The Best Friend: A Young Adult Romance Story

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The Best Friend: A Young Adult Romance Story Page 9

by Ally Williams

  When I crawled into bed last night, I overanalyzed and overthought everything, every single little thing. It made my head feel like it could very well explode from the pressure and pounding going on. Not to mention all the stress was making my face break out, which was a minimal problem on my list of issues.

  Most of the day goes by like a dazed dream. I barely pay attention in any of my classes, and I get yelled at for dozing off in English because I can’t help but lay my head in my palm to rest my eyes. The one and only class I do look forward to is art, but Hayden being in that period ruins my excitement.

  When lunch approaches, I sit peacefully with Nick and Anthea. We all decided a long time ago to bring our own food because our school’s cafeteria lunch options are practically inedible slop.

  “If Jake Mcallister doesn’t ask me to the Halloween dance, then I’ll go with you guys.” Anthea refers to Nick, slyly asking all of us to go as a friend group.

  I know she has a thing for him. I realized it the second I saw them cuddled up together at Nick’s party. He’s a sweet guy, but I don’t know if Anthea and Jake are exactly compatible. He’s sort of a guy who jumps around from girl to girl. I just don’t want her to get hurt.

  “Did your friends get sick of you already?” I tease, wiggling my brows at Nick who sits across from me.

  “Shove it up your ass.” He grins, rolling his eyes. “We need to talk costumes. Are we going to match or not?” He unwraps his peanut butter and jelly sandwich that makes me gag internally.

  “You guys should go as Bamm-Bamm and Pebbles. That would be so cute!” Anthea hums, nudging me a little.

  My brows furrow, and my nose wrinkles. “What about you then?” I question because if Nick and I match, I don’t know how Anthea can fit herself into that.

  “You and I both know she’s probably going with Jake.” Nick sings in a high-pitched voice, and that earns him a swat from Anthea who grunts in annoyance.

  “How do you know?”

  “He’s been giving her the eyes.”

  “The eyes? What the hell is that?”

  “The same ones Hayden has been giving you from across the room for about fifteen minutes now.” Nick snickers lowly, and Anthea joins him, agreeing with whatever he’s talking about.

  And suddenly, I can’t breathe. I slide around in my circular seat to see Hayden’s gaze locked on me from across the cafeteria, sitting at the same table with Abby and her friends. There’s a little cut above his brow and a deep purple bruise on his cheek that makes me feel a need to take care of him.

  The expression on his face is one I can’t decipher, and I don’t know if I even want to; it can just complicate things even more than they already are. My heart is beating irritatingly fast, and it makes me frown, body slumping forward. I turn back around to face my friends, huffing and picking at my food as they decide to now stay quiet.

  That brought down my mood by a thousand and completely wiped away my appetite.

  I don’t like always being the downer because of Hayden who can constantly launch me to that place with just a simple look. It’s not fair to my friends, and it’s not fair to me.

  “Who says Jake has to ask you, Anthea?” I let a slow smile build, lifting my shoulders a tad. “It’s the twenty-first century. You ask him.”

  She blinks rapidly before squinting at me in bewilderment. “What? Why would I do that?”

  “Because you’re an independent, strong feminist who believes in equality, and you’re not a pussy.” I hated to go there, but it’s true and needed to be said. Nick simply sits with wide eyes, not interfering with girl talk.

  “If you want to go there, then why don’t you ask Nick?” she says.

  I share a short look with Nick who is smirking like crazy as I chuckle and shake my head. I twist back to Anthea who looks indifferent and anxious. “He’s already asked me.”

  “And?” She raises a brow, lifting a hand up loosely in a gesture that says, who cares?

  Tapping my foot on the floor with a pinched expression, I grunt. I know she isn’t going to leave this alone because she’s stubborn, and the only way she might take me up on my advice is if I follow it as well.

  “Nick…” I drawl out dramatically, batting my lashes. “Will you go to the Halloween dance with me?”

  “It would be my honor, milady.” He bows and shoots me a cute but teasing wink.

  “See, not hard at all!” I tell Anthea who just throws her hands up in the air as if it wasn’t good enough.

  “But he already asked you!” She groans and points to Nick, pulling at the scarf wrapped around her neck.

  I peep over at him with a dead and emotionless stare before letting my head fall in my palms. “You’re impossible.”

  The shrill bell rings throughout the room. We all stand to gather our stuff and throw the leftover food in the trash before scampering out to the hallway. Anthea manages to split from us the second she sees Jake, and I hope she’s taking me up on what I said.

  “So, is the costume idea that Anthea came up with good for you?” Nick asks, walking with me to class.

  “It’s perfect.” I smile.

  We pass Anthea and Jake who are talking against the lockers. I receive a small jab from Nick, his eyes look a bit cloudy with a gray emotion, nodding his head over in their direction. I give her a secret thumbs up, and she blushes, looking away.

  “I think this Halloween dance is going to be interesting.” Nick comments.

  If only I knew how right he’d be.

  Chapter 16


  The past few days have gone by in the blink of an eye. The entire school seems to be busy planning for the dance, whether that be putting together costumes and dates, or plastering banners and fliers everywhere.

  I’ve been on the decorating committee since freshman year. It’s been a nice way to branch out by myself without the help of Hayden who can be Mister Popular when he wants. Recently, it’s been ruined by Abby who joined the beginning of this semester, only reminding me of the boy I’ve been trying to forget.

  In the nights leading up to the dance, I have been preoccupied in the school’s gymnasium. I want to go home more than anything now that his girlfriend has taken over the one thing I had to myself, but I get over it.

  On the last day of preparations, Hayden walks in like he owns the place to bring his loving girlfriend dinner. He kisses her cheek, and anyone within fifty miles can sense my dissatisfaction and annoyance.

  I have been extremely high in the air on a ladder to hang black and orange streamers from the metal beams, a job no one else wanted to do, when the doors open and slam shut. I don’t think much of it since people have been in and out all night, but the second I hear his distinctive voice, I almost slip.

  “Elsie!” Gracie, the president of the decorating committee, shrieks at the bottom of the ladder.

  I gaze down at her with an embarrassed smile after settling myself. My near-tumble causes my heart to beat a mile a minute like it has dropped to the pits of my stomach. Or Hayden is doing this to me. I shake the thought and sneak a glance to see that he’s ready to catch me, but Abby’s hand on his arm keeps him from moving.

  “I’m okay, Gracie.” I huff, returning to the highest step so I can finish my job and ignore the stares that directed towards me.

  It’s pretty late, and I’m almost done. My eyes burn from a lack of sleep these days. I push on, wanting to be safely way from Hayden who has been trying everything he can to talk with me since I made him leave my house.

  I fiddle with decorations for another twenty minutes until everything is hung up. My feet are cramped from standing in the same position, and my neck aches from craning for so long.

  “Thank you, Elsie.” Gracie smiled softly at me once I’m on solid ground again. Her glowing dark skin is surrounded by her beautiful afro. “You’ve been here for hours. Go home.” Her faint African accent catches on the end of her words as she rubs my arm.

  “I’ll see you tomor
row night.” I collect my stuff from a chair in the corner, feeling his eyes on me. When I start to leave, he moves towards me, but I can’t do this right now. I stop him with a stern shake of my head. His shoulders slump, and a somber expression takes over his face.

  Tonight, I get the best sleep I’ve had in a while. It’s undisturbed, and I don’t dream of him, for once.


  Friday evening, the sun sinks and gives way to a beautiful glowing moon high in the sky. Mucky and chilly rain clogs the gutters and sidewalks earlier in the day, but the streets soon turn foggy, making the atmosphere for a Halloween dance even more exciting.

  I make the final touches to my costume and toss my hair up in a high ponytail as I giggle at the ridiculous Pebbles outfit I’m wearing. When my phone dings on the other side of the room, I rush to it, thinking it’s Nick who’s early, but it’s not.

  Hayden: I really hope to see you tonight.

  Hayden: I want you to know that I’m sorry for everything and I’d like to talk later.

  I stare at the screen so long that it eventually goes dark on me, and I continue to gawk, not knowing how to reply, so I don’t. Then another text flies in, but it’s from Nick, letting me know that he’s here.

  I skip a step when I jog down the stairs, bidding a quick goodbye to Gabe and Wylie. My mom went to bed hours ago with cramps and complaints of not feeling good, which has been a regular occurrence lately.

  I slide into the passenger seat of Nick’s beat-up green jeep, immediately giggling at the sight of him. He grins and shakes his head before pulling out of the driveway while I continue to admire his outfit.

  “I hate to admit it…The Bamm-Bamm costume suits you, Nick.” I stifle the laughs and earn a middle finger from him.

  “Something tells me that you really didn’t hate to admit it.” He drums his fingers against the old steering wheel to the song playing on the radio.

  “You’re right. I really didn’t.”

  Nick practically bounces on the heels of his feet when we make it to the dance, and he sees the refreshments, but I tell him to cool it so we can admire my handiwork. This is probably one of the most legendary dances this high school will ever throw, and I’m proud to say that I had a hand in all of it.

  Heavy and dark drapes hang from the gym doors. The inside is lit up by red spotlights to create a creepy vibe. A large jack-o-lantern that’s a replica from Halloween Town sits in the middle of the room; tables full of drinks and food circle it. Pumpkins and small little decorations are scattered everywhere.

  Towards the back of the gym is an entrance to a mini haunted walkthrough that leads outside. Our school does it every year to raise money for a charity that sends food out to kids in need in different countries.

  Nick and I dance, laugh, eat, and talk for hours like complete idiots. I realize that I’m actually having a good time without having to worry if he’ll suddenly decide he doesn’t want to spend time with me.

  I manage to somehow—don’t ask me how—persuade Nick into going through the haunted walkthrough with me, and he clutches to me like he is the most frightened he has ever been. It’s quite amusing, and I can’t help but laugh.

  We find Anthea and Jake sometime through the night before they decide to go through the walkthrough themselves while Nick and I opt to take a break with snacks and drinks. I hum happily to myself when the dark violet punch with fake eyeballs in it soothes my throat that burns from too much laughter.

  “Halloween is next Saturday, and if I’m guessing right, it’s your favorite?” Nick raises his brows from behind the rim of his cup.

  “I made my family put up the decorations in September.”

  He beams with a rosy face. “Do you have any plans?”

  “Probably just handing out candy while my parents take Wylie out. Well, that’s if my mom hasn’t burst yet.” I joke, knowing that she’s going to give birth soon. “What about you?”

  “I’m taking Phoebe around, and I was wondering if you and Wylie would like to join us?”

  “Yeah, we’d love to! I’m sure my mom would be really grateful for that.” I move out of someone’s way who is trying to get a drink of their own.

  “Sounds like a plan.” He croons, clinking his plastic cup against my own that makes me snort.

  My gaze drifts around the room for the thousandth time, admiring all of our hard work that paid of in the end because people seem to be having a good time. Although, I soon come to realize that it wasn’t a good idea when my eyes catch his emerald ones from across the floor.

  This entire time I haven’t seen him once, not purposely, but it just worked out that way. It’s been nice and peaceful not thinking about him, as sad as that is. I’m not really sure if the prospect of that makes me happy or absolutely terrified. Probably all of the above.

  Hayden visibly gulps, gripping his drink even tighter as my eyes drift over his body to see him clad in a doctor’s costume right. He looks at Nick next to me. A poignant expression overcomes his face, and I mirror him when I see Abby, in a nurse’s costume, deep in conversation with a blue-haired girl.

  “Really original…” I spit under my breath, looking down at the ground briefly, but something makes me return my gaze to him. Hayden nods his head to the door before making his way over. “Nick, I’ll be right back, okay?” I sigh, feeling guilty for leaving him, but I hope he’ll understand.

  Nick gently wraps his arm around my elbow to give me a warm smile. “You know you don’t have to if you don’t want to, right?” he asks softly, searching my face for any indication of doubt.

  “I know…” I grab his hand to hold in my own, thankful that I’ve found a solid friendship in him. “I can’t avoid him forever though. He’s my best friend.”

  He nods, squeezing my hand before letting me go. I back away before pivoting around to stroll out of the gym, not seeing anyone to my right. Hayden stands against the lockers to my left, waiting. Once he sees me, he gestures at me to walk with him, and against my better judgment, I follow.

  The entire time I walk behind him, a thousand thoughts rush through my head. What does he want to talk about? What should I say? How much longer can we keep this up until I can’t handle it anymore?

  He leads me to the roof. The minimal clothing allows the cold air to nip at my skin as I walk past the medium-sized garden that is dying due to the harsh winter that’s approaching. I see Hayden leaning against the railing that overlooks some of our town.

  His back is to me when I stop next to him. I feel the need to stand like I’m ready to defend myself at any second just in case this conversation takes a turn for the worse, which it usually does.

  “You loved The Flintstones when we were kids.”

  It’s the only thing he says. His voice is low as his eyes glaze over at the memory, smiling sadly to himself. He nervously picks at the paint on the railing, and I shiver from the coldness traveling to my legs.

  “I remember, Hayden.” This conversation is already pointless.

  He twists to face me, neither of us uttering a word. Hayden just stares at me while I look past him, fidgeting with my fingers.

  I feel anxious and scrutinized under his stare. “This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have followed you up here—”

  “Do you have any idea how much I’ve hated myself this past couple of days?” He interrupts. “You’re pretending like I don’t exist…” He shakes his head, not able to finish, but he does take a step closer. “The thought of you resenting me kills me, Elsie.” I gasp when he reaches out to tangle his fingers with mine. It’s wrong, but it doesn’t feel like it. “And then I see you here with him.” Disgust laces his voice, and I pinch my eyes shut in hopes that this is just one of those dreams I have.

  “Why…” I take a deep breath to compose myself, looking back at him to see hope in his eyes. “Why does it matter to you, Hayden?” I pull my hand away from his grasp, tired with all the games. Nick has treated me better than any guy has in such a long time. “He’s nice
and—and genuine! He doesn’t lie, and he doesn’t purposely hurt me—”

  I’m profusely pulling at my hair, fully ready to take a step back so I can escape this boy I feel like I don’t know anymore. Instead of him cutting off my words with his own, he does it with his lips on mine.

  My eyes are wide in shock, and his are closed, looking as if he’s at complete and total serenity. I do know him better than anyone.

  Hayden keeps his lips stationary, using his hands to lift my arms around his neck. My body and my heart push me, and I tangle my fingers in his wavy hair, my eyelids fluttering shut at the feeling that fills me.

  He hums, his palms caressing my hips delicately to bring me flush against him before he begins to move his ruby lips. It’s sweet and gentle as he cups my cheek, rubbing his thumb gingerly over my flushed skin.

  It’s lackadaisical like we have all the time in the world. I respond to him, holding on like he’s my lifeline because it feels like home. His grip on me grows tighter like I’ll disappear within seconds.

  I can feel it. He’s putting all of his emotions, guilt, and apologies into our kiss.

  Hesitantly, I try to pull back from Hayden, but he’s reluctant, keeping me in his hold and trying to put his lips back on mine. I push him back gently because of the heavy feet padding up the metal staircase frantically.

  Anthea comes to a stop, chest heaving up and down. “I thought I saw you two come up here…” She hesitates, noticing the uneasy looks both Hayden and I are giving her. “But that doesn’t matter right now.” Waving her phone in the air, she brushes off what just happened. “Your mom…She’s in labor!”

  Chapter 17


  “What?” I stumble over my own words, moving towards Anthea who nods and wags her phone in the air again. “Impeccable timing, really…” I mumble under my breath, wanting to laugh at the unfortunate thing I call my life.

  It still feels like my heart can bang out of my chest any second, even more so now with the news I just received. My hands tremble as I take a noticeable step away from Hayden who is following me, trying to now seem as guilty as I am.


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