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Warlords Saga

Page 32

by Brian K. Larson

  Rene flew her fighter about, rejoining her leader’s wing, “Sorry, Major, but these bullets are about as effective as throwing rocks. We’ve got to change tactics. There’s too many of them!”

  “Agreed!” Major Phillips nodded, “These Antarian fighters, they’re three times our size.” He lined up on another fighter and pulled the trigger on his control stick. “Rene, sync with my target lock. Let’s try doubling up!”

  “Roger that,” Rene said as she sent commands to her targeting systems. “Target locked. My guns will fire on your trigger.”

  Rene’s fighter shook as her weapons fired once more. The combined weapons fire penetrated the Antarian shielding, killing the pilot. The ship spun off course and slammed into two other Antarian fighters. The resulting collision caused the three fighters to explode in a brilliant flash of light.

  “That’s the ticket!” Rene shouted with glee.

  “Attention all fighters,” the Major began, “scrub current targeting protocol. ACE ships, double and triple up on your targets and synchronize for maximum efficiency.”

  “Roger, Major,” the pilot of ACE One reported. “Re-configuring targeting firing synchronization is ready...transmitting new targeting protocols. All fighters are synced and paired, Sir!”

  The fighters of Squad 1 opened fire on more targets, this time with twice the firepower locked onto each Antarian target. Five enemy fighters exploded into miniature stars, then ten, fifteen, and more.

  After sixty splashed enemy fighters, Phillips saw the opening he’s been looking for.

  “We’ve cut them down enough!” Phillips shouted, “Yellow leader, you are go!”

  “This is Yellow leader, roger that! Launch Operation Yellow Jacket.”

  “This is Yellow Jacket One. Landing craft away.”

  “Yellow Jacket Two, reporting in. We are also away.”

  “Yellow 3, 4, and 5; follow Yellow Leader and his wing. Red and Blue squad has punched a hole through to the Antarian ship. Transport: Prepare your boarding teams!”

  “Affirmative, Yellow One. We’re with you!”

  The yellow squadron of five ships changed course. Operation Yellow Jacket followed close behind, heading toward the enemy vessel.

  “This is Major Phillips! The remaining fighters have turned to defend. Green Leader, intercept with Red and Blue!”

  “Roger that, Major,” the Green leader reported, “This is Green Leader, Green Squad, form up on me...Rocinante, come in.”

  “This is Rocinante, go ahead, Green Leader.”

  Jed listened to the comm channel as the Green Leader reported to his tactical officer, “All ship drones are launched and in layered defense stations. We’re joining Red and Blue, over.”

  “This is Lieutenant Collins, Green One. You are released. Good hunting!”

  “Roger, that. Put some on ice for us, Sir!”

  Jed glanced over to Thelix from his restraint chair, “You sure this’ll work?”

  “Yes,” Thelix answered, “They will not be expecting us to fly inside of their shields. Boarding tactics will be unanticipated.”

  “Helm, what’s our distance now?”

  Erica glanced at her screens to confirm the numbers, “The Antarian ship is nearing our point defense perimeter. Reading 1200 meters now, Sir!”

  “Hard to port!” Jed ordered, “Let’s knock on their doors!.”

  “Aye, Sir. Turning hard to port!”

  “They will likely turn to their port,” Thelix suggested.

  “The transports will have free clearance to dock on the other side,” Jed nodded, “Helm, adjust course to keep them in our PDS.”

  “Aye, Sir. They are turning as predicted. Turning with them to 1-8-0, mark 3-5-6. Rotation 20 degrees...helm is locked by sensors to maintain position relative to the target, Sir!”

  “Adjust rotation by 10 more degrees.”

  “Firing solution computed,” Collins reported.

  “Aye, Sir. Rotating now!” Erica reported.

  “Target at 1000 meters!” Collins shouted.

  “PDS weapons free!” Jed ordered.

  “FIRE!” Jameson pulled down his fist to punctuate the command.

  The Rock’s point defense system began rapid firing hundreds of armor piercing rounds at the Antarian vessel.

  Five more enemy fighters flashed out of existence under the barrage of explosive rounds.

  “Sir,” Jameson reported, the Rock shook and shuddered as the Antarian weapons pounded her hull, “Multiple impacts our port side; our armor plating is taking a beating, Sir.”

  “Defense Drones are down 20 percent, Sir. We’ve got 160 left!”

  Jed looked up to his helmsmen from the CSC pit, “Helm, hold present course. Rotate 180 degrees. Tactical, change PDS to Starboard guns and open fire when ready!”

  “Aye, Sir!” Erica acknowledged, “Rotating 180 and holding course and speed.”

  “Calculating new firing solution,” Collins reported, “PDS online. Firing!”

  “Sir,” Henderson reported, “The fighters have punched a hole in their hull and the transports have attached. The Marines are boarding the Antarian ship now.”

  “Good,” Jamison nodded, and then turned to Malcom. “You able to reach the Antarian Captain yet?”

  Malcom flashed open one eye, and then shut them both tight again, “No, Commander. I am afraid they are equipped with one of those telepathy inhibitors; I am unable to break through. Too bad Artemis remained on Earth to assist your building efforts. If she were here we may have been able to get through together. Alone, however, I cannot.”

  “Keep tryin’,” Jamison smiled, “Persistence is often rewarded.”

  “Perhaps, Commander, perhaps.”

  On each transport the Marines ran through one last systems check as they locked onto the Antarian Hull. Fifty Marines on each transport cocked their weapons and patted each other on the tops of their helmets.

  The red light over the airlock turned green, signaling that the pressure had equalized between the Antarian ship and transport, “We’re in!” Captain Garland bellowed, “Move out!”

  The Marines flooded the corridor, cutting down anyone in their way. The Antarians were taken completely by surprise

  “Moss, Webb!” the Captain ordered, “You're clear! Get your C4 charges set! You’ve got two minutes, now GO! GO! GO!”

  Specialists Moss and Web double-timed it, escorted by eight Marines. Around the first corner they were met by two Antarians rushing toward the hull breaches.

  The Marines were expert marksmen, and the large Antarians made easy targets.

  They reached the engine room and took out three more Antarians, “You better hurry, my scanner shows more on the way!” one of the Marines reported.

  “Webb?” Specialist Moss shouted, “You set yet?”

  “Yeah! Just activated the remote detonator! All set here!”

  “Okay, let’s go!” another Marine said, motioning with his gun’s muzzle, “We set a perimeter way back. But stay alert. I’m recalling our troops as we head back.”

  Captain Garland waved his arm in a circular motion at the running men, “Come on! Come on! Move it! We’ve lost ten men already! GO! GO! GO!”

  Specialists Webb and Moss entered their transports with most of the Marines close behind. Webb reported to Garland, “We’re good to go, Sir!”

  “Okay, that’s it!” Garland shouted. He stepped inside his transport as five more ran to their exit, “We can’t wait anymore, seal her up!”

  “Sir, just one more minute!” one Sergeant begged.

  “I said seal it up, Sergeant! They’re right on us!”

  “Yes, Sir!” the Sergeant rolled the door shut, “The hatch is sealed!”

  “Break loose and get us outta here!” Garland ordered his pilot.

  “Yes, Sir!” the pilot nodded, “Rocinante, Operation Yellow Jacket is success! Commence Operation Stinger!”

  Jed nodded slightly from his commander restrain system,
“Light ‘er up! Helm, break off. New course: 2-4-0 mark 3-5-6. Full speed!”

  “Aye, Sir,” Erica said.

  “PDS off line,” Collins reported.

  “Turning 2-4-0 mark 3-5-6, full power to engines!”

  Collins slammed his fist on the large red button on his console. Jed watched on the view screen as the hull of the Antarian battle ship buckled. A glow from fires raging inside the ship leaked through the massive tears now ravaging the ship’s structure. Several large explosions sent the Antarian battle ship listing to one side.

  Then the dark, cold emptiness of space was filled with a blinding light as the Antarian ship vanished in a tremendous explosion.

  “Damage report!” Jameson bellowed.

  “Aye, Sir,” Collins began, “We lost over 60 percent of our defense drones, 6 fighters, and fifteen Marines.”

  “Well,” Jed sighed, “Too many Marines. The drones did what they were designed to do. Just didn’t think we’d lose them so quickly.”

  “Collins, recall all fighters and ACE support,” Jed ordered, “Helm, resume course to Epsilon, maximum speed.”

  “Aye, Sir. Course set.”

  “Engage as soon as all ships are aboard.”




  Boreshog Lair


  Danielle slumped against the hard rock behind her. She was bound with her arms stretched outward by purple vines. Water dripped from the stone cavern, the regular sound echoing deep into the cave. Some of the spray from the falling water splashed into her face, rousing her from her ordeal.

  The Nanites running through her blood was already busy working on repairing her various scrapes and scratches.

  She shook her head, trying to flick her hair from her eyes. She couldn’t make out much in the dimly lit cave.

  Danielle suddenly tensed as the shape of the Boreshog came into focus in one corner. It appeared to be gnawing meat from a leg bone of a creature. She knew it wasn’t human from the two knuckled joints and the large size. Noticing the beast looking in her direction, she quickly shut her eyes and lay limp.

  I must be it's next meal, she silently thought. If I remain still, maybe I can wait for it to leave. She fought off panic as thoughts entered her mind of being eaten by this creature. Stop it! She complained, it’s not going to do you any good if you freak-out.

  The Boreshog finished tearing the last bit of flesh from the bone and then tossed it on a large pile of bones from countless meals past. The beast peered at Danielle for some time before turning and moving toward a hole in the ceiling of the cave.

  Danielle watched the beast through slits in her eyelids, trying to keep as still as possible.

  The Boreshog left through the hole. She could hear the flapping of wings, and then the creature screeched from some distance away.

  Danielle opened her eyes once more and inspected the vines. They weren’t real tight, so she tried to pull one of her arms out. The vine tightened around her at the movement, squeezing the blood from the lower part of her arm. When she relaxed, the vine loosened its grip.

  She tried moving both arms at the same time. Each movement countered with the vine pulling tight, reminding her she was captive.

  “What the hell?” she spat. “I gotta get out of here!”

  She tried twice more, being stopped each time by the tightening vine, “Maybe if I stop fighting them,” it occurred to her, “the vines should loosen enough to pull free.”

  She relaxed her entire body, remembering the adolescent blood she took, she gained strength and called to her new blood spirit. She looked at her left arm and watched the vines wither from her arm. Then she looked at her right, and it too became free. Her arms fell to her sides and she let the blood return to them, sending the sensation of needles across her hands and arms.

  She cautiously removed the remaining vines and moved to the center of the cave. She kept her eyes fixed on the opening on the other side where the Boreshog had exited.

  The uneven rock of the cave floor made it tricky to traverse her way toward the opening. She managed to find her footing most of the way across until she was startled by the shadow of the returning Boreshog.

  Danielle froze in her tracks as the beast entered the lair. Then the beast, noticing Danielle loose, snapped her head, fixing her gaze on the defenseless woman. The creature roared as it folded its wings. The Boreshog climbed into the cave and charged.

  Danielle held her hands out in a defensive crouch, but she no longer wore the wings of swords. The beast pulled back to strike at Danielle, but stopped short of its swing.

  A new found strength rose inside Danielle. The adolescent’s blood spirit surged through her veins, giving her a new sense of sureness. Danielle held her ground, the Boreshog withdrew her talon, and took a step backward.

  “Oh, I see!” Danielle shouted with confidence, “You can’t harm me, can you?”

  The beast growled in dissatisfaction, reared its head in the air and let out a roar.

  The two male Boreshog entered the lair and took positions on each side of the mother. The newcomers scuffed their hooves, begging the mother’s permission to kill the small creature before them. But the female beast held her hands out, holding them back.

  “It’s your son’s blood that runs through me! My blood spirit is speaking to you. Am I right?”

  The mother Boreshog stomped her hoof on the cave rocks, snarling through its teeth like a rabid dog.

  “I take that as a yes,” Danielle smiled, “You know what I am and why I’m here.”

  Danielle closed her eyes knowing in her mind that these creatures would not...could not...harm her. She concentrated with her mind to the beast, You are intelligent? I can sense that.

  The creature closed its yellow eyes and connected with Danielle, Yes. We communicate. You took from me.

  Yes, Danielle thought with her mind I took from you...but you already know why...don’t you?

  The answer came to Danielle in fragmented words, Yes... know why... require... blood spirit... validation.

  “You know of the scrolls?” Danielle shouted with opened eyes.

  Scroll... yes... warrior... you are... written scroll... long ago...

  “I will not harm your child,” Danielle offered.

  Know this... unsure... unsure! ... Frightened for him!

  Danielle closed her eyes and focused on the creatures mind, trust me you must. Feel me harm... no harm! You have my word!

  Must learn... Trust ...Trust... no understand.

  No harm to your child. I shall painlessly extract his blood only when I need.

  Return ...adolescent ...Return...what took ...Trust through action.

  Promise me his blood spirit. You know I shall require this to remain in power.

  Power ...yes ...Remain in power ...You must ...Return child now ...Show trust ...Believe.

  Tell me about the scrolls. Do you know of the missing pages?

  Yes ...Missing pages ...I know ...You want.

  I will return your child if you show me the missing scroll and allow the Adolescent to fill me of his blood spirit upon every cycle.

  Return first ...then tell ...scroll.

  Promise the blood spirit. Danielle insisted.

  Promise ...adolescent ...blood spirit ...every cycle. Return now!

  I shall release the adolescent. I trust you will allow his blood to fill me upon every cycle. This is trust. Learn trust. You can trust me.

  Child first ...blood spirit ...promise every cycle ...child first ...then tell scrolls.

  Danielle held her hand out to the Mother beast and touched her neck, “Lie down. You will take me to the Adolescent. They will not harm you if I am with you.”

  Vines ...take vines ...hold around me us ...hold vines.

  Danielle turned to the wall of vines and picked a limp section from the cave floor. The vine immediately came to life and moved it
self around the body of the beast. She climbed on the back of the creature, and mounted the beast like a horse, grabbing the vines. They moved around her legs and arms holding her in place.

  The two male Boreshog exited the lair and waited for the mother creature. The beast climbed from its warren to the outside. Rain fell in large drops, bouncing from Danielle’s scalp, drenching her hair. The rain soaked Danielle as the storm intensified, filling the surrounding trenches.

  The beast extended its wings, lifted its head to the sky and shook it in the rain.

  “Why didn’t you communicate with us sooner?”

  Blood spirit ...adolescent blood ...strong not ...cycle pass.

  “I understand,” Danielle said to the creature, “I know you won’t kill me unless my blood spirit runs out. Do you know how long before I need to fill with the spirit blood?”

  Adolescent blood ... spirit ...two cycles strong. Loose communication ... risk too great ... return no more ... three short cycles.

  “I understand,” Danielle said, patting the side of the beast, “I shall come every cycle or no more than two. It’s gone after three.”

  Return adolescent ... no trust

  Danielle shouted, “Go the adolescent!”

  The Boreshog flapped its massive wings and roared with lifted head. The wings pushed through the air, lifting them off the ground. Danielle gulped, holding the tightened vines.

  Higher they soared with every beat of the Boreshog wings. Soon they were well above the flooding trenches.

  Danielle could tell they were far into the valley of trenches. She peered below at the disappearing landscape. Flood waters from the downpour created rushing rivers of water, bringing with it branches, mud and rock from the banks.

  “What about your lair?” Danielle asked of the flying beast.

  High ground the beast said to Danielle’s mind, lair safe ...water never enters.

  Danielle saw Darnash and two of his Antarian elite guard struggling to stay alive. The dyke they were on was underwater. The water flowed around their legs as they continued to move toward the Boreshog’s lair. Darnash led the two, his arm over his eyes, and his free hand stretched out in front of him. His palm outstretched, he deflected as much rain from his face as possible. Still, the pounding of the waters beat at them. The relentless waves splashed against Darnash, rising higher to his waist, and pushing him back a step.


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