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The Mitfords

Page 81

by Charlotte Mosley

  later sale, 665

  Ismay, General Hastings, Baron, 224n

  Jackson, Derek: friendly relations with Mosley, 35

  marriage to Pamela, 35, 87n

  rides in Grand National, 86

  visits Mitford family, 105

  Nancy denounces in war, 144

  takes in Diana and Mosley after release from prison, 149

  wartime service in Royal Air Force, 149, 156, 171, 176, 187

  wartime research work, 153

  in USA, 206

  appointed Professor of Spectroscopy at Oxford, 214

  hunting and steeplechasing, 214–15, 223, 748

  moves to Tullamaine Castle, Ireland, 214, 264

  divorce, 264, 272n, 747, 749

  third marriage (to Janetta), 264

  on wealth, 381

  marriage to Barbara Skelton, 434

  awarded Légion d’Honneur, 482 & n

  engagement to Pamela, 557

  celebrates Pamela’s seventieth birthday, 647

  death, 684–5

  will, 686–7

  letters to Pamela, 747

  on faith, 802

  Jackson, Janetta (née Woolley; then Kee; then Parlade), 264, 326 & n, 708

  Jackson, Vivian, 35

  Jailhouse Rock (film), 302 & n

  Jamaica: Deborah visits with Andrew, 373–4 & n

  James, Audrey Evelyn (later Field; then Pleydell-Bouverie), 240 & n, 254

  James, Edward, 47 & n, 241n, 254, 761–2

  Jean-Pierre (Mosleys’ driver), 282

  Jeans, Sir James: The Stars in their Courses, 556

  Jebb, Sir Gladwyn see Gladwyn, Baron Jebb, Julian, 658 & n, 660–1, 663–4, 668–70, 682n Jenkins, Roy, 687n

  Jews: Nazis persecute, 36

  Nancy mocks Unity’s attitude to, 53

  Hitler speaks about, 68

  mixed-race, 125–6

  Mosley denounces, 612, 633, 635n

  Unity admits to hating, 623

  Johannesburg, 409

  John, Augustus, xv, 282, 311, 456

  John Paul I, Pope, 653 & n

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 705

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 373–4 & n, 425, 434, 443, 507

  Jones, Olive, 47

  Joshi, Vijay, 430 & n

  Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’), 84 & n

  Jullian, Philippe, 431

  Kahn, Barbara, 372

  Kahn, Otto, 245n

  Kahn, Richard, Baron, 612

  Kandinsky, Wassily, 112n

  Kannenberg, Willy, 128–9

  Katanga, 360, 387n

  Kearsey, Alexander, 125n, 410 & n, 414

  Kearsey, Clementine (‘Pussette’), 414

  Kearsey, Frances (née Mitford Aunt Puss’), 124 & n

  Kee, Janetta see Jackson, Janetta

  Kee, Robert: chairs Brains Trust, 308 & n

  Deborah meets in Paris, 328

  on Panorama programme, 345

  at lunch for Jessica, 418

  dines with Deborah, 503

  Frances Partridge on, 708

  and Mitterrand, 764

  The Green Flag, 459 & n

  Keeler, Christine, 391n, 400

  Kennedy, Edward, 385 & n, 773

  Kennedy, Ethel (née Skakel), 424

  Kennedy, George, 760

  Kennedy, John F.: acquaintance with Mitfords, xv

  inauguration, 326, 346–7

  fondness for Deborah, 350, 360–1

  meets Macmillan in Bermuda, 359 & n

  regard for Macmillan, 362

  Deborah visits, 369

  telephones Deborah, 380n

  attends Chatsworth loan exhibition of drawings in Washington, 383, 385 & n

  broadcasts on Cuban missile crisis, 385 & n

  cancels Skybolt missile programme, 385 & n

  Nancy dreams of, 387–8

  visits Edensor and sister Kathleen’s grave, 398 & n-400

  assassinated, 403–4

  Kennedy, Joseph, 359 & n, 764

  Kennedy, Robert, 424 & n, 511

  Kennedy, Rose, 764

  Kenyatta, Jomo, 382

  Keppel, Alice (née Edmonstone), 222 & n

  Keppel, Lady Cecilia (Cela), 28 & n, 29

  Keswick Show (1983), 695

  Khashoggi, Adnan, 784 & n

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 314, 328, 333n, 422, 788

  Kilmartin, Joanna (née Pearce), 502

  Kimmich, Maria (née Goebbels), 77 & n

  Kimmich, Max W, 78n

  Kissinger, Henry and Nancy (née Maginnes), 768

  Kliot, Aranka (née Hajos; then Treuhaft), 214, 249 & n, 280–1, 298, 487

  Knight, Hester (née Loyd; ‘Heck’), 692, 747, 766

  Kohler, Herbert, Jr, 716

  Korean War (1950–3): outbreak, 271 & n

  Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 460–1

  Labouchere, Rachel, Lady, 463

  Labour Party: forms government (1945), 215

  Ladies’ Home Journal, 257 & n

  Lady see Mitford, Nancy

  Lady Macleans Cook Book, 476 & n

  Lady, The (magazine), xv, 3, 22n, 106

  La Fayette, Madame de (Marie Madeleine Pioche de Lavergne, Comtesse de): La Princesse de Clèves, 253 & n, 259n, 268

  Lamb, Henry, 28 & n

  Lamb, Lady Pansy (née Pakenham), 28 & n

  Lambton, Antony, Viscount, 640–1 & n, 701, 788

  Lambton, Lady Elizabeth (née Fitzmaurice), 526 & n

  Lancaster, Nancy (née Perkins; then Tree; then Field), 273 & n

  Lancaster, Osbert, 376, 379 Lansdowne, Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice, 7th Marquess of, 203 & n

  Lanvin (couturier), 348, 364

  Laroche, Baroness, 37, 89

  Laski, Marghanita, 544

  Lasteyrie, Marquis Louis de (‘Lolotte’), 278 & n

  Lauda, Niki: For the Record, 651 & n

  Laval, Pierre, 217 & n, 248

  Law, Joy (née Spira), 586, 588

  Lawley, Sue, 725 & n

  Laycock, Robert, 343

  Leach, Penelope, 533n

  Lees-Milne, Alvilde (née Bridges; then Viscountess Chaplin), 227 & n, 233, 243, 399–400, 448, 450, 613, 666, 705

  Lees-Milne, James: friendship with Nancy, 9

  correspondence, 79

  marriage to Alvilde, 227n

  visits Chatsworth, 399–400

  walks in Cotswolds with Nancy, 452

  letter to The Times on Lady Redesdale’s death, 565 & n

  devotion to Diana, 665

  on Bryan Guinness’s meeting with Diana, 694n

  at launch party for Selina Hastings’s biography of Nancy, 705

  at Pamela’s birthday celebration, 720

  on Pamela’s economizing, 721

  and Pamela’s obituaries, 743

  on Patrick Leigh Fermor, 758

  on growing old, 782

  death, 791n

  Ancient as the Hills, 779 & n

  The Bachelor Duke, 399n

  Lehane, Emmy, 388 & n, 406, 569, 663, 674–5

  Lehane, Jerry: at Redesdale’s funeral, 306

  as Mosley’s driver, 388 & n, 454

  hopes to go to Lismore, 406

  amused by demonstration of new vacuum cleaner, 440

  shoots ravens, 461

  on Mosley’s TV appearance, 517

  meets Ronnie Peterson, 568–9

  helps Diana during Nancy’s illness, 609

  and Palewski’s visit to Pope, 663

  looks after Diana, 674–5, 730, 775

  and Diana’s wish to die, 680

  and injured mallard, 723

  Lehane, John, 569

  Lehmann, Rosamond, 516

  Lenya, Lotte, 761

  Letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn Waugh (ed. Charlotte Mosley), 45n, 759

  Leverhulme, Philip Lever, 3rd Viscount, 765, 789

  Liaut, Jean-Noël, 791 & n, 803

  Liberace, 314

  Life (magazine), 471, 474

  Lillie, Beatrice, 273

  Lindemann, Frederick Ale
xander (later Viscount Cherwell), 214

  Lismore Castle, Co. Waterford, 282, 310n, 697, 789

  Lisney, Suzanne (later Guinness), 21n

  Lloyd, Alexander, 2nd Baron, 92n

  Lloyd, Jean, Lady (née Lady Jean Ogilvy), 92–3 & n, 780

  Lloyd, John Selwyn, 788

  Lloyd George, David, 444

  Loewenstein, Princess Josephine, 541 & n

  Londonderry, Charles Stewart Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of, 69 & n, 150

  Londonderry, Edith, Marchioness of, 69–70 & n

  Longford, Elizabeth, Countess of, 788

  Longford, Francis Aungier Pakenham, 7th Earl of, 563, 579, 693–4, 788–9

  Longleat (estate), Wiltshire, 467n

  Lord, Tom, 292, 303

  Los Angeles: riots (1965), 438

  Losch, Ottilie (Tilly; Countess of Carnarvon), 47 & n, 450n

  Louis XIV, King of France, 323, 423

  Louis, Joe, 69n

  Lovell, Mary S.: The Mitford Girls, 797n

  Lowry-Corrie, Patricia, 579

  Lubbock, Adelaide (née Stanley), 238 & n, 254 & n

  Lucinge, ‘Baba’ see Faucigny-Lucinge, Princess Liliane de

  Lutyens, Emily: Candles in the Sun, 461

  Lygon, Lady Dorothy (‘Coote’) see Heber-Percy, Lady Dorothy

  Lygon, Lady Mary (Maimie), 668

  Lynn, Olga, 225 & n

  Maastricht Treaty (1992), 735n

  Mac, Mrs (Biddesden cook), 28

  McCalmont, Lilah, 162,166

  McCarran Act (USA), 270n

  McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 265

  McCarthy, Mary, 476, 751

  Birds of America, 554 & n, 557, 576–7

  MacDonald, Ramsay, 78n

  McFadyen, John, 357

  McGee, Willie, 265

  MacGillivray, Sir Donald, 374

  MacGillivray, Neil, 375n

  McGregor, Neil, 800

  Machell, Roger, 687

  Macindoe, Armida and Rosemary, 68 & n, 71n, 671, 684

  Macindoe, Colonel J.D., 71n

  Mackinnon family, 579–80

  Macmillan, Lady Dorothy (née Cavendish), 319, 355, 378, 402 & n, 717

  Macmillan, Harold (later 1st Earl of Stockton): Deborah visits, 319 & n, 355

  appoints Andrew Devonshire to Commonwealth Relations Office post, 325

  visits to Chatsworth, 339, 698

  visits de Gaulle, 348

  Bermuda meeting with Kennedy, 359 & n, 361

  Kennedy’s regard for, 362

  Deborah criticizes, 378

  letter to Deborah, 380

  and Skybolt missile programme, 386n

  Kennedy visits in England, 399n

  taunts Labour Party for indecision over Common Market, 418n

  sees sample of Skidelsky’s book on Mosley, 430

  declines then accepts peerage, 578 & n

  Jeremy Thorpe imitates, 584

  protests at label ‘citizen’, 652

  widowed, 698n

  death and funeral, 717

  Winds of Change, 470 & n

  Madeleine (Mosley’s French cook), 282

  Mailer, Norman, 642

  Maitland, Peter, 783 & n

  Major, John, 756

  Malraux, André, 348

  Manchester, 453–4

  Margaret, Princess: Nancy’s nickname for, 287 & n

  dines with Deborah, 319

  visits Chatsworth and Derbyshire, 373, 375 & n

  gives prize to Deborah for Shetland Pony win, 513

  nicknamed ‘Yvonne’ by Private Eye, 541n

  attends ball at Quaglino’s after Duke of Windsor’s death, 582

  Harold Acton avoids, 609

  Elizabeth Cavendish acts as Lady-in-Waiting to, 622 & n

  Marie Antoinette (film), 286n

  Marlborough Club, 93

  Marlborough, Gladys, Duchess of (née Deacon), 651 & n

  Marlborough, John Spencer-Churchill, 10th Duke of, 303 & n

  Marlborough, Laura, Duchess of (née Charteris), 713

  Marriott, Maud, Lady (née Kahn; ‘Momo’), 244 & n, 317–18, 338, 348

  Marsh, Sir Edward, 179 & n, 185

  Martini, Umberto de, 231n

  Mary, Queen of George V, 239

  Maugham, William Somerset, 278

  Maxwell, Elsa, 294

  Mayall, Mary (née Ormsby-Gore), 175, 623 & n

  Maynard, Miss (furrier), 345, 347

  Mboya, Tom, 382

  Mellon, Paul, 503

  Mellon, Rachel (née Lloyd; ‘Bunny’), 384, 504n

  Mellors, Keith and Stella, 747

  Ménégand, Madame (Mémé), 372, 524

  Menuhin, Yehudi, 399

  Mersey, Edward Bigham, 3rd Viscount, 491 & n

  Mersey, Katherine, Viscountess (née Petty-Fitzmaurice; ‘Wife’): friendship with Deborah, 284 & n, 294–9, 319, 571, 692

  and general election result (1959), 318

  unwell in Inch Kenneth, 341

  on President Kennedy, 361

  Diana takes to film, 375

  in Ireland with Deborah, 416

  likeness to Lady Labouchere, 463

  coffee-making, 491

  on Mosley’s TV interview, 517

  visits Diana, 526

  tea-drinking, 559

  visits Chatsworth, 614

  death, 764

  Metcalfe, Lady Alexandra (née Curzon; ‘Bar Bar’ or ‘Baba’), 36, 38, 690

  Mexico City: earthquake (1957), 298

  Meyer, Eugene, 147

  Millar, Elizabeth (‘Doodie’) see Costa de Beauregard, Elizabeth

  Milnes-Gaskell, Mary (later Motley), 13 & n

  Mitchell Beazley (publishers), 500n

  Mitchell, James, 500n

  Mitchell, Margaret: Gone with the Wind, 116

  Mitford, Bertram (Lord Redesdale’s brother; ‘Tommy’), 45n, 746

  Mitford, Clementine (later Lady Beit; ‘Tina’), 81 & n, 113

  MITFORD, DEBORAH see Devonshire, Deborah, Duchess of

  MITFORD, DIANA see Mosley, Diana, Lady

  Mitford, Dorothy (née Cordes Bertram’s wife; ‘Aunt Sport’), 44, 45n, 157

  Mitford Girls, The (stage musical), 670n

  Mitford, Iris, 22 & n, 84, 238, 306, 332, 447, 469, 475n

  Mitford, Jack see Redesdale, John Mitford, 4th Baron

  MITFORD, JESSICA see Treuhaft, Jessica

  MITFORD, NANCY: political beliefs, xvi, 34

  childhood home, 3

  leaves home, 3

  depicts father, 4

  describes mother, 5

  education, 5–6

  coming out as debutante, 6

  attachment to St Clair-Erskine, 7, 9, 20, 22, 738

  journalism, 7, 22n

  relations with sisters, 7–8

  socialism, 10, 34

  studies art at Slade, 14n

  and Diana’s divorce from Guinness, 27n, 28

  engagement and marriage to Rodd, 33–4, 44n, 45

  breach with Diana, 34

  and Jessica’s elopement, 40, 83n, 107

  on unhappy childhood, 41

  correspondence with Evelyn Waugh, 45n, 759 & n

  not told of Diana’s marriage to Mosley, 104n

  teases Deborah as child, 121n

  miscarriages, 136n, 144–5

  in London in early months of war, 143–5, 151

  denounces Diana and Mosley in war, 144–7, 212

  reconciliation with Diana, 144–5, 170

  affair and infatuation with Palewski, 145, 211, 223, 226–7, 230, 237—9, 246, 255, 263–4, 380, 483

  works at Heywood Hill’s bookshop, 145, 188, 193n, 200, 204

  works in canteen, 145, 180–1

  on Unity’s condition, 180

  ectopic pregnancy and removal of ovaries, 182–3 & n 356 & n

  anti-Americanism, 199–200, 295, 305, 360–1, 363, 471, 549

  on Unity’s death, 211

  letters to Diana, 212

  life in Paris, 212, 215–17, 219, 23
7–9, 248, 263

  dislikes Mosley, 213, 730

  Jessica renews relations with after war, 214

  translates Palewski’s articles for Randolph Churchill, 224

  moves to rue Monsieur, Paris, 240 & n

  visits England from Paris, 242–3, 246, 450

  and mother’s caring for Unity, 251–2

  translates Mme de La Fayette’s Princesse de Clèves, 254n, 259n, 268

  visits Diana, 255, 439, 457–8

  Diana visits in Paris, 258

  writes film scripts, 259n, 286n

  adapts The Little Hut, 263, 270

  article on U and non-U, 263, 285 & n, 288 & n

  closer relations with Diana, 263–4

  divorce from Rodd, 263

  Francophilia, 263, 460, 502

  writes for Sunday Times, 263, 278

  Jessica visits in Paris, 266, 288–90, 315n

  praises Deborah for improvements to Chatsworth, 267

  declines Hollywood script-writing offer, 279 & n

  visit to Moscow, 279 & n, 281

  will, 280 & n, 474 & n, 481

  sends money to Jessica, 281

  dress, 286, 320, 348, 364, 448

  suggests names for Deborah’s daughter, 294

  in Venice, 317, 338, 356, 372, 399, 436, 465, 514

  affected by mother’s death, 323

  jealousy over Palewski’s affairs, 324

  mocks Deborah’s Shetland ponies, 326

  newspaper report on being required to report to French police during Khrushchev’s visit, 333n, 334–5

  grey hair, 372

  depicts mother as causing unhappy childhood, 376 & n, 377–8, 737

  visit to mother on Inch Kenneth, 379

  baffled by letter from Sunday Times reader, 381

  on mother’s decline and death, 393, 395, 397

  friendship with James Lees-Milne, 399n

  at Emma Tennant’s wedding, 401

  Deborah visits in Paris, 421

  moves to Versailles, 426, 457–8, 463, 479, 483–4

  prospective funeral, 426

  leaves literary estate to be managed by Deborah, 437n

  bridge-playing, 448

  visits Deborah in Ireland, 460–1

  boils egg for father in war, 471

  Hodgkin’s disease, 479–80

  operation for tumour of liver, 479

  and Palewski’s marriage to Violette de Pourtalès, 479, 526

  appearance in old age, 480

  correspondence with Jessica over childhood, 480

  reaction to Constancia Romilly’s pregnancy, 487–8

  Versailles garden and wildlife, 489, 497, 499–500, 509, 511, 535, 546

  at Peregrine’s wedding dance, 494

  on hedgehogs, 500, 509

  criticizes parents, 502–3

  disagreement with Andrew Devonshire over France, 502

  anti-English sentiments, 503

  disparages Socialist government, 507

  visits Germany, 507

  article on pronunciation, 508–9 & n

  on Diana’s unhealthy appearance, 508


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