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Getting Out

Page 15

by Afton Brinkman

“Put them back.” He frowned at me but obeyed nestling his arms and hands back behind his head. I crossed my arms and tugged the bottom of my tank top up, slowly, before pulling it completely free from my body. I sat there on top of him, fully exposed from the waist up. His eyes were intense while they roamed over me.

  “This is me Charlie, insecurities, scars and all. Can you love me just the way I am? Right here, right now?” He sat up and wrapped his strong arms around me and I let him. He began to kiss every inch of my exposed skin.

  “I love all of you” he kissed my mouth hard and then pulled back. “You are the most beautiful girl. You’re my beautiful girl and I never want to stop loving you.” No one in the entire world would ever come close to Charlie Ingram in my eyes or in my heart, he was it for me. Forever.

  I AWOKE the next morning to large beams of sunlight spilling through the windows. Blinking and rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I glimpsed at the clock, 8:10 AM. Sitting up on my elbows, I winced; my entire body, from head to toe, was sore. Glancing to my right I smiled. Charlie was laying on his side facing me but his face was buried in the pillow. One arm was up by his head and looked really uncomfortable and the other one was thrown across me, pinning me to the bed. His face was soft and so handsome in his sleep. Gently lifting his arm from me, I got up quietly and slipped on my clothes from last night. After finishing in the bathhouse, I came back inside the cabin and went to the kitchen, finding all the breakfast supplies I could. The house was small and the loft was open so I knew Charlie would hear me and wake up soon. Last night had been amazing. I felt more connected to him than ever. Getting away to this cabin had been just what we needed. I was about to turn the bacon over in a pan when his arms wrapped around me. He still had his shirt off and his hot skin touched mine. Pulling me into him, he brushed my hair off my neck and began peppering kisses up and down it. I moaned a little, it felt so good.

  “You better stop or I’m going to burn your bacon.”

  “Turn it off and come back to bed.” We had just had sex pretty much all night and here he was mauling me while I cooked. I nudged him with my elbow and pointed to the kitchen stools

  “You. Go. Sit.” He gave me a pouty face but went and sat down. I piled his plate full of food and placed it in front of him. His eyes got huge.

  “Damn baby, did you cook everything we had?”

  “I figure you need to build your strength up from last night.” Giving him a wicked grin and taking a drink of coffee. He smiled wide and held a piece of bacon up to my lips. I took a bite watching him watch me. He never took his eyes off my mouth. I love weekend get aways.

  WE HAD a great couple days; Charlie took us out in a little row boat on the lake, we went for long walks around the property and talked for hours. We ate and took naps when we felt like it and by the time we were packing up to head home, there wasn’t a surface of that house that Charlie hadn’t claimed me on. I didn’t want to leave. We were so good here with just us. He dropped me off at my dorm and kissed me goodbye before heading home. Stepping into my room, it was quiet, so I knew Tess wasn’t there; she always had music playing when she was. I dropped my bag down by my dresser, fishing my cell out of it. Charlie had turned both of our phones off after our first night, so I hadn’t checked it in over two days. It powered on and then started beeping with messages. Welcome back to reality.

  WHEN I got home from dropping Ashton off at the dorms, my mom was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me.

  “Hey mom.”

  “Charlie come sit down, we need to talk.” This couldn’t be good; I could tell by the tone of her voice and the way she wasn’t looking at me. Taking the seat directly across from her, I sat down waiting for her to start. “First thing is that I received a call from your school, they seem to think that you were involved in a fight at the homecoming dance.”

  “I got out of there before getting in trouble, unless the kid ratted me out, everything should be fine.”

  “So you were fighting?” She looked exhausted as she looked at me, I could see the dark circles under her eyes.

  “Like I said, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Your father says that you aren’t talking to him and that he came here last Thursday to see you and you refused. Is that true as well?

  Thinking back to last Thursday, I shrugged. “I had too much going on with homecoming mom, you know it was crazy, so yeah I told him it was not going to happen and that I would talk to him this week. So what it was one Thursday, it was not a big deal.”

  “Charlie, we have had this arrangement for a long time and it has always worked for us, I don’t want you to start causing problems now. You are eighteen and a legal adult so the courts can’t really get involved but your father has it in his head that I am condoning your behavior and poisoning you against him, which we both know just isn’t true. Now he may not be able to take you out of this house legally but, Charlie, he is a powerful man, you know this just as well as I do and I think the last thing either of us wants to do is be on his bad side.”

  I was floored, my mom had never badmouthed him. But she had always stood up to him. That was one of the biggest reasons why they had gotten a divorce. My mom was one of the few people that never took his crap, why all of a sudden was she? “What’s he going to do mom? He isn’t legally tied to you and like you said I am eighteen. So I missed one Thursday in how many years, he needs to get over it, I will call and tell him to calm down.”

  She glanced around the room, her hands were resting on the table but she was wringing her fingers like she was nervous.

  “Just make it right Charlie, for all our sakes.” And with that she left me sitting there alone. She went to her room and I didn’t see her again for the rest of the day.

  “OH SWEETIE that sounds like so much fun.” I had called Dee and was gushing to her about all the details of homecoming and our weekend alone at the lake.

  “I want to meet this Charlie of yours, you tell him he better treat you right or he will have a feisty elderly woman on his butt.” I laughed, I could see her now, leaning against the counter at the café. I missed her. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think of her but I was happy and I knew she was happy that I was happy. We ended the call with me promising to call again soon.

  The next day at school the teacher had thrown on some black and white movie but I couldn’t pay attention to anything. Charlie kept passing me dirty notes. The last one even had a little perverted doodle and I about fell out of my chair trying to stifle my laughter. The bell rang and like every day he slung his arm casually over my shoulders and I held his waist as we walked down the hallway to our lockers. I stopped at mine and he went the few feet to his. When I opened my locker a small white paper fluttered out and fell to the ground.

  -Ashton Please meet me after school. I would really like to apologize in person.


  I folded it up quickly and put it in one of my books before Charlie could see it. I hadn’t seen Noah since the night Charlie decked him and I knew Charlie wouldn’t understand the need I felt to make things right. If I had told him about it, he would have gotten pissed and told me not to see him. So I would go alone and not tell Charlie. I would let Noah apologize and I would also be getting some things off my chest that he needed to hear.

  “So Zach just texted me. They want to drive into Portland and do dinner and a movie, and since we never really had our date yet, what do you think? Want to double with them? We can leave right after school since we don’t have practice tonight. He looked so cute and happy, how could I possibly turn down a face like that? Leaning into his tall frame I kissed him under his chin.

  “Sounds good to me.” The talk with Noah would have to wait.

  Our school was just an hour outside of Portland, so we made it there by early evening. We grabbed a light meal before heading to the movie theater. Zach and Charlie were glued to some arcade game, standing side by side shooting zombies.

  “You guys want snacks fo
r the movie?” I asked.

  Not taking his eyes off the game, Charlie answered. “Yeah babe my wallet is in my back pocket.”

  Oh, he wanted me to get it? This could be fun. Standing behind him I slowly reached around and sunk both my hands into his front pockets.

  “Whoa babe I said back poooockkettt,” he squirmed when I found what I was looking for. I giggled into his back. “Little bit more to the left.” I pulled my hands out and smacked him playfully on the back.


  “Hey, you started it.” He said, while smiling that sexy grin of his.

  Finally retrieving his wallet, Tess and I headed for the concession stand. We were next in line so I opened Charlie’s wallet to get some cash. When I opened it up, I was so surprised. Charlie had placed a picture of me inside his wallet, nestled behind the clear plastic where the ID usually goes. He must have taken it while we were at the lake after homecoming. I was asleep, in bed, my hair was a mess but my heart swelled at the fact that he had put it in here where anyone could see. Coming up from behind me he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

  “Why do you have this picture in here?”

  “Why do you think?” He said before bending down kissing my temple. “I have this one too.” Taking his wallet from my hands he pulled my volleyball picture out from another small compartment. I was wearing my uniform and holding a volleyball smiling at the camera. “I like the volleyball one, but this one,” he said tapping my sleeping form photo with his finger, “this one is special.”

  I turned and hugged him tightly to me. “You are incredible, I really can’t believe you sometimes.”

  “So you like that I keep your picture in my wallet beautiful girl?”

  “Yeah I do, In fact I think we should skip the previews and go out to your truck so I can show you just how much I like it.” His eyes instantly got that evil gleam in them.

  “Hey guys save us a seat.” He called over his shoulder as we were already headed out the door.

  We made it back into the theater just in time to catch the ending.

  “You two are getting ridiculous.” Zach said as we walked out of the movie.

  Charlie clasped onto my hand, raising it to his lips and smiling against it.

  “Whatever, you and Tess are just as bad,” I countered. “Charlie isn’t the one that’s almost been caught in our dorms…what is it? Like four times now?”

  They both smiled at each other before Zach smacked her butt making her squeal. We rounded the corner and were headed for the exit when Charlie stopped suddenly making me jolt. Peering up at him, his face was set in that hard stone way and I knew he was angry.

  “Charles.” A tall, lean man stood in front of us said. He had slightly lighter color hair than Charlie’s but the same piercing green eyes. I knew right away that it was his father; he and Charlie looked extremely similar. He had a younger looking girl at his side. She was pretty but she couldn’t have been much older than Charlie and I. He looked at his son for a moment before his eyes landed on our joined hands and then he caught my eyes with his. He pursed his lips. “Son, aren’t you going to introduce me to your new friend here?”

  Charlie’s hand automatically flexed around mine to the point of pain; I held on to his forearm, giving him a squeeze. He bent his head down to look at me.

  Hey, it’s okay.” I gave him a small smile. Pulling my hand from his death grip, I extended it to his father. “I am Ashton, it’s nice to meet you sir.” He took my hand and gave it a firm shake never taking his eyes off of me.

  “Charles Ingram, and this is Layla. So, Ashton, tell me, how long have you known my son?”

  “You don’t need to talk to him Ashton.” Charlie’s entire body was wound tight.

  “I just moved here this year sir. Charlie and I have been dating for most of it.”

  His eyes narrowed and I could feel the venom that was about to come. “I see, that sure does explain a lot doesn’t it Charles? She is pretty, but not pretty enough to throw your career away, don’t you agree son?” I was then pushed forward Charlie holding me tightly to him.

  Calling from behind us I heard his father say, “Be sure to answer my next phone call Charles. I will be calling soon.” The way he said it came out as almost a threat or a warning and I got a sick feeling in my stomach. Charlie was pulling me to his truck, like he couldn’t get me there fast enough. Once inside the truck we sat in silence for a few moments. I just watched his chest rise and fall, his breathing was frantic and then it happened. Whatever control he had was lost. Slamming his fists into the steering and the dashboard over and over while yelling profanities. I let him have his tantrum, he needed to get it out. The windows started to fog and I wasn’t sure if it was the situation or the temperature outside that was making me shiver. When he finally calmed down enough, I scooted over next to him and hugged him.

  “It’s okay Charlie.”

  He made a muffled sound like the situation was anything but okay. “No one is going to take you from me.” Before I could say anything to that, he jumped out of the truck and got in on the passenger side. I scooted over and started the truck. I looked down at his hands and his knuckles were cut open and small bruises were beginning to form. The rest of the ride home was spent in silence.

  I pulled the truck up in front of my dorm and killed the engine. I sat still looking out the window contemplating how to approach the subject. I wasn’t sure what exactly happened back there and I knew I wanted answers, I just didn’t know how forth coming Charlie was going to be with me since he had gotten so upset.

  “He doesn’t want me with you.” His words cut across the silence and stunned me.

  Looking over at Charlie, he was looking down at the floor. “What do you mean?”

  He took a deep breath and slumped back in the seat. “My father thinks that you are a distraction, he thinks that I am not focusing on hockey.” I frowned, how could he possibly think that? I had always tried to be supportive of Charlie’s sport, I knew it was very important to him. I never complained about long practices or team meetings. I had curfew so I never kept him out late. How I was being a distraction was beyond me. “Maybe if I talked to him and explained….”

  He interrupted me, “No, it won’t help. You saw how he was back there, he doesn’t want me to have a girlfriend period, he wants hockey to be my number one priority and it always has been…. until now.”

  I swallowed, a huge knot was forming in my stomach. “I see, so he wants us to break up?” Suddenly Charlie swung his door open and started walking off. I got out and jogged to catch up to him. “Charlie stop.” He did but didn’t turn around.

  “Ashton, my father is a power hungry asshole. He is not going to stop until he gets his way.”

  Wrapping my arms around him, I buried my nose in between his shoulder blades and breathed in deeply that familiar scent of him that I couldn’t get enough of. I could feel him breathing in and out deeply. “What are we going to do?”

  He let out a sigh, “I don’t know yet, I hate this entire situation.”

  I nodded in agreement against him. “We will figure it out together.”

  He turned and kissed me softly on the lips. “I love you so much.”

  I smiled at his words. “Ditto.”

  With that, he released me and stepped away. He placed his hands on his hips and shook his head. “Seriously, you still can’t say the actual words to me?”

  I hadn’t told him I loved him yet and I knew this would be a time he needed me to say it, but I was terrified. “You know I do, so what does it matter how I say it?”

  “If it doesn’t matter then just say it!” He yelled in frustration, holding his arms out looking exasperated.

  I looked down at the ground. “They are just words Charlie. I show you every day how much I care about you.”

  “Say it Ash, right now, I need to hear you say the actual words.” My head fell looking at the ground, I kicked at a spot with my foot not saying anyt

  “That’s just great, close me out when I need you the most. I’m out of here.” I tried to grab his arm but he shook me off and kept walking. He got into his truck and drove away leaving me there standing in the exact same spot.

  CHARLIE WAS not at school the next day. He was not answering any of my calls or texts either. By that evening I had resorted to calling his house phone and talking to Anna, just to make sure he was okay. She informed me that he had some appointments he had to go to in Portland today and that he would be back in school tomorrow. Appointments? He hadn’t mentioned anything to me, Zach and the rest of the team were here. I did not have a clue what was going on.

  I was sprawled out on my bed starring at the ceiling when Tess came into our room.

  “Why so glum chum?”

  I rolled over to the side to look at her, bracing my hand under my head. “Boyfriends suck.”

  She laughed, “Yeah they do, but isn’t that a good thing?”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “You are turning into Zach, you know that right?”

  She kicked off her shoes and started getting changed. “So what’s wrong?”

  “You know that guy that stopped us last night at the movies?”

  She nodded her head, “yeah, Zach said that was Charlie’s dad. And you know that girl that was with him, Zach said that she graduated last year; that is so nasty.”

  I cringed, “yeah it was….anyway that was my first time meeting him and get this, he already hates me.”

  She scrunched up her face before throwing a tank top on. “How could he hate you already?”

  I sat up, readying myself for the conversation. “He thinks that Charlie having a girlfriend is a major distraction and that I am taking his focus off of hockey. His dad is a major hard ass, like has pushed Charlie his whole life to go pro and everything. I don’t want to, but from the sounds of it, he wants us to break up.”

  “Umm no you cannot let his dad do that to you guys. He is one to talk when he is dating somebody his son went to school with for crying out loud.”


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