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The Sorting Room

Page 2

by Angelina Singer

  “What goes on in here? What am I supposed to do? What’s my job?” Onyx smiles broadly at her enthusiasm. “Well, aren’t you excited! Slow down - I’ll explain everything to you momentarily. Or rather, I’d like to introduce you to Jade, the Head Sorter. Luna, this is Jade.”

  Jade turns to see Luna and suddenly, a shocked expression leaps onto her face, but only for a mere second before she quickly conceals it into one of her well-practiced smiles. Onyx… is… guiding HER? But Jade quickly composes herself before her surprised expression is registered by either Onyx or Luna.

  Luna turns sharply to her left to meet Jade, the tall, boisterous leader of the Sorters. “Hello! Luna is it? I am Jade, and I oversee everything that goes on in this room. Granted, I cannot accomplish it on my own, but that’s where you, and all the other Sorters come in.”

  Jade was only slightly more personable than the terrifying Zephyr, but Luna felt instantly more at-ease upon meeting her anyway. She has garish, long, silver hair which is tied up into a complex, braided bun, in direct contrast with her rich, dark brown eyes. Jade stands resolute, next to Onyx, as if preparing for an important mission, with her calloused hands staunchly perched on her muscular hips.

  “Together, Onyx and I are going to teach you the mechanics of Sorting, and also of the vast importance of your job.” Onyx nods his head in accord with Jade. “That’s right. My position of Primary Guide means that I am well-versed in every job in the Upperworld. I have studied every aspect of humanoid life, from their psychology to their physiological mechanics and how the two overlap. Literally, every facet of their life is familiar to me, except of course, for the sheer experience of living on Earth. I’ve never been there, and given the chance there is almost nothing that would compel me to live there. Regardless of my opinions of human life, sorting is likely the most important of them all, as it affects all of that. So it is best that you learn from an expert. In this case, that would be Jade.” Jade rolls her eyes. “This guy never stops with the flattery! Anyway, there is much to learn… let’s get moving!” With that, Jade grabs Luna forcefully by the elbow, and begins to drag her along, with much urgency, while Onyx follows behind them. One thing that Luna begins to realize in this realm, is that nearly everything is accomplished rapidly… and yet there seems to be no room for error. However, will she manage to thrive here?

  “All right Luna. I want you to take a good look around this room and tell me what you see.” Luna nods and begins to fully take in the scene unfolding before her. “Well, there are many, many rows of clear, plastic tubes… and glowing stuff sucked down into them.” “Good, yes”, Jade briskly affirms. “And there are large screens on the walls, with moving images on them. What are those even for?” Jade shakes her head. “Keep observing. I’ll explain in a minute.” “Well…” Luna begins to be completely caught up in the curiosity and the suspense that she is fighting against so desperately. “Um, there are some small, transparent, glowing orbs that they are carefully placing into the various plastic tubes…” Jade smiles knowingly. “Yes, indeed there are. Any idea what those are?” Luna shakes her head, while Onyx and Jade share a knowing glance.

  “Those, my dear…”, Onyx begins, “are humanoid souls in their purest form.”


  Luna’s jaw falls open, her bright violet eyes shimmering with renewed amazement and simultaneous fear. “What… what are you doing with them? What are they? Is it painful?” Onyx shakes his head. “Luna, we’re not doing anything to them. Really, it may be more accurate to discuss what we do for them.” Jade nods her head. “Absolutely. What we do here, is we decide, based on impulses implanted in us by Zephyr, what life they lead, who they meet, how they live, and basically everything about who they are, through what family they are born into. A Sorter has to learn how to properly fine-tune their gut feelings into a confident decision. Sometimes, the spirit orbs will even slightly glow when held over their life portal.” In response to Luna’s confused expression, Onyx clarifies some of Jade’s advanced terminology for her.

  “The ‘life portals’ are those clear tubes that you had noticed before, Luna. And the ‘spirit orbs’ are the essence of life on Earth. They are the vessels which carry a human spirit into existence. Each human spirit is generated by Zephyr. He is the one with the master plan behind them all. However, due to the ever-growing amount of spirit orbs flying through here, Zephyr cannot sort them.” Jade nods her head. “That’s what we’re here for. I’m going to demonstrate for you how this works. Watch me carefully. I’ll do this a lot slower than usual, just so you can learn. But bear in mind that you’ll have to do this at a much more rapid rate than this during the time you are expected to be here working.”

  Luna nods her head, awaiting her instruction. “Okay, so first, I wait for a fresh orb to roll out of one of the distributor pipes mounted on the wall. Go ahead - touch it, if you like.” Luna takes the very tip of her tiniest finger, and makes contact with the unknown surface of the orb. It feels wet, with a slightly cold after-effect. “Uh, okay, it’s ummm… kind of slimy.” Jade nods. “Yes, that would be the transportation lubricant throughout our tube system. Should one get stuck in transport, that would spell disaster.” Anyway, there are many of these, but it doesn’t matter which one you take from, because nothing matters until you move it over here to one of the tagging stations. I just hold the orb in the center of the laser focus for a minute… and….” Luna watches as various images appear on the screen, with information listed and all sorts of other things, and she did not have the slightest idea of what it could mean.

  “What does all that mean?” Luna points to the large screen which lit up directly above the tagging station. “It tells you the inherent characteristics of this spirit. Some things are negated or adjusted through genetics and other varying factors, but all the basics are here. Try to read through it to get an idea of who this orb will be.”

  Luna stands on her tiptoes to fully grasp the information superimposed on the screen:

  HUMANOID #898374846038472938402177788994637382


  BIRTH DATE: 2007

  DEATH DATE: 2065




  PROGENY: #978363732927495793929202745822048574, #978363732927495793929202745822048575

  PARTNER: #8974729202637462920474658112

  COMRADE: #8767392028139475927465839372

  “So, what does all that mean?” Luna’s mouth is agape, while Luna and Onyx stand behind her, holding the life-to-be in their hands. “That, little one, is the general information of this orb. The basic details of what will take place in this life.” Onyx motions to the orb gently nestled in Jade’s palm. “That info is imbedded in the orb itself, so that wherever you are meant to launch it, things will go according to plan-” “unless of course, you put it where it isn’t supposed to be.” Jade interrupts Onyx to make that last point as clear as possible. “That is the most important fact you must understand, Luna. There is always the possibility that disastrous results can happen from a mistake on your part. Disasters involving the overall narrative of humanity. It’s not something to be taken lightly. Ever.”

  Luna is very clearly upset at this point, the color drained from her face and her violet eyes wide with fear. She looks to Onyx for comfort, but he stands next to Jade, stone-faced. Her only ally appeared to be siding with the offender.

  “Luna, this isn’t something to be afraid of - but rather, something to understand and to be precisely sure about every time you implant an orb into a life. You must follow your heart, and over time, it will become much more apparent to you where to put them. It’s something that cannot be taught, but must be learned through experience.” Onyx appeared to be trying desperately to stay strong, but kept failing miserably, as he clearly wanted to comfort Luna but had to maintain an emotionless facade.

  “And now, Luna, I hold the orb in my h
and carefully. Breathe. Let your being merge with the orb through physical contact with the palm of your hand. Your high-tech skin is equipped to sense the inner workings of the orb through life sensors embedded in your hand, and it will be made apparent which life this orb must be deposited into.” Luna nods her head slowly, still trying to swallow the fear forming a mound in her throat.

  “Okay, this is it, now. Luna, the orb has spoken. I’m bringing it to that tube across the room.” Luna and Onyx follow Jade across the large room to a tube mounted on the wall, a downward path into cosmic existence. The trek takes a solid hour. Jade cradles the orb carefully in her hand the entire time, while the subtle sheen of its shiny surface glistens in the harsh, sterile lighting of the Sorting Room. “And then I raise my hand, ever so carefully over the life portal it is meant to go in, and -” Luna gasps as the orb is released from Jade’s grasp and plunges into the tube she has chosen. Immediately, the orb begins to sparkle momentarily as it rests in the tube, and then it evaporates into a glittering puff of smoke.

  “But where did it go?” Onyx and Jade share a knowing glance. “Well, into life, of course. More scientifically speaking, the orb is invisibly implanted into the uterus of the fated mother through the wiring of the navel. And that’s how the humanoids are born.”

  “What? So it just ends up inside someone? That’s… crazy… how does that really-” “Sh! Look!” Jade’s hand on her face was annoying, to say the least, what with all the questions Luna wanted to ask, but she has a good reason. Onyx is pointing to the small screen above the tube where the orb was placed. It had lit up, with pictures flying across the surface. “That, little one, is footage of the humanoid we had just placed. We can monitor them at any time by inputting their identification number into the tagging machine, but the first few moments of their life are displayed whenever they are successfully implanted as planned.”

  Luna can’t take her eyes off the screen. The sheer realization that she had just witnessed the very origin of that being, the puffy, pink, little blonde-haired infant staring back at her was nothing just a moment ago. “But how did it happen so fast? Didn’t we just drop the orb into the portal?” Onyx nods his head in understanding. “Well yes, technically. However, we do not operate in time here in the Upperworld. Therefore, in humanoid reality, nine months had passed - that’s the typical incubation period for humanoid fetuses.” Although Luna likely understood less than half that explanation, she nods her head slowly, feigning confidence while hoping that it would become real to her in time. Before she had time to respond, that infant appeared to be a young toddler, attempting to walk around what appears to be an Earthly dwelling, and some larger hands grasp around her little body right before she falls. She’s giggling, a broad toothy smile spreading on her perfect little face. Quickly reading Luna’s enraptured expression, Onyx interjects. “Now two years have passed already. That humanoid is a young child at this point.” Another few moments pass and the young child grows bigger, carrying a backpack and sitting in a classroom, her blonde hair held in two pigtails. Another moment passes, and the child is an adult in a white dress… and all the while, Luna looks on and is enraptured by the images flashing across the screen.

  Jade nudges Onyx and whispers something in his ear. He quickly nods and turns off the screen with a swipe of his hand. “No need to waste any more time watching that humanoid today. Let’s move on.”

  Luna couldn’t help but think that was a little abrupt, as she was quite fascinated with the entire process, but she just continues to follow their lead. “What do we do next?” “Well, there is nothing more to show you at this time regarding the Sorting Room, but rather, you should rest and take some time to ponder the importance of what you have learned. Onyx will escort you to your habitation pod - I will see you when you report for your very first shift in a short while. When it is time for you to report, your wrist will glow bright green. Then you are responsible to find your way here. Until then, Luna.” And with that, Jade disappears into the hustle and bustle of the Sorting Room.


  “Luna, do you have any questions for me? Is there anything else that I may be able to help you with?” Luna shakes her head at Onyx’s willingness to help as they walk to her habitation pod. “No, I think that will be all. It’s just… a lot to take in. I am feeling very overwhelmed and I’m not really sure what to make of any of this, really.” Onyx nods understandingly. “We all feel like that at one point or another. The sensation will pass. Before you know it, you’ll be as confident at your job as any of us.” “I sure hope so. I am still scared though.” Onyx places a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Don’t be. I just know you’ll be great. You have already demonstrated a level of sensitivity that I don’t usually see in many recruits. And I have trained many new recruits over the last few hundred years.” Luna tries to smile as if that helped, but it really didn’t. She didn’t feel any better about it at all.

  “Well, here is your habitation pod. If you need me at all, just speak my name into your right wrist - the embedded device will do the rest. And be aware that should it glow green, you must answer it. It is imperative that you remember that. Okay?” Luna nods again, but she can’t help wondering why everything here is ‘of the utmost importance’. Did these people ever take a break? “Um, Jade mentioned something about my shift in the Sorting Room. When is that again?” “Your wrist will glow green, and Jade will summon you from there. You’ll know. Do you think you can find your way there okay?” Luna shakes her head. “No way. Could you bring me there when it’s time?” Onyx nods emphatically. “Of course! I would be happy to. Just call me when you are notified that you need to go. I can be here very quickly. Not to worry, Luna. You’ll be just fine.”

  “Well, there’s your pod - you know how to let yourself in. I’ll see you when it’s time for your shift. If you need me anytime before that, please feel free to call me on your device, for any reason at all. Until then, Luna.”

  Before she knew it, Onyx wrapped her in his strong arms, producing an indescribable feeling of comfort and peace. Luna doesn’t yet understand emotions, but she could feel something happening. Likely his kindness was standing out, as it is the only social warmth she’s ever known.

  Luna opens the door to her dwelling and waves goodbye to Onyx. She settles onto her recharging station and allows the ample blankets and pillows to swallow her whole body, as if she was safe and secure, and nothing could happen to her. And she was - except for the ever-present duty she had to keep the human narrative on course. It was an indescribable terror of utter importance. In her heart, she knows that when she wakes from her much-needed slumber, she would indeed be summoned to the Sorting Room.


  Luna drifts peacefully asleep, but then awakes to a strange pulsating sensation at her wrist. She looks at her right hand, and it is indeed glowing bright green. A little uncertain about what to do, she instinctively squeezes her arm to activate the communication mechanism.

  “Uh, hello?” Her frail voice is connected through her device. “Good day, Luna. This is Jade. I am contacting you to ask you to come to the Sorting Room - it is time for your very first shift. May your choices be ever correct, and may your mind be clear and able to focus. I wish you the very best on your first day.” And with that, Jade is gone. Luna decides to call Onyx, as she still has no idea how to get back to the Sorting Room. She gently squeezes her own wrist again, hoping he’ll pick up.

  “Onyx” she speaks into her transistor. Within a minute, she hears his voice coming through the other end. “Luna? Is it time to go?” Out of habit, Luna nods, but then realizes that he can’t see her. “Yes it is - Jade just contacted me.” Onyx’s level breathing from wherever he was offered some relief to her frayed nerves. If he wasn’t worried, why should she be? “Okay. I’ll be there in just a few minutes. You’ll be fine - not to worry.” And then the line went dead. Luna was somewhat comforted by his words but also painfully paralyzed with fear. The thought of directly influe
ncing the course of not only one life, but the entirety of human civilization by association was a large weight to bear - a weight that her own very new existence found it difficult to wrap her consciousness around.

  Luna didn’t have anything to do for the few minutes she was waiting for Onyx to come and lead her to the Sorting Room, so she just paced around her dwelling, trying desperately to distract herself from thinking about the inevitable job she was about to face. The walls of her cushy pink living pod seemed to begin to cave in. The nerves were getting to her - that was becoming quite apparent. Before she knows it, she merely crumbles to the floor, and fluid begins pouring out of her eyes. It is a strong emotion that she’d never experienced before.

  Just when she was beginning to really lose her mind in the worry and pain of her obligation, she hears a bell ring. Logically, she assumes that must be Onyx and raises her arm over the security sensor by the door to let him in. Before he can even get a word out, she crumbles back to the floor, her head between her knees, her violet eyes drenched with tears.

  “Luna! What happened to you? Why are you crying?” Luna looks up at him through her moist eyes and her puffy pink face. “I don’t know what’s wrong… I just… got scared… and then my face got all wet. What’s crying?” Onyx wastes no time sitting down next to her, his comforting arm around her shoulders, a gentle hand patting her shoulder. “Oh, my dear Luna… crying is just that - it’s an emotional response to strong feelings and your eyes produce water. It’s a completely normal thing. But why are you crying? Why are you sad?” Luna can’t even formulate words to describe how she is feeling. Her throat is closing up, the nerves are taking over.


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