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Saved (Surrender Series Book 3)

Page 17

by J. G. Sumner

  “Well, hurry up and get your arse over there. I’ll hang on the line until I’m sure they’re safe.”

  While I appreciate Jasper’s loyalty and commitment to my family, I need to get him off the phone. There’s way too much going on right now and I can’t risk upsetting Kate.

  “That won’t be necessary. I’ll call you if there are any problems.” I hang up the phone without giving Jasper an opportunity to speak.

  “Is everything okay?” Kate looks up at me expectantly.

  “Yes, Jasper was just checking on you and the kids. I told him everyone was fine and I’d call if anything changed.” I hate lying to Kate. Ever since Italy, I’ve promised myself that I would never lie. I may have withheld things for her safety, but up until this point, I’ve always told the truth.

  Kate continues to look down the hall as we walk. “He’s a really good friend to you. We’re lucky to have him in our lives.”

  Kate isn’t telling me anything new. I don’t know what I would’ve done without him. He has been there with me every step of the way since I left Italy. There’s not a day that goes by I don’t appreciate this man. I should probably let him know one day instead of hanging up on his ass.

  “He’s one of a kind.”

  “He took really good care of me while you were in your drunken stupor. I think Kendall and I were driving the poor man crazy. Did you know he went to every one of the doctor appointments with me?” Kate looks up and searches my face for answers.

  If I didn’t already feel like a piece of shit for leaving my pregnant fiancée to fend for herself, I do now. I can’t believe my best friend stepped in and played dad while I was gone. Part of me is relieved he was there for her. The other wonders if perhaps they bonded over this. I know it’s stupid, but I can’t help but be a bit jealous. Again, a sign that I’m a complete jackass.

  “I wasn’t aware of that. I’m glad he was able to step in when I couldn’t.” I’m not sure what else to say. I want to probe further, but I’m already walking on tightrope trying to win Kate’s trust back.

  Kate doesn’t ever look away. “He thinks of you as a brother. Jasper would do anything for you.”

  If Kate keeps this up, I’m going to break down into a blubbering mess. Instead of speaking, I just nod my head and think of some way to change the subject.

  We round the corner to the NICU and I no longer have to come up with a new discussion topic. I’ve just come face to face with the woman I hoped to never see again. Emilia stands before us staring directly at Kate. Her eyes are crazed and her expression quickly changes from one of shock to one of anger and hatred before she starts a full-on sprint at Kate.

  “You fucking bitch! You stole him from me! You wrecked our family.”

  I step in front of Kate just in time. Emilia comes barreling into my chest at full speed, almost knocking me over. I grab her by the hair pulling Emilia’s head back so I can look her in the eyes. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I force the words out through gritted teeth.

  “One of our neighbors told me you called the ambulance and went with our son to the hospital. I came to visit him. What the fuck is she doing here?” Emilia tries to look around to eye Kate, but I prevent that from happening. I refuse to allow this woman to have any association with my family.

  “She is my fiancée and we are going to visit our kids.”

  Emilia attempts to reach around and grab for Kate. I move Emilia forward and create more space between her and Kate.

  “Is that the fucking home-wrecker who broke us apart? I have a few choice words for her.” Emilia continues to struggle. “Does she know we’re expecting another child? Did you tell her?”

  I glance at Kate. “Go call for security.” I get a hold of Emilia’s wrist and restrain them behind her back.

  Kate comes out from behind me and stares at the two of us in disbelief. Her head is cocked to the side, her forehead scrunched up. “What do you mean you’re pregnant with his kid? He doesn’t remember you ever being around.”

  Emilia slowly produces the most evil smile I’ve ever seen. “So, he didn’t tell you. We hooked up in San Diego. We’re having a little girl. It’s perfect, now we’ll have a son and a daughter.”

  Kate shifts her gaze to me. “You have a son with her? Why didn’t you tell me you have kids?”

  Hurt washes over Kate’s face and I realize I’ve created more damage I might not be able to repair. I’m a fucking wrecking ball when it comes to this woman and I don’t know how to stop the destruction.

  “I don’t have kids with her. She’s fucking crazy. Emilia thinks AJ is hers. I don’t even remember seeing her in San Diego. For all I know, this is part of her delusion.”

  Nobody says anything for an awkward minute or two. Kate finally chimes in. “How did she know you were in San Diego?”

  Kate brings up a very good point. How did this train wreck find me? I look down at Emilia for the answer.

  She smiles coyly. “Massimo here isn’t the only one with connections. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

  Kate glances back at me searching for some confirmation. I shrug my shoulders. I really don’t know what else to say. I’m just as confused by all of this as she is; perhaps even more.

  “Kate, I need you to contact security now. This woman is dangerous and came back here to get AJ. We need to get the police here immediately.” I speak slowly and deliberately, hoping Kate will realize the urgency of the situation and quit trying to rationalize what’s going on.

  It must have been effective, because Kate takes off down the hall leaving me alone with bat-shit crazy Emilia.

  “What the fuck are you doing? How did you get in here?” I grab the woman by both arms squeezing and refusing to let go. There’s no way I’m giving Emilia the chance to get free and spend the next eternity looking over my shoulder like I did with the Matteo situation.

  Emilia smiles coyly and with such confidence and determination, that it’s no mystery why she believes AJ is hers. She has clearly gone off the deep end and is heading straight to the Bermuda Triangle where things cease to exist as we know it. If only she could stay there.

  “I told them my son was rushed here with the medics and you were with them. They had no reason to question me. I’m AJ’s mother.”

  I stare into Emilia’s glistening eyes. There’s a hint of naivete in them, as though she’s a child not understanding why she’s being scolded. Emilia’s looking for some sense of praise or recognition, and for a brief moment, I pity her.

  A lock of hair falls across her face, covering one eye and part of her nose. I take the tendril and brush it away, regaining eye contact. “For the last time, AJ is not yours. I was there when he and his twin sister came out of Kate. There is no mistaking who his mother is.”

  A pained look spreads across Emilia’s face as though she’s just been stabbed in the heart and left to die. “Noooooo!” she howls. “No. No. No! I will not accept this! This has to be some horrible mistake.”

  Droplets form on the corner of her eyes, threatening escape from the dam holding them in place. Emilia’s legs become weak like a rubber doll and I fear she may collapse to the floor making it harder for me to control her. I move my hands down to her waist and hold on in an attempt to prevent her fall.

  “You have to stop this now. I don’t love you, I never really have. Kate is the only woman I’ve ever truly loved. She is my world—my everything—and I don’t have room for anyone else. You need to go back home and get your life back together.” My words are harsh, but they need to be said.

  Movement from the corner of my eye causes me to glance up. Kate stands in the shadows of the hallway looking on. A security guard is parked right next to her ready to strike, but Kate’s arm across his broad chest prevents any movement.

  For the first time since the babies were born, Kate’s face comes to life with emotion. Shock, sadness, fear, and love paint her beautiful face, blending the palate of emotions. Our eyes lock and a connection for
ms transmitting every unspoken thought and emotion. Our stories pass between us and her pain becomes mine. I know more about Kate in these few seconds than I’ve learned in the two years we’ve known each other. More than anything, I want to let go of Emilia and take in my arms the beautiful woman I fell in love with from practically the first time we met. I can’t. Instead, I have to fix this problem once and for all so Kate and I can move forward.

  I’m afraid to break the connection between us and I’ll be damned if I’m the first to look away. Fortunately, Kate can feel the war that’s raging inside and nods for me to finish what needs to be done. I spend another lifetime bathing in the heat that radiates between us before I finally break away and focus on Emilia.

  “Where’s your phone?”

  Emilia’s confused. My question comes from left field.

  “I need your phone. It’s an emergency.” My voice is urgent, but I refuse to yell. There’s no need to get an audience.

  Emilia reaches into the brown Louis Vuitton bag I gave for her birthday many moons ago. As her hands shuffle around inside of it, I’m forced to reflect on the past and remember how Emilia was so self-absorbed and only wanted the finest designer fashion. I was her ticket to that train, only the engine took off without her, leaving Emilia to become the desperate and confused woman she is today. For a brief moment, I feel some guilt, but remind myself that everyone goes through breakups. Emilia’s behavior is the extreme, and this is in no way my fault.

  She retrieves a phone that’s bigger than my hand. I stare at it, not quite sure where to start, although it is a smart phone and how different can they be? I scroll through the various apps until I come across the contact list where I’m hoping to locate Emilia’s family. Finally, “Mom” pops up and I press the little green telephone icon to call. Rosia answers after only one ring. In a very angry Italian voice she asks where Emilia has been. Apparently, they’ve been out of touch for some time.

  “No, la signora Portofino. Questo è Massimo Bertalucci. Ho la tua figlia qui a New York. Penso che avete bisogno di venire a prenderla.” I inform Rosia who I am and that she needs to come and get her daughter. I proceed to explain Emilia’s situation and let her know I’ll have a ticket waiting for her at the airport. The conversation was brief, but effective. My hope is that Emilia will get the help she needs and most importantly, she won’t bother me or Kate again any time soon.

  “Perché l’hai fatto?” The dam breaks, and Emilia tearfully asks why I would call her mother.

  “Because you need help and I’m not the one who can give it to you. My life is here with Kate and doesn’t involve you.” My words are harsh, but again necessary. I glance up at Kate who has removed her petite arm from the husky security guard’s chest.

  He proceeds to approach Emilia, and help her up from the heap of flesh and bones off the floor. Emilia yanks her arms away. “Don’t touch me!”

  The security guard hesitates for a second before reaching for Emilia again.

  “Stop touching me. I’m pregnant! You’re going to hurt my baby!” Emilia kicks and scratches at the security guard. He releases her and radios for more help.

  I’m frozen watching the entire scene unfold almost as if it was in slow motion. I contemplate whether or not I should reach out to her. I glance at Kate. Our eyes connect and creases form between her probing eyes. Kate wants the truth and is searching for any answers I can provide. Words remain unspoken and all communication exists only through the eye contact between us. I wish I could tell Kate something, but I’m confused as to what’s going on. I’ve wracked my brain over and over trying to remember Emilia in San Diego, but there is no recollection.

  Three other security guards appear through the corridor. One is pushing a black wheelchair and parks it right next to Emilia. My gaze shifts back to Kate whose eyes have never left me.

  “She needs to be checked out to make sure her baby is okay, as well as have a psych evaluation. Her mother is on her way from Italy.” I refuse to look away from Kate. The connection between us is so intense, electricity hovers just under my skin, igniting every sensor in my body and making me hypersensitive to any movement made by Kate.

  I had the same feeling when I walked by the apartment she was held in on the Upper East Side and when I found her in the Bronx, but haven’t felt it since. I was beginning to think our connection was severed, but the magnetic force pulling us together now confirms that we’re stronger than ever.

  I close the gap between us and embrace Kate. I pull her to me as the heavy breath she’s been holding brushes against my neck, sending chills down my spine. My hold against her freesia-scented skin is firm. I can’t and won’t let go. Our life together depends on it.

  Kate’s chest heaves against my grief-stricken body. Her sobs are loud as she purges every feeling that’s been strangled and pushed deep down to avoid any more pain that I may cause her.

  “She’s pregnant with your child?” Kate forces out between breaths.

  “I—I don’t know. I can’t remember.”

  Kate pulls her head back. Her quizzical look stops my heart. I wish I could give the answers she’s looking for.

  “It’s when I was drinking. I don’t remember visiting or talking to anyone other than Jasper when he poured out all my booze and threw my drunk ass in a cold shower to sober up. Emilia says that she was at the motel I was living in, but for the life of me I can’t remember seeing her, much less sleeping with her.” I’m ashamed at my words. I had been acting like a petulant child and I have no excuse for my behavior. How can I expect Kate to forgive me when I can barely come to terms with my demons?

  Kate nuzzles into my neck. “I’m not sure how much more I can take. I—”

  “I know. I’ve put you through hell. My word probably doesn’t mean much at this point, but I promise from this day forward, I’ll make things right and never let you down again.” I stroke my hands through Kate’s hair but she pulls back.

  “What I was going to say is that I can make it through this as long as you’re by my side. It may seem crazy, but no matter how bad things get, knowing that you’re here with me makes it easier to endure. I shouldn’t trust you, but I can’t help it. Promise me you’re never going to leave again no matter what happens. We can deal with Emilia or anything else that’s thrown our way as long as we’re together. Promise me.”

  Kate is expectant as she grabs my hand, holding it tightly in hers. Her eyes become fixed on mine and I’m suddenly in a trance and she’s cast the spell. How this woman can possibly find an ounce of forgiveness after everything I’ve done is beyond my comprehension. Perhaps she’s a saint and I wasn’t aware.

  A thin strip of saline lines both eyes, making them as blue as a sapphire and forcing me into a hypnotic state. “I promise to never let you go.” I place my hands on her warm delicate face. “If you’ll have me back, I will spend the rest of my days trying to make you happy and give you the life you’ve imagined. Nobody deserves that more than you.”

  Kate wraps her arms tightly around me. Her head rests against my chest and for the first time in possibly forever, I’m whole—complete. With just a few words of reassurance and a little bit of affection, Kate has managed to put my world back on its axis.

  I kiss the top of Kate’s head and let my lips linger. “How about we go check on the kids? I’m sure they have AJ settled by now.”

  Kate nods and I slip my hand to the small of her back before guiding her into the NICU. The same nurse who was caring for Abby greets us with a smile and guides us over to the twins who are next to each other but in different bassinets. Poor AJ has tubes coming out of everywhere. Had I not seen this before with Abby, I might be losing my mind. Instead, my heart becomes heavy and throat gains a lump, making it difficult to swallow.

  Kate stands next to me and begins to tremble. “He’s going to be okay. AJ probably just needs some tender loving from his mom and sister. Being with that deranged lunatic probably threw him off kilter. Why don’t you touch him and l
et him know you’re here?”

  Kate moves slowly toward her son, which up until now she’s spent very little time with even though he’s almost a week old. It’s almost as if she’s meeting him for the very first time. Kate reaches for AJ’s little hand and wraps one finger into it while using her thumb to rub the back of it.

  “He’s so little. He must’ve lost so much weight.” Kate continues to stare at the little guy while she speaks.

  I too am quite amazed by how frail he looks. Not that AJ was a big guy before, but every bone in his body can be seen. Emilia had to be starving him. As much as that crazy broad thought she was breastfeeding, she was doing nothing more than depriving my boy of any nutrition and almost killing him.

  The nurse quietly explains what all the tubes are for. She went through the IVs, the ventilator, and finally the tiny hose used to give AJ all the nutrients he could possibly need. “With any luck, he’ll regain his strength and be out of here in just a few days.”

  Kate glances up at me and gives a half smile. I know what she’s thinking because the same thoughts are running through my head. We’re happy that he’s on the road to recovery, but there’s a lot that can happen between now and then. Kate and I have been through too much together to get our hopes up that everything is going to run smoothly from here on out. “How about Abby? When can she come home?”

  The nurse pulls a lock of curly auburn hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. “The doctor says she can go tomorrow. However, we’d still like you to bring Abby to visit once the breathing tube is removed and we take AJ off the sedation. They bonded for nine months, and have been apart since they were brought into this world. Surely, bringing them back together will only help to speed up the healing process.”

  Her words are kind and the enthusiasm contagious. I have the sudden feeling that everything is going to be right with the world and my heart begins to dance with joy as the weight of the world is lifted from my fatiguing shoulders.


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