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Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry

Page 20

by Brittani Williams

  * * *

  When Flex walked into Club Chances, Big Nook and three of his men quickly grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Nancy was inside her office when she heard all the commotion going on inside the club. She ran out of the office and saw Flex handcuffed and being read his Miranda rights by Big Nook.

  “Nook, what the hell is going on?” she yelled.

  “Nancy, Flex is being arrested and charged with the distribution of drugs and selling an illegal substance to minors,” Big Nook said as he lifted Flex off the ground and walked him outside.

  Nancy followed the group of police officers out of the club. When she walked outside, police officers swarmed everywhere. Big Nook pushed Flex in the back of the police van and slammed the door. Then he walked over to Nancy and said, “I’ve been on an undercover investigation for quite a while now. I’ve gathered enough info on Flex that will put him away for thirty years.”

  “So, all you got on Flex is some drugs?” she questioned nervously.

  “He can’t discuss that with you, Mrs. Robinson, but I’m sure you’ll be hearing from us very shortly,” Detective Hightower said, walking up from behind her. When Nancy saw Hightower’s face, her heart felt like it had dropped inside of her chest.

  “Remember me?” he said, smiling.

  How could she ever forget? Hightower was the detective that was assigned to her husband’s murder case. Nancy stood there watching as all the police officers got back into their cars and vans and drove off. All the male dancers stood around watching in total disbelief.

  “Everybody can go home. The club will not be open tonight. I’ll notify each and every one of you when I plan on reopening,” she said, rushing inside and going back into her office.

  * * *

  Flex was handcuffed to a table inside the 18th Police District interrogation room.

  “I don’t know shit! Get me a lawyer!” he shouted.

  “You think this is a damn game, huh?” Hightower barked.

  He walked over to the door and opened it. “Bobby, come in here,” he said.

  When freckle-faced, braces-wearing Bobby walked in the room with a smile on his face and his shiny police badge hanging around his neck, Flex’s eyes almost popped out of his head.

  “Okay, tough guy. Meet Officer Bobby Reynolds,” Hightower said smiling.

  “Oh shit,” Flex said, slumping down in the chair.

  “If you don’t tell us everything we need to know, I’m gonna make sure the judge throws the book at you. Right now, Flex, with all the drugs, surveillance, and wiretapped conversations we got on you, you’re looking at a minimum of thirty years at a maximum state correctional facility,” Hightower yelled. “We got you, pretty boy, and if you don’t cooperate, the guys at the state pen will have your pretty ass bleeding for thirty, long years.”

  Flex sat there with a scared look on his face. When he looked over at freckle-faced Bobby, he just shook his head. There was only one way out of the situation he had put himself in.

  “What do you want to know?” he said defeated.

  “Everything! Nancy, Roscoe, and Damon. And if you lie to us, say good-bye to the deal we’ll ask the prosecutor to give you. So, either tell us everything, Flex, or do thirty years. Period.”

  Four hours later, Flex had told Detective Hightower and the other interrogators everything he knew. He told them all about Nancy’s plot to kill her husband Richard, and about the $20,000 cash that she paid him to do it. Flex told the detectives who had given him the gun to kill Richard and all about the drugs that he sold for Roscoe and Damon. What surprised the detectives the most, especially Big Nook, was when Flex told them all about Nancy’s murder plot to kill Ricky. Nancy had offered Flex $30,000 to kill the man who had broken her heart. She was willing to pay $10,000 more than she paid for the murder of her own husband.

  Later that night, Nancy was arrested at the Philadelphia International Airport. She was charged with conspiracy to murder her husband, Richard. Her secret lover, Flex, snitched her out.

  Friday afternoon

  Roscoe and Damon were sitting inside the living room of Roscoe’s apartment, smoking the Haze-filled blunt. On the large coffee table were nine handguns, 25,000 X-pills, and stacks of counterfeit money. Inside the box on the floor was the rest of the guns and ammo that they had killed Troy for. When the ATF, DEA, and FBI officers busted in through the front door, both men were completely caught off guard. Hightower had notified the feds about the two dangerous men, knowing that if the feds nabbed them and got a conviction, they would never see the light of day again.

  When Roscoe and Damon saw the agents rush through the front door, they immediately reached for their loaded weapons. Before either of them had got off a single shot, both men had been sprayed with bullets. Damon had gotten shot once in the head and twice in the chest. He died with his gun still clutched in his hand. Roscoe was a little more fortunate than his dead partner. He was only shot three times; twice in the left arm and once in the leg, but he was still alive. Damon’s body was taken straight to the morgue. Roscoe’s was taken straight to the hospital, handcuffed to a gurney.

  Two days later, the agents found out that the seized weapons from Roscoe’s apartment were the ones that were used in their recent homicides. Roscoe was charged with the distribution of drugs, possession of counterfeit money, and the murders of Malinda Smith, Daniel DJ Twist Cooper, and his girlfriend, Kimberly Thomas. After Roscoe was released from the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, he was immediately taken down to the Federal Detention Center of Philadelphia.

  One month later,

  Wednesday afternoon

  Waiting inside the FDC Philadelphia visiting room, Roscoe couldn’t believe his worried, bloodshot eyes. Tori sat dressed up looking like a fashion model from out of Vibe magazine wearing Baby Phat, Apple Bottoms, and Gucci. He looked at his beautiful ex-fiancée and smiled. The expression on Tori’s face was dead serious. She sat down directly across from him and looked into his confused eyes. Even when he smiled, all she saw was one of Satan’s workers.

  When Roscoe reached out his hand, she didn’t accept it. Tori just sat there staring at him, letting the tears fall down her beautiful face. She could tell Roscoe had been stressing badly. He had lost some hair and much of his weight. The once big bad wolf was now looking like a skinny, lost crackhead. Like so many others before him, the feds had broken him also.

  “Why did you kill her?” she cried out. “Why, Roscoe, why?”

  Roscoe didn’t say a word. He just looked at Tori and sadly shook his head.

  “She didn’t deserve to die like that! How could you be so evil? You’re nothing but a monster, Roscoe! I’m happy that I never married you! God saved me from you. He knew that you were no good for me! I hate you, Roscoe! I hate you with every fiber in my body! I hope your evil ass rots in a prison cell. And when you die, I hope you rot in hell!” Tori stood up and said.

  Roscoe still didn’t say a word.

  “I have one more thing to tell you before I leave.”

  “What’s that?” Roscoe spoke up for the first time.

  “That I did find me the man that I’ma spend the rest of my life with, and before you go, he would like to meet you,” Tori said turning around and walking away.

  Roscoe watched as Tori walked through the crowded visiting room and straight out the door. When he got back into his lonely cell, he walked over to the window. He had a good view of the outside street from where his cell was located. He watched as a red Range Rover pulled up and double-parked right outside of his window. Then he saw Tori walking across the street toward the truck. When she got to the truck, she stopped and turned around. She saw Roscoe’s face looking out at her from the window.

  The door to the Range Rover opened, and a tall, dark, and handsome, well-dressed man stepped out. It was Ricky. He and Tori hugged each other and passionately kissed.

  The tears fell down Roscoe’s gaunt face. The pain inside his heart was so much worse. After Tori walked ar
ound to the passenger door and got inside the truck, Ricky looked up at Roscoe and shook his head in total disgust. Then he got back into the Range Rover and sped off down the street.

  Roscoe sat down on the edge of his cot and cried like the weak, broken man that he was.

  “Thanks, India,” Tori said, looking at India in the backseat.

  “Anything for a friend!” India said with a smile.

  After driving Tori over to her new apartment, India got in the front seat and said, “You’ll be at the cub tonight, right?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Tori said smiling. “‘Mr. Orgasm’s’ final performance. I can’t wait!” She winked before walking inside her apartment.

  * * *

  Women were crowded on both floors and the VIP section. They were all cheering, whistling, and clapping while Ricky was doing his thing onstage. Money, bras, and panties filled the stage. Ricky had the club on fire! When his powerful exotic performance finally ended, he stood at the front of the stage looking through the large, boisterous crowd. He walked over and picked up the one yellow rose that was lying on the stage. His muscular, dark, sexy body was dripping with sweat. When the music stopped playing, Ricky raised his hand and asked for everybody’s attention. Just like that, the entire club fell totally silent. Now all eyes and ears were on him.

  “Ladies, as y’all know, tonight is my very last performance as a male exotic dancer.” There were some cries, a few smiles, and hundreds of disappointed looks. “Every time, I gave y’all 110 percent! I would like to thank all of my fans that have been supporting me since day one. Thank you all so much for everything! This last yellow rose in my hand is for my soul mate, fiancée, and future wife. She is the woman who rescued me from myself!” Ricky looked through the crowd and saw all the familiar faces: Carmen, Tori, Keri and Teri, Sophia, Gloria, Victoria, and so many others.

  When he jumped off the large stage, the crowd opened up like Moses opened the Red Sea. Ricky walked through the crowd of crying, smiling, and disappointed women with a smile on his face. When he finally made it to the opposite end of the club, India was standing there tearfully waiting for him. Ricky passed India the yellow rose, and the two of them began passionately kissing. Suddenly, the large crowd of women started cheering and clapping. All of India’s prayers had finally been answered. Not only did she have the man of her dreams, she had finally gotten her yellow rose.

  The Beginning . . .

  because there is no end to true love!


  “Mr. Orgasm”

  Five months after being arrested, Roscoe was found guilty on all charges and sentenced to Federal Death Penalty. He’d finally gotten what he deserved. There was no greater satisfaction than watching justice being served. His ex-fiancée Tori began dating a doctor at the hospital where she works. She had been able to move on, despite all of the drama that was in her past. She was grateful for the chance to live the life that she deserved.

  Gloria Jones finally divorced her wealthy husband, Larry. She got half of everything he owned. Now Gloria spends her days shopping and sexual nights with her tall, dark, and handsome new lover, Thunder.

  Big Nook is now the manager of Club Chances. He retired from the police force to run the day-to-day operations for his two new bosses, India and Ricky.

  Neo is now the number one exotic dancer at the club.

  Victoria is still a teacher at the Community College of Philadelphia. She and Tom are still happily married, but once a week, they invite a young black stud into their bedroom to spice things up.

  Nicole passed her psychology class with an A-plus grade.

  Carmen and Hardrock got married and decided to move out to California. Now, every single night, Carmen shows her new husband all the sexual tricks she learned from being with “Mr. Orgasm.” Hardrock released his second album for Def Records. It sold 325,000 copies the first week out. And it later went on to sell over 4 million copies worldwide.

  For his cooperation, Flex was only sentenced to nine-and-a-half years at a minimum state correctional facility in upstate Pennsylvania.

  Nancy Robinson was arrested, charged, and convicted for the conspiracy to kill her husband. She was sentenced to life in prison. Now she spends all her time at the Women’s State Correctional facility, located in Muncy, Pennsylvania.

  Ricky, India, and Asia all moved into a beautiful new home right outside of Philadelphia. They are currently preparing everything for their upcoming wedding and the birth of their first son.

  Message to the Readers

  The Curse of Unconditional Love.

  Do You Have It?

  We’ve all been there a time or two. Falling head over heels in love with the person that we think is standing before us. One thing about the term unconditional love is that you’d practically do anything for that person. It’s normal to have unconditional love for your parents and children. We expect that the love you have for them would never dwindle. Under that assumption, there is nothing that they could do to make you feel any differently. As a mother, I can look at my son and say that my love for him will always be the same. I can also look at my parents and feel the exact same way. However, outside of my siblings, there aren’t really many people that I feel love this deep for.

  Some people, not just women, have a hard time figuring out the difference. I could love someone or even go as far as being in love with someone, but is it unconditional? No, it isn’t. Some people look at unconditional love as something great, but there are some situations where this could be totally the opposite. Some would say that this is ideal. This is the type of love you should strive for in your life. This is often spoken without actually thinking about what that means. To say that I love you unconditionally would mean that I love the good in you, as well as the bad. This means that I love you entirely. Instead of finding someone that loves the good, we expect that people should accept the bad.

  So many people are cursed, and they don’t know it. Women who actually believe that they are running away from you, when, in fact, God is distancing you far away from her. The curse that she possesses will continue to bring you down with her. They are the women who have been rejected by God. The people who run from relationship to relationship.

  There are people who see no wrong in what they do and seek no correction. Then there are people who can’t grasp any type of real happiness or comfort. The people who search their entire life looking for love through sexual gratification. They only find pain and heartache. The goal shouldn’t be to receive unconditional love. I want to be told when I’m bad just as much as when I’m good. I want someone to help me be better instead of accepting all of the things I’ve done wrong.

  The concept of unconditional love is dangerous because it can make people do some crazy things. It’s one that should open your eyes to the world. Be very careful whom you love completely.

  I believe that all love is conditional, especially in relationships. When it comes to feelings, we can all be hurt. We can all be broken and pushed to the point of no return. You can be hurt so badly that you make dangerous decisions. Many of these decisions could completely change the course of your life.

  When love is good, it is amazing, but all too often, we give too much of ourselves to people who don’t truly deserve it. This is in no way preaching to the choir. Most people who think they are in love can’t even explain why they believe it. It’s very easy to get so caught up on the idea of love that we totally miss all of the signs. Trust me, there are always signs; we just choose to ignore them because we are in love with the idea of being in love.

  It may take a lifetime to find your soul mate and your one true love, but when you find it, you’ll know why the people that you thought you loved . . . were merely an infatuation.

  Live, Laugh, Love, and find your beginning . . .




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