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The Battlefield Series 6: The Ties That Bind Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You amaze me, Vallen. You’re proud of Lori and all she has accomplished even if we did lose a few years with her.”

  “I am proud of her, plus she saved Evilly, Cara, and the baby’s lives.”

  She peeked over at the crib to see Cara sleeping. Lori had suggested Cara sleep in the room with them so she could get used to Lyza and Vallen.

  “I’ll talk with Lori in the morning and make amends. Then I’ll talk to Mateo,” Vallen told her.


  “Yes, he seems the most resistant.”

  “He is going to be fighting Bragan for the state title, and you all shared a business with Bragan and his family. Of course he doesn’t trust us. But you’ll prove him wrong.”

  “That I will,” he said, then kissed his wife good night and held her in his arms as he thought about this new life his daughter had. She was strong and capable of anything, but with family backing her up, she would be even stronger mentally.

  * * * *

  Leif was in the shower when he heard someone come into the room. A quick glance out and he saw it was Lori. She pulled off her top and headed into the shower with him. He felt her arms go around his waist and then felt her lips against his skin on his back.

  He inhaled, then slowly exhaled, suddenly feeling content and complete. It was funny how just being with Lori and feeling her touch did that to him.

  She moved her hands along his groin to his shaft, and his cock stood at full attention.

  “Have I told you how wonderful you are?” she asked and slid under his arm and lowered to her knees. She cupped his balls and then licked along the top of his cock.

  He ran his hands through her hair and pushed it all back as the water cascaded over her.

  “I don’t think so,” he replied and moaned as her lips touched his cock, then her tongue circled the bulbous head.

  “Well, I do,” she said and then sucked part of his shaft into her mouth. She began to feast on him, suck his cock up and down as he thrust into her.

  “Jesus, woman,” he hissed. She felt his hands tug on her hair, and she opened her mouth to gasp as he pulled out. He reached down and lifted her by her hips and pressed her against the tile wall.

  “I missed you,” he said, and she straddled his legs. She ran her finger through his hair and held his gaze.

  “I want you,” she said.

  “You have me,” he said.

  “You stopped me from bringing you pleasure.”

  “Oh no, I wanted simultaneous pleasure.” He pressed the tip of his cock to her pussy and nudged in. She gasped and then she eased over it and began to sink down as she kissed him. A few nudges more and she sank right onto his shaft and they both moaned.

  “Shhh,” she said, gripping his cheeks and then kissing his nose.

  “Someone might hear us,” she added.

  “Well, this is my house, and you’re my woman. If I’m cut off from this body, or can’t make love to you the way I want to, then I’ll kick them the fuck out,” he stated firmly and then suckled her neck so hard she giggled and laughed, then had to slap his shoulder to make him stop sucking.

  “You’re going to give me a hickey, and then they’ll know what we’re doing.”

  “Honey, you’re in a relationship with four experienced, macho men. Your family would have to be pretty damn naive to think we weren’t making love to you every night.”

  Her cheeks turned a nice shade of red, and he chuckled.

  “My baby getting shy now? I don’t believe it. Not by how much you like cock filling every hole,” he teased some more and stroked a finger down the crack of her ass and then pulled back and thrust into her pussy hard.

  “Leif,” she scolded, slapping his arm, and he took the opportunity to start thrusting faster and deeper. Her back was against the wall, and her breasts bounced up and down with every stroke. She grabbed on to his shoulders and began to counter his thrusts.

  “That’s it. That’s my wild girl,” he said and stroked faster until she was gasping for air and then pressed her mouth to his as she came, moaning loudly.

  The water splashed between them, and he felt his cock grow thicker and knew he was going to come.

  “You feel so fucking tight. I’m coming, baby. I’m going to howl so fucking loudly,” he said, and she slammed her hand over his mouth and he thrust again and again, then came, grunting against her palm and then laughing at her move to try to stop him. When she realized he had been teasing about howling, she slapped his shoulder again and tried to wiggle free. He gripped her ass cheeks and held her firmly against the shower wall as the water flowed over them.

  “Not so fast baby. We’re not through yet,” he said and then lowered his mouth to her shoulder and began kissing her until his lips reached her lips.

  “Love you, baby,” Leif whispered.

  “Love you, too.”

  * * * *

  Lori walked into the bedroom to find Kyran lying on the edge of the mattress, stroking his cock. Mateo and Marco were undressed and waiting for her to finish showering with Leif.

  “Come here now,” Kyran said in that demanding, serious tone of his.

  She felt her belly quiver as she walked slowly toward the bed and stopped between his legs.

  “Take off that shirt, and get up here,” he ordered.

  Goddamn was she so turned on right now, and he knew it. They knew she loved when they made demands on her in bed. She knew she had a nice ass-spanking coming, too, from Kyran. Earlier in the evening Perrone starting giving Kyran advice about grappling. She could tell he wasn’t taking a liking to being told how to do something he felt he’d mastered, and she’d intervened before they got into an argument. There was so much damn testosterone in the room right then she could hardly breathe. Right now being here with her four sexy lovers, she was feeling pretty much the same.

  She slowly lifted her shirt up and over her head, and when she had it covering her face and above her eyes, he told her to stop.

  “Stay like that, and bend forward,” he said.

  Her pussy spasmed. She was shaking, not knowing what Kyran had in mind. He was a voracious lover, a commanding one who enjoyed being dirty and getting her wild for him and his brothers.

  She slowly bent forward.

  “Jesus, Kyran, move this shit along. I could shoot my load just watching her standing there, never mind bent over naked like that,” Marco stated.

  When Kyran gently used his palms to caress her hips and then the globes of her ass, she shivered again.

  “She knows we need to get this out of the way before we fill her with cock the way she loves it,” he whispered and then slid his hands away from her body. She gasped at how instantly she wanted to beg for him to touch her again when the fist palm landed hard on her left ass cheek.


  “Oh.” She exhaled.


  She shook, and he smacked her ass a few more times.

  “Good girl. How do you feel now?” he asked, and she lowered her fingers to her pussy and began to stroke herself.

  “Ah hell,” Kyran said and wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her backward. She let out a whimper, and then he turned her around so she was on top of him on the edge of the bed. He gripped his cock in desperation, and she lifted, then lowered down onto his shaft. They both moaned, but Kyran began to thrust up like some super-strong sex god. She nearly fell forward when another set of hands landed on her back and hip. She remained bent over, causing Kyran’s cock to nudge deeper into her core.

  Smack, smack.

  “Oh,” she moaned.

  She felt the cool liquid against her anus and then fingers stroke right into her ass. Her belly tightened, and her core ached with the need to come.

  “Sweet mother, she is fucking soaking wet,” Kyran announced, then gripped her hair and brought her lips closer for him to kiss. He devoured her moans.

  “Here I come, sexy woman,” Mateo spoke to her next, and she felt his fingers pull fro
m her ass, and a moment later, his cock replaced them. He shoved in deep, and she moaned louder into Kyran’s mouth.

  She could hardly focus on anything when Kyran released her lips and moaned. “Fuck I’m there. I’m fucking there,” he said and came. Behind her, Mateo held his cock in deeply.

  “Let me in,” Marco stated.

  “I get her mouth. She didn’t finish in the shower,” Leif said, joining them.

  She felt her insides quiver with a mix of intimidation and desire. They were demanding men, but she was needy, apparently, for whatever they were willing to give her.

  Mateo lifted her by her hips, and Kyran slid out. Immediately Marco took Kyran’s spot, and she took his cock right up into her wet, cunt.

  A stroke to her cheek as Mateo and Marco began to work their cocks into her body in sync, and she locked gazes with Leif.

  “I love watching my brothers spank this ass and fuck it, but damn does it make my dick hard. The only thing that helps is you, baby.”

  She opened her mouth, and he smiled as he slid the tip between her lips. She worked him in nice and slowly, but when Marco and Mateo began to slam into her pussy and ass at the same time, she opened wide, and Leif pushed his cock farther in.

  She felt overwhelmed as she panicked a moment and then relaxed her throat muscles so she wouldn’t choke. She loved these men. Adored them and how passionate they were and how wild they said she made them feel. What an ego booster. She was bobbing her head as she absorbed the multitude of sensations. Her ass felt full, her pussy extremely wet, her breasts sensitive as they bounced and swayed, and her lips numb from sucking him down so hard.

  “Fuck, baby, I’m coming. I’m fucking coming,” Leif said.

  “Me, too. Come with us, Lori. Come now,” Marco said, and she felt Leif’s cock grow thicker, and the anticipation of the shot of fluid hitting the back of her throat had her relaxing to accept him. She felt him come and heard his moans. She sucked him down and swallowed, then licked him clean.

  Leif fell backward onto the bed, and then Marco came next. He gripped her hips hard and thrust up into her, holding himself deep in her pussy. She moaned, and he came.

  She was so damn tight she thought she might lose her mind when Mateo lifted her by her hips, and Marco pulled out. Mateo placed her feet on the floor, and she put her hands on the bed for support.

  “Spread your thighs, bend over, baby, and come with me,” he ordered.

  She felt every stroke of his cock into her ass. She moaned and thrust back as the tightness somehow grew stronger. She kept moaning and then felt as if she were losing focus when suddenly she came. It was electrifying, and she grabbed the comforter to cover her mouth as she moaned louder and louder. Behind her, Mateo came, too, and he gripped her hips and held his cock deep, then hugged her body as he lay over her on the edge of the bed.

  She felt him slide out and then begin to kiss her skin, her neck, and back. He squeezed her ass cheeks and massaged her muscles.

  “I love you, honey. Every fucking sensational inch of you.”

  She chuckled and then felt the others kissing her, too, then washing her up.

  Marco lifted her into his arms and placed her farther up the bed. Her head hit the pillow, and they continued to kiss along her skin, over her breasts and then down her thighs and over her pussy. She moaned.

  “Oh God.” Whoever was kissing her pussy snickered, and his warm breath against there aroused her all over again.

  “Rest, sweetie. We have all night.”

  Kyran. Crazy, wild Kyran with his salacious appetite.

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him as he lay his cheek against her inner thigh. “A few minutes. Kyran, be ready,” she said and winked.

  “Oh, someone is being sassy,” he said and spread her thighs, licked along her groin, and began feasting on her, getting her ready once again to make love.

  I could die just like this, and it wouldn’t bother me one bit.

  * * * *

  Lori was sitting outside on the back porch drinking a glass of iced tea when her dad walked over to her.

  “Can I join you?” he asked, and she nodded for him to take the sight right by her on the rocking swing.

  “It’s really beautiful out here. The Lawson men seem very well off.”

  “They’re good men, and they work hard,” she replied.

  “I can tell. Marco, Kyran, and Mateo run a great dojo from what I heard. Leif is very diplomatic and caring, and a police officer, too. That’s impressive.”

  She looked at him and smiled.

  He stared at her, and she felt uneasy, or like she was under a microscope, maybe because of how their relationship ended. She’d taken off in anger. He hadn’t been forthright with supporting her, and now here they were, her brothers and parents staying at her boyfriends’ house. Crazy.

  “Where did you go when you left? We were so worried, and we called all over the place. You didn’t even tell any friends where you took off to.”

  “I was angry and hurt. I felt like you would make me get back together with Bragan and fit into this perfect-united-family thing to prosper in business.”

  “Damn, Lori, I never meant to make you feel that way. Bragan was begging for forgiveness. He was saying that you slipped, and he didn’t mean for you to get hurt. We just wanted you alive and well. The business thing was their pressure on us. We owed his father money.”


  “Yes, and Bragan convinced us that you overreacted and it was a mistake. We said it was your decision on whether to get back together with him or not. The next thing we know, you’re gone. No word, no phone call. Nothing. We’re your parents.”

  “Well, apparently he was playing both sides because he said you all were on board with us getting together and that it was part of the business deal.”


  “He came to me when I just got out of the hospital and begged for forgiveness. Then he got pissed off when I told him I never wanted to see him again. He grabbed my shoulders and leaned over me and demanded I stay with him and that we get married. I said no, and he told me the choice wasn’t mine. That he owned you, which now makes sense since you said you owed him money, and he said you all would choose his side, not mine. So I took off. Then no one was choosing sides. I was choosing freedom and to live.”

  He shook his head and ran his hand along his jaw.

  “I’m so sorry. It was a mess, and we should have done whatever we needed to do to make you feel safe. I failed you,” he told her.

  She took a deep breath and felt the tears in her eyes.

  “It’s water under the bridge now, Dad. I survived. I headed out to Key Largo, worked as a bartender at an upscale beach resort. I figured out who I am, and I gained self-confidence as well as self-esteem.”

  “You make it sound like you were better off alone dealing with things than with your family as support.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, Dad. It wasn’t all pleasant and fun times. I was sad, depressed, and scared for a good six months. Then I took some chances. Started working, and I didn’t want to ever be a victim again, so I started training, getting back to my roots, to martial arts and weight training. That gave me the self-confidence I needed to let go of the past and the fears and move on.”

  “You kept in touch with Evilly, though?”

  “I did. I called her every few weeks or once a month maybe. Sometimes two months would pass, and she would tell me how all of you were doing. It gave me mixed emotions. Part of me wanted so badly to go back and see you, or call, but then I wondered why none of you looked for me or hunted me down. I thought it was better this way, and then I call Evilly and find out she’s involved with Pylo, and I’m all angry again. I thought, ‘How could you guys let her get involved with him?’”

  “She wouldn’t listen, and she wound up pregnant with Cara. Pylo worked for Bragan’s cousins, and he did a little bit at the dojo, then took off with Evilly.”

  “The boys explained what happ
ened and how she wouldn’t leave him even when you begged her to. I guess she had her reasons for the choices she made, but at least things will be different now. Cara and the baby will be safe.”

  “Because of you, not because of me or your brothers.”

  She touched his hand.

  “You raised me well, Dad, and as angry as I was at Evilly for getting pregnant the second time when I did so much for her to help ease her burden and leave him, I still called her and wound up getting to her in time. I just pray she’ll get the same chances I did. That she’ll fight for herself and for the babies to have a better life, to feel good about the successes she will have and to know that love is out there.”

  “Blood is strong, Lori. Love conquers all.”

  She leaned over and gave her father a hug and felt like everything was beginning to work out just fine. She was glad Leif had invited her family to stay with them at the house. It made this opportunity possible and helped her men and her brothers get to know one another, too.

  “So, are you worried your men may come back from the dojo with some bruises?” her father asked.

  She leaned back in the chair and placed her feet on the railing in front of her.

  “Nah, if anyone comes back with bruises, it will be my brothers. No offense, Dad, but Mateo and Kyran are amazing. They’re going to take first place next week.”

  “You seem awfully confident. You haven’t seen Bragan in a few years.”

  “I know he doesn’t fight with heart. He fights with desire for power and to cause pain. My men are soldiers. They will come out on top, and I’m going to be there to see them do it.”

  * * * *

  “So tomorrow is the big night. I wish I could attend,” Evilly said.

  Lori smiled. “I’m just happy you’re out of the hospital and staying here where I can help you.”

  “The Lawson men are really great guys, Lori. You’re so lucky,” Chloe said to them as she played with Cara on the rug in the living room.


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