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Iron Claw MC: The Collective

Page 6

by Erin Trejo

  “I have so many questions I want to ask you. So much I want to know.” Swallowing hard, I knew she had just as many questions as I did.

  “Ask me.” I tell her, swallowing hard. I’ve never opened up to anyone before, that included Ally. This is taking a step in a direction that I’ve never been in.

  “Was your life always like this?” Blowing out a breath, this is a part of my life I haven’t discussed with anyone.

  “Not always. I had a home once. I still do if I want it. My parents were big into church. They tried to get that rubbed off on me. Clearly, it didn’t work. Me and my dad had a fight when I was seventeen after I stole a car. He bailed my ass out of county but couldn’t control me. I said a lot of shit that I shouldn’t have at the time. I’ve always known I was different though. I didn’t fit their lifestyle. I left that night and never went back. I met Trig who introduced me to Damion. It didn’t take long after that to find my place in this club.” Our bodies keep swaying as she lowers her head to my chest, resting it there.

  “You should talk to them. Make things right. You have parents that love you.” I can hear the hitch in her voice. It kills me too.

  “What about you? What was it like before all this?” Her slight giggle does little to ease the worry of what I’m about to hear.

  “My mom died when I was little. I always knew my dad wasn’t a good person but he seemed to love me anyway. At least I thought he did. He raised me the best he could but when I was sixteen I was taken. He paid to get me back but wasn’t happy about it. After that they came looking for me. It was like I had a GPS embedded inside me letting them know where to go every time. One was an MC. One was a drug lord. I got used to it after a while and when they saw I wasn’t going to run, they eased up on me for the most part.” My throat constricts at the same time all the air leaves my lungs.

  “For the most part?”

  “Let’s just say that you are the only one that hasn’t raped, beat or starved me.” Squeezing her body closer to mine, I can’t handle this anymore.

  I will make every one of them pay.

  If I have to fucking hunt down every last person that ever came near her, I will. I will do it. I will watch them all burn in hell for hurting her.

  When the storm clears

  Chapter 29

  The storm outside has cleared but the one inside of me hasn’t calmed at all.

  Nina’s revelation has torn its way through me worse than I thought it would.

  It ate away at me all night as I held her close, running my fingers over the scars that mark her body.

  She was asleep and would have never known what I was doing. I let things play out in my mind that I probably shouldn’t have.

  The way she spoke last night, it hurt. I didn’t expect it to bother me as much as it did though.

  “Mornin’.” I say as she looks up at me. I lean down and press my lips to her forehead.

  “Hey. Did you not sleep? You look like shit.” Well, that wasn’t what I thought I’d hear this morning.

  “Thanks for that.” She smiles before pressing her lips to my chest.

  “I didn’t mean to be an ass.” I chuckle at that. The girl has done nothing but be an ass since she got here.

  “You’re always an ass.” I chuckle. Her head snaps up but that smile on her face kills me.

  “I try. What’s the plan for today?” Shaking my head, I love how she wants to be included in every aspect of my days.

  “We don’t have a plan. I have to go out for a while.” I tell her. Her smile fades much like I knew that it would.

  “Fine.” Pulling out of my grasp, she hops off the bed before I move to follow her.

  “What’s your problem?” I ask, throwing my legs over the side. I sit up as I watch her scrounge around for clothes.

  “Where the hell is my shirt.” Mumbling to herself, I know this is not going well.

  “You don’t need it. Come here.” Nina’s eyes gaze at me before snapping back to what she’s doing.

  Yeah, she’s not being an ass at all.

  When she doesn’t move to come back to me, I push off the bed and head towards her. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pull her body against me.

  “When I tell you to do somethin’, it would be best if you did it.” My lips linger on her neck a little longer than I should let them.

  “You don’t need to do this. I know what this is.” She says. Blowing out a breath, I wonder what she thinks this is. In fact, now I want to know.

  “Say it. Whatever the hell you think this is, say it.” I don’t let her go. Hell, I don’t know if I could even if I wanted to.

  “It’s nothing. That’s what it is. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This whole thing is bullshit.” Now I let her go. I thought me and her were getting somewhere but it’s clearly evident that I was in the wrong.

  I turn and walk over to the dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans and a clean shirt before sliding them on.

  Glancing around, I grab my boots and throw my cut on.

  “If that’s what you think this is, I’m sorry. I’m not good at this shit. So, you happened to be in the wrong place at the time!” I can’t finish that sentence. I don’t know how.

  “What are we doing here, Blaze? Let’s be honest. You fucking kidnapped me. You’re looking for my dad! What the hell kind of story is that?” The chuckle that escapes me pisses her off.

  “It’s the kind you tell your grandkids when you’re old. It’s the kinds that make us laugh about it later.” I say with honesty. She doesn’t understand. I can see it all over her face. She’s clueless.

  “It’s the kind that end badly for everyone.” I didn’t miss that little mumble. I heard her. If that’s how she feels, I don’t know what to do or say.

  Running my hand through my hair, I have to walk away. I can’t handle being in this room with her and not losing my shit completely.

  Brushing past her, I slam the door on my way.

  I don’t need this shit right now. I have enough bullshit in my life and now I’ve added to it.

  Crazy gets crazier

  Chapter 30

  Is it me? Do I just attract the insane women? If it isn’t Ally now it’s Nina. I swear to fuck I should stay single and hit every woman that walks through those club house doors but I don’t. No, I have to fall for the one that shouldn’t have.

  “What the hell are you lookin’ like that for?” Trig slaps my shoulder before I brush him off. I don’t want to hear his shit now either.

  “Nothin’. I’m tired.” I brush past him as he chuckles. Fucking asshole knows me better than I know myself most days.

  “That pussy got you whipped already?” Jogging up next to me, this isn’t the time or the place, but I will slap the hell out of him.

  “Can you mind your own business? We have shit to do.” Growling through my teeth, he sees the look on my face. He knows I’m not playing.

  Trig throws his hands up before backing off.

  “What’s the thoughts on this shit? Looks deserted.” Trig says. I nod as I look around, I’d have to agree with that. Our shit isn’t in here.

  “Yeah, this ain’t the spot. Let’s go look anyway.” I know it isn’t here. They played us like a fucking fiddle and we let them. Much like we have before.

  “Damion ain’t gonna like this shit.” Huffing, who the hell is he telling.

  “Not even a little.” I grumble. We push the door open to the old warehouse before stepping inside. Just like I thought, the place is empty.

  “Wow, would you look at all that shit.” Trig’s sarcastic tone doesn’t make me smile at all. In fact, he’s skating on thin ice with me.

  “Look around, asshole.” Even if they aren’t here now doesn’t mean they weren’t at some point.

  I’ve learned a lot over my years in this club. Shit, I’ve learned a lot about life in general.

  Rule number one, never think you’re right. It will always prove to be wrong. You can never just assume things
, which brings Nina back front and center in my mind. Shaking it off, I keep looking.

  I glance around at the floor before I spot something.

  Reaching down, I lift the cigarette butt in my fingers.

  “Look at this shit. Fresh.” Trig walks over before laughing.

  “A goddamn cigarette butt? That’s what you come up with, Blaze? Cause there’s no way in hell that someone snuck in here to hang out.” Flicking it out of my fingers, I rush him. I’ve had just about enough of his shit for one day.

  He might be my friend and my brother but he is wearing me thin. He’s always opening his mouth and never picking up any slack from the club.

  With my fingers around his throat, I pin him to the wall.

  “I warned you today! My patience is wearin’ thin asshole.” I growl in his face. His eyes light up with my threat. He knows I’d never go after one of my own, not without being provoked.

  “Calm the fuck down, Blaze. Shit ain’t that serious.” Releasing the grip, I have on him, I take a step back, scrubbing my hand over my face.

  “Let’s go check the other warehouse.” Walking away from him, I head out the side door and straight towards the other building.

  This shit with Nina is driving me crazy. She doesn’t understand what I feel and hell, to be honest, neither do I.

  Everything that’s going on is slowly wearing me down.

  The crazy shit around here just gets that much crazier.

  Days like this I wonder how the hell I’m ever going to handle it.

  Shots fired

  Chapter 31

  The second warehouse was much like the first. Someone had been there but we don’t know if it was our shit.

  Trig has kept his distance since we’ve come back which might be in his best interest.

  As for me, I hang out in front of the bar drinking anything and everything in sight.

  “What the hell has gotten in to you?” Damion drops on the stool next to me. I glance over but that’s all I do.

  “Not a goddamn thing.” I drag the bottle back to my lips before taking a long pull.

  “Trig said you went all postal.” Figured that little bitch would come back and start shit.

  “Somethin’ like that.” Damion grabs the bottle from my hand before I shove back off the stool.

  “What the fuck, Pres?” Throwing my hands out to the side, I’m not doing this shit.

  Damion moves towards me when shit turns bad.

  Sounds ring out though the clubhouse. We all crouch down, pulling our guns as glass explodes.

  “What the fuck?” Grunting, I look around as we move towards the front of the building.

  “Who the hell is firin’ the shots?” Damion scrambles towards the door when it hits me.

  “Shit! Nina!” Screaming louder than I needed too, I look at Damion.

  “Go get her!” Damion screams. Without a second thought, I turn and rush towards the stairs.

  If those motherfuckers found out she was here, there will be hell to pay.

  I take the steps two at a time and rush down the hallway towards my room.

  Kicking the door open, I fly in.

  “Nina!” I yell. I don’t see her anywhere. Shit!

  “Where are you!” I scramble around the room in a panic before I hear her soft sniffles.

  I walk over and pull the closet door open to find her curled into herself, a ball of tears.

  “Are you hurt?” I ask, kneeling in front of her. I lay my gun on the floor at my feet.

  She doesn’t answer though; she doesn’t even look up.

  “Nina. Are you hurt?” I reach for, touching her shoulders. I need to know that she’s ok!

  Her head jerks up before she throws herself into me.

  How the hell can I not care about her? She’s so vulnerable. So, used and alone.

  “It’s ok.” Trying to reassure her, she cries harder. It eats at a piece of me that I can’t make her feel better. This world is a cruel place and Nina has had the unfortunate luck of finding that out first hand.

  “She good?” I hear Damion come through the door before I turn to glance at him.

  “She ain’t hurt. You see them?” Nodding his head, he doesn’t look at Nina.

  “Wasn’t him. It was Ruff’s.” Fuck! I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

  I wanted it to not be Matthew’s guys but at the same time I didn’t really want the war with another club.

  “We’re movin’ in an hour.” He says. Nodding my head, he walks out as I pull Nina closer to me.

  “Everything’s ok. They weren’t after you.” I press my lips into the side of her head before I hear her.

  “Not this time.” Her words slam into me. Fuck!

  Goddamn it! Does she not understand that I won’t let anyone near her again?

  As torn as I am about shit with her, I can’t let her down. I need to protect her, to love her. She needs that stability and fuck me, I want to be the one to give it to her.

  She’s mine now.

  Broken Pieces

  Chapter 32

  I stomp down the stairs with Nina wrapped around my waist. She didn’t want to but I’ll be damned if I leave her alone right now.

  The other old ladies sweep up the broken glass that litters the floors while the guys all crowd around the table.

  I don’t give a shit that women aren’t typically allowed at the meetings, the girl is still shaking.

  “What’s the plan?” Stepping up, I keep Nina pulled into my chest while I ignore the stares I get.

  “We move in. We don’t know where our shits bein’ held though. We hit their clubhouse. They came into our home and disrespected it!” The growl that rips from Damion’s throat doesn’t surprise me at all. This is the Damion I’ve always known.

  When it comes to family, he puts them first.

  Nina’s body continues to shake in my grasp. I can’t calm her. I don’t know how. Fuck, I’m barely holding on as it is.

  “Takin’ her to the apartment. I want the prospect on her at all times.” I say when all eyes come to rest on me.

  No one says a word though. Damion just nods his head before getting back to business.

  “Get her there and get your ass back here and ready.” Damion says. Nodding once, I head towards the door with Nina still in my arms.

  “You ok with the bike?” I ask. She doesn’t look up at me this time. I take that as a no.

  “Truck it is.” I mumble. Walking past my bike, I head towards the truck. Thank fuck I had a backup.

  Nina doesn’t unlatch herself from my shirt as I lift her into the truck.

  “I’ve never been that close to a shootout. I’m sorry.” Her voice shakes with a fear of the unknown.

  “Sure you have. You forget that day with me?” Nudging her a little as I climb in, she gives me a slight smile. There we go.

  “That was different. I wasn’t a sitting target.” As soon as I close the door, she slides right up to my side, snuggling her way back into me.

  “That is true. You’re gonna be ok, you know, that, right?” I ask her. She doesn’t move. She doesn’t make a sound.

  She doesn’t know. She barely knows me.

  How could I think that for a second she could trust me with all the broken pieces of her life.

  We all come apart at some point.

  It takes real trust to know when someone means well for you.

  I once thought that Ally was like that. I think deep down I knew she wasn’t but I wanted it.

  Now all I can think of is how to make Nina feel it. How do I make her understand that I will throw myself in front of a bullet for her?

  Safe and Sound

  Chapter 33

  The ride to the apartment was awkward.

  I’ve never brought anyone here and that includes the guys.

  There is time when I just need a break and to find my own place. This is where I do that.

  I turn the truck off before blowing out a breath.
  “What is this place?” Nina peers out from under my arm where she’s rested this whole time.

  “It’s my place. I’ve never brought anyone here.” She lays her head back against me as I let out a breath. She can feel the tension that radiates through me. This is a big step for me.

  “Don’t do anything special for me, Blaze. Take me back to the club house. I’m nobody special.” She says. This woman has to be the most hardheaded person that I’ve ever met in my life.

  Here I am trying to protect her when all she wants to do is make that harder on me.

  “It ain’t nothin’ special. I come here when I need a break. Kinda like you need right now.” Forcing her to untangle herself from me, I slide out of the truck.

  This is new territory for me. I still don’t like the idea of having her in my space but what the hell else can I do?

  Nina slides out as I ready the key in my hand. So many times I thought about bringing Ally here but didn’t. She wasn’t what I needed. She didn’t deserve to be here.

  “I told you, I’ll be fine at the club house.” Nina crosses her arms over her chest as her little nostrils flare. Why the hell do I find it so sexy when she gets mad?

  Just as I’m about to say something the sound of a motorcycle blasts the calm night.

  I look over to see the prospect as he pulls to stop next to us.

  “Go wait up there.” I say. As soon as he cuts the engine I nod towards the top floor. He doesn’t give me any shit, he just nods and walks.

  I watch him walk up the stairs before I turn back to her and her attitude.

  I take two long strides to stand in her space.

  “I didn’t ask you for your input on this.” She won’t look at me. She keeps her eyes glued to the ground.

  “Do you really think you can keep me hostage in there?” Her defiant little mouth makes my dick twitch. If I didn’t have to be back at the club house, I’d fuck her on every surface of that apartment.


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