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Iron Claw MC: The Collective

Page 5

by Erin Trejo

  “Son of a bitch!” I scream as I take a drink of the vodka that’s in my hand, savoring the burn as it leaks down my throat.

  “Shut the fuck up, brother!” Trig laughs next to me as the Doc sets my knee back into place.

  “You need to stay off this for a while. Not that you’ll listen but at least keep it wrapped and ice it.” Doc looks at me but I just give him that “Yeah fuckin’ right” look.

  He shakes his head before he grabs his things to leave.

  “What about his arm?” Nina nearly cries when she says it. Everyone looks at her before looking back at me.

  “Bullet grazed it.” I say. Doc shakes his head before I roll up my sleeve.

  He looks it over before telling me I was right. Just like I thought I was but I can see that it relaxed Nina a little so it was worth it.

  “So, we have no idea who the assholes were?” Damion asks as he drops down next to me before passing me a cigarette.

  “Nope. They weren’t after me either. They wanted her.” Nodding towards Nina, she wraps her arms around herself. I hate this for her.

  “You know who they are?” Damion turns his attention to her as she shakes her head.

  “I’ve never seen them before.” She says. I can tell by the way he’s holding himself that Damion doesn’t believe her or he’s just fed up with this whole thing.

  “Who the fuck would come after you? You have enemies?” He snaps. Nina shakes her head quickly once again before Damion slams his hands down on the table. All this shit is getting out of control in a short amount of time.

  “You know somethin’ girl! People don’t just go around shootin’ at you for no reason!” He roars like a lion. He’s on his feet inching closer to Nina with his hands clenched at his sides.

  “Oh really? I’m pretty sure your assholes were coming to kill me just for my father!” She screams in his face. Oh shit! The Nina I met in that basement the other day is back and in full force. My dick wiggles hearing her talk like that.

  “You testin’ me, girl? We can go back on that plan!” Damion threatens her. Seeing the rage that boils between the two of them, I shove myself up and limp between them.

  “Enough! She doesn’t know who it is. We left that house and they were there, Damion. Someone is havin’ her watched.” I tell him. Damion cuts his eyes to me as he thinks on that a second.

  “Another crew?” He asks? I shake my head before I say, “They weren’t a club. Looked like a bunch of locals though. Knew the area pretty well.”

  Damion takes a step back running his hand through his hair.

  “Fuck! I’m just glad you’re home safe.”

  Yeah, so the fuck am I.

  Resting doesn’t come easy

  Chapter 24

  The last few days have consisted of me lying in this goddamn bed with my knee fucked up.

  My mind has been reeling trying to wrap my brain around all of this.

  The door opens and Nina walks in with a plate of food and an ice pack.

  “You need to ice that.” She says, nodding towards my knee. She sets the plate down on the table before placing the ice on my knee.

  She turns to move away from me when I lean up and grab her wrist. Dragging her back to the bed, I pull her down on top of me.

  “What’s goin’ on in that little head of yours?” I ask. Nina’s been off since the other day. I know that was all a shock to her but that isn’t what’s bothering her, I can feel it.

  “I made you something to eat. You need to eat.” She tries to pull away but I just hold her tighter.

  “Answer me.” I growl. Nina sighs before her eyes come to meet mine.

  “If it wasn’t you that took me, I’d be dead. It’s clear that they wanted to kill me. I just don’t know why. Blaze, I stay to myself. I don’t mess with people. I kept my distance from my dad for reasons like this.” The confusion is written all over her beautiful face.

  “Well, then I’m glad I got to you first.” I tell her in all honesty. Her eyes flash with shock; I can see it.

  She never expected me to say that. Hell, I never expected it to come out of my mouth either but there it is. She stirs up emotions that I don’t particularly want to have but they are sure as hell there.

  “You don’t even know me.” She cries softly. Tears fill her eyes before I shake my head.

  “You’re defiant, hardheaded. You don’t take orders. You have a heart in that chest that you don’t want anyone to see but you showed me a glimpse of it. You chew your lip when you’re nervous.” The tears in her eyes shimmer before sliding down her cheek.

  “You can hold your own but you need that connection to someone. You’re defiant.” Nina laughs softly as she looks at me.

  “You already said that.” She sniffs when I reach up and wipe her cheeks.

  “That’s the main one I see.” Her lips curl into a smile before I pull her head down to my chest.

  “I know there’s more inside of you that you’re not showin’ me.” I say before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. I let out a sigh before resting my chin there.

  We lay in a comfortable silence for a long time. It’s peaceful in a way.

  I’m shocked when the door flies open and my eyes come to meet Ally’s.

  “You son of a bitch!” Ally’s screams pierce the silence as Nina jumps off the bed.

  Ally takes no time to move in on her either.

  Fists are flying as I try to pull myself off the damn bed.

  “LEE!” I yell, for some reinforcements. I stand and grab Ally since she’s the closest to me.

  Yanking her back, Nina swings and hits her once more when Lee and a few others come flying in behind him.

  “I’ll kill you slut!” Ally screams and thrashes around in my arms.

  “Shut up, Ally.” Gritting my teeth, I shake my head trying to get it wrapped around everything.

  Damn, a girl fight wasn’t what I had planned on today. Welcome to my fucking life. Nothing is ever planned on.

  Why me?

  Chapter 25

  Lee chuckles as Nina fights to get free of his grasp before the other ones join in.

  “If you havin’ fight night we want to be invited asshole!” Jimmy hollers over all the guys as they laugh.

  “Yeah, get the fuck out!” I scream at them. They all turn and leave except Lee.

  I can hear him talking to Nina in a hushed tone before she visibly calms down in his arms. I don’t fucking like seeing him calm her like that either. It does something to me.

  Ally has finally calmed down enough too that I can finally speak.

  “What the hell are you doin’ here, Ally?” I ask as I let her go. She spins to face me. Pure fucking rage paints her pale face.

  “Excuse me? You’re my fucking man! That’s what I’m doing here! We just lost our baby, Blaze!” I gasp when she says that. I can’t even believe that she had the nerve to say it!

  How the hell can she say that to me? She killed that baby just like the others. Throwing that in the mix wasn’t the best decision on her part.

  “We’re gonna be outside.” My eyes snap to Lee’s and the look of pain that crosses Nina’s face hurts me. A pain in my chest that I’ve never felt before is now all I feel.

  “Yeah, get that bitch out of here!” Ally turns with her hands on her hips as I stand there not saying a word.

  How can I notice that look in her eyes when we just met? I don’t know if it’s that I can’t pull my eyes from Nina’s or that I don’t want to but I’m lost in that sadness.

  Lee walks backwards with Nina still wrapped in his grasp when Ally spins around pressing her lips to my neck.

  “No! Stay in here. I might need you in a minute.” I snap. Lee stops but Ally keeps going. Her hands roam over my chest before I grip her shoulders and push her back away from me.

  “Look, Ally. We’ve had a past but we all know there is no future.” I tell her as calmly as I can. Her eyes widen as she looks at me.

  “You’re lying! You
’ll always be mine, Blaze. We lost our baby.” She cries. When she moves closer, I shove her back.

  “We didn’t lose anything! I lost my babies! You killed them! One by one you chose that shit that you shoot into your goddamn veins over me! It’s done. Get the hell out of here.” I growl. Pointing towards the door, she gasps. This is it, it needs to happen now.

  “You can’t do this, Blaze.” Looking down at her, I take in her appearance. She’s ruined. Wrecked by the evilness that infiltrates her veins daily.

  “I can’t do this. I thought you could change, Ally. I thought maybe, just maybe, this time would be different. I can’t lose anything else.” I tell her. Shaking my head, she puts her hands on my chest. It isn’t like I truly love Ally but I don’t hate her either.

  “Please, Blaze. I’ll stop, I will. I’ll give you lots of baby’s.” Her begging and pleading is making my stomach churn. It needs to end now.

  “Lee. Take her out of here. Make sure the guys know not to let her back in.” Ally screams out in rage before slamming her fists into my chest.

  I don’t move though. I let her take it out before Lee grabs her and drags her from the room.

  Dropping onto the bed, I place my head in my hands.

  “I’m sorry.” I hear Nina’s voice before I look up and see her heading towards the door. What the hell?

  “No one told you to leave this room.”

  Life is crazy in Claw town

  Chapter 26

  I’ve rested and all has been silent for the last few weeks. It’s too silent. I don’t like it.

  I’m stir crazy and it’s starting to wear on my attitude.

  I stalk towards the bar with my hands clenched at my sides.

  “Give me the goddamn Jack.” Snapping at the girl behind the counter, she quickly slides the bottle towards me.

  “What’s your problem?” Trig slaps a hand on my shoulder before I glare over at him.

  “You mean aside from the fact I’ve been cooped up in this motherfucker?” I ask. He chuckles nodding his head like he has a clue.

  “I need out, brother. I need Damion to get my ass back to work.” Just as I finish that sentence I hear him behind me.

  “Guess it’s a good thing for you that I have a job for you.” Damion says behind me. Thank fuck. Turning around as I take a long pull from the bottle, I wait for him to talk.

  “The Ruff has picked up a shipment that was comin’ here. Imagine that! It magically slipped into their goddamn hands.” I like the sound of this already.

  “We hittin’ their warehouse?” I ask as Damion nods. That smile that’s been too long gone creeps across my face.

  “Fuck yeah!” I roar in excitement to get the fuck out of here. I’m ready to do this shit. I’m ready to get out of here and see some blood.

  “Got another situation too. I talked with a few guys over at Missiles. You’re not gonna like this.” He says. Setting the bottle on the counter, I turn to lean against it, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “What is it?”

  “Shit, Blaze. We’re out huntin’ that motherfucker Matthew, he’s been huntin’ his kid.” He tells me. Confusion wracks my brain. What the hell does that even mean?

  “I don’t get it. Why?” Damion shrugs before grabbing the Jack and taking a long pull.

  I run my hand through my hair when I hear Nina speak.

  “He wants me dead?” I spin around to see the look on her face and it kills me.

  “We don’t know what he wants, Nina.” I say. She shakes her head before her hand comes up to cover her mouth.

  “That’s why they were shooting at us isn’t it?” She asks. Is it the reason? Does he want her dead or does he want her back?

  “We don’t know that!” Hollering a little louder, she doesn’t move.

  “I don’t give a shit either way. Blaze, this girl wasn’t supposed to be a goddamn fixture here. Figure out what the fuck you’re doin’ and do it.” Damion’s words piss me off further than I already am when I look back over at him.

  “What the hell does that mean?” I grunt. His eyes come to meet mine before he grins.

  “You’ve been fuckin’ the hostage, Blaze. We all fuckin’ know it. You ain’t gettin’ shit back of what we’re owed with that girl in one piece.” Fury and rage zip up my spine.

  I take a deep breath before Nina runs up the stairs.

  “Get this straight right now. I will lay down my patch and walk before I hurt that girl.” I grit between my teeth. Damion’s eyes widen as he takes in what I said. He needs to understand that I’m not joking about this, in fact, I’m dead serious. I don’t know where that came from but I can feel it deep within my bones. I’ll walk away from all of this for her.

  “That so?” He asks. Nodding my head, I hope she’s worth it. I hope she’s worth losing everything I have for.

  “Then I guess we need to discuss some shit.” The tone of his voice sets off alarm bells in my head.

  Changing my stance, I shift, waiting for it to come. For the ass beating I’m about to take for choosing her when I don’t even know if she wants me.

  “We get Matthew. You’re claimin’ her, she’s one of us.”

  Storms are coming

  Chapter 27

  Grinning at me, Damion pulls me into a hug.

  “She seems like a good one, Blaze. You need that in your life.” Damion says before Pulling away, I don’t know what to say to him.

  “You think she’s worth it?” I have to ask the obvious. Damion chuckles before he looks up at me.

  “Brother, that one’s all on you! I don’t know shit but if that girl can make you smile, I’m all for it. You’re a hateful son of a bitch!” The guys all laugh before I shake my head and head towards the stairs.

  Jogging up the steps I have a newfound outlook on my life.

  Knowing someone for years doesn’t mean you know them at all, so the short time that I’ve had Nina, I don’t care what her past was.

  I know her heart as hard as that is to believe. She can’t hide that part from me.

  Opening the bedroom door, my heart drops from my chest when she’s standing at the edge of the bed packing her bag.

  “What are you doin’?” I ask her as She glances over at me before going back to what she was doing.

  “I’m leaving. I don’t need this shit.” Her little attitude is right back in place. I love that about her.

  “What shit? What the fuck are you talkin’ about?” I don’t move towards her, just watch her. Maybe I fucked myself this time. I am known to do that.

  “Any of this! Your club doesn’t want me here. I doubt you do either. It was all about getting to my dad.” Zipping the bag, she tosses it over her shoulder before moving towards me.

  I cross my arms over my chest, daring her to move past me.

  “Is that a fact?” Looking down at her, she nods her head.

  “I heard what he said, Blaze.” Nodding, I crack my neck from side to side.

  “I know you did. Did you bother to listen to the rest?” Nina starts to push past me but I side step her.

  “Just let me go, Blaze!” Her words slam into me before it’s my turn to speak.

  “You know what he said. He said he was glad to see me smilin’ for once. That this was my choice to bring you here.” Her eyes snap to mine and hold there.

  “I’m sorry I messed shit up for you. I wish you never brought me!” Slamming her hands into my chest, I lose it.

  Grabbing her shoulders, I spin us around and slam her back against the door.

  “I told him I’d give up this club for you! I was ready to take whatever came at me for you! Don’t you fuckin’ get it, Nina!” Her eyes water as she lets the things I said sink in.

  “Why would you do that?” Her voice has softened to almost a whisper now.

  “Because, Nina. I’m pretty sure I fuckin’ care about you. I don’t know if that’s possible after a few weeks but I sure as hell feel like it.” She sucks in a breath trying to play this
out in her head.

  “But they don’t want me here.” Pulling my hands away from her shoulders, I reach for her cheeks.

  “Damion just said that you are mine. If I choose you, you are mine. This club will protect you with everything they have.” The words leave me. My stomach clenches not knowing what she’s going to say.

  I may have just fucked myself over on this one. I may have jumped to conclusions my dumb ass had no business jumping to.

  When the peace ends

  Chapter 28

  Lightening crashes through the sky as thunder rattles the windows.

  The power went out a few hours ago, thanks to the downed powerlines from this storm.

  The storm rages on out there much like the one inside of me.

  Thunder cracks with every rapid beat of my heart.

  Nina sits by the window watching the light show that the storms have created. I watch her silhouette with every spark of electricity that shoots through the sky.

  The outline of her beautiful face lights up with each strike.

  My mind wanders to what her life was like. I’ve seen the scars on her body in random places and heard her cries in the night. I didn’t want to bring up her past of the kidnappings that took place before this but I can’t stop myself from thinking about it.

  A few more bolts that reflect through the room and she turns to face me.

  Her eyes are wild with something I’m not familiar with.

  We don’t speak as we watch each other silently.

  So much is being said in these unspoken moments that filter between us.

  When I can’t take anymore, I stand and move towards her with purpose.

  She gazes up at me with wide eyes before I lean down and grab her hands.

  “Dance with me.” I say. Nina stands in front of me shocked by my request.

  Wrapping my hands around her waist, I pull her body closer to mine as I start to move us slowly.


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