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Warlords Saga

Page 33

by Brian K. Larson

  Darnash spotted the approaching Boreshog and fell to his knees in reverence at the sight he beheld.

  “We have to save them!” Danielle ordered to the beast.

  Child first ...must hurry!

  “NOOOO!” Danielle protested, “Order your adult males to pick them up. Just stop long enough for me to tell Darnash, you mean no harm!”

  The she beast beat her wings harder, Child first! You promised! No ...break promise trust!

  “Do NOT defy the Empress of the Rising Star of Antares! The Star that give you life...take them with us!”

  No trust trust ...human lied.

  Danielle closed her eyes and commanded to the creature with her mind, You know you must obey me. The Blood Spirit does not allow you to resist me. Know me... feel my heart; I do not break my promise. We must take them with, as the Empress of Antares, I demand you land!

  The massive creature slowed and lowered its hooves into the water before Darnash and the two elite guard.

  “My Empress! You have tamed the beast!”

  The other two Boreshog landed near the other two Antarians. Danielle shouted to the three, “Be not afraid! They are here to help me! You two each take one, Darnash, climb on my back and hold on!”

  The rising river was nearly to their waists, irresistibly pulling at them. The Boreshogs’ legs quivered under the pounding flow of water.

  “Hurry!” Danielle begged, “We must free the adolescent!”

  Darnash fought his way to the back of the beast. The creature continued to flap its wings to keep balance with the flowing water now splashing on its belly.

  The two male Boreshog took off, each with a pair of massive Antarian hands gripping its scales.

  As Darnash grasped the vine securing Danielle, the vine grew around him as well, “My Lady!” Darnash yelled over the rain, “I must tell you something of great importance!”

  The Boreshog leaped into the air and flapped its wings. The creature rose into the air and began to soar toward the caged adolescent that was three kilometers away.

  “Tell me, Darnash!”

  “It is Dumakas!”

  “What about Dumakas?” Danielle shouted.

  “He was freed and is at large!”

  “Who did this?”

  “The messenger did not know. We shall discover who has done this treachery, my Lady!”

  “Hurry!” Danielle begged the beast, “We must reach the others!”

  From a distance, Danielle and Darnash could see seven fallen elite guard. Dumakas stood among the dead Antarians. The adolescent beast lay passed out from the drugs inside a locked cage.

  The former Emperor held a long sword in his hand and looked up at the three approaching Boreshog. Seeing Danielle and the others riding the creature’s backs, Dumakas panicked and ran toward the caged creature.

  The three Boreshog landed near the cage, Danielle let loose of the vine and hopped down from the winged beast. Darnash drew his sword and leaped from the beast’s neck, vaulting over its head.

  Dumakas jammed his sword through the caged creature. Reaching through the cage as far as he could, Dumakas filled his palm and then drank of the adolescent’s spilled blood. The creature suddenly woke with a screech as Dumakas withdrew his sword just in time to turn and block Darnash’s battle strike with his sword.

  The two swords clashed, Dumakas slid his sword to Darnash’s crossbar and held his position. The two fixed their eyes on each other, and then Dumakas thrust him backward and began slashing at Darnash.

  The two elite guards drew their swords, leaped off of the Boreshog and ran to Darnash’s side.

  The blood Dumakas consumed acted quickly, giving him a renewed strength.

  Danielle shrieked at the sight of the impaled creature, now writhing with pain, trapped inside the cage. The dying adolescent whimpered loudly, knowing its mother was near. Crying out for help, failing to understand what was happening.

  Danielle reached the cage only to find the creature take its last breath. She quickly reached in to partake of what she could to remain as strong as possible.

  Forgive me, Danielle thought to the mother creature, which was now ripping the door from the cage. I must take what I can to overcome Dumakas. He must not return to power! You must know this!

  The mother beast withdrew her child from the cage and began to weep over the dead carcass. Lie...human lied ...child not returned trust trust human.

  I’m sorry...I did not intend this to happen. You are still under my control. You must join me in defeating Dumakas.

  No fight ...Spirit Blood ...Dumakas enemy can kill ...just as you.

  Danielle rose to her feet, her eyes seething with anger at the former ruler. She bolted from the cage, demanding one of the guards hand her one of their swords.

  Dumakas swung over and over, never tiring, continuing to push the three Antarians backward.

  “No, my Lady!” Darnash spat, countering Dumakas’ forays. “You must return to the palace! I will fight him off!”

  “You fool!” Dumakas fought, “You will not beat me!”

  “You will never return to power, Dumakas!” Danielle shouted. She took the sword from the guard and battled Dumakas. Single handedly, she fought with might as her blood spirit sang to her.

  “I will defeat you, Dumakas!”

  “Never,” Dumakas laughed, “Nonetheless, I shall take my leave to fight another day!” He called to one of the male Boreshog.

  The creature flapped its wings and took off. The creature circled around and flew toward Dumakas.

  He bent his legs and then leaped into the air. The Boreshog flew low, allowing Dumakas to land on its back. The beast flapped harder and took off over the forest.

  Danielle screamed in frustration, pacing back and forth swinging her sword at the air. She stopped and faced the leaving Dumakas, “I will not allow you to return to power, Dumakas...mark my words!”

  Darnash sheathed his sword, “Coward! Come back to fight!”

  “He’s gone, Darnash.”

  Darnash turned to Danielle, “A terrible thing has happened. I am sorry, my Lady. I have failed you. I have diminished this thing you have done here today. The taming of a Boreshog has not occurred in many thousands of full cycles.”

  It has been... over... fifteen ...thousand...cycles. The grieving Boreshog thought to Danielle, sorrow I have... sorrow... ... lies... deceit... human... I will obey until ... blood spirit fades... kill I will ... you... one day...



  HMS Bristol

  Sigma Draconis


  The two Earth ships, the Bristol and Yamato, orbited Sigma Draconis’ home world.

  “Sir,” Lieutenant John Scott, the Bristol’s communication officer reported, “The Yamato reports they are ready to depart for Theta Centauri.”

  Captain McCartney looked up from his console, “Tell Captain Shin the Yamato is clear to depart, and wish him luck in his recruiting.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Scott acknowledged, “Yamato, Bristol. You’re clear to depart the Sigma Draconis system...good luck, Captain.”

  “Oh, and make sure they check in every twelve hours,” McCartney added.

  Lieutenant Scott nodded toward his Captain, “Captain Shin, Captain McCartney requests twelve hour communication protocols.”

  “Affirmative, Bristol,” McCartney heard over the ship’s loud speakers. “Captain Shin acknowledges twelve hour protocol. Yamato out.”

  The static whispered over the speakers as the Yamato signed off. Their ship powered engines and broke orbit.

  “Sir,” Commander Iverson reported, “The Yamato has cleared the planet and jumped to their first coordinates. They’re on the way.”

  “Great,” McCartney nodded from the CSC pit. “Lieutenant Scott, get me The Primrose.”

  “Aye, Sir, connecting you with the Draconian Flagship... ...I’ve got commander Rot
hgarson on overhead.”

  “Trygg!” Captain McCartney said, “How is the planet-side support services coming along?”

  “We’ve seen a huge improvement with the addition of your resources. Thank you, Captain. You have done a great thing here.”

  “Anything we can do to help, Captain, anything at all.”

  “You have provided quite sufficient help with the Yamato leaving a third of her crew and support ships on the surface. We’ve discovered and provide assistance to nearly a hundred thousand survivors.”

  “What are your estimates for more survivors on the surface?”

  “Our earliest estimations forecast two million planet side survivors.”

  “How many inhabitants were there?”

  “Our planet was a rich and industrialized society, Captain. We had branched out to other planets in our system and several colonies throughout the galaxy before the attack. There were approximately three trillion citizens, with several million spread out among all our colonies.”

  “The numbers are so large, it’s hard to grasp the scale of it. To be culled from three trillion to a few million? It is simply overwhelming, Captain.”

  “We have survived this, and we will rebuild,” Trygg said with resolve.

  “From what I’ve seen, Captain Rothgarson, your people are tenacious. I’m sure you’ll recover.”

  “We choose to remain optimistic, Captain McCartney. However, it’s the fortitude of Captain Shin that I admire.”

  “Captain Shin is a courageous man. If anyone can convince the Centaurians that an alliance is in their best interest, it’s Shin and his first officer, Hikaru.”

  “I hope you’re right, Captain.” Trygg remained as optimistic over the comm link as possible.

  “The Centaurians and Draconians have had bad blood for centuries. It would be good if what they face is similar; it would help to unite us. We have sorrow for any loss their race must face. A shared enmity towards the Warlords now binds our races.”

  “We’ve seen this on Earth, Trygg. Having a mutual enemy can bring those with persistent differences into cooperation.”

  “Indeed, indeed it does, my friend.”

  “Rest assured; Shin will get the job done.”

  “It will be interesting to say the least. The day may come when my enemy becomes my ally. We are hopeful that the disputes between the Centaurians and Draconians will soon be resolved.”

  McCartney changed the subject, “Captain, we’ve confirmed that the nuked cities have been fully quarantined. The Eridonians have given us technology to contain the radioactivity to the central blast zones. That should minimize any additional fallout outside those areas.”

  “Yes, yes. Please send our deepest gratitude to Bertram for their help. They have been essential to our race avoiding extinction. The planet-wide devastation was at least contained to ten major cities. Those areas will remain uninhabitable for several centuries, but the outlying regions and most of our oceans will support life once again in a few years. Until then, we will move most of our people off planet. We will be forced to disperse them among our other colonies.”

  “Why don’t you thank him yourself? Tonight, you and Styr join us for dinner on the Bristol.”

  “A very generous offer, Captain McCartney, my first officer and I shall shuttle over in a few hours. There is still much that must be done in securing our system...”

  Alarms interrupted both ship captains. Red strobe lights glistened on the Bristol’s bridge.

  Captain McCartney’s tactical officer broke in over the blaring alarm, “Proximity alarm, Sir! Detecting three inbound ships! No response to hails! They’re coming in hot, bearing two-five-five, mark one-eight-zero, ETA ten minutes!”

  “Sound General Quarters,” Commander Iverson boomed, “Battle stations! Launch the alert fighters and ACE support! Helm; turn us hard about. Take us out of orbit! We’re sittin’ ducks over here!”

  Trygg scanned the data coming into the Primrose, and then interrupted McCartney, “Stand by! We’re reading Draconian energy signatures.”

  “Launch the squadron,” McCartney ordered, “Captain Rothgarson, we need eyes to verify. I ask that you join our formation and intercept these ships.”

  Trygg ordered his helm to follow the Bristol’s lead, “We’re forming up on you, Captain. It is a prudent move. If they are Draconian, they may have been compromised.”

  “Let’s hope that they’ve only lost communications.”

  “Red Squadron is launched, Captain,” Kabatski reported, “Area Combat Enchantment Support is away.”

  McCartney acknowledged with a nod toward his tactical officer, “Captain Rothgarson, we’ve got ten fighters and two of our support ships inbound to intercept the Draconian ships. We’ll know in a couple minutes. Do you have any emergency communication protocol procedures?”

  “Yes, Captain,” Trygg crackled over the channel, “We’re launching two of our scout ships. Have your fighters escort them close to the lead ship. They will fire a beacon at their hull. It will allow our scout ships to gain access to the ships computers. From that, they’ll know what their situation is.”

  “This is Red Leader,” Major Sherman announced over the comm, “Do you copy, Bristol?”

  “This is Lieutenant Scott,” the Bristol’s communication officer answered, “We read you. Your instructions are to escort the two Draconian scouts and intercept the inbound ships. We need a visual, copy?”

  “Copy that, Lieutenant,” Sherman answered, “I have the two scouts in sight. Anderson and Drake, follow up on my wing. We’re goin’ in!”

  “Affirmative,” Red Two reported.

  “Copy that, Major,” Red Three sounded.

  The three fighters, along with one ACE support ship broke formation and headed toward the incoming ships.

  “ETA two minutes,” Major Sherman counted. “Arm weapons and activate armor plating. Stand ready!”

  “Aye, aye, Major!” the two fighters acknowledged.

  “I don’t want anyone firing unless I give the order, or you are being fired upon, copy?”

  “Roger that, Major,” Anderson confirmed, “I will, but I can’t say that Drake’s itchy trigger won’t.”

  “Alright,” Major Sherman ordered, “Knock it off! This isn’t a drill, we’re for real here!”

  Anderson in Red Two sighed, “Sorry, Sir.”

  “Alright, we’re approaching visual range. So far, all quiet. I’m not reading any power signatures on their weapons. No fighter support is being launched. Draconian Scout ships; you are clear to make your run.”

  “Thank you, Major,” Sherman heard over his comm link.

  The two scout ships moved out ahead of the three fighters toward the approaching ships.

  “We’ll be in firing range in ten seconds,” the Draconian pilot reported, “Arming beacon...firing at target...stand by. Impact in 3...2...1...Beacon confirmed.”

  The pilots broke starboard flying across the lead ship’s bow and then circled around to form up with the remaining attack force for cover. The three fighter escorts held their course to get a closer look before banking to the left.

  “I’m getting the data now,” the first scout reported over the comm link.

  “This is Captain Rothgarson; report!”

  “Scout one reporting, Sir. I’m getting the data feed now...stand by...confirmed, Sir. They are ours. They have damage to their engines and comm systems. They were able to link to our beacon and relay a message. They are returning from battle and require assistance. Their engineer has been killed and they have extensive casualties on all three ships. There is a major radiation leak on the lead ship. They are asking for assistance.”

  Captain McCartney broke in, “Captain Rothgarson, do you need our help? We can launch a transport with the medical supplies and crew to assist.”

  “Yes, Captain,” Trygg answered, “That would be appreciated considering our current resources. It would take too much time for us to assemble the teams.”
br />   McCartney turned to his XO and pointed, “Do it.”

  “You heard the man,” Commander Iverson barked, “Chief; I want three transports ready to blast off ten minutes ago! Medical, assemble three Disaster Recovery Teams with full radiation protocols! Go! Go! Go! This isn’t a bowling league, MOVE IT!”

  “Medical teams are ready down here, Sir,” Iverson nodded with satisfaction. “We’re heading to the transports now.”

  “Chief Perry,” the Commander added, “assemble the appropriate engineers, repair teams, and helm controllers,” Iverson turned right, and then left, “Where’s the Eridonian?”

  “He’s in his quarters, Sir,” Lieutenant Scott reported.

  “Comm, get him on the horn, now!”

  “Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Scott nodded as he controlled his comm station, “Bertram, this is the bridge, please come in!”

  “And why can’t he read our minds that he’s needed?” Iverson complained.

  A drained voice answered over Lieutenant Scott’s comm link, “I was regenerating. I am so sorry, Commander. I am reading you now...I’m on my way to the launch bay. I shall instruct the DRT’s and teams in the skills that will be required.”

  “Thank you, Bertram,” Captain McCartney said.

  “Let’s go!” Iverson barked, “Launch in five!”

  “Helm,” McCartney ordered, “move to intercept the Draconian ships. Good thing we left orbit, we would’ve been sittin’ ducks if an attack does strike.”

  The Bristol curved out towards the damaged Draconian ships, “Aye, Sir. Turning to intercept the Draconian ships; ETA five minutes.”

  “Transports are ready, Sir!”

  “Launch the DRT’s!”

  Commander Iverson barked more orders, sending the three transports on their way.

  “Kabatski,” the Captain ordered, “Relay a message to the CAG. I want his squadron to start running CAP out here. Send them to the outer edge of this system if you have to, but I want early warning systems in place. We need more lead time if an attack were to come.”


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