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The Size Anthology

Page 4

by KT Morrison

  “I can’t believe...Miss, I’m so sorry,” he said. He handed her the tray and she took it. He turned and ran off, disappeared into the people around the pool.

  She watched him run. She felt a shiver all over. Felt a little funny in her tummy.

  She turned and walked the tray back to the girls who were all watching her. It occurred to her, like a slap in the face—why did I pull his shorts up when I could have just taken the tray? She put the tray down on the table next to the girls who didn’t say anything.

  “Poor guy,” she said.

  “Yeah, poor guy,” the black haired girl said. “I’ve seen it happen to him at four different parties now, sugar.”

  Olivia put her hand on Emma’s shoulder, said, “He just likes showing off that big dick.”

  “Oh? I didn’t notice,” Emma said, hoping they’d buy it.

  They all got back to their conversations but Emma wasn’t paying attention.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about that boy’s penis. It was so big. Like bigger than Troy when he was at his hardest. Something she’d said to Troy a thousand times probably, but she saw it now. For real. It made her feel so strange. So dirty being close to one that looked like that. She tried to imagine what it would look like hard. She would love to see it. Would something like that even fit inside her? Didn’t seem possible. It was uncircumcised too, which was so weird in person. She had to find Troy. Couldn’t wait to tell him.


  Emma excused herself from the girls when she couldn’t stand it any more. She’d lost sight of Troy, he wasn’t up on the deck by the hot tub. She needed to find him.

  She went up to the deck where the hot tub was. It was packed up there, and there were people in the tub and she couldn’t believe it—it was ninety degrees out. She pushed her way through, back off that deck, and headed for the house.

  The party was getting pretty wild, everybody being loud, and there were spilled red cups everywhere. She squeezed through the people, felt sure someone had put a hand on her butt at one point. She took off her wide brimmed hat so she wouldn’t touch people with it. Carried it up on her chest. There was still no sign of him. She was feeling a bit frantic. She had something she wanted to tell him and it was urgent. She wanted to blurt it all out to him. It happened for real. This time she had a real story for him. He was hard to miss, she couldn’t understand she hadn’t spotted him yet.

  Finally, there he was. She saw him, tall and huge, down at the end of a long hall. Two girls were flirting with him. They looked so small underneath him, looking up at him, batting their pretty little eyelashes. Troy was shirtless, and he glistened in the light coming in from the window. He had his sunglasses on and a beer in his hand. He looked so out of character. She pushed herself down the hall, getting through. She saw the girls were short, tanned, soft but shapely bodies in pastel bikinis, red cups in their hands. They were leaning back against the wall, flirting with him, putting themselves on display for him. Sorry girls, you’re really not his type.

  Troy’s body language gave him away. Being polite, trying to move on, these two little hussies so enamoured with his gorgeous body, trying to keep him in place by flirting.

  She threw her hat aside and put her hands on his chest and she kissed him.

  “There you are,” she said. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” He kissed her, and her hands went down his bare sides feeling the muscles in his waist.

  “Where have you been?” he asked her. “I haven’t seen you around.”

  She hugged him and looked at the girls. They were not impressed with her. They looked her up and down, then moved on without saying a word. She was never like this. She didn’t like these types of parties, brought out the worst in a body.

  She looked up at Troy, said, “You didn’t even get a chance to introduce us.”


  “Yes. You’re going to be, too.”

  He frowned, still smiling, wondering what she was up to.

  She had to do this right. Didn’t want him to think this was just another one of her little games. One of her little games coming at an inopportune time, with all these people here.

  She took him by the hand, said, “Come with me.” They went around the corner and up a flight of stairs to the second floor. It was quieter up here, less people, and you could hear each other talk. They walked hand in hand, her leading her giant man, looking for a space where they could be private.

  “Where on earth are you taking me?”

  “Jus follow me, please, I have something big to tell you about.”

  “You do?”

  She got them a spot in a hall in front of a window that looked out over the hot tub and deck. They were alone.

  “You know I tell you some crazy stories? What if I had one that was real?”

  “Uh-huh.” He was just playing along, she could tell.

  “I’m serious Troy, you have to believe me.”

  “What happened?”

  She looked around, said real quiet, “I saw one for real.”

  He was dubious, but interested in hearing more. The party was playing out loud and boisterous below them, but they seemed very quiet and alone in the little hall.

  “You did?”

  She had so much to tell. She wasn’t going to say that it might have been done on purpose. She didn’t want him mad, she just wanted him horny.

  “I jus saw another man’s penis and I feel so funny, sugar. Why was it so much bigger than yours? Was there somethin wrong with it?”

  Was she telling him the truth? She was playing up that little accent of hers, making it breathy and sexy. But something felt different. She was dirty talking him, but she seemed urgent. And genuine.

  “We’re going to do this right here? You’re so bad.”

  “Troy, I ain’t playin, I really did see it.”

  “Tell me what happened.”

  “I saw a boy out there, and somebody pulled his shorts down right in front of me.”


  “And he had his hands full, so I pulled his shorts up for him, sugar. My hands were right next to his...thing. But sweet pea, this boy’s thing was so much bigger than yours. Was it swollen or something? Why would it be like that? It made me feel a little funny.”

  “Was it hard?”

  “No, soft as could be, it just hung there swinging around, plain as day, happy-go-lucky.”

  “Some boys might be a little bigger than me,” he said. He put his hands on her shoulders, held her like the cover off a romance novel. She put her hands up on his bare chest.

  “It wasn’t bigger by a little. It was bigger by a lot. It jus made me so...curious. I swear, I haven’t stopped thinkin about it.” Her right hand worked its way down his muscles. She put her hand between his legs on the outside of his trunks. She squeezed his little bulge. “This seems so small to me now. Is that bad?”

  “You don’t think this would satisfy you anymore?”

  “I guess I jus realized that it never did. Now I know why.”

  “Are you saying I’m too small for you?”

  “I think you might be too small for anyone, now that I’ve been so close to a real one.”

  “Did you really see it?”

  “I swear I’m telling you the truth.” She put her hand up the leg of his shorts and slipped it under the mesh liner. His scrotum was pulled up tight, and he was hard as a rock and hot to the touch. She sighed as she felt it.

  “You’re slippery as an eel,” she said as she teased it with her long fingers. “You like hearin me talk about real men? Real men that could fill a woman up, make her squeal like a pig.” He was trembling under her control, his legs quivered and he closed his eyes.

  “Well, we cain’t do this here, sugar. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go find that good looking boy with the dreamy thing between his legs. See if I cain’t convince him to let me take another peek, maybe give it a little squeeze this time. Wish me luck.”

  She wiped her fin
gers off on the inside of his short leg, then she bit her lip and smiled so big she almost burst out laughing. She waved her fingers at him, then sauntered down the hall.

  His shorts were a little too tight for him to walk around with his hard-on pushing almost straight out. He tried pushing it up flat against him but it was still visible. He didn’t want anyone to see how short it was. He squeezed his legs together and winced. She had him so hard right now it hurt. Right between his legs, behind his balls, he felt so swollen. She really knew how to do it, that’s for sure. He turned and looked out the window, bent over, trying to forget about it, get this thing to go down.

  He had a funny feeling she was telling the truth. Or maybe a half truth. Did she see one? Another man’s pecker. Maybe. Maybe she saw one and she was playing up that it was big. How on earth would it happen that she would see a bare penis here? He supposed it was possible, all these people in shorts and bikinis, they all were one wrong move away from a wardrobe malfunction.

  What if she was telling the whole truth? It made him a little queasy. Made him feel restless and anxious. Had she actually seen a big penis in real life? His brow furrowed and he felt tension across his forehead and through his temples. His sweet little wife subjected to something like that for real. Of course that did seem to be his little fantasy. But talking and fantasy were far removed from seeing and touching. She’d said she’d helped him pull his shorts up, that her hands had been right next to it. He wrung his hands together and pushed that thought far away. His back and shoulders felt sweaty.

  He resisted, didn’t want to do it, but he coaxed that thought back; held out some food for it, saying sorry for scaring it away. His wife’s graceful, elegant hands pulling up his shorts, his big ugly tool flopping so close it almost touched her. Could she feel the heat from it? He trusted her so much, but was there something way inside her that wanted to touch it, that had been aroused by it? He gripped the back of his neck, rubbed his muscles and rolled his head around. He was bursting between his legs. He was never going to get out of here if he didn’t stop thinking about it.

  Who was it? Who here had this big dick? He looked out at all those guys out there. There were probably about a half dozen of them that had some real sausages. Probably each and every one of them were bigger than him. Someone here had the smallest penis and he was pretty sure it was him. He shook his head. He could feel his heart pounding.

  Something caught his eye. He saw her waving down there, her long white arm getting his attention from the crowd. He gave her a wave back. She pointed at some guy walking away from her towards the pool. She held her two hands apart—the size of his big dick. Then she crossed her fingers and bit her lip. Wish me luck.

  Oh, goodness. She was going to drive him crazy.

  He was up there forever. She knew she’d left him in a state. He better not be touching himself up there, she thought. She didn’t like it when he did that. She would do that for him anytime.

  She’d got herself back with that little group of girls where she’d found herself comfortable. She wondered about that. These girls were not her type, and she wasn’t theirs. They were cool kids and she’d never been one of them. Even at the sorority—she was welcomed, but she mostly ended up doing the administration that no one else wanted to do. That had been fine with her. These girls were the kind that made your blood freeze when they got you in their headlights. But they welcomed her, enjoyed her in their group today. She thought it must be Troy. Her big beautiful husband validated her. What was he—a dimepiece? Then they’d seen her welted bottom, Troy’s enormous hand prints slapped multiple times across both her cheeks. Red finger shapes and a thumb visible, peeking out of her bikini bottoms. She’d gone red when she’d checked herself in the bathroom. Alone in the bathroom and she’d blushed at the evidence. She just wasn’t that kind of girl. Well, not to the public anyway, that was her private business. Still it seemed to garner her some sort of appeal with these alpha ladies that had welcomed her in today.

  The sun was starting to go down when she finally saw him again. It must have been an hour since she’d left him. She signalled to him, trying to do it like her new friends might. Disinterested, sunglasses on, no smile. She perhaps may have had too many wine coolers.

  Troy came over to them, all smiles, looking stunning.

  “There you are,” she said. “I was missing you.”

  He kissed her, pulled her into his arms, said Hi to Olivia and the other girls. She could tell from their faces that she’d done well scoring herself a man like Troy. She already knew that. Knew it every day, but she sure got a charge seeing it in another girl’s face. She put her cooler down on a table behind Troy’s back, feeling a little woozy from it.

  She pulled his ear down to her mouth, whispered, “You better not have been playing with that little thing up there by yourself, that’s mine.” She realized she definitely had too much to drink.

  Troy bristled but he smiled, held her into him again and she loved that.

  “Carry me to the hot tub, daddy,” she said, no self-consciousness at all.

  “All right, Emma, let’s get ourselves back on the road, I think. It’s a long way back to Austin.”

  He said his gracious good-byes to Olivia and the girls, and she got herself together enough that she gave them a cool straight-faced good-bye behind her sunglasses even though the sun was below the trees now. She kissed the girls’ cheeks and said her thanks. Olivia told her to take care of those buns tonight, and it made her feel kind of wicked, in a good way.

  They crossed the deck and over to the cars. Other people were packing it in, too. The party wasn’t over but the day shift was clearing out. She didn’t want to go yet, so she said to Troy, “Please, can we get in the tub?”

  He shook his head at her. “Didn’t you get enough heat today? How’s your skin?”

  She touched her shoulders, said, “SPF 50, three times I put it on today.”

  Troy looked at the tub said, “All right, let’s go in. It is empty.”

  She took the sarong off and they both slipped in and it was great. It had been such a searing hot day, but no humidity. Once the sunlight was off you it felt quite cool. The hot water was fantastic.

  She put her head back on the edge and let herself sink in up over her shoulders. She had a pretty good time today. Apparently a hot boyfriend on your arm and a few too many drinks in your little belly did wonders for your spirit. She closed her eyes.

  “You know, Troy, I had a pretty good day today.”

  “See, all that anxiety for nothing.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not usually like that for me. I like Olivia. She was nice to me.”

  “Did you have a few drinks today?”

  “I did. I saw you, too.” He almost never drank, only the occasional beer, a few times a year.

  “Yeah, I had a good time today, too. It was good seeing Walt. I’m glad he’s pretty nearby, could be good. They want a family as well.”

  Troy put his hand on her knee, then took her legs in one hand, pulled her feet into his lap. She watched him, her handsome husband with his big rugged jaw, his strong features and that thick wavy head of hair that he’d sometimes have to shave a part into. His huge round shoulders and his rock hard chest, he shaved that as well; she felt a little tingle as her eyes held his. He rubbed her feet and her head fell back again, hitting the hard edge, it felt so good.

  “Oh, Troy,” she said.

  She almost drifted off, then remembered something. “Hey, you know you left big handprints on my bare little bottom?”

  “I did? Oh yeah, I guess I did.”

  “Well, neither of us thought of it, and I walked around the party in the afternoon showin it to everybody, Olivia came and wrapped me up.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said, but he was laughing too.

  “It’s not funny, everybody thinks we’re a couple of animals now.”

  “We are aren’t we?”

  She opened her eyes and considered him. “Are we?” />
  “I think we might be.”

  She snarled at him, made a claw with her hand and raked the air with it. She saw someone as she did it. That boy with the big dick was sitting on the deck in a chair, talking to some others.

  “Hey, Troy?”


  “That’s the boy over there.”

  “The boy that—”

  “Yeah, he has a really big dick.”

  “Oh my gosh, Emma, you’re going to drive me crazy.”

  “I’m serious. That really happened.”


  “Pretty much like I said. It was an accident.”

  “And it was really a big one? You’re not making that part up.”

  “I swear, Troy. I’m not doing one of my stories now. This really happened.”

  “How big was it?”

  “Well, I swear I heard it slap against his thigh when his little shorts got pulled down.”

  “Emma, please…”

  She laughed, she crossed her heart with her forefinger, “I swear, Troy.”

  He worked his jaw around, looking at her face, kind of smiling. “I want to hear all about it when we get home.”

  “I can’t wait to tell you. I rushed all over trying to find you when it happened, I was so excited.”

  She pulled her feet from his lap and sat up, scooched closer to him, said, “I swear it musta been half a foot long, just swingin there like a egg in a sock. How big do you think that might get? Do you think it could be nine inches?” Troy rolled his eyes and breathed in, covered his cheeks, reeling from her dirty talk. “Do you think I could take nine inches? I’m jus so tiny down there, daddy.”

  “Emma, you’ve got to stop it.”

  “Well, everyone’s cleared out now, whyn’t you get me out of here. You can bounce me off every wall in our bedroom while we make love. And I’ll tell you all about every inch I saw of his beautiful cock.”

  He put both hands on top of his head, shouted, “Emma! I can’t stand up if you keep talking like that.”


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