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The Mitfords

Page 80

by Charlotte Mosley

  Erdödy see Palffy-Erdödy

  Erlanger, Edwina and Leo d’, 492

  Ernst, Max, 112n

  Esquire (magazine), 363

  Esterhazy, Princess Maria, 77n

  Eton College, 302, 305n

  Euphorion Books (publishing company), 254n

  European, The (magazine), 264

  Evans, Dr, 317, 537–8

  Evening Standard, 62, 337, 604

  Fanon, Frantz: The Wretched of the Earth, 542 & n

  Faringdon, Oxfordshire, 193

  Farquhar, Elizabeth, 689 & n

  Farrer, Ann (‘Id’; ‘Idden’), 39, 43 & n, 49, 67, 410

  If Hopes were Dupes (as ‘Catherine York’), 43n

  Farrer, George (‘Gog’), 277

  Farrer, Joan (née Mitford), 640

  Farrer, Joan (‘Rud/Rudbin’; later de Udy; then Rodzianko), 207 & n

  Farrer, Michael, 87

  Farve see Redesdale, David Mitford, 2nd Baron

  Fascism: in Nancy’s Wigs on the Green, 60

  see also British Union of Fascists Faucigny-Lucinge, Prince Jean-Louis de, 242 & n, 623

  Faucigny-Lucinge, Princess Liliane de (née d’Erlanger; ‘Baba’), 66 & n, 217, 221

  Fayed, Emad (Dodi), 783 & n

  Fayed, Mohamed al, 784n, 794

  Fearless Vampire Killers, The (Polanski film), 508 & n

  Feeney, Miss, 304 & n, 572

  Fell, Mrs (US socialite), 385

  Fellowes, Marguerite (née Decazes; then de Broglie Daisy), 227 & n, 257–8, 271, 273, 287

  funeral, 386

  Fellowes, Reginald, 227n

  Fenwick, Cecily, 53

  Fenwick, Constantia, 331, 336, 502

  Feray, Jean and Thierry, 370 & n, 526

  Fermor, Joan Leigh (née Eyres Monsell; then Rayner), 326 & n

  Fermor, Patrick Leigh (‘Paddy Whack’), 326 & n, 727, 758

  Ferreras, Miguel, 364n

  Ferreras, Oonagh (née Guinness), 364 & n

  Fettiplace family, 779

  Février, Jacques, 221

  Field, Nancy, 158n

  Field, The (magazine), 374, 379n

  Fielding, Daphne (née Vivian

  then Marchioness of Bath), 210, 558, 651 & n

  Fleming, Ann (née Charteris), 333 & n, 418, 444, 503, 509, 511, 560, 664, 731

  Fleming, Caspar, 509 & n

  Float, Revd Wilfred, 623

  Flynn, Billy, 516–17

  Fonteyn, Margot, 465

  Forbes, Alastair, 287 & n, 666

  Forbes-Adam, Desmond, 111n, 607

  Forman, Chaka (Constancia’s son), 542 & n, 616

  Forman, James (Constancia’s son), 490–1, 493, 495–8, 507 & n, 616 & n, 742, 757 & n Forman, James Sr, 486n, 542n, 588

  Forquet, Federico, 799 & n

  Forster, E.M.: A Passage to India, 132

  Where Angels Fear to Tread, 365

  Forster, Gauleiter (of Danzig), 54

  Fouchet, Christian, 420

  France: conditions, 502

  prisons, 574

  Fraser, Lady Antonia (née Pakenham), 355, 374

  Frederick II (the Great), King of Prussia, 469, 507 & n, 527, 531

  Freud, Lucian: paints Mitfords, xv

  visits and paints Deborah, 297, 310n, 341, 343, 355, 356

  on Epstein, 311

  dines with Deborah, 503

  Friese-Green, Molly, 224 & n, 225

  Frost, David, 501 & n

  Fry, Jennifer, 87n

  Fuller, J.FC. (Boney), 680

  Gaillard, Félix, 351 & n

  Gallet, M., 484

  Gandarillas, Antonio de (Tony), 254 & n, 490

  Gandarillas, Carmen, 235n, 253

  Garbo, Greta, 227 & n, 308

  Garcia Lorca, Federico: The House of Bernarda Alba, 226 & n

  Garnett, David, 456–7

  Garnett, Richard, 679

  Garter, Order of, 764–6, 788–9

  Gascoigne, Mary (née O’Neill; ‘Middy’), 291 & n, 659, 720

  Gathorne-Hardy, Edward, 525

  Gaulle, Charles de: Palewski supports, 145

  re-elected (1945), 220 & n

  in Paris, 239

  recommends Nancy’s books to cabinet, 323

  and Nancy, 347

  entertains Macmillan, 348

  assassination attempt on, 378 & n

  returns to Paris from Germany, 381 & n

  on Fouchet’s daughter, 420

  banishes NATO forces from France, 455 & n, 458

  Palewski gives parties for, 462, 492

  on Vietnam war, 469 & n

  vetoes Britain’s entry into European Economic Community, 499

  maintains stable France, 502

  fears US use of nuclear weapons, 507

  election success (1968), 512 & n

  on Jackie Kennedy, 518

  Géczy, Barnabas von, 100 & n

  general elections: (1945), 215

  (1959), 265, 318

  (1966), 452–3

  General Strike (1926), 8

  George VI, King: coronation, 91 & n, 93–4

  entertains at Buckingham Palace, 232

  Germany: Diana and Unity visit, 36

  Beaverbrook’s appeasement policy, 61n

  concentration camps, 61 & n

  Jessica tours with Unity, 63n

  and ‘degenerate art’, 112n

  occupies Czechoslovakia, 129n, 137n, 143

  and outbreak of war (1939), 139n

  Nancy visits for book on Frederick the Great, 507

  Gertler, Mark, 456 & n

  Gibson, Violet, 329n, 330

  Gilliat, William, 82, 178 & n

  Gillies, Jean, 160 & n, 163

  Gilmour, Geoffrey (‘Jefferson’), 271, 283, 369, 434, 444, 467, 503, 702

  cancer and death, 684, 685 & n

  Gilot, Francoise: Ma vie avec Picasso, 432n

  Ginsberg, Allen, 490

  Girouard, Mark, 456

  Givenchy, Hubert de, xv, 713, 741

  Gladwyn, Cynthia, Lady, 588, 705

  Gladwyn, Gladwyn Jebb, Baron, 144, 290, 333–4, 348, 705, 713

  Gladys (Nancy’s maid), 180 & n, 188, 221

  Gladys (Redesdales’ maid), 49 & n

  Gloucester, Alice, Duchess of (née Montagu-Douglas-Scott), 66 & n

  Gloucester, Prince Henry, Duke of, 66 & n

  Glyn, Esmé (later Birch), 27n

  Goddard, Rayner, 795

  Goebbels, Joseph: entertains Mitfords, xv

  Diana and Mosley married at home, 38

  in Munich, 47

  exploits Horst Wessel’s death, 53n

  Unity meets, 64–5

  and English visitors, 70

  pictured with Diana, 75

  buys Berlin villa, 77ns Diana visits, 114–15

  criticizes film Entscheidende Tage, 115

  at Bayreuth, 128

  Goebbels, Magda Ritschel (née Friedländer), 47n, 75 & n, 77, 89, 114–15, 125

  Goethe, J.W. von: Wahlverwandschaften, 169

  Goldberg, Bertrand and Nancy (née Florsheim), 715 & n

  Gollancz, Victor (publisher), 329

  Goodman, Arnold, Baron, 509 & n

  Gordon-Canning, Robert (Bobbie), 77 & n

  Göring, Hermann, 60, 61n, 70

  Gosse, Sir Edmund, xv

  Gould, Bruce, 257

  Goursat, Georges (‘Sem’), 759 & n

  Graceland, 777–8

  Graham, Katherine, xv, 147, 496 & n, 767, 773

  Grant, Duncan, 313, 413, 456, 560–1

  Greene, David Plunkett, 490

  Greffulhe, Mme, 440

  Grenfell, Julian, 619

  Greville family, 73

  Grimond, Grizelda, 714

  Grimond, Joseph (Jo), 405

  Guéguinou, Jean, 800n

  Guimont, Mme (Nancy’s cleaner; ‘Gilly’), 527, 539, 574–5

  Guinness, Bryan (later 2nd Baron Moyne): marriage and divorce from Diana, 7–11, 17n, 24 & n, 27–8, 35

  and Diana’s detentio
n in prison, 16 & n

  marriage to Elisabeth Nelson, 17n

  moves to flat, 25n

  child by Elizabeth, 118 & n

  meets Diana in House of Lords, 693–4

  Singing Out of Tune, 17n

  Guinness, Desmond (Bryan-Diana’s son): childhood, 37, 47n

  Jessica sends greetings to, 43 & n

  and Diana’s wedding in Germany, 76

  absence from mother, 80

  pictured, 161

  birthday, 163

  gland on neck removed, 164n

  and mother’s imprisonment in war, 167

  refuses to see Pam Timms, 179

  visits Lady Redesdale on Inch Kenneth, 376

  children, 395

  Diana visits in Ireland, 644

  expelled from school, 656

  Guinness, Diana see Mosley, Diana, Lady

  Guinness, Elizabeth (née Nelson): marriage to Bryan Guinness, 17n

  children, 118n

  Guinness, Lady Evelyn (née Erskine), 621

  Guinness, Ingrid see Channon, Ingrid

  Guinness, Jasmine, 803 & n

  Guinness, Jasper (Jonathan’s son), 373, 456, 513, 580

  Guinness, Jonathan (later 3rd Baron Moyne Bryan-Diana’s son): birth, 21 & n

  childhood, 36, 47n

  and Diana’s wedding in Germany, 76

  absence from mother, 79–80

  and mother’s imprisonment, 160

  pictured, 161

  appendectomy, 167

  dismisses Pam Timms, 179

  plans trip to Czechoslovakia, 250 & n

  visits Bayreuth and Salzburg, 338

  divorce and remarriage, 369n

  visits Diana, 369

  misses Nancy’s party, 372

  children, 456 & n

  in TV film about Nancy, 660

  sends The House of Mitford to Deborah, 697

  The House of Mitford (with Catherine Guinness), 21n, 681 & n, 698n, 700

  Guinness, Marina (Desmond’s daughter), 395

  Guinness, Patrick (Desmond’s son), 395, 438

  Guinness, Penelope (née Cuthbertson), 43n

  Guinness, Rosaleen (Bryan-Elizabeth’s daughter), 118n

  Guinness, Valentine (Jonathan’s son; ‘Weeny’), 456

  Gürtner, Franz, 129 & n

  Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, 288

  Hadfield, Mrs, 589

  Hailsham, Quintin Hogg, 2nd Viscount (later Baron), 403 & n, 765, 789

  Hall, Jerry, 727

  Hall, Radclyffe: The Well of Loneliness, 99

  Hamilton, Hamish (publisher), 217, 470, 484, 624, 644, 687

  Hamilton, Neil, 794

  Hammersley, Arthur, 43n

  Hammersley, Christopher, 384

  Hammersley, Monica, 377, 411–12, 415

  Hammersley, Violet (née Williams-Freeman; ‘the Widow’): Jessica visits with mother, 42, 43n

  visits Munich, 91

  visits Rutland Gate, 124

  Deborah lunches with, 165–6

  and Deborah’s marriage, 173

  on Diana being unchanged, 247

  visits Berners, 248

  in Paris, 258

  Jessica visits from USA, 291n

  friendship with Duncan Grant, 313

  correspondence with Deborah, 319

  breach with Deborah, 327

  arbitration on Jessica’s Hons and Rebels, 330, 333, 335, 337

  stays in Kensington hotel, 363–4

  exploits Devonshires’ secretary, 364

  illness, 377

  Nancy’s attitude to, 384, 562

  and Lady Redesdale’s death, 397

  bridge-playing, 402

  death, 411–13

  anxiety over sons, 558

  requests car for drive to Isle of Wight, 613

  letters, 683

  in Loved Ones, 690

  Hammond, Gillian (later Sutro), 26n

  Hanfstaengl, Erna (‘the Good Girl’), 56, 58n, 112

  Hanfstaengl, Ernst (‘Putzi’), 36, 43 & n, 46–7, 627

  Hanfstaengl, Helene (née Neemeyer), 43n

  Harcourt, François, due d’, 721

  Harcourt, Lydie d’ see Pomereu, Lydie, Marchioness of

  Harcourt, Thyra de Zayas, duchesse d’, 721

  Hardcastle, Tony, 699

  Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire, 267, 297

  Hardy, Thomas: ‘New Year’s Eve’, 802 & n

  Harewood, Princess Mary, Countess of (Princess Royal), 313 & n

  Harper’s Magazine, 305

  Harriman, Pamela (née Digby; then Churchill), 26n, 706, 756, 797 & n

  Harriman, William Averell, 706 & n

  Harris, Kenneth, 581

  Harrod, Henry, 184

  Harrod, (Sir) Roy: friendship with Nancy, 9, 136

  child, 136, 184

  Nancy visits, 184

  visits Diana, 467

  at Orsay, 569

  knighthood, 574

  Harrod, Wilhelmina, Lady (‘Billa’), 184, 467, 574, 727 Hart, Derek, 717

  Harrington, Kathleen, Marchioness of (née Kennedy; ‘Kick’), 167 & n, 190n, 195

  death, 325–6, 398 & n

  Harrington, Peregrine Andrew Morny Cavendish, Marquess of (later 12th Duke of Devonshire Deborah’s son; ‘Stoker’): birth and naming, 149, 194–5, 198

  childhood, 194, 199

  Nancy on, 205

  and Jessica’s visit with children, 269

  at Eton, 302

  predicts Macmillan’s fall, 339

  on Nancy’s Don’t Tell Alfred, 340

  mother gives ball for, 354n

  shooting, 362

  at Oxford, 421

  friendship with Ancram, 425

  coming-of-age celebrations, 432n, 447

  spends time in Europe, 436

  dancing, 465

  Nancy plans to make heir, 474 & n

  marriage, 493 & n

  horseracing appointments, 766

  Harrington, William, Marquess of (‘Billy’), 167n, 190 & n, 195, 195

  killed in action in Belgium, 204n, 215

  Harty, Russell, 641, 721n

  Harvey, Lillian, 76

  Hassan (Nancy’s servant; ‘Beamish’), 542–6, 564, 575, 576, 589, 593

  Hastings, Max, 737, 763n

  Hastings, Lady Selina, 667, 673, 685, 694n

  Evelyn Waugh, 757

  Nancy Mitford: A Biography, 702–3, 705

  Hattersley, Roy, 758

  Haugwitz-Reventlow, Count Curt, 244 & n

  Hawaii: Jessica visits, 442

  Hawkins, Ashton, 777

  Hay, Alexandra Cecilia (‘Sex’), 74 & n, 236, 345

  Hay, Ivan, 74

  Hayter, Teresa: Hayter of the Bourgeoisie, 576 & n

  Hayter, Sir William, 280n, 358n

  Head, Antony, 1st Viscount, 410–11, 446

  Head, Lady Dorothy (née Ashley-Cooper), 446

  Head, Simon, 523

  Healey, Mrs (servant), 607, 618

  Heath, Edward, 454 & n, 553

  Heath, Neville, 244 & n

  Heber-Percy, Lady Dorothy (née Lygon; ‘Coote’), 87n, 710, 727

  Heber-Percy, Robert, 86, 87n, 229, 259, 710 & n

  Heemstra, Ella van, 63, 65n

  Heines, Edmund, 48 & n

  Helleu, Paul-César, 9, 759, 791

  Henderson, Sir Nicholas and Mary, Lady (née Cawadias), 713

  Henlein, Konrad, 128

  Hepburn, Audrey, 65n

  Hepburn-Ruston, Joseph, 65n

  Hess, Rudolf, 70 & n

  Higgs, Nanny, 146, 170, 176, 273, 389, 578–9, 618, 709

  Hill, Lady Anne (née Gathorne-Hardy), 188 & n

  Hill, Derek, 46, 47n, 52, 720

  Hill, Harriet, 351

  Hill, (George) Heywood (bookshop), 145, 188, 193, 200, 204, 217, 224, 328, 497, 514, 789

  Hillier, Bevis: Young Betjeman, 723n

  Himmler, Heinrich, 61

  Hine, Revd Mr, 615, 637

  Hitchens, Christopher, 668n, 757

Adolf: acquaintance with Mitfords, xv

  Unity admires, 36, 40, 46, 49, 53n, 54, 56, 58, 63–4

  elected chancellor, 37

  meetings with Unity, 37, 54, 64–5, 68, 80, 85, 103, 113, 116, 126, 130, 137

  attends Mosley wedding, 38, 77

  Deborah on, 42

  popularity, 47

  and arrest of Röhm, 48

  Unity makes Hannibal collage for, 54n, 55

  stomach trouble, 64 & n

  meets Londonderry and Beaverbrook, 69

  Diana’s relations with, 75, 604, 801–2

  Magda Goebbels idolizes, 76n

  speech to Winterhilfswerk, 78

  and Oxford Group, 111

  threatens and annexes Austria, 122n

  in Breslau, 130

  solicitude for Unity’s illness, 134–5

  occupies Czechoslovakia, 137n

  Lady Redesdale’s admiration for, 143, 151, 637

  suppresses reports of Unity’s suicide attempt, 143

  invades Denmark and Norway, 144

  supposed secret weapon, 150–1

  Jessica fantasizes about assassination attempt, 328

  in Diana’s memoirs, 604

  Nancy’s view of, 637–8

  Unity gives ‘Chicken’s Mess’ to, 697

  Diana declines to appear on TV for centenary programme, 722

  Mein Kampf, 109

  Hitler, Paula (Adolf’s sister), 70 & n

  Ho Qui Thi, Madame, 445n

  Hoesch, Leopold von, 129n

  Hoesch, Wolfgang, 129

  Hoffmann, Heinrich, 64 & n, 68, 70, 75, 78

  Hofmannsthal, Lady Elizabeth von, 273

  Holme, Reginald, 84 & n, 109

  Home, Alexander Douglas-Home, 14th Earl of (later Baron), 403 & n, 405

  Honourable Rebel, The (BBC documentary), 636n

  Horizon (magazine), 237n

  Hornby, Nicole (née Ward), 495 & n

  Horne, David, 43n

  Hössl, Dr (of SS), 68–9

  House Committee on Un-American Activities (USA), 265

  Howard, Brian, 239 & n, 490, 579

  Howard, George, 87, 107

  Howard-Johnston, Paulette (née Helleu), 623

  Hudson, Margaret (née Oulpé), 729, 803

  Hugo, Victor: Les Misérables, 574

  Hunt, Henry Leigh, 459 & n

  Hussey, Amy (‘Stiegson’), 157 & n

  Hutton, Barbara, 244n

  Huxley, Julian, 413

  Ileclash, Ireland, 324

  Inch Kenneth (island), Inner Hebrides: Lord Redesdale on, 143, 149, 162, 202, 311

  Deborah on, 149, 158

  Nancy visits, 152, 379

  Lady Redesdale on, 202, 246, 266, 313, 342, 367–8, 371n

  Margaret Wright on, 202

  Unity stays on with parents, 203, 211

  Jessica bids to buy out, 206, 313n

  Jessica attempts to leave share to Communist Party, 213, 266

  sisters make over to mother for life, 213

  Jessica visits, 266, 371–2, 379

  Lady Mersey ill on, 341

  Diana visits, 371n

  Desmond Guinness visits, 376

  disposal, 393, 467 & n, 663


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