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Ponygirls of Irontown

Page 20

by Arden, Adriana

  ‘Oh God...’ she said feebly and then clutched at her throat. She could speak again! She could use her hands again!

  She was free!

  This incredible transition was too much to take in at once. The room spun about her and she rolled up into a ball, sobbing and shuddering, her mind reeling in confusion. Had it all been a dream or was this a dream? She felt her hair. It was still cut short. There were no rings in her nipples. She felt between her legs. Her pubes were still bare but also ringless. No, this was real. Every muscle in her body still ached from her exertions in the arena while her flesh still held a lingering dull sting and throb from the punishment that followed. It had all happened... but now it was over.

  But how had she got back home? The last thing she remembered was Wainwright telling Toby to stop abusing her. Then she must have fainted. What happened next? Had Wainwright called Hatchet and Shears as he had said he would and handed her back to them?

  Then a day had passed which she had no recollection of whatsoever and somehow she ended up here.

  How? Why? It made no sense. Even if they’d wanted to they could hardly have secretly returned her to her own room unless.... Oh!

  It was a terrible shock to realise the truth which had been staring her in the face all the time. Now she understood it all.

  Her father was wealthy and influential and Cleaver knew everybody in the slave handling business. Between them they could have arranged it all, even including car breakdowns to order. In case the first dose of medicine had not been enough to cure her a second had been prepared if needed. Of course she would never have known about it if she had not flounced off like that. Hatchet and Shears supplying her to Wainwright might have been purely chance or his request to them might have shaped the plan. She would probably never know. It did not really matter. By some means or other she had been destined for bitter medicine of the sort only Irontown could provide. But it had done its job.

  Still feeling a deep weariness from her exertions but with the peace of mind that came with full understanding and acceptance of how things were, Sam rose. Her legs ached but she forced them to move. She had things to do which could not be delayed.

  She showered, marvelling at the freedom of being able to touch her own body once again. It was not something you thought about until you didn’t have it. Now she knew why slavegirls valued their days off so. When she was done she examined her naked body in the bedroom mirror closely from all angles.

  Her hair was back to its normal colour and now she looked at it she decided the style was not that bad. Her bottom was still red from her last beating, but somebody had tended it and the blush was receding. There were faint dimples in the sides of her nipples and the outer lips of her labia where she had been pierced. It looked as though her skin had been carefully glued together about the fistulas her rings had occupied. No doubt they would heal and fade with time. The thought of all this being done to her while she had been unconscious was deeply disturbing but she knew it had been necessary.

  Some changes could not be so easily reversed, though. Her body was certainly more highly toned than she remembered it being the last time she had looked in that mirror. Her waist had trimmed down and her legs and buttocks were now like... well they were now like ponygirl legs. She would not begrudge that improvement.

  Superficially there was no sign of any slave part name insignia. Only if she looked closely could she see their faint pale shadow on her forehead... Screw 159. Still a little makeup would easily cover them. She had always believed the ink used for slave marking was indelible and almost impossible to remove and took months to fade naturally, but apparently this was not so, like so many other things she had once believed. You lived and, hopefully, learned.

  She had made a serious mistake and she had been, justly, punished for it. But then, which was far worse, she had convinced herself in a juvenile and foolish way that she was actually the victim. Running away from responsibility like that had been a petulant, selfish, cowardly gesture. So she had to be saved from herself.

  It was called tough love.

  * * *

  Her parents were out on the terrace under the awning eating breakfast when she joined them. They hardly looked up as Sam took her usual seat. It was all so normal.

  ‘You really must keep in proper touch when you go off like that, Sam,’ her mother said mildly. ‘You could have been anywhere. And you came back so late last night.’

  Her father briefly glanced up from his morning paper. ‘Yes, Sam, do be considerate when you’re using your car at that hour.’

  Of course they knew everything but they were not saying. Instead they were giving her a chance to return to normality and show she accepted her lesson without bitterness and without making the same mistake as last time. It could not have been easy for them either and they must love her very much to have done what they had. And now she had to show them that the daughter who had been returned to them was better than the one who had run away

  ‘Yes, Father, I will. Sorry about not keeping in touch, Mother. I won’t do that again.’

  ‘And how was Moira?’ her father asked with apparent mild interest.

  ‘Actually... I never got to see Moira. I... went off at a sort of tangent and ended up doing a lot of thinking on my own. I’m sorry I’ve been so stupid and thoughtless in the past. And I’m sorry I ran off like that. It was a... petty and selfish thing to do. I was not facing up to my responsibilities. I really will be better in the future. I promise’

  ‘That’s good to know, dear,’ her mother said.

  ‘Very good,’ her father agreed.

  ‘I do like what you’ve done to your hair, dear,’ her mother commented. ‘Perhaps you should keep it like that.’

  ‘I think I will,’ Sam said.

  There was a silence, and then her Father said casually: ‘We loaned Beauty to Danny Stamp to look after while you were away.’

  ‘Yes... I mean I’m glad you did. She deserved to have somebody look after her properly. Thank you.’

  ‘They won the Lister Cup for the Foundry team,’ her mother added.

  ‘Oh... did they? I’m so pleased for her and Danny,’ Sam said. And then she realised she genuinely was pleased. It was how it should have been. ‘I really must go and see them right away to congratulate them.’

  ‘Will you be bringing Beauty back with you?’

  ‘I’m... not sure. I’ll have to think about it. It depends what’s best for her. One thing I am going to do though, whatever happens, is to get her mute fitting removed. It was a stupid thing to have done to her.’

  Her father smiled. ‘I’m glad you’ve changed your mind, Sam. I don’t approve of muting. You can’t deprive slaves of their voice. If you need help paying for it...’

  ‘No. Thanks, Father, but I’ll pay for it. It’s my responsibility.’

  Sam saw him smile and nod in approval and suddenly everything was right once again. She checked her watch. Danny would be heading for the stables about now. It was only proper that this all should be resolved there.

  ‘Now I’m going to the Foundry to see Danny and Beauty...’ Sam hesitated and then added: ‘No, actually I’ll go to Wainwright’s first. There’s a message I’ve got to deliver...’

  * * *

  Sam changed into her riding jacket, boots and jodhpurs and carried her hat and crop under her arm. She didn’t plan on doing any actual riding but it was right that she should be dressed for the part.

  Her Mini-Cooper was waiting for her in its usual parking place. It was clean and polished and had a full tank of petrol. She was not surprised to find it started first time and ran smoothly. It was as though nothing untoward had ever happened.

  Except of course that it had and she would never forget it. Now she was going to take care of the loose ends and settle her conscience.

  It to
ok an effort not to tremble as she drove in to the car park at Wainwright’s. But her smart riding gear was both a disguise and protective armour. Wearing it automatically marked her out as a rider, not a pony; one of the slave owning class and not a slave. It was impossible to imagine she could be anything else.

  She hardly flinched as she asked one of the lads, whose cock had been stuffed inside her only two days ago, where Toby was. He directed her to the shed.

  It was fitting that she found him in the Rotary Yoke room putting another pony through her paces. This time at least he had not left her alone to suffer as he had her, but he did have a long handled training whip in his hand to add to her misery. She was bowed down under her yoke and was dripping with sweat. Her back and buttocks were scored with scarlet slashes.

  Toby had his back to the door when Sam entered. He was saying to the ponygirl: ‘Faster you little slut! You can do better than that!’

  Some people never learned, Sam thought grimly. But at least I’m not one of them.

  She strode up to Toby and tapped him on the shoulder, making him flinch and twist about angrily. He checked himself as he saw her and then frowned as though he could not quite place her face.

  ‘Yes, what do you want?’

  How could he have done all that he had to her and still not recognise her?

  ‘I’ve a message for you,’ Sam said.

  ‘What?’ His frown deepened and he peered at her more closely. ‘Do I know you?’

  ‘The message is this. There’s a world of difference between being strict and firm with ponygirls and being cruel to them. You get better results with understanding and respect than you do with contempt and force.’

  He gaped at her blankly. ‘What are you talking about? Just who are you?’

  ‘First tell me if you agree with the message?’

  ‘What? No, it’s soft-minded nonsense.’

  ‘Have it your own way. I’ll try contempt and force then...’

  And with all the strength he had helped build into her thighs, she drove her knee hard up into his groin.

  As he lay curled up on the ground clutching his balls and gasping in pain, Sam bent over him, kneeling across his neck, and whispered in his ear: ‘Do you know who I am now? I’ll be watching you from here on. No more of your sick experiments, got it?’

  The look on his face as he nodded dumbly was very nearly worth everything he had done to her.

  * * *

  The Foundry stables were relatively quiet that morning. After the intense build up to the cup there and the following celebrations there was an inevitable lull in attendance by older members, which would soon no doubt be made up for by eager new riders inspired to join after watching the events in the arena.

  Sam went straight to Paring’s office. In the trophy cabinet in the hall outside, gleaming and freshly polished, was the Lister Cup. She smiled at it ruefully.

  ‘So, you’re back at last, Sam,’ Paring said as she entered. ‘You’ve missed some excitement.’

  For a moment Sam wondered if he had been part of her father’s scheme, but she read nothing out of the usual in his eyes or manner. ‘I know, Mr Paring. I’m sorry I couldn’t be here with you. Congratulations on winning the cup.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘I just wanted your permission to talk to Danny Stamp in private for a little while. It’s about Beauty.’

  ‘Ah... of course, I understand. She ran magnificently, you know.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘And Danny rode her to perfection.’

  ‘Yes, he did,’ she agreed with feeling. She saw Paring begin to frown in puzzlement and added: ‘I mean, so I’ve been told.’

  ‘Well he’s out in the paddocks right now. We’re not too busy at the moment. I’m sure you’ll be able to talk to him out there undisturbed.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  She turned to go when Paring added: ‘Even though you missed the team I see you’ve been taking my advice about fitness. You’re looking very healthy, Sam.’

  ‘Thanks, Mr Paring. I’ve... been doing a lot of running.’

  ‘You might have done well riding Beauty yourself.’

  Sam found herself chuckling. ‘I think I’d do far better as a pony than a rider, Mr Paring.’

  * * *

  She found Danny exercising one of the club ponies, taking her through the poles at a gentle trot. Beauty was tethered to a post nearby. She still had her winners’ rosette pinned proudly to her nipple ring. When she saw Sam her face lit up in surprise and then incredulous delight. Sam smiled back, feeling her heart thud, and nodded to her, acknowledging their understanding.

  Danny drew his mount up beside Sam. His expression was welcoming but apprehensive.

  ‘Well done, Danny,’ Sam said. ‘You were terrific on Beauty. Much better than I could have done.’

  ‘Thanks, Miss Fillister,’ he said.

  ‘Please call me “Sam”. After all, we’ve both had Beauty and we both care about her. She’s something special so I think that means there’s a bond between us as well.’

  Danny blushed slightly. ‘If you say so... Sam. I won’t argue about Beauty being special. She won the cup, not me.’

  ‘I know how good she was. I’m just going to tell her. And there’s more I’ve got to say to you and it’s really important, but can I speak to Beauty in private first?’

  ‘Of course, she’s your pony.’

  ‘Yes, but you’re the one who’s been looking after her while I was away. Thank you so much for that.’

  ‘It’s been a pleasure and a privilege. I’ve been firm with her, in the way we agreed she liked, and she responded. I haven’t used her mute fitting, though. I don’t think it’s necessary. Otherwise I’ve just tried to be considerate and fair. Now I’m resting her after her run in the Cup. She was exhausted.’

  ‘Tell me about it!’ Sam said with feeling. ‘I mean... that’s very thoughtful of you. A lot of riders wouldn’t bother.’

  ‘Well I’ve got to give Tawny here another twenty minutes. You can walk Beauty in the woods if you like. I don’t think there’s anybody else out at the moment.’

  Sam led Beauty by her leash along one of the tracks that criss-crossed the little spur of woodland until they were out of sight of the paddocks. Then she pushed Beauty back against a tree and kissed her passionately on the lips. Beauty responded in kind. Their tongues met and intertwined.

  After a long interval Sam broke the kiss to slide her head down Beauty’s body to her breasts where she kissed her hard ringed nipples. Then, sinking to her knees, Sam worked her way across her stomach to her soft, pouting vulva, which she kissed as deeply as she had Beauty’s lips, once again tasting the thrilling tang of her sweet, spicy juices. The scent of her filled her nostrils and inflamed her senses with a longing that could not be denied one second longer.

  Sam pushed Beauty down onto a patch of mossy ground and pulled her strong legs wide. She tore down her riding britches and panties to her knees, baring her bottom to the air, and mounted Beauty, grinding her slippery smooth pink sex lips against Beauty’s brown, ringed lovemouth with desperate need. She felt their swelling clitorises kiss and the world seemed to explode with joy.

  * * *

  Afterward Sam lay beside Beauty’s warm, soft sweaty body, hugging her tight while gazing into her face. There were tears in her eyes.

  ‘You have no idea how much I’ve missed doing that to you!’ Sam said huskily.

  ‘I missed it to, Mistress,’ Beauty replied fervently. ‘When I saw you like that harnessed like a pony I didn’t know what to think. But it seemed like you didn’t want me to let on.’

  ‘I didn’t. By then I didn’t want to be found. I thought I was safe with a pony muzzle on. But you recognised me.’

  ‘How could I not
know you when I saw you that close, Mistress?’

  Sam’s heart skipped a beat. ‘Nobody else did. Anyway it’s a long story. I promise I’ll tell you all about it later, but for now nobody else must know I was there. Do you understand?’

  ‘Yes, Mistress.’

  ‘I was more frightened recognising me would put you off. But it didn’t. You were amazing! I’m so proud of you! And I know how hard it is to be a champion pony now. All the time I was away I wanted to tell you I understood how you felt. But even more than that, I wanted to tell you how very sorry I was for letting you get hurt on the treadmill. That was my stupid fault. I was being careless and selfish. But I’ll never do it again, I promise. Can you ever forgive me?’

  ‘Of course I do, Mistress.’

  Sam kissed her on the lips again. ‘Thank you.’ Then she looked Beauty in the eye. ‘Now, there’s something else I must know, and it’s also very important. How much do you like Danny riding you? Please be honest. After what I’ve been through I know how important it is for a pony to love her rider. I just want you to be happy... even if it’s not with me.’

  Beauty looked horrified. ‘Please don’t say that, Mistress!’

  ‘We both know I’ve not been a very good owner. Now I have to know the truth. You will not be punished in any way for speaking honestly.’

  Beauty took a deep breath. ‘Well... I do enjoy the feel of him riding me, Mistress. And we do seem to go well together. He is very kind and clever. I feel safe with him. But I’ve never stopped thinking about you, Mistress. In fact I missed you even more after you went away. Now I’m so pleased you’re back! I... do love you so much!’

  Sam felt her heart skip as she saw the light in Beauty’s eyes. It was what she had longed to hear. She kissed Beauty again. ‘Then I think we can work something out. Let’s go and talk to Danny...’

  * * *

  Danny was just rubbing Tawny down when they got back to the stable block.


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