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Little Samantha's Choice

Page 22

by Meredith O'Reilly

  “You’re welcome.” He placed the food and soft drink in front of Juliana and she hesitantly began to eat.

  I ached for this poor woman. Clearly she had been through some type of trauma that had scared her. Then I started paying more attention to the conversation the other side of the table was having. The mystery man, I found out, was named Robert and he was a doctor.

  I also noticed that Robert seemed very interested in Juliana. Robert tried to talk to her several times from across the table, but each time, Juliana would look at her plate and either nod or shake her head as an answer. I was a little more successful as I was able to get one or two word answers from her.

  * * *

  Three hours had passed and everyone was beginning to leave. Jackson, Mark, Juliana, Robert, and I were the last ones left in the banquet hall.

  Joey and Meghan had to leave early because Meghan said they had to get caught up on everything because they had just come home from a vacation in the Bahamas. I also noticed that Joey had been yawning a lot, so I figured that he would take a nap when they got home. I smiled because I thought they were so cute together.

  Before they left, Meghan, Jackson, Joey, and I decided that we would get together soon and hang out. It kind of sounded like a play date to me, but Jackson promised me that I did not need to act like a little girl when we got together with them. So, I was okay with it.

  When we were all standing in a circle talking, my thoughts turned toward Juliana and I decided to pull her aside so I could talk to her alone for a minute. “Juliana, do you have a cell phone?”


  “Can I program my number into it? That way, you can call or text me whenever you want to.”


  She handed me her cellphone and I quickly programmed my phone number into it. Then I sent her a quick text message with a smiley face to make sure that I had given her the correct number. I had.

  “Juliana, I know that I’m new to this lifestyle, but are you sure that you are okay with going home with Mark?”

  “Yes. He is super nice. He… he wanted me to come… here… to see.”

  My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “To see what?”

  “That there are s-some good people… in this life-lifestyle.”

  It dawned on me then. She’d had a disastrous experience and now Mark wanted her to realize that most people who participated in the age play lifestyle were not evil. “That is a smart idea.”

  Robert came up to us just then. “It was nice meeting you today, Juliana,” he said, giving her a friendly smile.

  She looked down at her feet and nodded.

  “I was wondering if you would let me program my cell phone number into your phone?”

  I shot him a confused look, and he quickly said, “I just want to in case you need anything or if you just want to talk to someone. I saw you let Samantha program her number into your cell phone, so I thought you might be okay with it. If you don’t want to, though, I understand.”

  “That might be a good idea, Juliana. In case you do ever need someone to talk to or in case you feel sick, you could call him,” I said.

  She handed her phone over to him and he quickly put his contact information in it.

  He handed the cell phone back to her and said, “Thank you for letting me do that. Remember, if you ever need anything or don’t feel well, I will come over and help you or just talk to you.”

  She nodded and whispered, “Thanks.”

  Just then, Mark and Jackson decided to join us. “Ready to go home, Juliana?” Mark asked.

  Juliana nodded.

  Everyone said their goodbyes and left the munch, and Jackson and I were on our way home to quickly change and get ready for my staff holiday party.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  On the drive home, I couldn’t stop thinking about Juliana and what I had learned at the munch. I kept picturing the way the poor woman looked. She had clearly been through a traumatic experience and the fact that she could come to a munch again just showed how courageous she really was—even if she didn’t realize that herself. I also kept thinking about what Joey had told me. What he said had made sense, and the voice in my head that kept calling me a freak was starting to become quieter.

  Jackson must have noticed I was deep in thought because he grabbed my hand and asked, “What’s on your mind, baby girl?”

  I turned toward my husband. “I can’t stop thinking about what Joey and I talked about or the expression on that girl Juliana’s face when she walked into the banquet hall. She was so scared to be at the munch, and I thought that she was going to get up and run away. I can’t help but think that she is being abused by that man she came with, even though she said that she isn’t.”

  Jackson nodded, his expression crestfallen. “That’s what I thought as well when I first saw her, but then I talked to Mark and realized that she is not being abused now. Why don’t we talk about what you and Joey talked about first and then we can talk about Juliana?”

  “Okay. So Joey and I were talking about how we each got started in the age play lifestyle. That led to us talking about how we felt about it. I explained to him that part of me felt like I was a freak for wanting to be your little girl.”

  “What did he say to that?” Jackson asked, sounding very curious.

  “He said that he knew exactly how I felt. He said that when he started role playing with Meghan, he felt the same way, but being his mommy’s little man outweighed the voice in his head telling him that he was a freak. He also said that going to munches helped him because it showed him that he wasn’t the only person in the world who felt this way.”

  Jackson didn’t comment on what I said for a minute. It started to make me worry that I had somehow said the wrong thing. But then Jackson said, “Joey sounds like a good friend for you to talk to if you ever need to.”

  I was relieved by the tone of his voice. Jackson sounded really happy that I had talked to Joey after all.

  “Yeah. He was really nice. He brought his blankee today, just like I brought Molly. After listening to him talk, it made me realize that we aren’t freaks, even if we do engage in some behavior that most people would consider odd.”

  “I’m really glad you feel that way, Samantha. If I had known that the entire time we were role playing you felt like a freak, we could have talked about it. If you ever feel that way again about something, I would really like you to come talk to me about it instead of holding it in.”

  Jackson’s tone slightly shocked me. He sounded remorseful and that was the last way I wanted him to feel. I thought he was going to be angry at how I truly felt, but he wasn’t. I just wished that we could move on from this bump in our relationship.

  “Okay. I’m sorry,” I said, truly feeling it.

  “It’s okay, sweetie. There is nothing to be sorry about. All I want is to make you happy.”

  “You’re the best husband and daddy in the world,” I said, leaning over and giving him a kiss on his cheek.

  “Thank you, baby. You’re the best wife and little girl in the world.”

  “Thank you. Now, can you please tell me what you meant when you said that Juliana isn’t getting abused?” I asked my husband curiously. I really wanted to know what exactly happened to her. I just hoped that it didn’t have lasting effects on her because I thought that everyone deserves a happily ever after.

  “Before we get to Juliana, you have to know a few things about Mark. Mark is a cop. He doesn’t play in the age play scene, but he does in the BDSM scene and he’s a dominant. He got a call a month ago while on patrol about a domestic disturbance. He said that some of the neighbors had heard a woman shouting and crying, so they called the police. He was one of the first people on the scene, and that’s how he met Juliana.”

  Jackson paused and I turned to look at him. He looked like he was struggling with what he was going to say next. I kept quiet, letting him figure out what he wanted to say.

  “Juliana had been
handcuffed to a bed, dressed in baby clothes and a diaper. She had been left there by the person she considered to be her daddy at the time. Apparently, this was not the first time that she had been left alone like that. But, it was the longest time, which is why she started to scream for help. Mark freed Juliana from the handcuffs, and when she went to the hospital, he followed her there to make sure that she was treated well.”

  My heart broke for Juliana. I couldn’t imagine being treated like that when I was in my little headspace.

  Jackson went on to say, “Juliana has no family, so when Mark found that out, he explained to her that he is a dominant and that she could stay with him for a few weeks instead of going back to her empty apartment, if she wanted to. Juliana decided to take Mark up on his offer. It has only been a month since Mark found Juliana, and Mark brought Juliana to the munch today because he didn’t know what else to do. She has been terrified, but she won’t talk to anyone about what happened to her. So, Mark thought that if he brought her to the munch today, it would at least show Juliana that there are some good people in the age play scene.”

  Jackson finished, and I couldn’t help the tears in my eyes. “How could someone do that to someone else? Especially when that person is supposed to be a daddy to his innocent little girl?”

  I knew that what happened to Juliana upset Jackson because I saw him tighten his grip on the steering wheel. That was one of the things he did when he was very angry about something. “I know, sweetie. It is horrible that Juliana was treated that way. But you have to remember that what matters is that Juliana got out of that horrible situation. Mark told me that she is doing slightly better. She went back to her job, and next week they are planning to move her back into her apartment. She was only so scared today because this was her first time going back to something related to age play.”

  “I don’t blame her. After that experience, I wouldn’t want to go back to playing in this lifestyle either. How is she already back at work? After what she just went through? Is that a smart move?”

  “Mark told me that Juliana wanted to go back to work. He said that it was the only thing that snapped her out of her depression. Juliana is a secretary and she has had this job for a couple years, so she feels safe there. It’s what she wanted, and Mark didn’t want to tell her no.”

  I tried picturing myself in Juliana’s situation, and frankly, I couldn’t. I couldn’t imagine having to go through what she did and I couldn’t imagine going back to work after something like that happened. If I were in Juliana’s shoes, I would have crawled up into a ball and never moved again.

  “As for your other comment, Juliana should keep playing in the age play scene. Wanting to be a little girl is a part of her personality, just like being a daddy is a part of my personality. Remember before when you told me you could always tell that I was hiding something? That is how Juliana’s partner will feel, too, if she tries to hide her little girl personality. So, Mark thought that if he could get her to come to one of these munches where safety and everything being consensual was the main focus, then Juliana could possibly meet a new daddy.”

  I looked out the window. What Jackson said did sound like a smart plan. The only way to get over a fear is to try and do it again, or in Juliana’s case, be around other people who were in the age play lifestyle again. However, I still felt heartbroken for her. No one should be left alone for who knows how long, handcuffed to a bed and helpless. She is probably scared that her next daddy will abandoned her too, I thought.

  “Now that you say it like that, it does make sense. Do you think that Mark had anyone in mind to be Juliana’s new daddy?” I asked and turned to see a grin on Jackson’s face. “Who is it?” I demanded to know.

  “Robert. He and Mark have been best friends since college. Mark trusts him, and Robert is a doctor, so he would be able to keep Juliana safe and healthy.”

  “That is a smart idea. She did look really underweight and like she wasn’t feeling well today.”

  Jackson sighed and said, “Yes. Mark told us that he has been trying to get Juliana to go to a doctor, but she refuses. He doesn’t want to have to force her, but he will soon, because like you said, she doesn’t look like she feels well or is healthy.”

  My heart broke even more for Juliana. The thought of going through that abuse and then being forced to go to a doctor. It was just a crappy situation all around.

  “Isn’t there something that someone can do? Maybe I can go with her and that would make her feel better?” I asked, feeling really upset and pulling Molly out of my purse and holding her close to me. I felt absolutely horrible for Juliana. Daddies were supposed to take care of their little girls, not leave them handcuffed to their beds all alone.

  “Samantha, I need you to try to calm down a little. I’m glad that you are thinking of others, but before you ask to go with her, Mark wants to try and take her to go see Robert. That way, Juliana can get to know him a little bit better, and she can realize that he won’t hurt her. Plus Robert is into age play too, so if Juliana wants to act like a little girl in front of him at the office, he wouldn’t blink an eye.”

  “That sounds like another smart idea.”

  Jackson grinned and said, “I’m glad you think so.” Then he pulled into our driveway and said, “Alright, little girl. Time to go change and get ready for your staff holiday party.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I said with a grin and gave Jackson a quick peck on the cheek.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Samantha and I stepped off the elevator and headed toward her office.

  “Here we go,” she whispered, giving my hand a squeeze.

  I smiled down at her and kissed her head. We entered the party and were immediately swarmed by a bunch of people. Samantha did most of the talking, while I just hung back and let her have a good time.

  About half an hour after we got there, one of the other executives, Don, came up to me and began to talk to me. We talked for a few minutes until Samantha came up and told me that her assistant, Kaylee, needed her help with something for a minute.

  I watched as she walked away and then I turned back toward Don, who had a huge smile on his face.

  “What?” I asked confused.

  Don shook his head. “Nothing. You two are just cute. I was married before and I never had the outright love that you and Samantha have for each other. How do you do it?”

  I couldn’t help smiling—or the images that flashed through my mind of my lovely wife as my little girl. “We’re honest with each other. We respect what the other one wishes, and we take care of each other.”

  “Yes. I’ve heard Samantha talking about her weekends before. She always says that since she works during the week, you plan everything for the weekend and it gives her a chance to unwind and not have to worry about anything.”

  At that admission, I couldn’t help but feel more love for my wife. “Yeah. I figure that she works so hard during the week that she deserves a break on the weekends.”

  “Doesn’t that bother you, though? That sounds like so much work—planning what’s for dinner, where you guys go out, you know?”

  I looked at Don, and the man obviously was truly confused as to how a man could love to do that for his wife. I shrugged. “I can’t help it. It makes me happy when I see that my wife has nothing to worry about except what I have planned next for her. After the long hours that she has during the week working here, I think that she deserves it.”

  Don nodded his head. “Yes, I guess that makes sense. If I had to do that for my ex-wife though, I think that it would have been sex and takeout food the entire weekend.” Don laughed at his own joke.

  I chuckled. “Maybe you should try it some time with your next girlfriend or wife. You would be amazed at how it helps them relax.”

  “Yeah. Maybe.”

  Samantha walked back up to Don and I just then. “Having fun, boys?” she asked jokingly.

  “Yep. We were just talking about how great you two were together. I
’m going to go talk to Kaylee now. Bye,” Don said as he walked away.

  Samantha turned towards me and asked, “Anything I should know?”

  I shook my head. “No. Everything okay with Kaylee?”

  “Oh, it was no biggie. She thought that she had messed up a work thing, but it turned out that it was fine.”

  “Samantha. This is a holiday party. That means no work,” I said in a stern voice. I wanted her to relax at this party, not go off and work. Lord knows she did enough work during the week for the company.

  “I know. I know. It was a quick thing though,” she said. Then as she stood up on her tippy toes, she rested her head against mine and whispered, “Please don’t be mad at me, Daddy.”

  I couldn’t help but smile as I whispered back, “Okay. But, no more work tonight, or else you will be getting a spanking when you get home for being a naughty little girl.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said, then gave me a quick kiss on my lips.

  * * *

  Samantha and I stayed at the holiday party for another hour before we bundled up and got in our car to go home. It was 11 p.m. by the time I turned onto our street, and my wife was starting to doze off in her seat. By the time I pulled the car into the garage, she was sound asleep. I quietly got out of the car, opened her door, picked her up, and carried her into the house.

  Since it was the weekend, I carried her to our bedroom and laid her down on our bed. I went into the nursery and brought back a pair of purple footie pajamas and a pacifier. I undressed her and put the pajamas on her. Just as I was zipping the pajamas up, she opened her eyes.

  “What time is it, Daddy?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.

  “Bedtime. Go back to sleep, baby girl,” I said, popping the pacifier into her mouth as she fell back asleep. I put her underneath the covers in our bed, then changed into my own pajamas and joined her. I kissed my little girl’s beautiful head and followed her right into dreamland.


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