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The Sorting Room

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by Angelina Singer

  The Sorting Room

  Angelina Singer

  To my mom and dad, who have always provided me with everything I needed to follow my dreams <3

  Cover art by Sara Freitas

  Copyright © 2017 by Angelina Singer. All rights reserved.


  The Mistake


  The light pours in from an unknown source. She opens her eyes, trying to breathe but finding it difficult. The air is warm, with a subtle scent of mystery. She gains consciousness, and struggles to keep it. The small girl fights the obscurity she just left… existence is new to her. She has been born into the unknown, and is yet to find out what her intended role will be. Her rapid, strained breathing intensifies.

  “Hi there… take it easy. You’re just finishing gaining existence. Breathe. You’re okay. You’ll be okay…” She finally manages to keep her eyes open long enough to see a boy likely only a bit bigger than her, with short, pale blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a kind smile. He’s holding her small, frail, body against his much stronger one, likely as an attempt to comfort her. “It’s a tough process. I remember my day of origin like it was yesterday… but according to my personal records, it’s been about four hundred years, actually. But here, age isn’t something we notice - we are all entered into existence in the likeness of a 20-year-old humanoid, and we don’t visibly age at all. Anyway, you won’t be able to speak clearly for another few minutes. Vocal faculties require a longer time to form. Wow, you have very clear eyes… a lovely violet, if I do say so myself. That’s an extremely rare quality in Sorters…” Her confused expression makes him realize the gravity of the moment, and he slows down to try to accommodate her needs.

  “My apologies, I should have realized that this is already a lot to take in, and the process is painful. The burning will subside in a moment. Just breathe… see, almost there. Good. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Onyx. I’ll be your guide through the realm of the Upperworld.” The girl slowly and hesitantly nods her head. “Uhhhhhhh…. hello?” “Hey, look at you - an overachiever. Three minutes in and you’re already talking like a pro. I told you it would get better. And I bet the burning sensation has subsided too?” She nods her head again. “Good. Rest here in the utero chamber as long as you need.” The small girl looks at him with eyes holding a thousand questions, a mind yet untapped in the universe of emotions and thought patterns that she has unwittingly entered. She slowly looks around at the stark white capsule-like enclosure she is in, with nothing but a blanket and this boy to talk to, or at least motion to. Her throat is still damaged from the burning sting of new life.

  “That burning you felt was molecular bonding. This technology joins molecules at a rapid pace, which produces heat. An hour ago you were a speck about this big.” An out-reached hand from Onyx shows her the distance between two fingers, supposedly meant to mimic her previously primitive state. “Ahhhhh… Ahhhhhh….” He clamps a soft white hand over her open mouth. “Slow down there, speedy. You’ll speak when you’re able to. Take it easy… you don’t want to hamper your light-gathering process.” She nods again, feigning understanding, likely not for the last time. “I promise I’ll explain everything in a bit. You need to gain strength first. Until then, I will stay with you. Mark my words, little one - I won’t leave you.”

  The frail little being looks up at him with thankful eyes, still mute but wholeheartedly grateful. The business of being something is a lot to handle… mere obscurity is infinitely easier but not nearly as important. And little did she know that she was about to embark on a brand new adventure, an eternal functionality that would likely serve her well, if she followed directions and learned well.


  Onyx falls asleep next to her in the chamber, and she allows herself to succumb to sleep as well. It offered at least a temporary obscurity, one that would bring some comfort to her spinning mind and heightened senses.


  The new arrival awakes to the soothing sound of the utero chamber buzzing, and her guide still stationed right next to her. “Hello there, little one. Glad to see you’re awake. I’m pleased to tell you that you have completed the process of gaining existence. You may try to speak, if you like - your language faculties are fully developed now.”

  “Uh, hello… Onyx?” He couldn’t hide his apparent smile. “Yes, you remembered! Quite the smart one, aren’t you?” Her smile matched his immediately. “Do I have a name too?” Onyx grins. “That, my dear, is already ingrained in your DNA. Names here are quite important - they signal much about your future work. If you please allow me to scan the microchip in your right forearm, I’ll let you know.”

  Without hesitation, the small girl exposes her pale arm to her new friend, which he gently holds in his own soft hand before shining a small red laser onto it. The light turns green and then beeps, with a name appearing on the screen. “Your name, little one… is Luna.”


  “Luna? What does that mean?” Her eyes meet Onyx’s with much confusion, but his are filled with all knowledge and calm. “That, you will discover in time. Even I haven’t quite figured out the reason for my name… all I know is that Onyx is a black precious stone. I have no idea what relevance it has to me. I can tell you, however, that Luna refers to the moon, as evidenced in a ‘lunar eclipse’, for example. But again, irrelevant. It soon will be though - patience, little one.”

  Luna nods her head, awaiting her next instructions. “Uh, so… what do I do now?” “Well, when you feel strong enough, you can leave the utero chamber. Just let me know, and I’ll let you out. Then I’ll give you the grand tour of the Upperworld - there’s much for you to see.” Luna hesitates for a moment, but then decides to go ahead and move forward with the next phase. “Okay, I think I feel okay now. Can we go now?” Onyx nods his head excitedly. “Indeed, you’ve absorbed all the light you need to properly thrive. It’s time. Come along now, I think you’ll begin to see the importance of what you’re about to embark on.” And with that, Luna gets up, and Onyx leads her out of the utero chamber and into the Upperworld to explore the seemingly endless land stretching below them and the purple sky reaching for infinity above them.


  “Come along now, there is much to see. First, I’ll show you to your living quarters. You’ll be living in the New Arrivals District for your first hundred years. After that, you can move into the centennial neighborhood with the larger dwellings, where I live. We operate largely on a hierarchy here - don’t take it personally, it’s just how things are run.” Luna nods her head. She continues walking into the dwelling complex neighborhood, following Onyx with much excitement. As far as she can see, rows and rows of large pink and blue pods are stationed in neat concentric circles, with various lights blinking and quietly beeping around them. As she’s taking it all in, Onyx stops in front of one of the smooth, pink pods.

  “This is your pod, Luna. To be granted access, just raise your right arm over the censor - that’s your key in, and it is unique to you, and you only.” Luna does as she is told, and the door slides open. “Well, what are you waiting for? Go on in.” Onyx follows her in and then the door shuts behind them. “Here you will find enough supplies and amenities for you to live comfortably. There is food stocked in the kitchen, not that you need it - it’s merely for pleasure, since we gain our nourishment solely from light. There is also a sleeping chamber over there, where you can recharge your light power anytime you feel the need to. And in there, you will also find suitable garments for you to wear - that way you can be rid of those plain fibers you were created in.” Luna looks around at her new abode with wide eyes. “So, why is everything pink?” “Oh, it’s a gender-based categorizing system. Similar
to the humanoids, we are created with a distinct gender. Thus, since you are female, your home is pink. The blue ones are male. It allows us to keep track of how many of each kind we currently have in existence as we constantly increase in number.” Luna seems to be satisfied with that answer, and runs her hand on the soft fabric of her sleeping chamber. “I still can’t believe this is all for me?” Onyx nods his head. “It is, indeed. We want you to be as comfortable as possible living here with all of us.”

  Luna smiled, as she began to feel very welcome in her new home. “Can I try on some new clothes?” “Of course! They are all yours. Go on… I’ll wait right here.”

  Onyx responds to the beeping from his wrist, the implanted communication device glowing a pale green. “Hello? Yes, she’s doing just fine… I’ll bring her there soon enough… I want her to get acclimated first… yes, I’ll take care of it… I know… understood. Okay, I’ll update you on her progress shortly… bye!”

  Just as Onyx clicks off his device, Luna returns to the common room after dressing in a pale pink jumpsuit and white shoes, which appeared to glow in the effervescent light of her dwelling. “Well don’t you look just fantastic. Okay, remember now that you can find your dwelling at any time by alphabetically walking through the new arrival portion of the pod grounds. Your name is Luna, so you will be stationed in the ‘L’ region, somewhere between Lucia and Luxe, in the twelfth concentric circle from the center. Now, tell me, little one - are you feeling strong enough to continue? Or would you like to rest a bit more first?”

  Luna shakes her head. “I… think I’m okay.”

  “Marvelous. Okay then. The time has come for you to meet Zephyr.” Luna’s unsure expression led Onyx to the realization that he ought to clarify himself in order to put her at ease. Her brand-new soul had no sense of security yet - it was his job to provide it. “Oh not to worry - Zephyr is kind, and a very wise soul indeed. He is also the all-powerful leader of this realm, but don’t let that intimidate you. He just always likes to personally introduce himself to the new arrivals before… confusion develops -” “What?” Onyx stops short in his train of thought. “I’ve already said too much…”


  With Luna in tow, Onyx leads her out of her pod, and into the vast landscape of the habitation district. “Where are you taking me now?” “To meet Zephyr - it’s important that you stay in good graces with him. He rules the Upperworld, and does so with wisdom and justice.”

  Luna still couldn’t easily follow what he was referring to, but she resolved herself to follow him now and ask questions later. The urgency with which he was leading her clearly required that level of cooperation.

  Before she knew it, they were leaving the habitation district and swiftly moving toward a large, stark white enclosed structure with a plethora of floating lights surrounding it. Spires and intricate architecture reach high into the atmosphere, higher than Luna’s violet eyes can reach. Other beings were milling around, likely going about their daily business. But Onyx was leading her directly to this frightening structure. There was something so tangibly frightening in the level of its regality, and the sheer terror that surrounded it reflected this mood - even the purple sky had darkened into a foreboding halo.

  “Right this way, Luna.” Luna looks up to see Onyx motioning for her to follow him through the stark white door, his out-reached arm acting as the one-way path into her eternal, unknown future.

  Upon entering the structure, Onyx leads her by her hand through a long hallway, with the immaculate flames of the lanterns nearly blinding her newly-formed eyes. Her dainty hand shields her from their blazing light, her breath caught in her throat as they walk. At the end of the long hallway, stood a large, black desk with a powerful being stationed directly behind it.

  His piercing gaze was one of utter intensity - nearly boring through Luna’s very soul. She is instantly intimidated. Instead of pale blonde hair like Onyx’s or the darkest black like her own, he had bright orange flames dancing atop his head, casting little shadows bowing down to him around the grand hall. The excessively pale skin of his face is pulled taut, with a look of stress and pain in every fiber if his being. His pitch black eyes are sunken deep into his head, without an obvious iris or pupil - just mounds of utter blackness, his face rendered expressionless and harsh.

  “Good day, Zephyr. I’ve brought with me one of our newest creations from utero batch number ten trillion, eight billion, twelve million, twenty-four thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven. I present to you, Luna.”

  Luna fought hard to avoid cowering beneath his gaze - it was impossible not to flinch while he stared her down. “Come here, young spirit. Let me see you.” Luna glances at Onyx. “Go on…” Onyx whispers with urgency, as if keeping him waiting would be deemed unacceptable. She forces her feet forward, her small frame approaching the largely imposing desk of Zephyr’s preeminent power. “Closer…” he beckons her. Luna slowly continues walking right to the desk, eventually resting her small, white hands at the edge of the black desk, her clear violet eyes staring up at Zephyr’s pitch black ones.

  “Uh, hello.” Zephyr’s stare continues to bore into her very mind, foregoing the typical expectations of propriety in order to find out all about the new being he has welcomed into the realm. “Oh my darling, your eyes are… so unique. I’ve only seen that shade of violet in… a select few others. It’s quite… prophetic.” Luna struggles to remain calm under this unsettling thought, her feet nervously squirming under the weight of his eyes. “Oh, um, thank you?”

  Zephyr glances in an exasperated fashion at Onyx, as if to say, what kind of nuisance have you brought to me? Onyx merely stares back, clearly not understanding the disdain conferred by Zephyr.

  “Well, Luna… there are many things you will need to learn, if you are to succeed in your occupation here, which I am sure you will… if you know what’s good for you.” The small girl manages to nervously nod her head, not wanting to seem out of place, but granted, this is all she knows and all she will ever know. “The official title of your occupation, as I imagine Onyx may have alluded to you is ‘Sorter’. It is one of the most important jobs here in the Upperworld. And failure to properly deliver would have magnanimous repercussions of unthinkable proportions. It is not something to be taken lightly. Have I made myself clear?” Luna glances at Onyx with pleading, fearful eyes, her emotions clearly running on overdrive. But he merely glances back at her with forced calmness, hoping that she won’t see past his less-than-authentic facade. “Yes, of course.” Zephyr seems to be somewhat satisfied by this, and so he nods and smiles a toothy grin of pristine white porcelain that was likely meant to be encouraging, but had quite the opposite effect.

  “Onyx, there are many things I must attend to. Can I have your word that our new recruit will be instructed in the utmost manner, to do the job that she is intended to do, without any repercussions of unthinkable proportions?” Onyx confidently nods, clearly no longer fazed by Zephyr’s less-than-welcoming general vibe. “Yes, of course, my leader. You have my solemn promise.” Zephyr seems quite pleased with that, and slowly nods. “Authority granted. I release Luna into your domain of tutorship. Teach her well, my servant. Stay true to your task, remain focused at all times. The time has come… to bring her… to the Sorting Room.”


  “Onyx… where are we going? Slow down!” Onyx slows his pace for a moment, but his hand was still tightly gripped around her own smaller, delicate one. “Little one, you are about to learn the secret of the universe… the purpose of your existence, your ever-present job in this realm. The Sorting Room is where it all happens, and you must promise me that you will listen and learn well. If you don’t… well, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself…” Luna is clearly taken aback by such a statement, but her ever-growing curiosity was beginning to take over. “Yes, I’ll do the best I can. I won’t let you down.” Onyx strokes a stray dark hair away from her violet eyes, while framing her chin with his strong hand. “I ce
rtainly hope you’re right about that.”

  Onyx leads her out of the grand hall where Zephyr resides, and back into the ever-stretching purple horizon of the realm. He continues to drag her along, with urgency, as if trying to meet a certain time-sensitive deadline. Or maybe he was just nervous. Regardless of his reason for rushing her, little did Luna know that she was about to learn something important that would change the way she views life forever.

  Within a few minutes, Onyx leads her into yet another large, white structure, similar to the grand hall but with much less intricate decorum. It resembled the habitation pod, but it was infinitely larger in size, with a magnanimous presence comparable only to a juggernaut in one’s wildest dreams. The sheer level of cleanliness is impeccable - every inch of it gleams as a great green ball of fire and energy in the sky sends rays of light into the very apex of it, providing the energy for it to carry out its various functionalities in the Upperworld.

  “This, Luna, is the outside of the Sorting Room. This is where you will report for work whenever you are summoned on your implanted microchip. If you’ll follow me this way we’ll enter and begin your training…” Luna can barely keep her eyes off of the incredible scenery she was witnessing. The large, pristinely white, double doors opened up at the touch of their wrists at the security sensor.

  “And this, Luna, is the inside of the Sorting Room, the inner sanctum of the realm, and really, of humanity as a whole…” Luna barely hears him finish that sentence - she is utterly wrapped up in the even more incredible experience of the Sorting Room. The Room itself is less like a room, and more like a warehouse running in all directions, seemingly for infinity. The outside of the Sorting Room does not appear to be able to physically hold all the many machines and smooth white capsules arranged in neat rows all over the space. But somehow, it does, because they are all functioning operationally, with many different lights blinking spontaneously, and the corresponding orderlies jumping to their aid. Luna couldn’t speak, but not for lack of ability - she was merely caught up in the sheer amazement of the moment.


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