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Little Samantha's Choice

Page 23

by Meredith O'Reilly

  Chapter Thirty

  It was Christmas Eve night and Jackson and I had decided that tonight and tomorrow morning, I would be a little girl, and then tomorrow night, I would be a big girl. We had just gotten back from dinner with both of our families and even though I was exhausted, I really wanted to look for Santa. So I went over to the windows in the kitchen and stared at the sky, hoping that I would see him and his reindeer fly by.

  “Come on pumpkin, bedtime. Let’s go take a bath, get you dressed in your pajamas, and then straight to bed for you.”

  “No, Daddy! I want to wait up for Santa!” I said, not moving away from the window.

  “Young lady, it’s almost eleven o’clock at night. That is way past your bed time. I know that you are sleepy, and as I kept telling you in the car, Santa won’t come if you’re awake.”

  I turned away from the window and stomped my foot. “No, Daddy, I’m staying up! I want to see Santa!”

  “Okay, that’s it, young lady. I’ve had far too much of this attitude from you tonight. I let a lot slide today because it’s Christmas Eve, but not anymore. Go to your nursery!”

  I knew that tone—and knew that now wasn’t the time to argue with my daddy. I went to my nursery with Daddy right on my tail. He seemed to want to get down to business because he sat down on the day bed and motioned for me to lie across his lap. I did, knowing that fighting him would just cause more spanks for my bottom. Then he pulled down my pants and underwear and began my spanking.

  Smack! “You will listen—to me.”

  “Ouchy! Daddy! I just wants to see Santa!” I yelled, trying to wiggle my butt away from his hand. But once again, it didn’t work.

  Smack! “You will go to bed—when I tell you too—and you will like it!”

  “B-but, Daddy. I w-wants t-to meet S-Santa,” I pleaded, starting to cry. I just wished that my daddy would understand how awesome it would be to meet Santa. I also wished that he understood how much the spanking was starting to hurt me. At the rate that it was going, my bottom was going to be as bright red as Santa’s outfit.

  I also didn’t want Santa to know that I had been spanked tonight. If he found out, I was worried that he might not give me any of my presents because I had been a naughty little girl.

  Smack! “No more—talking back!”

  I began to sob. My bottom felt flaming hot, and I soon lost count of the number of spanks I had received on my burning bottom.

  “I’m s-sorry, Daddy. I’m s-sorry!” I cried, hoping that he would end my spanking.

  At last, he stopped spanking me. My bottom was on fire and all because I wanted to stay up and see Santa. Life just wasn’t fair sometimes.

  After a few minutes, my daddy stood me up. “It’s okay, little girl, but just to make sure that the point got across, go stand in that corner with your nose to the wall. No touching your bottom. I’ll be right back after I go start your bath.”

  I went to the corner and put my nose in it. Man did I want to rub my sore bottom. My bottom felt like it was on fire! But, I did not want to get spanked more, so I didn’t touch it.

  It felt like forever until my daddy came back, but when he did, he gave me a hug and a kiss on my head. “Come on, sweetie. Bath time and then bedtime.”

  Daddy carried me into the bathroom and helped me undress the rest of the way, and then he helped me step into the bathtub. When I sat down, I let out a whimper because the warm water stung my already sore bottom. I heard my daddy chuckle when I sat down. That hurt my feelings. Daddies weren’t supposed to laugh at their little girls.

  “It’s not nice to laugh at your little girl when her bottom hurts, Daddy,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest as I pouted.

  “Well, little girl, your bottom wouldn’t hurt if you had listened to me, would it?”

  “Hmph!” I started to feel tears form in my eyes. I didn’t like how I felt. I turned my head away from my daddy as he kneeled down by the side of the bathtub and reached over to softly rub my back.

  “Give it a moment, baby, and the water should make your bottom feel better if it already hasn’t.”

  I knew that he was right about that as my bottom began to ease to a dull ache, instead of feeling like it was on fire.

  When I still wouldn’t look at him, he said, “I’m sorry that I laughed at you, sweetie. I shouldn’t have done that. It was mean of me. Am I forgiven?”

  I turned toward him with a smile on my face. “Yes, you are.”

  “Good. Now, would you like to play with your bath toys while I wash you?”

  “Oh, yes please, Daddy!”

  He reached over and grabbed the bucket of toys I liked to play with in the bath. He gave them to me and I immediately got lost in my own little world.

  As my daddy carefully washed my body and hair while I played with my toys, there was one problem: it felt so relaxing to be washed, that I started to feel my eyes close. I didn’t want to fall asleep, but sometimes a little girl can’t help it.

  My daddy must have noticed because what felt like a few seconds later he whispered in my ear, “Wake up, baby girl. It’s almost bedtime.”

  My eyes flew open as I watched my daddy pull the plug on the bathtub drain. “Sorry,” I mumbled, as I stood up and stepped out of the tub and into the towel he was holding open for me.

  “It’s okay, baby girl. I know you’re sleepy. I just need you to stay awake for a few more minutes.”

  “Okay,” I said. Then I watched him brush and blow dry my hair. When he was done with that, he had me brush my teeth.

  “Okay, baby girl. Time to finish getting you dressed for bed.” He picked me up and brought me into the nursery, then set me down on the changing table.

  I looked up at him, confused. “Daddy, why am I on the changing table? I’m four years old! Four year old girls don’t wear diapers!”

  “I know, sweetie, but Daddy thinks that when little girls misbehave they need to be treated a little younger than they are. Besides, with how sleepy you are, I don’t want you to have an accident in the middle of the night,” he said, as he pulled out all the things that he would need to diaper me. He wiped and powdered my bottom and closed the diaper around me. He then pulled out some fleece footie pajamas that were red with little green Christmas trees on them. He put the pajamas on me and once again, I was dressed up as a baby.

  He placed me in my crib for a moment, promising that he would be right back. I played with the mobile above me until he came back, carrying a book and a bottle of warm milk. He put the bottle and book on the ground, took me out of my crib, and placed me on his lap as he sat down in the rocking chair. Then he bent down and handed me my bottle as he opened up the book, The Night Before Christmas, and began to read to me as I drank my bottle.

  When he finished reading, I was very sleepy. I felt him grab my bottle from me so I could finish drinking it, but I was just so tired. I kept drinking my bottle and stopped when I felt myself suck in air. After that, I felt my bottle being pulled out of my mouth and then I felt myself being picked up. I opened my eyes to see my daddy raising the bar of my crib. I held out my hands as he gave me Molly, and then he put a pacifier in my mouth before pulling the covers all the way up to my neck.

  “Sweet dreams, baby girl,” he said, giving me a kiss on the forehead, and I was asleep within minutes.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  I woke up the next morning, surprised to see the sun high in the sky. I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up more, and then I remembered that it was Christmas.

  “Daddy! Daddy! It’s Christmas! Did Santa come?” I cried, jumping up and down in my crib.

  Daddy opened the nursery room door. “Good morning, baby girl. I was wondering when you were going to wake up.”

  As he walked over to my crib, I asked, “Did Santa come? Did he? Did he?”

  “He might have,” Daddy chuckled as he lowered the crib railing.

  I jumped out of my crib and ran downstairs into the family room where the Christmas tree was. I kne
w that my daddy was following me because I could hear him laughing. I plopped down in front of the Christmas tree and started to look at all the presents.

  “Young lady. I need to check if your diaper is wet.”

  I didn’t stop, picking up all of the presents and shaking them, trying to figure out what was in each box. There were so many presents, and I was so excited to open all of them! I let out a shriek when my daddy’s arms wrapped around me before I could open up any of my presents. He stood me up and turned me around to face him.

  “Sweetie, I need to change you before we open up presents. I don’t want you getting diaper rash from sitting in a wet diaper.”

  “But I’m dry, Daddy! I didn’t use my diaper at all last night!”

  “Well, you must have to go now,” he said, as he unzipped the front of my pajamas and saw that they were dry.

  “See! I didn’t use my diaper! I promise I’ll go the bathroom after we open up presents!”

  “Okay, okay,” he said as he zipped my pajamas back up. “Let’s see what Santa brought you.”

  Last night, Jackson and I decided that in the morning I would get all of my little girl presents, and in the evening I would get my big girl presents.

  I plopped back down on the ground, the crinkling of my diaper very loud in the room. I reached for the first present and ripped the wrapping paper right off. It was a set of coloring books with the biggest box of crayons that I had ever seen. I’m so going to use these today, I thought to myself. I grabbed a second gift and opened it. It was a Barbie.

  “Ohhh! Hello. I’m Samantha, but you can call me mommy. I’ll take good care of you!” I said to the doll as I tried to get the doll out of the packaging. I heard my daddy chuckle behind me. I wondered why a daddy would be chuckling at a mommy for taking care of her babies.

  The next five gifts that I opened were clothes. Two dresses, one onesie, a sweat suit, and a footie pajama outfit. There were only two presents left underneath the tree. Daddy grabbed the bigger present and helped me open it. When I saw what was inside, I squealed.

  “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Daddy! Look what Santa brought me!” I held up another American Girl doll. Her name was Felicity. She was my second favorite American Girl doll. How did Santa know that I wanted her? Duh, I thought to myself, he knows everything.

  “Do you like it?” Daddy asked.

  “Yes! I love her! Her and Molly are going to be best friends! I’m going to go and get Molly!” I said, standing up and about to run to our bedroom, but Daddy wrapped an arm around me before I could even take one step.

  “Open your last present before you start playing with Felicity. Okay, baby girl?”

  I stopped trying to run and said, “Okay, Daddy.” I sat back down, but I couldn’t stop looking at my Felicity doll. I was dying to take her out of her box and introduce her to Molly.

  “Samantha, why don’t you open up your last present now, and then we can open up your stocking?”

  “Wait, Daddy. I want to give you your presents that I made for you.”

  This time when I got up to run, my daddy didn’t stop me. I ran upstairs to my nursery, grabbed the presents I had hidden in my dresser, and ran back downstairs.

  “Here you go, Daddy. Sorry I couldn’t wraps them.” I gave the pages to my daddy. I had drawn six beautiful pictures of my daddy and I together. “Do you like ‘em?”

  “Sweetie, I love them! Two of them are going right on the refrigerator, my desk, and my nightstand, so I can look at them wherever I am in the house.”

  “Okay! Now let me open up my last present!” I ripped off the paper, and I held a pretty pink blanket that was super soft. At the bottom though, the blanket was all tied up. I didn’t get it, so I gave my daddy a quizzical look. “Daddy, I think that Santa gave me a broken blanket.”

  My daddy laughed hard at that comment and said, “Come on sweetie, let’s go open your stocking. Then I’ll show you that Santa did not give you a broken blanket.”

  I ran to my stocking by the fireplace and grabbed it, and then I sat on the ground and reached in to take out the small presents that Santa had left for me. Inside was candy, a pacifier, a baby bottle, candy, a few little toys, and candy. I sure did love candy, and I knew I would love it even more if I could eat it for every meal.

  “No candy for breakfast, young lady. Now, go get your new blanket and bring it to your nursery.”

  I turned to look at him and wondered how my daddy always knew what I was thinking. I shook my head, deciding not to question him. I brought my new blanket to the nursery like my daddy said, and then he came upstairs, carrying a bottle of warm milk. He put the bottle next to the rocking chair and took my blanket.

  He laid it out on my bed and said, “Okay, princess. Lie down on your blanket, feet going by the big knot.”

  I did and then my daddy took both ends of the blanket and pulled them around me. I realized that the blanket wasn’t broken at all. It was just a special blanket. Thanks to the knot at the bottom, I was now swaddled up, just like a baby. Only my head was showing. Daddy picked me up and sat down on the rocking chair with me in his lap. Then he grabbed the bottle of warm milk and began to feed me.

  I closed my eyes and just sucked on the bottle. I felt so warm, loved, and relaxed. I also felt my bladder ache to be emptied, so I just let it go, filling my diaper with liquid warmth. I didn’t mind that feeling anymore. I knew that my perfect daddy would take care of my every single need and he would never make fun of me for acting like a little girl. He truly was a perfect daddy, and I knew that I was one lucky little girl to have him. With that thought, I just snuggled into my new blanket some more, not having a care in the world.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  All of Jackson’s and my family had finally left our home. We were both exhausted, but now it was time for us to exchange our adult presents.

  “Gone at last,” I sighed as I leaned against the front door.

  “You can say that again. I forget how much of a handful they can be together.” Jackson chuckled at his own comment. “So, you ready to open up more presents?”

  “I am if you are.”

  “Okay. Let’s go get them and meet by the tree.”

  We both got our wrapped presents for each other. We had decided at the beginning of our marriage to only get the other person two presents each Christmas. Otherwise we would have gone crazy, wanting to give the other every gift they had mentioned wanting during the year. We both returned, carrying our two presents, and sat down on the couch by the tree.

  “I’ll give you yours first. Merry Christmas. I have to warn you, though, the second one is kind of for me too,” I said as I handed my two presents to him.

  He opened the first present and it was an iPad Air. I got it for him because he had been debating between getting an iPad Air and a Kindle Fire for months, so I had decided to finally make the decision for him.

  I’m guessing that the second present surprised him, because he asked, “Are you trying to tell me something?”

  I just nodded and giggled. My second gift to him was a vibrating butt plug that came with a remote control.

  “Well, we will have to see what we can do with this. Here, open up your two presents. By the way, the second present is kind of for me too.”

  The first present was a first edition of my favorite book, Romeo and Juliet.

  “Oh, Jackson. Thank you so much for this! I can’t believe it. A first edition!” I began to flip through the book.

  “Samantha, you can flip through the book later. Open your second present, please.”

  I put the book down and opened my second present—a fire engine red satin bra, a pair of matching panties, and a black satin eye mask.

  I looked up at my husband and quoted him, “Are you trying to tell me something?”

  He just nodded his head.

  “Well, Mr. Briggs, I’m going to go run upstairs into our bathroom and change into something a little more comfortable. I’ll see you in a few minutes in ou
r bedroom.” I got up off the couch and walked toward the bathroom, red satin underwear and eye mask in hand. I couldn’t wait to see what he thought of my new outfit once I tried it on for him.

  * * *

  I emerged from our master bathroom to find Jackson on the bed, already naked and putting a condom onto his rock hard shaft.

  “What do you think, babe?” I asked, as I sauntered into our bedroom, wearing the red satin bra and panties, while I carried the black silk mask in my hand. He got up off our bed and walked toward me.

  “I think that you would look even better with this on,” he said, gently taking the eye mask from my hand and putting it over my eyes so that I was plunged into darkness. “Now you look perfect.”

  I smiled. “I’m here to please you.”

  “And you do so every day,” he said, capturing my lips.

  My mouth instantly opened to him and his tongue dove into it. I brought my hands up to circle around his neck as my pussy ground against his erection, and I moaned into his mouth as I felt his hands travel down my body and settle on my ass. He gave it a squeeze, and my pussy began to get wet.

  Jackson broke the kiss and said, “As much as I want this to continue, we have to fix your outfit again before we can continue with what I have planned for you tonight.”

  I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. I had just changed. I didn’t know how I could fix my outfit again.

  My confusion must have shown on my face because he said, “You’re too overdressed for what I have in mind. We can’t have that.”

  “No… no we can’t. I guess you’ll have to help me undress, seeing as I can’t see,” I said with a chuckle.

  “It will be a very difficult task for me, but I think I can manage,” he said as I felt him unclasp my bra and slowly pull it off of my arms. My breasts swelled up and my nipples pebbled into two tiny little beads that were begging for attention. “Your breasts are so full and luscious. They look like they’re in need of some attention.”


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