, 164;

  general references: 73n, 90, 91, 327, 398, 449

  Chu Tso-chih, 253

  Ch’u Ch’iu-pai, 158, 164, 189, 234, 426–27, 428;

  BN 465–67

  Ch’u Fu, 152

  Chueh-wu Shih, see Awakening Society

  Chung Kuang-ying, 134n

  Chung Lai mountain, 200

  Chung Yang, 210

  Chung-fa (Sino-French) University, 151

  Chungking, 416–18

  Ciano, Count Galeazzo, 377

  Class Basis of Chao Heng-t’i and the Tasks Before Us, The, 160

  Class Struggle, 73, 155, 271, 313

  Comintern, 38, 98, 102, 11 On, 156, 163, 164, 167n, 352–53, 357–59, 361, 363–64, 410, 423, 424, 426, 443–44

  Communist International, see Comintern

  Communist International Programme, 402

  Communist Manifesto, The, 73, 155, 271, 313

  Communist Party of China (CCP), agrarian policies of, 42, 85, 100–1, 161, 165, 168, 170, 185–86, 201–2, 206, 211, 219–25, 258–59, 338, 367, 398, 403, 413, 416, 445;

  alliance with Tungpei Army, 50–51;

  annihilation drives against, 36, 38–39, 46, 99, 185–89, 194–99, 210, 230, 260, 262, 263–64, 298, 299–303;

  anti-imperialist policies of, 100, 102–5;

  anti-Japanese policy of, 102–5, 107–13, 189, 205–6, 221, 224, 244–45, 285–87, 310, 354, 365–67, 373–79, 383, 387–88, 389, 393, 397, 398, 404, 407–8, 445;

  basic policies of, 97–105;

  “bourgeois-democratic revolution” of, 98–99;

  break with KMT, 162, 164–65, 210, 336, 357–59, 417;

  Central Committee of, 43n, 92, 119, 148, 157, 159, 161, 164–66, 168, 176, 203, 212, 298, 363;

  Christians in, 345–46;

  conception and objectives of Chinese revolution, 400–9;

  Congresses of, 513;

  currency of, 59, 228–29, 399;

  declares war on Japan, 180;

  defense pact with Russia, 396–97;

  dominated by Ch’en Tu-hsiu, 157, 160–64;

  “eight points” of, 382–83, 387, 390, 393, 395;

  entente with KMT, 74–76, 158–60, 357–59, 365–67, 382–83, 387–90, 393–95, 396–99, 404–5, 447;

  Executive Committee of, 234;

  foreign advisers to, 361–64;

  founders of, 45, 147–48, 151, 154n, 157–58;

  Fifth Congress of, 161;

  First Congress of, 157, 178, 220, 338, 353;

  guerrillas of, 16, 411–17;

  labor movements of, 158;

  leadership in, 513–15;

  Moslems in, 313–16;

  organizes peasants, 159–60, 211–12;

  propaganda of, 63, 79, 120, 236, 244–45, 265–66, 273–74, 280–82, 287, 297, 309–10, 312–13, 315, 326, 331–32, 354, 377, 397–99, 413, 447;

  questions about, 36–39;

  Russian influence in, 352–56, 358–59;

  saves Chiang Kai-shek’s life, 387–90;

  schools of, 67, 79, 114–18, 157, 204, 211, 224, 226, 234–37, 248, 313, 323, 325, 344, 348–49, 354, 368, 397–98, 412, 416, 446;

  Second Congress of, 91, 158, 180, 446;

  Seventh Congress of, 363, 425;

  Shansi expedition of, 124;

  Sixth Congress of, 168, 359, 425, 427;

  Third Conference of, 164;

  Third Congress of, 158;

  united-front policies of, 102, 180, 248, 285n, 315–16, 326, 328–32, 354, 363, 365, 377, 383, 387, 389, 445;

  women of, 251–52, 259–60;

  work of among students, 158;

  youth of, 124–25. See also Chronology, 21–30 passim, and Notes, 420–38 passim.

  Communist Party of Russia, 97–98, 156, 352, 358–59; see also Moscow and Russia

  Communist Situation in China, The, 177n

  Communist Youth League (CYL), 73–74, 157n, 221, 235–36, 251, 258, 281–82, 323–25, 446

  Confucius, and Confucianism, 44, 54, 100n, 124, 152, 153, 280, 334;

  Classics of, 131–37, 140, 145–46, 229, 285

  Cultural Book Society (Wen-hua Shu-hui), 153

  Czechoslovakia, 15

  Daladier, Édouard, 15

  Darwin, Charles, 144

  Democracy, 420

  Donald, W. H., 388, 389n

  Dutch East Indies, the, 103, 108

  Eastern Toilers’ University, see Sun Yat-sen University

  Eastview Academy, 285

  Edwards, Dwight, 214

  Elder Brother Society (Ke Lao Hui), 78–79, 135, 141, 210, 221, 332

  Engels, Friedrich, 353

  England, see Great Britain

  Ethiopia, see Abyssinia

  Falkenhausen, General von, 37, 187, 360

  Fan Shih-sheng, General, 337, 436

  Fang Chih-min, 161, 168, 189, 323, 425;

  BN 467

  Fang Wen-p’ing, 323

  Far Eastern Front, 12

  Feng Yu-hsiang, General, 112, 115, 122, 153, 176, 210, 259, 261, 285, 306–7

  Fenghua, 106, 392

  Fengtien, 72

  Flight of “Big Horse” The, 307n

  Formosa, see Taiwan

  France, Chinese students in, 151, 152, 153, 157, 176, 234, 259, 336;

  general references: 73–74, 93, 103, 107, 108, 122, 144, 352, 401, 408, 411, 448; see also Paris.

  Franco, Francisco, 15; see also Spain

  Frazer (British reporter), 389n

  Fu, Dr. Nelson, 345

  Fu Chin-kuei, 77, 241–45, 250, 347

  Fu Ssu-nien, 151

  Fu T’ien, 177

  Fukien, 76, 83, 161, 168–69, 170, 173, 175, 179, 186–87, 189, 190, 202, 209, 211, 260, 285, 323, 337, 361–62

  Fundamental Laws of the Chinese Soviet Republic, 91n, 220, 401

  Galin, see Bluecher, General Vasili

  Gandhi, Mohandas K., 94

  Genghis Khan, 56

  Germany, advisers to KMT, 37, 179, 187, 384;

  aids Chiang Kai-shek, 360;

  alliance with Japan, 377, 399n;

  Chinese students in, 259, 335;

  Chou En-lai in, 73;

  Mao on Nazi-Soviet pact, 447–49;

  general references: 15, 38, 104, 116, 158, 352, 354, 360, 401, 409. See also Hitler, Adolf.

  Givens, C. Patrick, 38–39, 107

  Gladstone, William E., 138

  Goethe, Johann W. von, 95

  Gorky, Maxim, 352

  Gorky School, 122

  Great Britain, 38, 53, 75, 103, 107, 108, 115, 116, 144, 251, 252, 259, 285, 352, 360, 390, 401, 406, 408, 411, 447, 448

  Great Heroes of the World, 138

  Great Revolution, 36n, 137, 155n, 161, 175n, 273, 285, 359, 366, 401

  Guerrilla warfare, 164–85, 272–78, 411–17

  Hailufeng, 167n, 168

  Haiyuan, 265

Hall, G. Martel, 415

  Han Dynasty, 52, 53, 138n, 141n

  Han Fu-chu, 112

  Han River, 76n

  Han Wu Ti, Emperor, 52, 53, 138

  Han Ying, General, 413, 417, 428

  Han Yu, 145

  Hankow, 49, 70, 76n, 78, 99, 122, 141, 148, 296, 297, 299, 301, 401, 414

  Hanyang, 76n, 165, 251

  Hatem, Dr. George, see Ma Hai-teh

  Hedin, Sven, 205, 307

  Hegel, G. W. F., 95

  Hirota, Koki, 38, 367n, 399

  History of Governing (Sze Chih Chien), 270

  History of Socialism, 155

  Hitler, Adolf, 15, 48, 94, 424, 448–49

  Ho Chang-kung, 167n

  Ho Chien, General, 91, 148, 169, 175, 191, 263–64

  Ho Chu-kuo, General, 321

  Ho Hsi-yang, 250–51

  Ho Lung, 78–80, 115, 135n, 164, 168, 201, 203, 336, 425, 429, 432, 433, 434, 436, 449;

  BN 467

  Ho Meng-hsiung, 428

  Ho Shu-heng, 148, 157n, 189

  Ho Tzu-ch’en (Mme. Mao Tse-tung), 91, 106, 113, 150, 349, 420;

  BN 467–68

  Ho Ying-ch’in, General, 178, 384–85, 387

  Holienwan, 248, 325, 343, 346, 377

  Honan province, 42, 100, 122, 186, 202, 209, 295, 298, 301, 382–83, 385, 395, 414

  Hongkong, 53, 78, 79, 401

  Hopei province, 49, 102, 266, 286, 394, 403, 414, 416

  Hopei-Chahar Council, 116, 120

  Hsia Hsi, 147–48, 158n, 167n;

  BN 468

  Hsia Tou-yin, General, 299, 302

  Hsiang Ching, 419 Hsiang Ching-wu, 157 Hsiang Chung-fa, 426, 427, 428;

  BN 468

  Hsiang Hsiang, 136–37, 139, 144, 160

  Hsiang River, 267

  Hsiang River Daily (Hsiang Chiang Jih-pao), 142

  Hsiang River Review, 153

  Hsiang Tan, 130, 136, 160, 175, 267

  Hsiang Ying, 189, 449

  Hsiao Chen, 148

  Hsiao Ching-kuang, 148n, 437;

  BN 468–69

  Hsiao Chu-chang, 148

  Hsiao Hua, 257n, 398;

  BN 469

  Hsiao K’e, 167n; 201, 432, 434, 449

  Hsiao San (Emi Siao), 137n, 148n

  Hsiao Shih-ping, 168

  Hsiao Yu (Siao Yu), 146, 148n, 422

  Hsieh Chu-tsai, 233

  Hsieh Fu-chih, 116n;

  BN 469–70

  Hsienyang, 369

  Hsifan tribe, 203

  Hsiking Min Pao, 376n

  Hsing Ko, 186, 235, 325

  Hsingkuo, 169

  Hsin-Min Hsueh-hui, see New People’s Study Society

  Hsipei (Northwest) Army, 378–79, 380–82, 384, 386, 387, 390, 393, 395

  Hsu Hai-tung, 168, 209, 211–12, 265, 293–98, 299–303, 312, 319–21, 330, 350, 368, 369, 383, 432–33, 449;

  BN 470

  Hsu Hsiang-ch’ien, 168, 191, 202, 209, 298, 432, 433, 434, 435, 437, 449;

  BN 470–71

  Hsu Pai-hao, 157

  Hsu Ping, 419;


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