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The Size Anthology

Page 5

by KT Morrison

  “I can make it go down for you darlin, want me to do somethin for you under the water.” He considered it.

  Then they saw two guys coming over to the hot tub. A black guy with a beard, and the good looking boy with the big dick.

  “Is it still hot in there?” he said.


  Troy watched Emma work herself away from him. Not far, just sliding one cheek over. She batted her eyes at them, ran her hair behind her ear.

  “It sure is—it’s so nice in here, you’d be crazy not to come in.”

  What was she up to?

  Both guys smiled, not able to turn down a warm invitation from such a pretty girl.

  “Maybe one of y’all could bring me a raspberry wine cooler.” One of them fished through an open cooler behind them, most of the ice turned to water. They got themselves in and sat opposite Emma and him. The one with the big dick opened a wine cooler and handed it to her, dripping water. He was pretty good-looking, in a youthful, boyish kind of way. He was slight, but looked in good shape. Not too bad if you were in to one-hundred-sixty pound guys.

  Troy saw a look of recognition on Emma’s friend’s face. He sort of wagged a finger at her, frowning as he seemed to remember her from somewhere. Emma smiled at him and nodded, raised her eyebrows right up for him. Was it true then, did she really see his penis? Was this them acknowledging whatever encounter they might have had?

  Seeing them sitting together like that, making small talk and grinning at each other, made him real uncomfortable. That was Emma, putting on a show just for him. A hint of dread got him, swiped the happy look off his face. Was she doing this for him? Or did she like what she saw when his shorts came down? Most importantly, why did he like this horrible feeling so much? That was the real question.

  “So is he your boyfriend?”

  “Who, him? No, he was jus already in here,” she said.

  “Oh hey, man,” he said to Troy. “I’m Chad and this is Tony,” the guy said, pointing his thumb at his friend sitting next to him.

  “Hey,” he nodded at them, just said, “Troy.”

  “Sides, I’m married,” Emma said, and she held up the back of her hand to them, wiggled her ring.

  “Oh yeah, where’s your husband?”

  “He ain’t here. He’s in Corpus Christi. He welds on one a the platforms. He’s never at home,” she said, tilting her head and blinking. She was going to make him scream.

  Chad kind of smiled at her, looked at her through heavy lids, considering what this little tramp was up to.

  “You get lonely?”

  “Sometimes I sure do.” She made a sad face and watched the hot water bubble around her. “It’s hard bein by yourself all the time.”

  Chad, put his arms up on the edge of the tub, tilted his head back. “How could anyone leave you all alone?”

  She smiled at him.

  This was starting to get crazy. He hated her doing this. The most immediate thought he had was to grab this runt by his throat and his trunks, and toss him over the railing, down into the bushes. Except he was frozen in place. Some deep part of him was tickled by this. Tickled in a bad place. Part of him wanted to just sit here and see how bad this could get.

  He turned out of the tub, put his back to them. His things were in a little pile on the cedar deck. He grabbed his sunglasses and put them on, took a deep breath and turned back to them, sunk himself back into the hot water.

  Emma got Chad wrapped up in small talk until the sun went down and the sky felt low, so blue it was almost black. Troy watched them the whole time, motionless, sitting in those bubbles with his sunglasses on.

  She learned all about this Chad. Where he went to school, how he had his B.A., but he didn’t have a job he liked yet. He took a year off after he was done university and he travelled all over Asia.

  He was kind of cute. Boyish. Nice skin, and he was tanned. He had a good build, but he was slight, slim-hipped. She liked his hair, he kept it cut short—he was mousy brown, but he had long curls on the top that looked almost blonde. Didn’t look like a boy who might have a big one. Her big-penis-rolodex flipped in her mind and she realized there really was no type. Sometimes smaller guys did have big ones. Hey—maybe they just looked bigger on them.

  She got herself a little bored talking to him. It had turned into a real conversation now for about a half hour. Chad’s friend Tony had checked out, just sitting over there texting and going through his phone. She would look at Troy, but he didn’t say anything. He was playing at being asleep. She couldn’t even bring him in on this. He’d left her alone to her little game and he was sitting there watching it play out. But she was done here. She wanted to get home.

  There was a bit of a spark. She didn’t want to think about it or explore it. Just felt a little turned on, knowing this good looking boy was interested in her. It was kind of hot to think that if she were single he might want to get a little frisky with her. And she had seen what he had between his legs. If she had been this kind of girl when she was in Agnes Scott, what kind of experiences could she have had? In just one day she had one of those times that she never could have imagined for herself when she was back at school. She was like one of those other girls today. Like one of those girls all the others were intimidated by.

  She went to a total of about four parties while she was at University. Big affairs like today, everyone so loud and rambunctious, she would sit against a wall and try not to catch anybody’s eye. Her idea of fun back then was to have some of her friends over after she’d done her homework and they’d get into their pyjamas and binge-watch something naughty like True Blood. Today she really had fun; like some of her Sisters had. She’d been on the arm of a stud—yeah, he was technically her husband—she’d been brought into a clutch of cool girls, she stood with them drinking all day making bitch faces at boys. Then she’d been flashed this really big dick. And now, she was sitting in a hot tub, a few too many in her, and this dreamy boy was coming on to her. He was working it too, trying to impress her.

  Hoo, she realized, she had to get out of there. She put her cooler on the deck behind her and waited out one of Chad’s stories, looking for him to wrap it up.

  When she got her break, she said, “It’s gettin late, Chad, I probably oughtta get goin.”

  “Aw, you’re going to go? We were having such a good time, I thought.”

  “Darlin, it’s a long drive back to Corpus Christi,” she said, and looked over at Troy. It had felt like he was trying to catch her eye but she hadn’t seen him move. She looked at him and it seemed like he had gently shook his head, No. Did he not want to go? Or did she get him so hard under the water that he couldn’t stand up. She couldn’t help a huge smile spreading across her face.

  “What are you smiling about? You know I’m right. You just had a drink, can’t drive just yet any way. Sit with me a bit til you’re dried out some. It’s such a nice night, anyway.”

  How far would this go? Should he encourage it? What would it be like to see it happen? He knew he wanted it, maybe just a little something, but what about after? Would he still be able to look her in the eye? He just was not ready to commit, but he was sure that he didn’t want this to be over. He had never felt like this before. His flesh felt peeled away revealing the raw nerves of his emotions and his wife was plucking at them. He felt like he could cry. He felt like he could laugh. He could fly into a rage, or with a touch he could orgasm. He’d never felt anything like it. He felt electric.

  He’d shook his head to her. No. Not yet. I don’t want to leave yet. Why would he do that?

  He knew he wanted more. This was their chance. It had fallen right into their lap. Something they had dreamed about, at least he had, but would never set in motion. If they turned their back on it, he knew he’d regret it. Anything more than the flirty small talk she’d done would be going too far wouldn’t it?

  Watching her do it had filled him with gargantuan scale of emotion. It felt so good. So wrong.

  He wa
tched them—she looked concerned, looking at Troy wondering what he wanted. Emma wouldn’t want to do anything more would she? Not his Emma. She was just doing this because she knew it was making him crazy. She was doing this for him. Would she hate him if he asked her to give the guy a little squeeze? Just maybe feel it through his shorts. So she’d know what one would feel like. Use it on him. Tell him about it when she had her hand on him late at night when they were in bed after making love. She could finish him, tell him how much bigger it felt while he unloaded onto his belly.

  He could ask her. He would ask her.

  They were still talking and flirting, Chad’s friend Tony was on his phone. Emma looked to Troy again, puzzled—what do you want me to do? face.

  He pointed with his chin what he wanted her to do.

  You can’t be serious, her face said. She shook her head, No, and frowned at him. But he could see she was thinking about it. Asking herself if she could do it.

  Chad said something to his friend. Tony sat a minute, then said, “All right, I’m going to pack it in, go watch some Netflix. Bunch of us are staying over here. Hey big man, you wanna come in grab something to eat. You look like you always hungry.”

  Troy stayed still. Blank face, eyes hidden behind his sunglasses. He pretended to be asleep. Passed out.

  “Hey man.” Tony was snapping his fingers out in front of him.

  Emma said, “He was drinkin alot. Jus let him sleep.”

  Tony kept at it, snapped his fingers, said Hey, trying to get his attention.

  “He’s passed out. Leave him be, looks like he could be mean...a friend of mine told me he jus got outta prison,” she said.

  The guy considered it, looking down at Troy. Looking at his stone face, his muscular bulk, traps like two big footballs. He stood a moment, then he let it be. He stepped out of the tub, said to Chad, “All right, man, I’ll see you.”

  “See you.”

  “Night, Tony,” Emma said.

  There was no way he could be serious, she thought. No way he’d want her to touch it. She was his wife. How would he want her hand to touch another man? She didn’t feel like that was right at all. She was a married woman. She could not do that.

  She listened to Chad talk to her. Putting on the charm, trying to make himself sound so appealing. Typical mating ritual protocol. She might fall for it if she wasn’t married. If she was twenty again, single, and not the wallflower that she had been. He was cute. Yes, she thought, she would fall for it.

  She had sucked her lips into her mouth and been biting them for a few minutes now, her face wrought with tension. She caught herself, saw Chad was looking at her funny. She must have looked like someone wrestling with an enormous moral dilemma. She was. Chad probably saw a little housewife whose husband was never home, off on one of the platforms, and she was wanting to see what his big thing might feel like, trying to tell herself it was okay somehow, that she deserved it. Wasn’t the case though, she was happily married. Head over heels in love.

  Love, honour, and obey, right? It wasn’t really infidelity, was it? She wasn’t cheating. It was just a bit of fun. It felt like too much though. Too much for her. She wasn’t raised like that.

  Still, it wouldn’t be the worst thing. She felt good, the water was warm, he was cute and he was clean. It was for her husband.

  Obey. She’d done all sorts of naughty things for him before she never imagined she’d do. Staying up until three in the morning, trolling through profiles on sites, looking at pictures men had posted of their penises. This was just an inch more. That was funny: an inch more. She was just taking another inch. That lightened her up, and she smiled for Chad. She could do it, maybe. Just put her hand down there over his trunks, get a feel of that thing, record what it felt like so she could please her husband with that dirty thought.

  Chad was telling her about his motorcycle that was stolen, how much he used to love riding it. She turned her head slowly, so she could see Troy. She frowned for him, hid her face from Chad in her thick ginger hair. She mouthed Really? to him. She saw a nod. She stared at him, chewing her bottom lip. Are you sure? she mouthed. It was a hard phrase to make clear, she found. He nodded again, so slight, so imperceptible.

  She put her wine cooler out on the deck while he talked, making it look like she was listening to him intently. She picked at her fingernails while he went on about a trip he’d taken across Death Valley.

  She had never, not ever even once, made a pass at a guy. Boys were the one who did the courting. She knew some girls were forward, that touching a man you barely knew wasn’t something so crazy. She just had never done it. She did not have nerves of steel, that was for sure. Her stomach had tightened into a knot. She was going to do it, she just was stuck, her brain telling her Nope, that it wasn’t going to help her put her hand out and touch his thing—that was too crazy.

  She pushed Chad’s voice out of her ears, squinted at him, focused herself. She put her hands under the water and leaned into him, looking like she was listening. Pushed with great effort, forced her hand through the water towards his lap. Her brain went away, and it was like she was seeing through her hand. Passing through the water, over towards the wrinkled cotton of his blue and white swim trunks with the drawstring waist. Passing over and looking down like a plane going over the mountains. She held her breath and pulled her lips between her teeth. Her hand was coming in for a landing.

  “ see, at that speed, when you’re going that fast, what happens is your vision goes—”

  She’d stopped him mid-sentence. Her hand had touched down between his legs. The blood pounded in her ears and in her neck. She felt her face go flush. It was a struggle, but she kept eye contact. Didn’t look away like her brain told her to.

  Chad stared at her, his eyes wide, but his expression blank. She had found his penis down there. It was big. It felt full and it was long. Soft between her fingers. It wasn’t where she’d thought it’d be. Troy’s was usually right in the middle sticking out like a fleshy thimble. Chad’s ran up his belly and into the crease of his hip on top of his thigh. Her eyebrows slowly went up, and she couldn’t stop a smile. Couldn’t believe she’d done it.

  Chad said, “Hey there,” trying to sound cool.

  “Hey,” she answered.

  “Yeah, so at that speed you just get tunnel vision,” he said.


  “I guess...did you get a look at it today?”

  She turned her head away from him like she was embarrassed, hid herself again in her head of hair. She looked into Troy’s sunglasses and made a big exaggerated expression, surprise and excitement, she mouthed to him, Wow!


  Troy knew what was happening under the water. Emma was the kind to fake it, make Troy think she was doing it, but he saw Chad react. He knew she had touched him down there. His heart rate was sky high, and he felt hard as stone between his legs.

  He felt mournful it couldn’t be undone now. His virginal wife exposed to Troy’s biggest fear. He’d found an innocent young woman who hadn’t much experience, who didn’t think much about penis size, and he’d turned her into a cock crazy animal. He was a horrible monster. Why would he ruin them like this? Take what he loved about her and smash it into a million pieces on the floor.

  She said to Chad, “I got a very good look at it, didn’t I?”

  “You were so helpful.”

  “I was raised right. I have manners.”

  Troy watched her pretty face as she tried to make small talk to some stranger that he’d made her touch. Why would he do this to her? Manipulate her to his deviant desire. He’d found someone so in love with him he could make them do anything. And this was what he made her do?

  His shoulders slumped. All that emotion replaced with sadness only now. If he let it go, he might cry.

  He closed his eyes, didn’t want to watch anymore. Emma was putting on her show for him. Trying to please him. She could say no, she wouldn’t do it, she loved him too mu
ch to disappoint him. Maybe somewhere inside her, she was curious too. What would his big one feel like? Maybe part of her enjoyed this. That was possible. She could say no. She could’ve grabbed the car keys, said C’mon Troy, take me home. He would’ve gone. What if part of her liked this game? She liked teasing him, doing all her magic that made him crazy. She put work into it. Was it all for him? Wasn’t it possible that there was something in it for her? There had to be a part of her that enjoyed doing it.

  He watched his wife, could tell her hand was moving under there, could see the muscles in her shoulder working her long graceful arm, doing something to this guy with her hand. Did she have him hard?

  Chad closed his eyes and put his head back, pleasure washing over his face. The sadness washed away from Troy, and rage and arousal came rushing back. That was his wife doing that to this guy.

  Chad said, “We probably should go inside don’t you think?”

  She could stop this at any time. Knew she was safe with Troy right there. She wouldn't leave the tub, that was obvious, this was solely for her captive audience. How far did Troy want this to go? This boy was saying they should go inside. That could only mean one thing: he wanted to put his penis inside her.

  “I shouldn't do that, I'm a married woman,” she said.

  “Shouldn't? You said yourself that he's never there for you. Shouldn't isn't won't. He can't leave you like this, all alone...”

  “I jus can't—I'm not that kind of girl.”

  He raised an eyebrow and smirked. She felt him flex that big thing under her palm. He felt pretty hard now.

  She said, “I know—I don't know what I want. I love him. I jus...I’ve never seen one like this before.” She ran the palm of her hand along his length, still draped over his thigh. She squeezed it with her fingertips, felt he was firm but not hard. It was long and it felt very thick. She ran her fingers up to the end and squeezed his glans under there, it felt so soft still. She ran her thumb along the underside of it, dragged her nail along it.


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