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The Mitfords

Page 83

by Charlotte Mosley

  The Duchess of Windsor, 662 & n, 664

  A Life of Contrasts, 218n, 604, 614 & n, 641n, 803 & n

  Loved Ones, 87n, 156n, 341n, 604, 691n, 701n

  Mosley, Jean (née Taylor), 338, 343, 569, 673

  Mosley, Leonard: Curzon, 381 & n

  Mosley, Louis (Alexander/Charlotte’s son), 698 & n, 783

  Mosley, Max: and mother’s detention in war, 146, 160, 163–4, 711

  birth, 155 & n

  pictured, 161

  wartime childhood, 170, 185, 187, 189–90

  adenoids removed, 257

  holiday in Spain, 258

  at boarding school, 264

  moves from Crowood, 264, 579

  stays with grandmother, 273

  opera-going, 338

  marriage, 339n, 343

  in Oxford, 343

  approached by agent to take ammunition from Territorial Army, 408

  gives up smoking, 409

  motor racing interests, 499 & n, 560, 568–9 & n

  returns to England from France, 511

  upbringing, 578–80

  expelled from school, 656

  and Bernie Ecclestone, 671

  and father’s death, 673

  and Nicholas Mosley’s Rules of the Game, 688

  visits Diana at Swinbrook, 709–10

  Mosley, Michael (Micky), 560, 673, 687–9

  Mosley, Nicholas (later 3rd Baron Ravensdale), 111 & n, 194, 245, 307, 617–19

  Accident, 432

  Julian Grenfell, His Life and the Times of his Death, 618 & n

  Rules of the Game, 678 & n, 681, 686–90

  Mosley, Sir Oswald: affair with Diana, 10–11, 25n, 33

  forms British Union of Fascists (BUF), 10

  reads Nancy’s Christmas Pudding, 25

  and John Sutro, 28

  and first wife’s death, 33, 35

  BUF meeting at Olympia, 34

  affair with Alexandra Metcalfe, 36, 38

  children, 38

  Diana’s devotion to, 38

  links with Nazis, 38

  marriage to Diana, 38, 75–7, 104n

  addresses Olympia meeting, 46 & n, 444–5

  brings libel case against Daily Star, 51 & n

  on newsreel, 51n

  in Nancy’s Wigs on the Green, 58–60

  quarrel with Diana, 78 & n

  plans German radio station to broadcast to Britain, 80n, 128n

  fishing, 135

  imprisoned in war, 144–6, 160, 163, 168, 570

  urges followers to resist foreign invasion, 145

  released (1943), 146, 193n

  Pamela takes in after release from prison, 149

  marriage relations with Diana, 157

  sues Sunday Pictorial, 168n

  joins Diana in Holloway prison, 185 & n, 187

  leads Union Movement for centralized Europe, 213

  Nancy dislikes, 213, 730

  settles in Wiltshire, 213

  accused of attempting to seduce Unity, 228–9 & n

  post-war political activities and ideas, 245, 318, 611

  plans trip to Channel Islands, 250n

  moves from Crowood, 254 & n, 264

  buys and sails boat, 256 & n

  reacquires passport, 257

  visits Nancy in Paris, 259

  buys and occupies property in Orsay, near Paris, 263–4, 270 & n, 324

  buys house in Ireland, 264

  contests North Kensington in 1959 general election, 265, 318 & n

  holds sex talk with son Alexander, 267

  and burning of Clonfert, 282

  phlebitis, 295

  at Redesdale’s funeral, 306

  on Jessica’s memoirs, 312

  sues for withdrawal of Irene Ravensdale’s book, 313n

  autobiography, 324

  gives up politics after failed final attempt to enter Parliament (1966), 324, 452–3 & n, 455–6 & n

  requests inspection of ballot papers in 1969 election, 335 & n, 336

  post-war attitudes to, 353, 358, 372

  relations with Nancy, 377

  French radio describes views, 381

  sorts papers at Ileclash, 389

  rumoured involvement in plot with Nasser, 405–7 & n

  visits to South Africa, 406–7, 409, 413–14, 428–9

  secret service actions against in Germany, 407–8

  interviewed for television, 416, 431, 527n, 611

  and Diana’s flu, 419

  Skidelsky writes on, 430, 583, 611–12

  operation on nose, 435 & n

  depicted in BBC programme The Thirties, 444–5 & n

  invited to Peregrine Hartington’s coming-of-age party, 447

  attempts to have BBC committed for contempt of court for attacks, 451 & n

  health worries, 467, 639

  interviewed on TV by David Frost, 501 & n

  Deborah defends, 519–20

  disclaims anti-Semitism, 521

  on Nancy’s illness, 531, 539, 545, 577

  interviewed on American TV, 572–3

  overlooks rubbish in countryside, 584

  Parkinson’s disease, 603–4

  anti-Semitism, 612, 633, 635n

  debates in Oxford Union, 617

  opposition to Pryce-Jones’s book on Unity, 633

  nominated to stand as Rector of Glasgow University, 645

  claims Tom Mitford to have been Fascist, 658n

  health decline and death, 671–2, 678–9, 686

  affair with Lady Diana Cooper, 673

  Nicholas Mosley’s book on, 686–8

  maligned by Nancy, 728 & n

  Lady Redesdale’s fondness for, 737

  and Diana’s caring for Nancy, 763

  Europe, Faith and Plan, 307 & n

  My Answer, 254n

  My Life, 500 & n, 501, 504, 514, 518 & n, 522n

  Mosley, Patrick (Max/Jean’s son), 674n

  Mosley, Vivien (later Forbes-Adam), 111 & n, 687–9

  Mossiker, Frances, 533–4

  Mossman, James, 517n

  Motley, Lewis, 13n

  Mottahedeh, Mildred (née Root), 715

  Mouchy, Diane de Castellane, Duchess of, 351 & n

  Moulin de la Tuilerie (house), near Paris, 233 & n

  Mountbatten, Edwina, Countess, 332

  Mountbatten, Admiral Louis, 1st Earl, 494–5

  Mouton, Grover III, 714

  Mouvement Republicain Populaire, France (MRP), 220

  Moyne, Jonathan Guinness, 3rd Baron (Diana/Bryan’s son) see Guinness, Jonathan

  Moyne, Walter Guinness, 1st Baron, 26 & n, 27, 728

  Munich Agreement (1938), 41, 137n

  Murdo (handyman at Inch Kenneth), 314

  Murdock, Pele de Lappe, 734

  Murphy, Anthony, 656n

  Mürren, Switzerland, 28, 29

  Mussolini, Benito, 116 & n, 328

  Muv see Redesdale, Sydney, Lady

  Nader, Ralph, 755

  Nancy Mitford: A Portrait by her Sisters (TV documentary), 657 & n, 659–61, 663–4, 668, 670

  US version, 682n

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 405–7

  Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact (1939), 150n

  Nazis: anti-Semitism, 36

  Unity embraces, 36–7, 47

  Jessica abhors, 40

  Parteitag (1935), 64; (1938), 123,134–5

  and art, 112n

  Neidpath, Catherine, Lady (née Guinness Jonathan’s daughter), 456, 694 & n, 700–1, 712–13

  The House of Mitford (with Jonathan), 21n, 681 & n

  Neidpath, James, Lord, 700, 713

  Neidpath, Richard, 700

  Nelson, Admiral Horatio, 1st Viscount, 106n

  Nevile, Peter, 91 & n, 123

  Nevin, Denis, 780

  New Party, 10

  New York Herald Tribune, 295

  Newall, K.W., 71n

  Newall, Mary (née Pollen), 70 & n

  News Chronicle, 9111, 333–4

  Nicolson, Juliet, 801 & n
br />   Night of the Long Knives, 48n

  Nkrumah, Kwame, 378

  Noailles, Anne-Jules de, 354n

  Noailles, Viscount Charles de, 354 & n

  Noailles, Viscountess Marie-Laure de (née Bischoffsheim), 286 & n

  Nolde, Emil, 112n

  Norfolk, Lavinia, Duchess of (née Strutt), 765

  Norwich, John Julius Cooper, 2nd Viscount, 236 & n, 673

  Novello, Ivor, 179

  Nuremberg trials (1946), 224 & n

  Nureyev, Rudolf, 465

  Oberammergau: passion play, 50n

  Obolensky, Serge, 48n

  Observer (newspaper), 572–3, 575

  O’Connor, Terence and Cecil (née Cook), 103 & n

  Ogilvie-Forbes family, 393

  Ogilvie-Grant, Mark, 30n, 291, 337 & n, 350n, 399, 436, 465

  cancer, 524n, 525

  Ogilvy, Sir Angus, 391 & n

  Ohnesorge, Wilhelm, 126, 128n

  Old Mill Cottage, High Wycombe, 41

  Olympia, London, 46 & n, 444–5

  Onassis, Jacqueline (earlier Kennedy), 518 & n, 751 & n

  Orieux, Jean: Talleyrand ou Le Sphinx incompris, 587

  Orléans, Philippe, due d’, Regent of France, 239 & n

  Orloff-Davidoff, Count Serge and Countess Elisabeth (née Scott-Ellis), 51 & n

  Ormsby-Gore, Mary see Mayall, Mary

  Orsay see Temple de la Gloire

  Ortaus, Annemarie, 109–10 & n

  Orwell, George, 486n, 751

  Orwell, Sonia (née Brownell), 485–8, 490–1, 542, 751

  Osborne, John: A Patriot for Me, 441n

  Osborne, June: marriage to Randolph Churchill, 26n

  Oxford Group see Moral Rearmament

  Page, Lillian, 521n

  Paget, Lady Rose, 273

  Palewski, Gaston (‘the Colonel’): Nancy meets, 145

  relations with Nancy, 211, 215–17 & n, 219–21, 223, 226–7, 230, 233, 237–9 255, 263–4, 380, 483

  in Nancy’s Pursuit of Love, 212

  abscess in spinal column, 221

  writes articles for Randolph Churchill, 224

  attacked in Aurore, 228

  attacks Tharaud, 233

  mother’s illness, 242

  on March of Time newsreel, 243

  Nancy considers marriage to, 246–7

  fainting fit, 249

  political speechmaking, 249

  as ambassador to Rome, 263, 316, 349

  liaison and marriage with Violette de Pourtalès, 263, 469, 526, 528

  on success of Nancy’s books, 323

  as Minister for Scientific Research, 324

  romantic attachments, 324, 402 & n

  suggests Nancy write novel, 387

  visits Washington, 398

  warns Nancy of Mosley’s supposed plot with Nasser, 405 & n, 407

  meets Jessica, 420

  sees Khrushchev, 422

  appointed head of Constitutional Council, 436 & n

  gives parties for de Gaulle, 462, 492

  on Mitford writings, 507

  visits Diana and Mosley, 514

  favours not telling Nancy about cancer, 538

  in Harold Acton memoir, 609

  protests at being unmentioned in Nancy’s will, 653

  in TV film about Nancy, 659, 663

  meets Pope, 663

  makes advances to Selina Hastings, 673

  death, 699

  treatment of Nancy, 702–3

  Palffy-Erdödy, Countess Francesca (‘Baby’), 97 & n, 124

  Palffy-Erdödy, Count François-de-Paul, 460n

  Palffy-Erdödy, Countess Johanna (‘Jimmy’), 98n, 560

  Panorama (TV programme), 502, 517–18

  Papasin, Consuelo (Elo), 790

  Papon, Maurice, 334

  Paris: Diana studies in, 9, 14n

  Jessica spends year in, 33, 39

  Jessica visits with mother and Deborah, 66–7

  Nancy lives in, 212, 215–17, 237–9, 248

  social life, 226–7

  Nancy moves to flat in rue Monsieur, 240 & n

  strikes, 241n

  May 1968 uprisings, 511 & n, 512n, 515n

  Parker-Bowles, Derek, 368, 432, 621

  Parsons, Lady Bridget, 335 & n

  Partridge, Frances: Everything to Lose, 708

  Partridge, Ralph, 456 & n

  Pasquier, Eric, 653

  Pasquier, Maurice, 653

  Pasture, Mrs Henry de la: The Unlucky Family, 351

  Paulain, Madame, 39

  Pawson, Algernon (‘Tony’), 305 & n

  Paxton, Sir Joseph, 726

  Peart, Frederick, 614

  Penn, Joan (later Bowles), 22n

  Penrose, Derrick, 785

  Penrose, James, 504 & n

  Perkin, Miss (supposed governess), 672

  Peterson, Ronnie, 568–9 & n

  Phelps (American tenant of Swinbrook cottage), 557 & n

  Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh, 239n, 404, 541n, 614, 695, 765, 780

  Phillimore, Miles, 109–11 & n

  Phillips, Georgina (née Wernher), 92 & n, 93

  Phillips, Harold, 92n

  Picasso, Pablo, 432

  Pietra, La, Florence, 608

  Piggott, Lester, 540

  Plante, David, 751

  Plantin, Constant, 587

  Pleydell-Bouverie, Audrey see James, Audrey Evelyn

  Pol-Roger, Odette (née Wallace), 227 & n

  Pomereu, Lydie, Marchioness of (née d’Harcourt), 460–1 & n, 671, 679

  Pompadour, Madame de (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de), 263, 279 & n

  Pontresina, Switzerland, 20, 21

  Portland, William Cavendish Bentinck, 7th Duke and Ivy, Duchess of (née Gordon-Lennox), 572

  Portland, Winifred, Duchess of, 449

  Pourtalès, Violette de (later Palewski), 263, 402n, 479, 526, 663

  Powell, Enoch, 576

  Prague, 516, 520

  Presley, Elvis, 302 & n, 777–8

  Presley, Priscilla, 777

  Preston, Stuart (‘the Sergeant’), 236 & n

  Price, George Ward, 116 & n

  Profumo, John, 390 & n, 399, 402n, 735

  Proust, Marcel, 784 & n

  Pryce-Jones, Alan, 546

  Pryce-Jones, David, 545 & n, 546–8, 620

  biography of Unity, 603, 605–6, 617, 623–7, 629, 631–4, 637

  Prynne, Lesley and Dorothy (née Slim), 388 & n

  Pulitzer, Joseph, 291

  Pushkin, Alexander, 488

  Quandt, Gunther, 76n

  Quandt, Harald, 115

  Quennell, Peter: The Marble Foot, 761

  The Sign of the Fish, 339

  Quinton, Anthony, 332n

  Radziwill, Dolly see Tvede, Dolores

  Radziwill, Princess Grace (née Kolin

  then Countess of Dudley), 287 & n, 386, 582

  Rainbird, George, 470

  Ramsay, Captain: Right Club, 164n

  Ramsbotham, Peter, 74, 99, 107

  Rattenbury, Alma, 157 & n

  Raven, Simon, 653n, 655

  Ravensdale, Irene, Lady (Auntie Ni): In Many Rhythms, 312 & n, 583, 688

  Raymond, Verity (later Mosley), 111n

  Reagan, Ronald, 428

  Redbook (magazine), 443

  Redé, Alexis de, 541 & n

  Redesdale Cottage, Northumberland, 211, 243

  Redesdale, Bertram Mitford, 1st Baron: xv, 516 & n, 588n

  The Attaché in Peking, 681 & n

  Redesdale, Bertram Mitford, 3rd Baron (Uncle Tommy), 330 & n, 331, 336

  Redesdale, David Mitford, 2nd Baron (Mitford sisters’ father

  Farve): homes, 3–4

  appearance and character, 4

  relations with children, 4–5

  opposes education for daughters, 5–6

  believes Asthall haunted, 13n

  prospects for gold in Canada, 17n, 19

  skating, 20n

  admires Germany, 37

  sells Sw
inbrook, 41

  fury at Diana’s taking Unity to Nazi Party Congress, 43n

  and Jessica’s elopement, 81, 86

  attends George VI’s coronation, 94n

  life at Swinbrook, 102

  fishing on Windrush, 103n

  at The Lady, 106

  sympathetic view of Nazism, 123n

  on Inch Kenneth, 143, 162, 202, 311

  marriage difficulties and separation, 143, 149, 620

  takes Margaret Wright as companion, 143, 165, 203n, 211, 248, 300

  turns against Germany, 143, 151

  punishes Deborah, 157

  visits Southend, 165

  at Deborah’s wedding, 174

  attitude to Unity, 180, 203, 219

  and death of son Tom, 205–6, 211

  separates from wife and retreats to Redesdale Cottage, Northumberland, 211

  portrayed as Uncle Matthew in Nancy’s Pursuit of Love, 212

  sells furniture, 236 & n

  disparages Peter Watson, 237n

  breaks pelvis, 253n

  death and funeral (1958), 266, 306, 307n

  Jessica fails to meet on visit from USA, 266

  will, 266, 307n, 663

  attends cocktail parties in Northumberland, 270

  golden wedding, 278–9

  Nancy visits, 283

  decline, 286, 300

  Deborah visits, 300

  in Jessica’s Hons and Rebels, 331, 335–6

  in Nancy’s Don’t Tell Alfred, 340

  at Swinbrook, 342, 709–10

  photograph of ‘double’, 374, 379

  pursues Michael Bowles, 500

  objects to Diana marrying Mosley, 537

  letter on Unity’s death, 683

  chairs House of Lords Drains Committee, 710n

  in Nancy’s account of visit to Mosley, 728 & n

  sued for slander, 794–5

  softens with age, 797

  temper, 801

  Redesdale, John Mitford, 4th Baron (Uncle Jack Jicksy), 336 & n, 432n, 560 & n

  Redesdale, Sydney, Lady (née Bowles

  Mitford sisters’ mother Muv): character, 4

  and children’s education, 5–6

  love for children, 5

  sends Unity away to school, 11

  prospecting in Canada, 17n, 18n, 19

  skating, 20n, 21

  admires Nazism and Hitler, 37, 143, 151

  attends Jessica’s marriage to Romilly, 40, 92, 99

  Deborah’s relations with, 41

  protests at Diana taking Unity to Nazi Congress, 43n

  in Munich, 49, 54

  refuses to salute Nazi memorial in Munich, 49

  sends Deborah to school, 51n

  takes Unity, Jessica and Deborah on Mediterranean cultural cruise, 71n

  and Jessica’s elopement, 81, 85–6

  attends George VI’s coronation, 94 & n

  forename, 99n

  eccentric remarks, 101–2

  admires Nelson, 106

  Deborah mocks, 106

  reading, 106

  in Bayreuth, 134

  marriage difficulties and separation, 143, 620


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