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Ponygirls of Irontown

Page 21

by Arden, Adriana

  ‘Can we talk?’ Sam asked.

  ‘Give me a minute,’ he said.

  Once Tawny was stabled, Danny wheeled her rig back to the carriage store and then took the leathers and fitting back through to the harness room for cleaning. The heavy smell of polish, metal and leather made Sam shiver as recollections of her time at Wainwright’s came back to her. Danny offered Sam the spare workbench stool and sat facing her while Beauty knelt between them.

  ‘Beauty has been telling me how much she loves you riding her,’ Sam said.

  ‘She’s a lovely pony,’ Danny said. ‘But of course you want her back now. It’s been a privilege to ride her.’

  ‘Just a minute, Danny,’ Sam said. ‘There’s more I want to say. First, I’m sorry I’ve behaved in such a stuck-up fashion to you in the past. It was another stupid thing I used to do that I swear I’m never going to do again.’

  ‘That’s all right. You weren’t the worst by a long chalk. I mean Tess Harrow has been far worse. You don’t compare with her....’ His face darkened. ‘Actually there’s something you must know about her, if you’re taking Beauty back. She mistreated Beauty a few weeks ago....’

  Sam felt a sudden surge of anger. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Beauty was in the training paddock on the rail. Then Tess took Silver in and paid Charlie Puller, who was on watch, to go clean her rig while leaving her alone with Beauty...’

  Sam listened in dismay as he recounted what had happened. He concluded: ‘I would have told Mr Paring but Beauty thought it would only cause bad blood with the other members, especially Tess’s cronies. That might have spoilt the preparations for the Cup team. So we decided to beat her in the competition instead.’

  ‘I did say that, Mistress,’ Beauty confirmed.

  Sam hugged and kissed her. ‘You were brave and sensible and probably right.’

  ‘That’s what I thought,’ Danny said.

  ‘But this is now and this is me,’ Sam continued in a steelier voice. ‘And I can’t let Tess get away with leaving her alone on the rail to suffer. Beauty understands why. Damn! I just had everything straight in my head as well. I was going to tell you that... no, I’ve got to sort this first or else it will spoil everything.’ She got up. ‘I’m going to speak to Mr Paring. Then I’m going to call Tess and tell her to get her sad arse down here right away or else I’m going to tell everybody what she did. Beauty’s a champion pony now and I think even the suspicion that Tess mistreated her will be enough to make things bloody awkward for her. If she needs any more inducement I’ll tell her that if she still wants Beauty she can fight me for her!’

  * * *

  Tess arrived at the stables half an hour later. Danny escorted her to the exercise paddock. It was occupied by Sam, Beauty and Charlie Puller. Sam handed Danny Beauty’s leash and together he and Beauty stepped back against the hedge. Danny took out Sam’s phone and held it up in camera mode.

  ‘We won’t be disturbed,’ Sam told Tess. ‘Mr Paring knows we’re settling a private matter. He even lent us Charlie. You remember Charlie, don’t you?’

  Charlie touched the brim of his cap. ‘Good morning, Miss Harrow.’

  ‘Why’s he here?’ Tess demanded suspiciously.

  ‘The same reason Danny is. Witnesses to see the fight’s fair. If you want you can give him your phone and he’ll record everything so this time there’s no doubt what happened or any going back on promises made.’

  ‘You really expect me to fight you for her?’

  ‘Yes, if you really want her. And I’m going to fight you in front of her to show her how much I love her. And to pay you back for the way you hurt her. That last bit’s purely personal.’

  Tess gave a derisive laugh. ‘You’re defending her “honour” now, are you?’

  ‘We deliberately make slaves helpless. That means we have to care for them when they can’t.’

  ‘What are you doing wasting love on ponygirls?’

  ‘Love is never wasted. For one thing it makes people try harder to please others. That’s why Beauty’s a champion pony and Silver is not.’

  Tess ignored the jibe. ‘So I get Beauty if I win?’


  ‘And if I lose?’

  ‘You get what you did to her. A hard ride on the rail. Or any other device I choose. Then you might find out what it’s like to be a slavegirl. You never know, it might even make you a little less of a mean bitch than you are.’

  ‘What’s got into you, Sam?’ Tess said with disgust. ‘You used to be so sensible where slaves were concerned.’

  Sam laughed. ‘A whole lot of things you would not believe have got into me recently. One of them is the idea that we can only use slaves if we also respect them.’

  ‘But slaves are there to be used!’ Tess retorted righteously. ‘We’ve saved them from living miserable lives elsewhere. They should be grateful for having full bellies and somewhere warm to sleep at night. Most of them were feckless layabouts or petty criminals anyway!’

  ‘Sounds like you almost despise them?’

  ‘Yes, I despise them, if you want to put it that way.’

  ‘Yet how can you “despise” something you also want to possess so much? How much did Silver cost? Why are you here even thinking about fighting for Beauty? What does that say about you, about all of us in Irontown? Do we need slaves more than they need us? Well?’

  Tess opened her mouth but seemed to be temporarily lost for words. She scowled and tried again. ‘And what if I don’t choose to fight you?’

  Sam shrugged. ‘I can’t make you fight. You can back out now. But you’ve already said enough in front of us and on camera to make Mr Paring unhappy about having you as a member of the club. He knows no ponygirl rider can afford to “despise” her mount. That was the word you agreed, wasn’t it?’

  Tess glanced round at their audience and bit her lip. She had been so angry with Sam she had almost forgotten they were there.

  Sam added: ‘But I’ll hold that back if you kneel down in front of Beauty and kiss her pussy and tell her how sorry you are for what you did to her.’

  ‘You know I’ll never do that,’ Tess said in disgust.

  ‘All right. If I lose you can also have me as well on the rail. Tempting enough for you now? Or are you a coward as well?’

  Tess scowled in thought, sizing Sam up. Then she nodded. ‘All right. How do we fight?’

  Sam held up a pair of spanking paddles. ‘Bared to the waist with these as weapons. No time outs or hair pulling. The loser is the first one to stay down for a count of ten or beg for mercy.’

  Tess looked horrified. ‘I’m not going to take my top off in front of them!’

  ‘Not willing to bare your tits for something you want? Then you forfeit. Apologise to Beauty or we’ll show Mr Paring what a mean and spiteful rider you really are.’

  Tess fumed for a moment but realised she was boxed in. Clenching her teeth she began stripping off her jacket. Sam did the same. She was aware of Danny and Charlie both looking at them awkwardly, while Beauty gazed at her with sweet concern.

  In a minute she and Tess were both bare to the waist.

  Tess’s neatly rounded breasts were capped by full brown nipple cones. He shoulders were strong and her waist was trim. She’d make a pretty slave, Sam thought, if it wasn’t for the mean core to her soul. For herself Sam felt the familiar helpless thrill of excitement at her exposure in front of Danny and Charlie, mingled with dark recollections of what lads dressed very much like them had done to her only two days ago. But this was for a better cause, she reminded herself. That made all the difference.

  Sam tossed a paddle to Tess and then went down into an alert crouch, like a tennis player about to receive a serve.

  ‘When you’re ready...’ she said, grinning.

Tess looked unhappy and embarrassed but still arrogant. She did not know what it was like not to get her way. Sam knew what that felt like. Narrowing her eyes, Tess raised her paddle and charged at Sam swinging.

  Sam blocked a few of the blows with her left arm and took the rest on her stomach and side. It allowed her to get in close. She swung her paddle up hard at Tess’s jiggling breasts, landing two quick blows forehand and back, setting her mammaries bouncing.

  The sharp cracks of rubber on soft flesh rang out across the paddock. Tess yelped and staggered backwards, clutching her arms about her stinging breasts, across the undersides of which scarlet blushes were spreading. She seemed amazed that she had been hurt.

  ‘Better at giving pain than taking it are you?’ Sam goaded.

  In fact it was not a fair fight. Sam never had any intention of risking Beauty. She had an advantage Tess could never suspect.

  Wild eyed, Tess came at her again, screaming in rage and flailing about Sam’s body frantically with her paddle. But it did no good. After the agonies Toby had put her through the paddle blows Tess landed were so light by comparison they had no power to shock or distract her and were easily ignored. She waded through them, and swiped Tess hard again and again across her stomach, flat into her nipples and up at her breasts.

  Tess screamed, stumbled backwards and went sprawling onto the bark chips. Sam did not give her a chance to rise again. She stood over her, beating the paddle down across her bare back, painting it with scarlet blotches until Tess curled up into a ball squealing and writhing about.

  ‘Do you give up?’ Sam demanded.

  ‘Awww... yes, yes! Mercy!’ Tess shrieked.

  ‘Have you lost the bet?’

  ‘Yes... yes... I’ve lost!’

  Sam stood back. ‘Get up on your feet!’

  Slowly and shakily Tess obeyed. Her face was now a picture of misery. Her cheeks were dirty and tear streaked and her eyes were red. All the arrogant pride seemed to have been knocked out of her and she looked at Sam fearfully.

  ‘Strip!’ Sam commanded.

  ‘No... please don’t make me do this...’ Tess whimpered.

  ‘You’ll do this just like a pony does,’ Sam said. ‘Unless you want me to show Mr Paring what you’ve been saying about ponies, and all your friends that you don’t keep your promises!’

  ‘I’ll apologise to Beauty,’ Tess snivelled desperately. ‘I’ll... I’ll kiss her pussy.’

  ‘Too late now. You should have taken that option earlier. Now strip!’

  In utter dejection Tess pulled off her boots and removed her jodhpurs and panties. She tried to cover herself but Sam swished her paddle in warning. ‘You hide nothing! The shame is all part of it, you know that. Hands behind your neck! Let Danny and Charlie have a good look at you.’

  Tess’s trembling bottom was well rounded. Her pussy was a smooth, deep pale-lipped cleft with a wedge of dark curls above it.

  ‘I think I want you on the balance beam,’ Sam said. ‘March!’

  As it suggested the beam was a training device that helped ponygirls improve their balance. It was like a low, short children’s seesaw set on a central heavy duty motorised pivot joint which was in turn mounted on a base panel that ran between two tall metal posts. A chain with a snaphook on its end hung from the top of each post. Protruding vertically up through a slot in the middle of the seesaw beam was an adjustable rod with a dildo tip, which was banded with metal loops. More chains with snaphook ends were bolted to the ends of the beam.

  Miserably Tess climbed onto the beam, which at the moment was locked into a level position, and stood astride the central dildo rod. Biting her lip she spread her legs and held out her arms. Danny and Charlie took up the chains from the posts and clipped them about her wrists, leaving a little slack in each. The chains from the beam ends they clipped about her ankles. Then Danny extended the rod until the dildo slid up into Tess’s tight vaginal mouth. She screwed up her eyes and groaned as it penetrated her. Now she was impaled she could not pull herself off the dildo or clamber off the beam.

  Sam went round to the control pad set on the side of the left hand post. ‘Now how do you like to set these things? Oh yes, on maximum.’

  ‘No, Sam, please don’t!’ Tess begged.

  ‘Are you saying you wouldn’t set it on max if it was me on there?’ Sam said. ‘Or Beauty, or Silver? Everybody else must suffer but you, eh?’

  Tess said nothing.

  Sam set the machine running. The motor whined and the pivot joint began to roll unpredictably, setting the beam rocking from side to side. Tess gasped and struggled to keep herself level, tugging on her wrist chains to remain in balance. The goal while riding the machine was to stay as upright as possible. If the rod was bent too far from vertical it activated contacts in the base and...

  ‘Eeee... ahhh!’ Tess shrieked as the dildo gave her a shock right inside her vagina. She began to thrash about desperately; losing both her self control and balance. The dildo rod bent left and right inside her, distending her pussy lips and making her lower belly bulge. She shrieked and jerked as it shocked her again and again. The pain must have been too much because Tess wet herself, her pee spraying from her cleft in fitful spurts over her thighs and down onto the bark chips.

  Finally, sobbing and streaming with tears, she managed to regain her balance and stay upright. Grimly, red-eyed, she began to ride the balance beam but at a terrible cost to her dignity. She had to sway her hips nimbly from side to side, letting the rod slide up and down inside her freely but never letting it bend. This continual pumping had its inevitable consequence and the shaft grew visibly more slippery and shiny as her juices began to grease it. She knew what she was doing but could not help herself.

  ‘You see,’ Sam said, ‘you are enjoying yourself, just like a ponygirl. Now shall we leave you to your fun, like you did with Beauty?’

  ‘No, please don’t!’ Tess begged.

  ‘Well Danny and Beauty and I have business elsewhere. Perhaps you want Charlie to stay. You know girls should not be left alone in here.’

  ‘Yes... please have him stay!’ Tess gasped.

  ‘Beg him nicely.’

  ‘I beg you to stay, Charlie,’ Tess choked out.

  Charlie grinned at her bobbing and swaying body with its tanned red breasts, urine-stained thighs and dribbling pussy. ‘If you really want me to, Miss,’ he said.

  ‘I do, I do!’

  ‘Until she comes,’ Sam advised Charlie. ‘That’s how long she likes ponygirls to ride the machines in here, isn’t that true, Tess?’

  ‘Yes, yes...’ Tess sobbed.

  ‘Unless you can offer Charlie some inducement to take you down early, of course. But I’ll think he’ll want more than a tenner this time. But I’ll leave that up to him.’ She gathered up her clothes and pulled her jacket over her bare torso. ‘Come on,’ she said to Danny and Beauty. ‘I want to finish what I started earlier...’

  * * *

  They were back in the harness room with Sam and Danny seated at the bench and Beauty kneeling between them. Sam looked at both of them solemnly.

  ‘I want to get this right. Beauty is lovely and I’d like to keep her all to myself. But I think that would be unkind. She’s grown to love you as well, Danny. That was my fault for leaving her so I’ve nobody else to blame. And now I can’t rob her of that love.’

  There were tears in Beauty’s eyes and she laid her head against Sam’s knee.

  ‘But I’m not going to give her up either. So I’ve got a suggestion. She’s been pleasure trained and pony trained so perhaps we can share her. You’re a better rider than I’ll ever be. You’ll have my full club membership, Beauty, and all her kit and the rig of course, for pony competitions and regular training, and I’ll have her the rest of the time as my personal pleasure slave. Well?’

sp; She looked at both of them anxiously. Suddenly she realised this was the most adult decision she had ever made.

  Danny gaped at her and then at Beauty. Beauty was staring up at Sam in wonder. Sam bit her lip. Did it sound totally wrong?

  Danny took a deep breath. ‘You... really mean I could have her to ride when I wanted?’


  ‘And if there’s a competition, can I... er... prepare her like riders do?’

  ‘If you mean bedding her so that she knows you’re her master in the saddle, of course. That’s only proper.’

  ‘Wow!’ Danny exclaimed. ‘Yes, I’d like that very much.’

  Sam looked at Beauty. ‘Would you be happy being shared between us like that?’

  Beauty was blinking back joyful tears. ‘Yes, Mistress. Thank you so much.’

  Now it was Sam’s turn to take a deep breath. ‘Then there’s just one thing left. I want to show I really mean this and that I’m sorry for the way I treated Beauty in the past. I need to do a penance. Will you help me, Danny?’

  ‘Yes, of course. Um... what do you actually mean?’

  She pointed to one of the foam rubber mats. ‘Can you put one down for Beauty, please? Then lay her down on her back with her legs open.’

  As he was occupied putting out the mat and arranging Beauty, Sam slipped off her jacket, boots, trousers and panties. When Danny turned back to her she stood before him stark naked.

  He gulped and blushed, not knowing where to look. ‘Ohh... er... a penance...’

  Even as her heart thudded in anticipation she thought: he really is quite sweet.

  ‘Yes, that sort of penance,’ Sam told him. She turned her back to him and crossed her wrists behind her. ‘Will you bind me and grease my bum, please?’

  ‘Your... bum?’

  ‘Yes. Just like you would a pony before you put her onto a rig.’


  He lifted a simple binder strip from a hook on the rack above the bench and secured her wrists. Sam bent across the bench and spread her legs. He took up a jar of lubricating jelly from a shelf, scooped some out and pushed a finger full deep up into her rectum. She clenched it tight inside her. If he noticed the lingering blaze on her bottom from her last session at Wainwright’s he wisely did not comment.


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