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Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry

Page 19

by Brittani Williams

  Ricky sat up on the bed and said, “I have a lot of female friends, and that’s all they’ve been—friends. To be honest, I kept it that way because a part of me was holding out for you, but after today, I will call each one of them and tell them that I can no longer be their private dancer. I want my daughter to have a real family, and I want it to start today, with you and me.” After Ricky revealed everything about everyone, he said, “I have something else that I really need to tell you.”

  “Is it about the affair you had with my mother?”

  “What? How did you . . . know?” he asked, shocked.

  India sat up beside him. She reached out and grabbed his hand.

  “Before I graduated from college and came back to Philly to help my mother run the club, my father and I had a very long talk. He told me that he and my mother were no longer getting along, and he asked for a divorce. He also told me that he was almost positive that my mother was having a secret affair.

  “After my father was robbed and murdered and I came back to help my mother, the first thing I noticed wrong was the way she would always treat you, how she would treat the number one dancer at the club like he was nothing. Almost every day, she had something bad to say about you. The first and only person that she told me to stay away from was you. Not pretty boy Flex or big boy Thunder or anyone else. Just you! Whenever you came around me, she chased you away. Many times she discussed the idea of switching your and Flex’s dance positions.

  “After a while, I started to put two and two together. One day, I said to myself, how can she not like a humble, honest, respectable man who loves his daughter and who’s also responsible for the success of her own club? Something just wasn’t right! Then there were so many other things that she did. Like the Number One Fan Contest, trying to make me jealous. That’s when I finally figured that you were the one who must have ended the affair. That’s why she can’t stand you to this day.”

  Ricky just shook his head in total amazement. “Girl, you’re good,” he said with a smile. “India, the truth is, that your mother’s and my affair only lasted a month, and I broke it off because of your father. I was tired of smiling in your father’s face and then sleeping with his wife behind his back. The guilt was killing me. That’s when I decided to end the affair with your mother. I knew that she would be upset with me, but I honestly didn’t care anymore. I had made up my mind, and I was standing on my decision,” Ricky said seriously.

  “Is that all? It seems like you want to say more,” India said.

  “No, there’s one more thing that turned me off completely from your mother.”

  “Just say it. I want you and me to be totally honest with each other from this moment on. I don’t care what it is, Ricky. I believe we are soul mates, and together, we can get through anything that the devil puts in our way.”

  “Your mother asked me one day if I would kill a man for $20,000.”

  “What!” India shouted in disbelief.

  “I told her no, and that was the last of our affair.”

  India reached out, and they gave each other a long, passionate hug. Tears fell from her eyes. Ricky looked into India’s crying eyes and said, “We are two people with so many burdens, and now it’s time to start pushing them all away.”

  After a sweet kiss, Ricky said, “I’ll start telling my female friends that I’ve found my soul mate, and I will also tell your mother that I’m quitting my job at the club. My exotic dancing days are all over. Now, any show I perform will only be for you.”

  “Before you quit, I would really like for you to do just one more show,” India said.

  “Why’s that?” Ricky asked curious.

  “Because, you owe me,” India said with a smile.

  Ricky got out of bed, and India sat there watching as his fine, naked, Adonis black body walked out of the bedroom. Moments later, the smooth, melodic voice of Boyz II Men started flowing out of the speakers. India lay back smiling on the king-size bed. She rested her head on a large, soft pillow. Looking up at the ceiling, she saw her reflection staring back at her in the mirror.

  While Ricky was inside the kitchen, he heard his cell phone ring. He thought about answering it, but then he decided not to. Whoever it was could wait, he thought. His passionate night with India had been long overdue. He didn’t want to be disturbed by anyone.

  When he walked back into the bedroom, he had a breakfast tray in his hands. On the large tray was cheese eggs, turkey bacon, grits, toast, strawberry jelly, two glasses of orange juice, knives and spoons. He set the tray on the bed; then he joined his beautiful soul mate.

  “So after you drain my entire body, you fill me back up, huh?” India said with a smile.

  “I guess you can say that,” Ricky smiled.

  “Well, I’ma have to spend a whole lot of money on food shopping,” India said with a smile.

  “And why is that?”

  “I have a lot of sexual energy in me. If I’m drained, then you will be too,” India said laughing.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The Cries of Pain

  Late Saturday night

  Wrapped inside of India’s loving arms, Ricky and India cried throughout the whole night. When Ricky found out about the brutal slaying of Twist and his girlfriend, Kim, he just couldn’t believe it. After talking to Tori and learning about her girlfriend Malinda’s murder, they both realized that Roscoe and Damon had to be the two culprits responsible for the three homicides. The loss of his young friend Twist gave Ricky a pain that couldn’t be explained. It felt worse than a knife stabbing his crying heart. Ricky knew that the brutal slaying was intended for him and Tori, and not for Twist and Kim. It was something that he would have to live with forever. He knew that even though he hadn’t committed the murders, he was just as responsible. Because of his actions, innocent people were now dead. Ricky told Nancy that he wouldn’t show up at work until things settled down. He wanted to tell Nancy that he had quit, but he didn’t because he had promised his new girlfriend, India, one last performance.

  When Sunday morning came, Ricky started calling all of his female friends, telling them that he was no longer a single man. They all understood. Each one wished him well with his new relationship. The last three women that were left to tell were Carmen, Tori, and Gloria. For Ricky, because of the bond that he’s shared with these three women, he felt that a phone call wouldn’t suffice. These women had actually grown to be some of his best friends. It was important to him that he showed them the respect that a phone call or a text message just couldn’t offer. As much as he’d been there for each of them, they had equally been there for him as well. At times when he was going through things and needed a listening ear, they’d been just that.

  “Come on, you’re going with me,” Ricky said. He and India got into her Range Rover and headed for the Executive Suites on City Line Avenue. When Ricky pulled into the parking lot, Carmen was standing there waiting beside her car. Ricky parked beside her and got out. India remained seated in the passenger seat.

  “So you finally found her, huh?” Carmen asked, smiling.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry—”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m happy for you,” Carmen said cutting him off. “You’re a very special man, Ricky, and I’m sure that she must be very special also or else you wouldn’t have driven over here with her. That’s the pretty girl who manages the club, I see,” Carmen said looking over at India.

  “Yeah. She’s the one,” Ricky said.

  “I’ve seen the way that y’all two always looked at each other. I knew that it had to be something.”

  “So you noticed, huh?”

  “Many times,” Carmen said. “Love has been in both of y’all’s eyes for a while.”

  “I want you to know that I’m still here for you, no matter what. Just because there will be no more sex between us doesn’t mean that we still can’t be friends,” Ricky said seriously.

  “Ricky, as much as I enjoyed the exciting sex, I love the genuin
e person you are. I’ll always be your friend, and I know you’ll always be mine. I want you to know that I’m really happy for you, and I appreciate all the wonderful memories that you left me with. What’s your girlfriend’s name?”

  “Her name is India.”

  “Pretty,” Carmen said, walking over to the passenger-side window. India rolled down the window.

  “Hi,” she said innocently.

  “Hi, India. Ricky told me your name. I just wanted to tell you that you have a very special man, and I truly wish the best for y’all,” Carmen said sincerely.

  “Thank you so much,” India said in a sweet voice.

  Carmen walked back over to Ricky, and they embraced in a long, passionate hug. Before he got back inside the Range Rover, he said, “Before you marry Hardrock, I want you to really think about everything. You are a black queen, so please don’t settle for less. Don’t let sex or money control your decision, because neither one will last forever.”

  As Ricky got back into the SUV, Carmen stood there in tears. Then he and India slowly drove out of the parking lot.

  Ricky’s next stop was at a small motel on Roosevelt Boulevard. Tori was waiting out back when the red Range Rover pulled up and parked. Ricky got out and approached her. Her face showed fear and worry. They gave each other a warm hug. Before he said a word, Ricky went into his pocket and took out five new one hundred-dollar bills. He gave them to her.

  “This is for you to stay here for a few more weeks until things settle down. If you run out or need more, just call me. I told you that I’m a true friend, and one thing that I will never do is abandon you,” he said earnestly.

  “Is that your new friend?” Tori asked.

  “Yes. Her name is India, and she’s my new and only woman,” Ricky said. “I just wanted to tell you face-to-face. I didn’t want to lie. We both know that neither Roscoe nor I am the right man for you, Tori. You deserve so much better, and neither one of us can give you that. Your relationship with Roscoe was based mainly on money and wants. Ours was strictly sexual. You need a man that will give you so much more. I’m not that man. I’m in love with that woman inside that truck, and I have been for a while. But if you ever need me, I’m just a call away, and that’s my word. I’m truly sorry about your friend, but just know this: What comes around goes around. God don’t like ugly.”

  “Thank you, Ricky. Thank you so much,” Tori said, crying.

  After a long hug, Tori cried as she watched Ricky and India back up the Range Rover and drove away.

  Ricky called Thunder on his cell phone and told him to meet him back at his private loft. After he hung up, Ricky called Gloria and asked her if she could get away. She told Ricky that she was on her way over and would be at the loft in an hour.

  When the luxurious Rolls-Royce Phantom pulled up and parked, Ricky, Thunder, and India were all standing outside. Gloria stepped out of the car looking like one of the models from Vogue magazine. From head to toe, she was dressed in Christian Dior—dress, heels, glasses, and jacket. When she looked over at the beautiful young woman wrapped inside of Ricky’s arms, she already knew why he had called her. Ricky asked India and Thunder to wait while he walked over to Gloria. They gave each other a hug. Gloria took off her frames and said, “I see you have wonderful taste. She’s very beautiful.”

  “So you know, huh?” Ricky said.

  “The only thing that lasts forever is love, handsome,” Gloria said in a soft, serious voice. “I felt it on the drive over here, and now seeing her and you together, it’s obvious that the two of you are in love and belong together.”

  “I just wanted to keep my promise to you,” Ricky said sincerely.

  “I knew you would. I expected nothing less of you. So this is it, huh?” Gloria asked in a sad voice.

  “Yes, I’m afraid, but I want you to know that I’ll always be here for you, just not sexually. Everything you gave me I’m returning it all back,” Ricky said.

  “No, I won’t accept it. Believe me when I tell you, handsome, you earned every bit of it,” she countered.

  “Well, I’ll accept it all except the loft. I’m moving out in a few weeks and will be getting a house for me, Asia, and my new girlfriend,” Ricky informed her.

  After a long sigh, Gloria said, “You’re one helluva man, Ricky, and being with you has taught me a lot about myself. I can look into your happy eyes and see that you’ve finally found your soul mate. Just make her proud and make sure you two set an example for other young couples. Lord knows the world needs more. I wish there were more men like you.”

  “My friend is over there. His name is Thunder, and I wanted to introduce you two,” Ricky said smiling.

  Gloria looked over at Thunder and smiled. Then she turned back to Ricky and said, “I see you know my taste.”

  “Tall, dark, and handsome, right?” he said smiling.

  “Perfect,” Gloria said looking back over at Thunder and eyeing him up and down. “Your friend is a big boy. I wonder if he’s flexible,” Gloria said flirtatiously.

  “Well, you can find out for yourself. My girlfriend India and I have to go make an important run, and afterward, we’re driving to Baltimore for a few days,” Ricky informed her.

  “What’s in Baltimore?”

  “Nothing. We just wanted to get out of the city for a few days, and I’ve never been there.” Ricky called Thunder over to him and Gloria. When Thunder walked up, he and Gloria both stared into each other’s lust-filled eyes.

  “So your name’s Thunder, huh?” she asked, flirting.

  “That’s what they call me,” he quickly responded blushing.

  “And why is that?” Gloria continued to flirt.

  “Because everything I do, I do it hard like thunder! I make sure a person feels me,” he said seriously.

  Gloria could feel herself already getting wet. Just looking up at the large, black man had turned her on. Thunder wasn’t as handsome as Ricky, but he wasn’t ugly either. His huge body was a much-bigger version of Ricky’s.

  “I’ll leave you two alone. Thunder has a key to the loft. Don’t break nothing,” Ricky said joking as he walked away. Gloria reached out and grabbed Thunder’s huge hand.

  “I can’t promise you that,” she told Ricky as she and Thunder walked toward the front door of the loft.

  “Gloria, take it easy on him,” Ricky said laughing as he and India got back into the Range Rover.

  “I’m sorry, Ricky, but I can’t promise you that either,” she said with a smile.

  After Gloria and Thunder walked into the loft and shut the door, Ricky slowly pulled off. They had one more stop to make; one that truly mattered.

  Nancy’s house.

  Forty-five minutes later

  Nancy was looking out of her bedroom window when she saw India’s red Range Rover pull up in the driveway and park. She quickly ran out of her bedroom and down the stairs. Nancy hadn’t seen or heard from India in two days. When she called her, India refused to answer her calls. India walked through the door and saw Nancy standing there with her hands on her hips.

  “Where the hell have you been at?” she fumed.

  “I’ve been fucking my man! The same thing you been creeping around doing with your lover Flex!” India shouted.

  A shocked expression instantly came over Nancy’s face.

  “Don’t you talk to me like that. I’m still your mother!” Nancy stated.

  “You’re nothing but a jealous whore who cheated on my father! I know everything! All about your and Ricky’s affair and why you hate him so much. I also know about you and Flex creeping all around the city in different hotels.”

  “How . . . how . . . do you know that?” Nancy asked in shock.

  “It doesn’t matter. What matters now is you will no longer have any control of my life! You have always been a money-hungry, manipulating liar! Nothing hurts me more than calling you my mother! My father loved you with all of his heart, and all you ever cared about was his money! You slept with two different
men who worked at the club. I hate you! I hate you for everything you stand for! I’m leaving this house! I don’t want anything that reminds me of you! If you had anything to do with my father’s murder, I hope you rot in hell!” India vented, screaming at her mother.

  Nancy stood there in confused tears. Her whole body was trembling with sadness and pain.

  “Save your phony tears. You’re only sorry because I found out the truth about your deceitful ways! Now, I want you to see who I been fucking, and enjoying every single moment of it! The same man that I’m gonna one day marry and give lots of beautiful children to,” India said opening the front door. Standing right there in the doorway was Ricky. Nancy almost fainted.

  “You don’t want us to love each other, because he wouldn’t love you. The only thing that you and your money can’t stop is true love! It was inevitable for us to connect and become one. We are soul mates, and that’s something that you will never have as long as you live, because when you did have yours, you didn’t appreciate him,” India said.

  “India, please. Please, India, I’m your mother. Give me a chance,” Nancy cried out.

  “Did you give my father a chance?”

  The powerful words felt like a stab in the heart. Nancy fell down to her knees crying with her face to the floor.

  “Mother, I do want to thank you for one thing. For showing me how not to be the woman you are,” India said walking out the door and slamming it behind her.

  Nancy remained on her knees in tears. She could hear India’s truck starting up and driving away. Money, lust, power, and sex had always been her motivation, but none of them combined could cure her crying soul. Her daughter’s harsh words had done more damage to Nancy than a knife or a gun. Now she sat weeping, filled with pain.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  When the Tables Turn

  Three days later, Wednesday afternoon

  While Ricky and India were in Baltimore, they stayed at the luxurious Embassy Suites Hotel. Together, they shopped, dined out at fine Italian, Cajun restaurants, and enjoyed soul food. They saw a wonderful show at a local jazz club and visited the famous Baltimore Harbor, where they took in the lovely view and ate fresh crabs. In the daytime, they visited all of the famous Baltimore sights. At night, in the tranquility of their private suite, they made blissful, uninhibited love. They had such a wonderful time that they decided to stay for a few more days. While Ricky and India were in Baltimore loving their heavenly break from the rest of the world, in Philly, all hell was about to break loose.


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