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Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “My wife adores her. They’re actually really good friends.” Howard looked over to Danielle and waved her over.

  Brice watched as she made her excuses, and suddenly the blonde beauty walked toward them. She was incredibly stunning to look at. He felt his cock awaken, and his body wanted her. Just by seeing her smile, he wanted her. It did things to him, things he didn’t understand.

  “Howard, I had no idea you were here. I’d have stopped by to pick you up. Where’s Haley? I haven’t seen her.” Danielle hugged Howard before stepping away.

  The smile she wore stole Brice’s breath.

  It was so natural.


  He couldn’t stop looking.

  He was aware of Sandy by his side, her glare firmly in place.

  “She decided to bow out of this event.”

  “Oh, no, that sucks. I love chatting with her. She certainly knows how to keep me talking.” Danielle’s gaze went to Sandy. Her smile never slipped once. “Good evening to you both.”

  “My manners. I’m being rude. Dani, I’d like you to meet Sandy. She’s a model, and there is Brice Ivory.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Danielle shook both of their hands. “I saw your latest perfume commercial. You look stunning.”

  “Thank you,” Sandy said.

  Brice didn’t like how awkward his date was being. Danielle didn’t seem to mind.

  Shaking her hand, he felt something travel up his arm. He didn’t want to let her go, but the moment she gave her hand a little tug, he didn’t have much choice.

  He watched as she made her excuses and was once again walking away. The red dress she wore molded to the curves of her body.

  “She thinks she’s so special,” Sandy said. She grabbed his arm.

  “She doesn’t think she’s special at all,” Brice said, watching her.

  Sandy growled, pulling away from him. He didn’t mind as she walked away to go and join another group of gentlemen. Brice was in no doubt that his relationship with Sandy would be coming to an end very soon.

  “I see that look in your eye,” Howard said, chuckling.

  “Just out of curiosity, does little miss cook have a boyfriend?”





  Howard laughed. “I’d be careful there. She may not have a boyfriend, but she’s not known for dating. She’s a workaholic, Brice. Something you should both be very much aware of.” Howard slapped him on the back. “I’m going to go and donate a good chunk of my money this month. Have fun staring. You don’t look crazy at all.”

  Brice stood alone, drinking champagne. They’d already done the necessary speeches as to why this was important. All he had to do was donate and that would see his part completed and he could leave.

  Sandy’s laughter grated on his nerves. They were not an exclusive item. She liked to make it abundantly clear to him that she was not just for him. There were more sharks in the sea, and she intended to taste them all.

  Well, she could start now.

  Finishing off his drink, he put the empty glass on the tray of a passing waiter and made his way toward the donations box. He arrived as Danielle did.

  She offered him a beaming smile, and he noticed she had her checkbook ready. “It was an amazing turnout this year.”

  “You were here last year?”

  “Yes. My parents love for me to be the face of their donations as well. They donate before the event, and I show up and donate myself.” She offered him a smile.

  “We’ve never met before.”

  “I know, but we have now. It’s a pleasure.” She leaned forward, and the dress she wore wasn’t modest at all. He wondered if she even realized that the curves of her tits were on full display for him to see?

  His cock began to get hard as he watched her. He’d never had this instant reaction to a woman before.

  She finished her check, tore it out, and placed it in the donations box. With another smile, she turned on her heel and left. She didn’t join the party, however. She headed outside.

  Quickly writing out a check and not thinking of an amount, he followed her. She stood waiting for her car, but his was already there as he’d called the valet ahead of time to be ready.

  “Are you waiting for your car?” he asked.

  “Oh, no, I’m waiting for a cab. I don’t drive.”

  “Would you like a ride?” he asked.

  “That’s fine. Honestly, I don’t mind waiting.”

  “I am more than happy to drive you wherever you need to go. It’s cold out, and I’d hate for you to catch a cold.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Where’s your date?”

  “I didn’t say she was my date.”

  “She was hanging off your arm. How can she not be your date?”

  “We’re not close, and she knows the score.” He’d never had to explain his actions before, so this was entirely new to him. The smile she’d worn all night had slipped from her lips. He missed it the moment it was gone.


  Brice Ivory may not know her, but Danielle knew him. His reputation preceded him. Her parents talked about him often. They admired his corporation, his work ethic, and had often embarked on a few projects together in the name of technology.

  Of course, during most of those parties, she’d been absent as she had her own life and her own work.

  Even though she was a successful businesswoman in her own right, her parents still didn’t like how she lived her life.

  She didn’t have to depend on them for anything, and of course, they didn’t like it. She was independent, making all of her decisions for herself.

  The engagement they’d tried to force her into had failed miserably.

  She wasn’t going to marry a man just to help the family business. When she finally did marry, it would be for love. It may be an outdated thought, but that was what she wanted.

  The man before her, he was a player.

  He was used to getting what he wanted and to hell with the consequences. He had a bad boy reputation, often showing him in the media to flaunt his latest conquest. He loved models as well as actresses and all other kinds of women. Only, the longest date so far had been a month.

  “I don’t mind waiting,” she said.

  “I don’t bite, Danielle.”

  She pushed some hair off her face and turned to the valet, hoping he had some answers.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Knox. The cab company is running behind. You could be here for another half an hour,” the valet said, not helping her cause.

  She forced a smile to her lips. It wasn’t the first one this night. “Then I’d love to take your offer.”

  Brice held the door open for her, and she climbed inside. Once he was seated behind the wheel, she told him her address, and he nodded. “That’s a good apartment building.”

  When she was filming her shows, she always used her home out in the country. The only reason she was staying in the city was for the few events and ceremonies she’d been requested to participate in. She couldn’t wait to get back home, start experimenting so she could finish her latest cookbook, and then film the show’s next season that had already been picked up. She would never submit her cookbook or start filming until she was absolutely sure everything was perfect.

  “I own the penthouse suite on the top floor,” Brice said.

  “You do?” She turned toward him. She rarely had time to go and check on her neighbors, but she didn’t have the top floor of any building.

  “It would appear that we’re part of the same circles but seem to be able to constantly miss each other,” Brice said.

  Words at this moment in time were failing her. She didn’t want to state the obvious that the only reason they were together right now was because of the charity event.

  “I don’t spend a lot of time going to social events.” This was the only one she could think of where she didn’t
have an excuse to leave. If given the chance, she would have been back home, working on her new cookbook. Her parents though, were trying to set her up with available men that they felt would not only be good for business but also good for her. She wasn’t in the mood to fight them off.

  However, back home she went tomorrow. She was looking forward to the next three months of experimenting, spending time by herself, and just being creative.

  The next book and series would take her close to two years to finish. During that time, she would do some guest spots, touring, and of course, spending time with fans. She loved her fans.

  “Let’s have breakfast tomorrow,” he said.


  “I’d like to continue this conversation over breakfast.”

  “Erm, weren’t you on a date tonight?”

  “I was, but it wasn’t exclusive and I’m not seeing her again.”

  “Okay, I want to stop you right there because that is not happening,” she said. “There’s no way you can date one woman and then ask another out. That’s wrong, and it’s mean.”

  “Sandy doesn’t care. She’s already got a new man lined up to take her out.”

  “Wow, you have no idea what is wrong with that statement.”

  “You don’t go out and have fun, is that it?”

  “I have fun, but just because I decide not to go out with you doesn’t mean I don’t know how to.” Danielle was so relieved to see him entering the private underground parking facility. She didn’t want to spend another moment in this man’s company. The instant he parked, she was out of the car.

  Walking to the elevator, she clicked the button and cursed as Brice came to stand beside her.

  “You’re the first woman I know who has gotten angry at being asked to have breakfast with me. Are you not an early riser?” Brice asked.

  “I’m not angry with you for asking me to have breakfast with you. What I’m angry about is … you really don’t care, do you?”

  “Care about what?”

  Turning to stare at him, Danielle didn’t even understand why she was trying to explain it to him.

  “You were with another woman less than an hour ago.” She spoke to him slowly, hoping he’d understand. “Is your ego so big you don’t even care?”

  “I think what is shocking is that you care a lot more than me. Sandy knows the deal. We were not exclusive, and I tend to go after what I want.”

  “Wow,” she said.

  “Yeah, and I want you.”

  The elevator opened up, and she stepped inside. Folding her arms across her chest, she tried to take deep breaths.

  In with anger.

  Out with love.

  This man, she couldn’t believe him.

  Actually, she could.

  He thought he could have anyone and everything and to hell with the consequences. This wasn’t a game to her. She didn’t know Sandy and had never said more than a few words to her, but that still didn’t give him the right to cheat on her. She didn’t know anything about Sandy or Brice, but it didn’t sit well with her to be with men who were with other women.

  She felt annoyed for Sandy.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him on his cell phone. He let out a chuckle before pocketing it.

  “You know I’ve heard you’re one hell of a cook,” he said.

  “You ever watch an episode of my show?”


  “Then you don’t know if I am or not.”

  “You’re a feisty one, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t do this, Brice. Not ever. I have no interest in dating you or being anything with you. Honestly.”

  The doors opened on her floor.

  “You know I love it when a woman plays hard to get.”

  She stepped off the elevator and turned toward him. He was a good-looking man. Sexy, hot, short dark hair, he didn’t seem to have a drinking problem, nor did she smell the lingering stench of cigarette smoke. For the most part he was one hell of a catch. She knew if her parents ever found out that he’d asked her, they would be thrilled. More than thrilled. But, and this was a huge but, she didn’t date men who had no respect for women. When she did finally meet a man, she wanted to have the fantasy. The fairy tale. To be with someone who loved her, not just what she could do for them.

  “I’m not playing, Brice. Lovely to meet you, but no thanks.”

  She spun on her heel and made her way to her apartment. Closing and locking the door behind her, she kicked off her ridiculously high heels and gasped as her feet touched the cold floor.

  “Now that is heaven.”

  Removing the necklace, rings, and finally earrings, she walked back to the respective boxes and packaged them up ready to be collected by tomorrow. She’d been approached to wear a certain brand of jewelry that had been handcrafted. They were beautiful pieces, expensive, and ones she never intended to wear again.

  With them waiting to be collected, she walked to the bedroom.

  Removing her gown, she placed it in the laundry basket and took a quick shower, washing off the long night. Her feet hurt, and her head was throbbing a little. Too much champagne and not enough food.

  Once she was dressed in a nightshirt and shorts, she entered her kitchen. With a packet of pre-cooked noodles, she set about making herself a quick chicken stir-fry. She didn’t even bother using a bowl. Putting a heatproof mat on the table, she set her wok down and began to eat.

  Thinking about Brice, she shook her head.

  “That man is insane if he thinks it’s going to be easy to win me over.”

  Admittedly, she found it charming that he offered her a ride and also the way he touched her. The moment his hand grazed her skin, her body had come alive as if it had a mind of its own.

  Bad news.

  Very bad news.

  End of sample chapter




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