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Masters of My Desire

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by Jenna Jacobs

  Masters of My Desire

  The Doms of Genesis, Book 2

  Jenna Jacob

  Published by Jenna Jacob

  Copyright 2013 Jenna Jacob

  Edited by Seraph Editing/A.Pfau

  ePub ISBN 978-0-9885445-2-9

  ISBN 978-0-9885445-3-6

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.


  To Jenna’s Sultry Street Sirens,

  You ladies ROCK!

  To all my amazing readers,

  Your support and encouragement is phenomenal.

  To A. Pfau,

  Your editing magic is miraculous ~and~ you have the patience of a Saint.

  To my Incredible husband,

  Loving family, and Beautiful friends,

  You are my rocks

  My anchors

  My life preservers


  Take a peek at the end of this story for other Jenna Jacob titles soon to be released.





















  “Oh my God, I just killed Bambi.” My body trembled as tears stung my eyes. Guilt and sadness replaced the adrenaline that slowly bled from my veins. I couldn’t blot out the image of the regal brown eye staring at me, or the sickening thud of flesh exploding against my bumper. The thunderous beat of my heart and the cacophony of shrieking metal still echoed in my ears.I peered through the web of my shattered windshield. Blood and chunks of fur-mixed-flesh covered the hood. The front of my SUV looked like something out of a bad horror movie. I shouldn’t have looked. Saliva pooled in my mouth and I swallowed rapidly, refusing to vomit on my leather Benetton jacket.

  “Oh, Bambi, I’m so sorry. You probably have a mate and babies that will wonder where you are.” My vision blurred as I mourned the poor buck’s death.

  Even the ache in my shoulder, where I’d bounced against the door frame, paled in comparison to the anguish I felt for taking the animal’s life. I was a murderer.

  Unsure of how long my SUV had been sitting in the middle of the road, I shook my head and attempted to clear the disoriented feeling. I needed to find help. As I glanced at the passenger seat, I found that my purse had slid onto the floorboard. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I gingerly reached across the console and retrieved it. My head throbbed with a million jackhammers and my stomach pitched like a kayak in a stormy sea. I sat up, inhaled a deep breath, and pulled out my cell phone.

  A growling engine and crunching gravel drew me from my task. I jerked my head and peered in the rearview mirror, catching glimpse of a huge red truck that pulled up and stopped. When the window lowered and the passenger stuck his head out, my heart nearly stopped.

  He was handsome to the point of devastating. Long, blue-black hair, sun-kissed skin and high exotic cheek bones left no doubt that he was of Native American descent. The look of concern in his erotic charcoal eyes caused butterflies to dip and swirl in my stomach.

  I pressed the button to lower my window, a thank you poised on my tongue, but the damn thing wouldn’t budge. I raised my finger, motioning for him to give me a second, then slung my purse strap over my shoulder.

  When I opened the door of my SUV, the frigid wind almost took my breath away. But the sight of the driver’s hypnotic blue eyes, as he poked his head around the stunning Native man’s shoulder, had me all but sweating. With ashblonde collar-length hair and a rugged jaw dusted in a light scruff, the driver looked dangerous and delicious. The two men were scrumptiously hunky, the exact type that caused me to get tongue-tied and act like a fool. But, Lord… were they ever gorgeous.

  “No. Wait,” The passenger bellowed. His deep voice flowed over me like rich chocolate.

  My brow wrinkled in confusion as I eased from my seat. A nauseating squish echoed in my ears as my foot plunged, ankle deep, into the warm, thick center of the deer’s bloody carcass. My eyes grew wide and a pitiful moan seeped from between my lips.

  “Ewww,” I whined.

  Revulsion crawled up my spine and landed like a brick in my stomach. I jumped over the remains of the deer and ran toward the back of my SUV. Quaking and retching, I was unable to erase the slippery sensation or the grotesque sound from my mind. My stomach protested with a violent swirl. My hands slid to my knees as I doubled over and promptly puked every drop of my four dollar and eighty-seven cent cup of coffee on the side of the road.

  “Hold her hair,” ordered the passenger with that deep erotic voice. Fingers gathered my mane as broad hands gripped my hips in a sturdy hold. “Let it out, little one,” the Native man whispered. His hot breath fluttered over my ear and I trembled.

  Another wave erupted and I coughed it out, followed by a rather un-ladylike spit.

  “I’m sorry,” I groaned. Embarrassment flooded my veins.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for,” reassured the blue-eyed man who gripped my hair. “I think we need to get you to a hospital.”

  “No, please. I don’t want… no hospitals,” I begged. Holding my frigid fingers to my pounding forehead, I swallowed the bitter taste left in my mouth. “I’ll be okay.”

  “You’re shaking like a leaf. Do you think you’re done here?” The deep-voiced man still clutching my hips asked.

  I nodded and slowly stood upright.

  “Good girl.”

  His innocent words sent a blast of heat straight to my core. My nipples hardened with a sharp ache. I swallowed back a gasp, blown away by my potent sexual response. I peered over my shoulder. The dark-skinned man wore a mask of worry. I was entranced by the decadent heat rolling off his rugged, muscular body.

  “I’ll call for a tow. Why don’t you take her to the truck, Dylan,” the Native man directed.

  “No, ambulance, please,” I begged the handsome stranger. His black hair whipped over his face. He gathered the wild strands of it into a wide fist then tucked it down the back of his tightly-drawn T-shirt. I ogled at his massive, sculpted chest like an idiot.

  “You need to be checked out, pet,” the Native man stated as he stepped toward me and wrapped his broad, warm hands around my cheeks.

  Pet? Oh God, was he a Dominant? My mouth was dry and
a sturdy tremor wracked my body. In all the books I’d read and all the sites I’d perused on the web, pet was a common name that a Dom addressed his submissive by. They also fancied terms like girl, precious, kitten, or little one. Wait, had he’d already called me ‘little one’? Oh shit, he did!

  I couldn’t breathe. It felt as if the air had been sucked from my lungs. A black-spotted veil clouded my vision and my stomach swirled. I was going to pass out or throw up again, maybe both. My heart hammered like a drum line in my chest and I closed my eyes.

  “Easy,” his rich velvet voice echoed in my ears as his hands tightened upon my face. “Relax, little one. Take a deep breath. What’s your name?”

  Little one. He’d said it again. I knew in my bones, he was a damn Dom. My heart clutched and my head swam.

  Despite being a relatively assertive career woman, I yearned to be gagged, bound and spanked as I submitted to a pair of Doms’ deviant sexual whims. Cruising on luxury yachts in Morocco, as the sex toy of two rich Dominant Sheiks, was my favorite ‘private time’ fantasy. But what were the odds of finding a Dom on a deserted county road in the middle of Iowa? Was this some kind of divine intervention… a sign to break free from my inhibitions and live out my depraved BDSM ménage fantasies? As if. I could never get that lucky.

  “S…Savannah. Savannah Carson,” I stuttered. Tongue-tied as usual. I never knew what to say to beautiful men. When I opened my mouth, I usually ended up sounding like a complete moron. And suspecting he was a Dom only doubled the risk I’d say something stupid.

  “I’m Nick Masters.” He smiled and eased his hands from my face.

  Master Masters? I almost snickered, but cried out in surprise as I was hoisted off the ground and into the burly arms of… what was his name? Oh yes, Dylan.

  “Come on, let’s get you inside the truck and warm you up.” The blonde man’s smile was filled with compassion and reassurance. And silly me, I stared up at him with my mouth hanging open, clutching his steely shoulders as a host of lurid images of him ‘warming me up’ flitted through my head. But oh, it felt glorious nestled against his rugged chest… too glorious.

  “I’m Dylan Thomas,” he introduced as he carried me toward their big red pickup.

  I blinked in surprise. “Like the poet?”

  “Yes, like the poet,” he chuckled with a nod. Easing me onto the bench seat, Dylan turned up the fan on the heater then shut the passenger door.

  The lush air inside the truck felt heavenly. I leaned forward, warming my fingers against the dashboard vents. Dylan reappeared on the other side of the truck and climbed in next to me, behind the steering wheel.

  “Where were you headed before the accident?”

  “Kit’s Korner. It’s a bed and breakfast down the…”

  “I know where it is. Nick and I are staying there, too. We stay there every year.”

  “So do we.”

  His brows drew together as his piercing blue eyes studied my face. “Do you need to call someone? Your husband? A boyfriend?”

  “No, neither. I… I’m meeting my sister, Mellie, tonight. Ohmigod, I bet she’s going to be worried. I need to call her. See, it’s our annual ’Sisters Getaway.’ We meet in the summer, when it’s warm, you know? We couldn’t do it until now because we’ve been busy.”

  Even I couldn’t follow my manic rambling. My brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders and I wondered if I was making a lick of sense. Gazing into his dangerous eyes, it was a miracle that I was able to string more than two words together without tripping over my tongue. I turned my attention toward the sight of poor Bambi lodged beneath my Escalade. My throbbing head and aching shoulder were unrelenting, but the gnawing suspicion that Nick was a Dominant was taking precedence over the pain. I was far more apprehensive about my conjecture of Nick than worrying about what dork-wad impression I was making on a hot guy sitting next to me.

  “We’re out of cell phone range now. You probably already know the area around Kit’s is a dead zone, right?” After I nodded, Dylan went on. “Nick carries a satellite phone. I’m going to get it from him so you can call your sister, okay?”

  I nodded again like a damn bobble head doll, but at least I wasn’t trying to talk. Dylan flashed a panty-melting smile and patted my leg. I tensed at his touch and tried to ignore the current of electricity that darted straight to my core.

  “Don’t worry. We’re here to help you. So you just sit back and relax. We’ll take good care of you, kitten. I promise.” I swallowed tightly as he sprung from the truck and shut the door. Dylan had just called me kitten.

  “No way,” I whispered as a new wave of anxiety tingled in my veins. “Surely they can’t both Doms, could they?” The question had my hormones swirling like an F5 tornado. Pain, guilt and fear made for a potent emotional cocktail. This was either a fabulous dream or a goddamn nightmare…I just wasn’t sure which.

  As both men climbed into the toasty truck, I tried not to tremble. Nick, the dark swarthy man, handed me his satellite phone. I placed a call to Mellie, but she didn’t answer. I felt bad that I had to leave a condensed message of my disheartening episode but reassured her that I wasn’t hurt. After placing calls to my insurance company and securing a rental car to be delivered to Kit’s, Nick asked what personal belongings I needed from my demolished SUV. Of course, neither of them allowed me to lift a finger. They loaded my things into the backseat of their truck as sirens wailed in the distance.

  I turned in my seat, pinning Nick with a stern glare. “You didn’t tell them to send an ambulance, did you?”

  “Oh I did, pet. And you will be checked out, even if I have to tie you to the gurney myself. Do you understand?” A smirk curled one side of his mouth as his sinful eyes flashed with hopeful promise. My blood spiked, my body hummed, and a rush of honey spilled from inside me.

  “Yes, Sir,” I mumbled then gasped, dismayed at my submissive response.

  “Very nice, pet,” Nick purred. “I knew the minute I gazed into your eyes.”

  “Knew what?” I huffed. I couldn’t retract my initial response, but prayed I could blow enough smoke to hide my true longings.

  “We’ll talk later, after I know you’re all right, girl. We have a lot to discuss.”

  The knowing smile that adorned his face was maddening. I wanted to lie, to refute his assumptions, but an ambulance and patrol car were barreling down the road. Now wasn’t the time. My head wanted to explode as the sirens screamed in a bone-rattling pitch.

  The EMT’s poked and prodded announced I had no broken bones, but suggested I be transported to the hospital for further evaluation. I adamantly refused. It was only a headache and a few sore muscles, definitely not life-threatening injuries that would warrant a hospital visit. I was warned to seek medical assistance if my headache got worse or didn’t go away. I assured the EMT’s I would if I needed to, which placated them to a degree.

  Nick, too, promised to hog tie me and take me to a hospital if any lingering side effects from the accident remained. I rolled my eyes at his overprotective mien then watched as my SUV was hoisted onto the back of a tow truck—wobbling over the remains of the poor deer—and limp down the road. After answering a zillion questions, the officer handed me a copy of the accident report then informed me that I was free to go.

  Before climbing back into their truck, I dug through my makeup bag until I found the bottle of pain pills I’d thankfully packed.

  “Do you have any water, by chance?” I asked Nick, who was watching me as if waiting for me to explain the meds in my palm.

  “Sure thing.” Dylan smiled as he flipped open the lid of cooler in the bed of the truck and plucked out a bottled water.

  “What are those?” Nick asked, nodding toward my hand.

  “Pain pills.”

  “Why do you carry pain pills?”

  “I had dental surgery a couple of weeks ago. It flared up last week so I wanted to be prepared in case.” I shrugged. “Guess it was a good thing I did.”

You were a girl scout, weren’t you?” He grinned as he retrieved the bottle of water and handed it to me.

  “No.” I chuckled, shook my head then swallowed the pills.

  It felt like hours before we were finally on our way to Kit’s. Seated between the buff men as we drove down the gravel road, their combined warmth and masculine scents had me reeling like a poster child for schizophrenia.

  “So what happened back there? How did you manage to pulverize that big bastard?” Nick asked, capturing me with his sinful black eyes.

  “I didn’t mean to… to kill the poor innocent thing.” The weight of my guilt was oppressive.

  “Innocent, huh? Kind of like you?” A wolfish nuance laced Nick’s smile.

  “I’m not innocent,” I protested, but my tone was far from convincing.

  “Right,” he said with a derisive smirk. “Tell me something, how innocent was that buck when he demolished your Escalade?”

  “It wasn’t his fault. I should have been paying attention.”

  “What were you paying attention to?” Dylan asked, glancing at me for a brief second.

  “I’d taken my eyes off the road to turn up the heat, but it was just for a second. When I looked up, he was right in front of me. There was nothing I could do.”

  “Do you need us to turn up the heat?” Nick’s decadent, velvet purr left no doubt he wasn’t talking about the heat of the truck.

  Desire slashed through me like a hot knife and scalded my cheeks. I lowered my head to hide my embarrassment. “No thank you, I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine, kitten. You’ve just been in a wreck. Don’t lie to us. We don’t tolerate that very well.” Dylan warned.

  “How long have you been in the lifestyle?” Nick’s forthright question caught me off guard.

  Suddenly the air in the truck was as thick as mud, at least for me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lied.


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