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The Mitfords

Page 84

by Charlotte Mosley

recovers Unity from Switzerland after suicide attempt, 143

  writes to Jessica in USA, 148

  hostility to communists, 152

  Deborah swears at, 157

  visits Diana in prison, 160, 163, 167, 191

  and Deborah’s wedding, 172–4

  cares for Unity, 180, 218–19, 230, 245, 251

  and Nancy’s operation for removal of ovaries, 184

  at Inch Kenneth, 202, 246, 266, 313, 342, 367, 368, 371n

  and death of son Tom in Burma, 205–6, 211, 229

  separation from husband, 211

  sisters agree to hand over Inch Kenneth for lifetime, 213

  visits Jessica in USA, 213–14, 245, 565

  Deborah entertains at Christmas (1946), 231

  consults Cairns about Unity’s suicide attempt, 247n

  view of husband, 248

  and Unity’s death, 251–2

  contributes to annual allowance for Jessica, 266

  Jessica visits on Inch Kenneth, 266, 371–2

  proposes smuggling items to sell in USA, 275 & n

  golden wedding, 278

  liking for Aranka Kliot, 280

  visits Rudi von Simolin, 301n

  at husband’s funeral, 306

  Parkinson’s disease, 317 & n, 342

  health decline and death, 323, 365, 392–6, 427–8

  and Jessica’s Hons and Rebels, 331, 333, 335–6, 566n

  busy activities, 336

  Nancy blames for inability to have children, 357n

  carol-singing in Harrods Bank, 361

  Nancy depicts as neglectful mother, 376 & n, 377–8

  injured in car accident, 382 & n

  funeral, 395

  Deborah finds letters from sisters, 423

  papers kept at Chatsworth, 481

  fondness for Mosley, 537

  Nancy’s feelings for, 554, 557–8, 562, 564–5

  Jessica’s feelings for, 555, 564–5

  Deborah on relations with, 559

  in Diana’s memoirs, 619

  and Nancy’s view of Hitler, 637–8

  provoked by Nancy, 638

  letter to Jessica on elopement, 795–7

  strictness with children, 800–1

  Redgrave, Vanessa, 508

  Redl, Colonel, 440 & n

  Regulation 18B see Defence Regulation 18B

  Rémy, Colonel (i.e. Gilbert Renault): Mémoires d’un agent secret de la France libre, 233

  Renard, Marie (Nancy’s cook), 240 & n, 244, 246, 255, 277, 290, 359, 481, 481–4, 489, 527, 531–2

  retires, 535–6

  Pamela visits, 541

  visits sick Nancy, 577, 589

  Rennell, Francis Rodd, 2nd Baron, 515

  Rennell, James Rennell Rodd, 1st Baron, 64, 65n, 183

  Rennell, Lilias, Lady (née Guthrie), 65n, 181, 183, 206

  Renta, Oscar and Annette de la (née Reid), 767, 777, 799

  Reventlow see Haugwitz-Reventlow

  Reves, Wendy (née Russell), 462 & n

  Rhodesia, 446–7, 618

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 56, 58n, 69, 77n, 134n

  Rice, Edward, 503, 560

  Rice-Davies, Mandy, 399

  Richards, Brooks, 333

  Richardson, Natasha, 714

  Richardson (of Duntisbourne), Gordon, Baron, 740

  Richardson, Tony, 714

  Riddell, Enid, 163 & n

  Ridley, Jasper, 445n

  Rignell House, Oxfordshire, 35, 144, 146, 148, 155, 192, 214, 578, 709

  Roberts, Hugh and Jane (née Low), 799 & n

  Rodd, Peter (‘Prod’): background and character, 33

  engagement and marriage to Nancy, 33–4, 44n, 45

  searches for Jessica after elopement, 40, 80, 83n, 85, 88

  Christmas present from Deborah, 52

  affair with Mary Sewell, 73n

  declines invitation to German ambassador’s, 97

  on impropriety of Jessica’s attachment to Romilly, 107

  military service, 144, 151–2, 171, 176,180–1, 184

  conversation, 195, 200

  returns to England from Italy (1944), 200

  and mother’s will, 206–7

  visits Redesdale after death of Tom Mitford, 206

  film of Sudan, 236

  in Paris with Nancy, 247, 252–3

  suicide pills, 248

  visits England from France, 248

  liaison with Adelaide Lubbock, 254

  divorce from Nancy, 263

  lung removed, 305

  letters, 457

  death, 515 & n

  Rödel, Jeanne, 702

  Rodzianko, Paul, 207n

  Rohm, Ernst, 47–8 & n, 49

  Rome: Nancy and Rodd honeymoon in, 44

  Romilly, Bertram, 95 & n

  Romilly, Constancia (later Weber Jessica’s daughter; ‘Dink/y’; ‘Donk’): birth, 175 & n, 180

  childhood, 196,198; Nancy leaves diamond brooch to, 200n

  threatens to run away, 200 & n

  in USA, 207

  and Jessica’s reaction to Unity’s death, 211

  invites Lady Redesdale to visit in USA, 213

  wariness of Nancy, 241

  and mother’s plans for visit to Europe, 269

  Deborah meets in USA, 276–7

  Nancy proposes to leave goods to, 280

  on visit to Europe (1955), 285

  in Mexico City at time of earthquake, 298 & n

  and grandmother’s death, 396

  baby by James Forman, 485–8, 490–1, 493, 496, 507 & n

  pet dog, 497 & n

  second child by Forman, 542 & n

  marriage to Terry Weber, 662 & n

  visits mother, 736

  attends dying mother, 767–9, 771, 773

  Romilly, Esmond: elopement and marriage with Jessica, 35, 39–40, 80–1, 82, 86, 91n, 96, 97, 796

  leaves for USA, 41

  Deborah dislikes, 42, 796–7

  attitude to Unity, 85

  appearance, 87

  view of Fascists, 90

  on public school life, 106

  works as advertising copywriter, 121n

  death in action (1941), 147–8, 185 & n, 328, 796

  in USA, 147, 154

  joins air force, 166

  in Canada, 176

  in Jessica’s Hons and Rebels, 328, 330n, 331

  in Philip Toynbee’s Friends Apart, 445n

  fondness for Tom Mitford, 522

  Boadilla, 542

  Out of Bounds (with Giles Romilly), 39

  Romilly, Giles: suicide, 496 & n

  Out of Bounds (with Esmond Romilly), 39

  Romilly, Jessica see Treuhaft, Jessica

  Romilly, Julia (Jessica-Esmond’s daughter): birth, 121n

  death, 123n

  Romilly, Nellie (née Hozier), 39, 95, 549, 556

  Rookery, The (on Devonshires’ estate), 149, 198

  Rosa (waitress at Osteria Bavaria), 63, 68

  Rose Cottage, near Chiswick, 33

  Rosebery, Albert Edward Primrose, 6th Earl of, 293

  Rothenstein, Sir John, 316, 418

  Rothschild, Jacob, 4th Baron and Serena, Lady (née Dunn), 767

  Rothschild, Liliane de, Baroness, 590–1

  Rothwell (farm manager), 689

  Rougemont, Laure de (later Princesse de Beauvau-Craon), 218n

  Roussin, André: The Little Hut (translated by Nancy), 263, 270, 441n

  Les oeufs de l’autruche, 258

  Roxburghe, George Innes-Ker, 9th Duke of, 540

  Roy, Harry, 796

  Royal Academy: ‘Treasures of Chatsworth’ exhibition, 666

  Royal Smithfield Show (1975), 614–15

  Rudkin, Mark, 454

  Runcie, Robert, Archbishop of Canterbury, 793

  Russell, Bertrand, 228 & n

  Russell, Lady Patricia (née Blackwood), 560–1

  Russia: Nancy visits, 279, 281

  Rutland Gate, London, 4, 91–2, 165

  Sachs, Sir Eric (Mr J
ustice), 451

  Sackville-West, Edward, 211, 296–7 & n, 340, 342

  death, 436 & n

  Sagan, Françoise, 305 & n

  Sagan, Violette de Talleyrand Périgord, Duchess of see Pourtalès, Violette de

  Saint, Charles, 426

  St Clair-Erskine, Hamish: relations with Nancy, 7, 9, 20 & n, 22, 33, 272, 570, 729n, 738

  Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Due de, 290 & n

  Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 5th Marquess of (‘Bobbety’), 433 & n

  Salmon, Rosemary (later Mosley), 111n

  Sandys, Duncan (later Baron Duncan-Sandys), 366, 463n

  Sanègre, Georges and Ofélia, 712

  Santo Domingo, Marquess of, 273

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 587

  Sauguet, Henri, 244 & n, 622

  Scarsdale, Richard Nathaniel Curzon, 2nd Viscount, 568

  Schaub, Julius, 126, 128n

  Scherman, David, 471

  Schiaparelli, Elsa, 348

  Schiller, Friedrich von: Die Jungfrau von Orleans, 169

  Schlageter, Leo, 115

  Schleicher, Kurt von, 47 & n

  Schmeling, Max, 68 & n

  Scholtz-Klink, Gertrud, 79

  Schuschnigg, Kurt von, 122 & n

  Scott, Norman, 656 & n

  Second World War (1939–45): outbreak, 138–9

  Sefton, Hugh Molyneux, 7th Earl of, 540

  ‘Sem’ see Goursat, Georges

  Séréza, Vanda (‘Zella’), 290 & n

  Sewell, Anthony, 73n

  Sewell, Brian, 463

  Sewell, Mary (née Lutyens), 73 & n

  Seyres, M. de, 219

  Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 130 & n

  Sézille, Mme (dressmaker), 286

  Shaw, George Bernard, 193

  Shell, Henrietta (Mrs John Stewart; ‘Tello’), 98 & n, 153 & n

  Sherrin, Ned, 669–71

  Sherwood, Dr, 610–11

  Sherwood, Hugh, 227 & n

  Sherwood, Patricia (née Chetwode), 227n

  Shimwell, Alan, 799

  Shultz, George, 705 & n

  Siffert, Jo, 560

  Sigrid (Nancy’s ex-maid), 222n, 330

  Silcock, Lieut.-Colonel John and Juliet (‘the Wonderfuls’), 310

  Simolin, Rudolfine von (later Saint Paul; ‘Rudi’), 264, 301 & n, 748

  Simpson, Wallis see Windsor, Wallis, Duchess of

  Sitwell, Dame Edith, 308

  Sitwell, Georgia (née Doble), 155

  Sitwell, Sir Osbert, 308, 320n, 787

  Sitwell, Sacheverell, 155 & n, 788

  Skelton, Barbara, 434 & n

  Skidelsky, Robert: visits Diana in Orsay, 430, 498–9, 502

  watches Mosley interview on TV, 501

  describes Mosley’s TV appearance, 611

  condemns Mosley’s anti-Semitism, 612

  television series on Thirties, 671

  friendship with Diana, 803

  Oswald Mosley, 583 & n, 611–12, 633 & n

  Politicians and the Slump, 502n

  Slade, Julian, 438, 492

  Slade School of Fine Art, 14n

  Slim, Field Marshal William, 1st Viscount, 414

  Smith Act (USA), 276n

  Smith, David, 374, 379n

  Smith, Ian, 447n

  Snowdon, Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of, 374, 664

  Social Democratic Party: Andrew Devonshire joins, 687n

  Sonja, Queen of Norway, 799

  Sound of Music, The (film), 443n

  South Africa: Mosleys visit, 406–7, 409–10, 413, 428, 603

  Pamela winters in, 720

  Southern, Terry: The Magic Christian, 428

  Soviet Union: as threat, 248

  Spanish Civil War, 74

  Spectator (journal), 707n, 711

  Speer, Albert, 75

  Spock, Benjamin, 481, 508, 516 & n

  Stadelmann, Julius, 56, 68–9

  Stalin, Josef, 234, 791

  Stanley of Alderley family, 228 & n

  Stanley, Alice, 136

  Stephens, Ellen (‘Diddy’), 201, 314, 377

  Stevens, Miss (hairdresser), 173

  Stevenson, Adlai, 362

  Stewart, Jackie, 569

  Stewart, Mrs John see Shell, Henrietta

  Stewart, Madeleine (‘Madeau’), 153 & n, 397, 545, 660, 700, 720

  Stewart, Oliver, 154n

  Stirling, Archibald and Charmian, 449 & n

  Stirling, Margaret, 450 & n

  Stirling, Colonel William, 343, 449 & n

  Stobie, Mrs (Lady Redesdale’s cook), 218

  Stokes, Richard, 169n

  Strachey, Lytton: friendship with Mitfords, xv

  death, 23n

  in Sitwells’ anecdote, 156

  in love with Dora Carrington, 456 & n

  friendship with Diana, 457, 569

  Diana proposes to write on, 760–1

  Streicher, Julius, 623, 633

  Strindberg, August: The Road to Damascus, 710

  Stuart, John (‘Stavros Niarchos’), 368 & n, 410

  Stuart-Wortley, Violet (née Guthrie), 562 & n

  Sudetenland, 130–1

  Sunday Express, 521

  Sunday Pictorial: Mosleys sue, 167n

  Sunday Telegraph, 764

  Sunday Times: Nancy writes for, 263, 278, 377, 382n

  picture of Nancy in, 551

  Sutro, John, 26 & n, 28, 224 & n, 524

  Swash, Michael, 677 & n

  Swinbrook House, Oxfordshire: Redesdale builds and occupies, 3

  Diana dislikes and leaves, 9

  Jessica describes, 11

  Deborah’s fondness for, 41, 102, 580

  sold, 41, 559, 579 & n

  memorial to Redesdale, 342

  Nancy buried at, 594–6

  grave headstones damaged, 615

  Pamela buys cottage in, 648

  Diana stays in cottage, 709–10 & n

  Deborah revisits, 779

  Diana buried at, 804

  Sykes, Christopher, 484

  Sykes, Christopher Simon, 799

  Tarmac plc, 697

  Tattersall, Colonel, 414, 510

  Tavistock Restitution of Conjugal Rights case (1935), 794

  Taylor, A.J.P., 581

  Tchelitchew, Pavel, 282

  Temple de la Gloire (house), Orsay, France, 264, 271n, 282, 324, 400, 416, 456, 708 & n, 755, 787

  Tennant, Lady Emma (née Cavendish Deborah’s daughter): birth, 149

  childhood, 190, 198, 199, 205, 219

  as bridesmaid, 225

  and Jessica’s 1950 planned visit with children, 269

  interviewed at Oxford, 295–6

  passes maths exam, 302

  attends W.I. party with mother, 303

  visits Urquharts, 308

  mother gives ball for, 354n

  and Feray brothers, 370

  marriage and honeymoon, 400–1 & n

  inherits grandmother’s card table, 402

  Deborah visits in Argentina, 445n

  returns from Argentina, 450 & n

  at Peregrine’s wedding, 494

  education, 685

  inherits Pamela’s house, 745

  obituary of Pamela, 750 & n

  Tennant, Emma (novelist), 685 & n

  Tennant, Sir Iain, 93n

  Tennant, Isabel (Emma’s daughter), 421n, 442 & n, 698

  Tennant, Margaret, Lady (née Lady Margaret Ogilvy; ‘Maggot’), 93 & n, 99, 225

  Tennant, Stella (Emma’s daughter), 580 & n, 719

  Tennant, Stephen, 284

  Tennant, Toby, 402n, 451n, 513, 752

  Teresa, Mother, 757

  Tharaud, Jean, 233

  Thatcher, Carol, 694

  Thatcher, Denis, 765, 781

  Thatcher, Margaret, 614–15, 641, 725, 765, 780

  This Week (TV programme), 416

  Thomas, Hugh, 542

  Thompson, Flora: Lark Rise to Candleford, 586

  Thompson, John and Christine, 776

  Thorpe, Jeremy, 584,

  Thyssen, Baroness, 420n

  Time magazine, 481

  Times, The: on Bowles, xv

  obituary of Nancy, 595, 597

  Times Literary Supplement, 335, 337

  Timms, Mrs (Redesdale’s foreman’s wife), 157

  Timms, Pam, 179

  Tito, Marshal Josip Broz, 250

  Tobin, Madeleine see Bowles, Madeleine

  Tomlin, Stephen, 760

  Tommasi, Giuditta, 264, 301, 324, 377, 539, 748–9

  death, 733 & n

  Tone, Franchot, 100

  Townsend, Group Captain Peter, 287n

  Toynbee, Frances (née Smith Sally), 636 & n

  Toynbee, Philip, 166 & n, 444, 496, 542, 604, 629, 633, 636–7, 752

  Friends Apart, 445n

  Toynbee, Polly, 685

  Treasure Houses of Britain exhibition, Washington (1985), 705 Tree, Lady Anne (née Cavendish; ‘Tig’), 158n, 180n, 195, 218, 220n, 255 & n, 273, 418, 656, 792n

  Tree, Marietta (née Peabody), 158n

  Tree, Michael, 158n, 180n, 792–3

  Tree, Ronald, 157 & n

  Trefusis, Violet (née Keppel), 205, 222, 224, 231n, 232, 305, 327

  Treuhaft, Aranka (Robert’s mother) see Kliot, Aranka

  Treuhaft, Benjamin (Jessica’s son): birth, 241

  and mother’s planned 1950 visit to Europe, 269

  visits Europe (1959), 317

  in France, 420 & n

  at college in USA, 441

  telephones Deborah, 654

  bipolar disorder, 656 & n

  exports pianos to Cuba, 771

  TREUHAFT, JESSICA (née Mitford; then Romilly): estrangement from Diana, xvi, 40, 59, 148, 607, 638, 670, 704, 755

  political ideas, xvi, 40, 145, 148, 265

  will, xvii

  on father, 4

  home education, 5–6

  rebelliousness, 11–12

  socialism/communism, 12, 148

  private language (‘Boudledidge’), 15n

  spends year in Paris, 33, 39

  elopement and marriage with Romilly, 35, 39–41, 80–1 & n, 82, 87–8, 91n, 92, 94–5, 96, 97, 796, & n

  as debutante, 39, 71

  relations with Deborah, 41–2

  on unhappy childhood, 41

  Diana sends money to, 42

  in Germany, 50

  pictured, 59, 472, 592

  tours Germany with Unity, 62, 63n

  writes in Honnish language, 62

  visits to Paris, 66–7

  holiday in Brittany, 72–3 & n

  on Mediterranean cruise, 72n

  parents visit, 85

  lists weddings presents, 98–9

  pregnancy and child, 107, 121 & n, 123n

  death of first baby, 123n, 643, 797

  Nancy attacks for living in America, 144

  denounces Diana and Mosley in war, 146, 148

  and Esmond’s death in action, 147–8, 185 & n, 265

  in USA, 147–8, 154, 196

  meets and marries Treuhaft, 148, 191 & n

  birth of children, 175–6, 197–8, 241

  visits Esmond in Canada, 176

  works at Office of Price Administration, 192n


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