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by Sam Crescent

  She’d seen this done in the movies, but as he filled her and his hands all over her, she couldn’t get enough and she didn’t want him to ever stop.

  Over and over, she rode his cock, feeling the pleasure begin to flood her body. One of the hands on her ass moved, and he slid his fingers between her slit, touching her clit. He stroked her to another orgasm as she rode him, and together they rode the wave to their release. She felt his cock pulse as he came, and she held onto him, not wanting to let go, feeling consumed with the need to hold him, to touch him.

  Chapter Seven

  The condom had broken, and now it was the countdown.

  Theo didn’t go and get the morning after pill. The following morning, he took Ruby home so she could talk with her dad.

  He later found out that her father’s name was Phil, but Theo didn’t much care for the man that had broken her heart. He’d never seen her so emotional, so raw when it came to that man.

  “She missed him for a long time. After school, she’d sit on the stairs for hours waiting for him to come home. It’s like she couldn’t imagine him not coming home. He hurt her, and even though I told him this every single time, he never turned back up.”

  Callie had told him this while they were making coffee.

  So Phil wasn’t his favorite person.

  With him now back with Callie, Theo had to get used to seeing him. Ruby didn’t like him being home, but she wasn’t openly hostile to him anymore. She spent a lot of time with Theo when his parents were away, and he loved having her in his arms.

  But still, the condom had broken, and as he stared at Ruby in the main high school corridor, he knew she was struggling not to freak out.

  They’d been using condoms since, and it hadn’t stopped them from being together. Having Ruby in his arms was a dream come true, only now, seeing how worried she was, he knew he had to be strong for her.

  “You’re sure your dates are matched up and you’re not freaking out about nothing?”

  “Theo, I’m late by a week. I’ve never been late before. It’s always been like clockwork.”

  “Then we go and buy a test.”

  “If we buy a test, our parents are going to know by the end of the day. Maybe even before we know the result.”

  She wasn’t exaggerating.

  “My parents like you. Your parent likes me.” This made her smile. “We can’t prolong this, Ruby. We need answers.” He took hold of her hand, and together they left the high school. He didn’t want her worrying for the next couple of hours, and he needed to know the answer.

  So, helping her into his car, he couldn’t get the image of her swollen with his kid out of his head. He wasn’t afraid though; he was aroused. The thought of her being pregnant filled him with joy.

  He saw her hands shake as she tried to fasten the seatbelt. He took over, securing her into her seat.

  “It’s going to be okay.”

  “Is it?”

  “Yes. Whatever happens, we’re in this together.”

  He drove to the local pharmacy, and together, they picked the test that according to the packaging was the most accurate. Theo paid for it while Ruby waited in the car. One look at the cashier, who also happened to be his neighbor, and he knew he was on a countdown.

  Once he was done, rushing to his car, he pulled out of the parking lot, and with speed, drove to his home.

  They ran upstairs to his room, and he waited outside of the bathroom, much to his disappointment as he wanted to hold her hand as she did this.

  When she was done, she opened the door, and together, they waited for the test to be ready for them to see what their future held.

  “This is not bad, you know,” he said.

  “How can it not be bad?” she asked.

  “We’re together. I love you, and you adore me. We’ll make good parents. Your mom is my fan. Your dad hates me though.”

  Ruby laughed. “I can’t believe I’m eighteen years old, sneaking a pregnancy test that my mom already probably knows that I’ve taken.”


  “It’s insane.”

  “Totally crazy, and insane.”

  “This is just so scary,” she said.

  He held her tightly, kissing her. Her alarm went off.

  “We get to find out,” he said.

  They stepped toward the sink, and Theo stopped her, pulling her back against him and turning her around to face him.

  “Theo, what are you doing?”

  “Regardless of what that thing says, I want you to marry me.”


  “Look, I know we’re young, and people will talk regardless. I don’t care. I want you to marry me. I want to be with you for now ’til eternity and beyond.”

  “You’re going to have a bright future in football and—”

  “I don’t care. I don’t want anything else but you. That’s all I want. You’re the only future I see happening. I’m asking you now, so you don’t think it’s because of a baby or not a baby. I want to marry you, Ruby. Even if that stick says you’re not pregnant, one day, I want to have babies with you.”

  “You really mean this?”

  “Yes. More than anything.”

  “Our parents could tell us no.”

  “Then I hope that stick says yes so we can have what we want.” He kissed her knuckles. “I mean every word I say to you, Ruby. I love you so much. I want to spend my life with you. No tricks. No nothing. Just you and me, and if you’re pregnant, a little baby.”

  She was crying again, and he wondered if that was the hormones.

  “Yes,” she said.


  “Yes, I’ll marry you.” She sniffled. “We’ve got to see the answer.”

  “Okay.” Not that it mattered to him. Regardless of the answer, she was going to belong to him, and he could handle anything that was sent their way, be it a baby at eighteen, or an angry dad.

  Actually, he wondered how angry her father would be.

  Staring down at the stick, and matching it to the results on the packaging, he saw that he was indeed going to have to face off with an angry father.

  Ruby was pregnant with his baby.

  He tightened his arms around her.

  They both tensed as he heard the front door slam.



  Both of sets of parents had heard the news, and what’s more, they knew they were in his bedroom.

  “Do you think we can sneak out of the window and pretend we were never here?” Ruby asked.

  “It sounds like a plan, but right now, I don’t think we’ve got much choice. We’ve got to face them.”

  “I don’t want to,” Ruby said.

  “We’re engaged, Ruby. We’re getting married, and now we have a baby on the way.” The words were weird coming out of his mouth, but the more he thought about their situation, the happier he was. “We go down together. Also, I may have to use you as a human shield from your dad.”

  She chuckled. “Okay, together. We can do this. I can’t believe I’m going to do this.”

  Holding hands, they left the safety of his bedroom, to four angry faces that were at the bottom of the stairs.

  He wasn’t wrong.

  Phil looked ready to murder him.


  Two months later

  Ruby stared at her husband as his arms were around her. She was starting to show now, the bump of their baby pretty noticeable. Theo didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, he loved the prospect of becoming a daddy while she was freaking out. They had already come up with a plan. They were both going to college together. Theo had gotten a full scholarship, and they were even happy to help accommodate a new wife and child. In fact, they wanted to promote his sense of responsibility to the game. She’d be studying part-time, and their parents had even agreed to help out so she could still get her degree and write.

  Their parents had been so angry with both of them. They had to sit side by side
while for three hours straight, they yelled, argued, and told them how bad they were at making decisions.

  She didn’t need anyone telling her just how bad she was at making decisions, but being in Theo’s arms now, as his wife, she knew she would give him everything.

  “How are you holding up?” he asked.

  She saw the concern in his eyes. Since they were now married, and she was nearly three months pregnant, the morning sickness kept kicking her ass, but she was coping. A lot of women handled this, and she wasn’t going to be any different.

  “I’m doing okay. I can’t believe we’re married now.”

  “Phil threatened to shoot me last night.”

  “He did?”

  “Yep, he said if I wasn’t here today, my life was as good as over.” Theo burst out laughing. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t laugh. I love you more than anything in the world, and I think I even laughed at him.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “I totally did. I found it funny for him to think I wouldn’t be here. You’ve been my first crush, Ruby. This, for me, is a dream come true.”

  “Guys are not supposed to care about their wedding.”

  “I’m not like normal guys. I want to be married to you. I love you, and this is the start of the rest of our lives.”

  “You’re not afraid?”

  “What do I have to be afraid of?” he asked. “I’ve got a beautiful wife. A child on the way. Everything. I know we’re going to be the best we both can be, and, Ruby, I’ll never stop loving you.”

  “You always say the right words.”

  “They’re how I feel, which will always make them the right ones.”

  He pulled her in close, pressing his lips against hers, and she melted. He really had gotten inside her heart, and now there was no room for anyone else, just Theo.


  Ten years later

  Ruby kissed her son and watched as he walked into school. He met up with a couple of his friends, and she waited. Theo wrapped his arms around her, and she was used to several of the kids pointing in his direction.

  He was, after all, a star football player.

  A celebrity.

  No matter his status on the field and in the sports world, he was always here for the first day and last day, for all the parent-teacher conferences, any activities that were required. His career never got in the way of being a parent, and she loved him even more for it.

  “You know, this never gets easier,” he said.

  “Watching him go to school?”

  “Watching him grow up.” He kissed her neck.

  Once their boy was inside school, Theo took her hand, like he did most days, and they headed back to the car. Whenever they went out a picture would always appear of them, holding hands. They were known as the football sweethearts, not that she loved football. In fact, several papers loved her dislike of the game, and it seemed to make them like her more. She didn’t follow her husband around, faking it. She was straight, honest, and happy for him.

  Theo helped her into the car. He stroked her thigh, and she knew she had to tell him.

  She waited for them to be driving away from the school.

  Having a child at eighteen had been the hardest thing she’d ever done. She didn’t have the first clue how to raise a baby. With their parents’ help, they both got through the long nights, the feedings, the routine, everything it meant to have a baby.

  “Do you want to tell me something?” he asked, surprising her.


  He chuckled. “Come on, Ruby. I know you, and you’d be telling me all about your latest adventure.”

  She wasn’t published, and her stories had been rejected so many times. She didn’t want the risk of being published because she was Theo West’s wife, so she used her mother’s name, and so far, nothing. One day, she hoped to have a book published, but Theo loved listening to her tell him her ideas.

  “Also, I happen to know you’re late.” The car came to a stop at a red light. Theo turned to her.

  “You know it’s weird for husbands to know their wife’s cycles, right?”

  “It’s not weird. Besides, I’m the one that rubs your feet, gets you ice cream, and treats you like a queen. Does this mean what I think it means?”

  She saw the happiness in his eyes, and it infected her with such warmth to know he was already happy about this. “I’m pregnant.”

  Theo let out a whoop and pulled her in close, holding her.

  “We’re having another baby.” He held her gently. “I’ve wanted another for so long, and now, are you okay?”

  “Theo, baby, this is not our first baby.”

  “I know. He’s our second. What if it’s a girl? Oh my, that’s it. We’re going for some hot chocolate.”

  She burst out laughing.

  Accepting his offer of a date was the best thing she ever did. As he held her hand again, locking them together, binding them, she knew there was never going to be anyone else in this world that could ever make her feel so happy.

  “I love you, Theo West, so damn much.”

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

  If you enjoyed this book, you may also like:

  Capone by Lynn Burke

  Taken by the Kingpin by Winter Sloane

  Valentine’s Date by Amabel Daniels



  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  News just in, eligible millionaire bachelor and celebrity chef leave together. Is a new romance on the horizon, or is she just another notch on his ever-increasing bedpost?

  Brice Ivory took a large swallow of the expensive champagne while watching as the rich and famous mingled around the overly large hall. He hated these events. As far as he was concerned, most of them were filled with pretentious pricks who didn’t give a fuck about anyone or anything. They were all here to donate large chunks of money to help the homeless.

  He didn’t get it.

  Well, he did, but why spend a fucking fortune on a location, dining, wine, and everything that went into one of those popular events when all of that money could go into actually helping the homeless or whatever charity they decided to do? He didn’t get that part.

  Glancing around the room, he saw his date, the latest model for fashion magazines, doing the rounds. She had men eating out of the palm of her hand. He noticed Sandy didn’t stop by any women though. This made him smile as his current date had a reputation for being a first-class bitch. He didn’t care what she was like with other women on set. What he cared about was how well she sucked cock.

  So far, so good.

  He didn’t have any complaints, but then neither should she considering the small fortune he’d already paid for her.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  Brice turned to see Howard Linde, one of his many business associates.

  “Why not?”

  “Because this is doing something good for the world and everyone who knows you, knows you hate doing anything that doesn’t benefit you.”

  “I believe in many things.”

  “Yeah, and with the way Sandy keeps looking your way, I imagine she’s here for you as well.”

  Brice snorted. “Don’t for a second think she’s here for any other reason than to earn a few more jobs. You know what the modeling world is like. They age too fast, and unless she makes a name for herself, she’ll be old news within a few years.”

  “A sad life.”

  Just then, a loud chorus of laughter filled the air.

  Taking another drink of his champagne, he looked in that direction but didn’t see anything of any importance to him.

  Sandy moved to his side, linking her arm through his.

  “Hey, handsome,” she said, kissing his cheek.

  Another wave of l
aughter filled the air, and he watched as a blonde woman broke away from the crowd. A man grabbed her arm, telling her to come forward.

  Sandy scoffed. “I can’t even believe they care about her.”

  “What’s the matter, Sandy? Can’t handle the competition?” Howard asked.

  “Please, as if that fat piece of trash is any competition. She’s a fucking cook. She shouldn’t even be here.”

  “Not only is she an amazing cook, Sandy, she’s also the head of a multi-million-dollar business, and is by far more suited to be here than a mere model.”

  Brice saw Sandy’s cheeks go red, and she looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

  “Okay, I clearly don’t have a clue what is going on. Who is the blonde?”

  “You don’t recognize Danielle Knox? She is the star of the Goddess in the Kitchen cooking show, not to mention the founder of her company by the same name. She comes from Knox Industries, a computing firm.”

  Howard sounded impressed, and Brice took another long look at the woman. He couldn’t recall ever hearing about her before, but then, just because they were in the same social circles, their businesses were uniquely different. He had nothing to do with food; however, he was aware of Knox Industries.

  “Please, she’s not that great. She has her haters.”

  “We all have our haters.” Howard chuckled.

  “How do you know so much about her? She a mistress?” Brice asked.

  Howard glared at him.

  He knew for a fact that his best friend was a happily married man. Instead of going through with the engagement his parents had arranged, Howard fell in love with his housekeeper and married her, much to the scandal that erupted. Howard’s wife rarely came to public events, and when she did, she often stayed by his side.


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