Heart: An American Medical Odyssey
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Ellbogen, Jack, 44
Endo, Akira, 80
end-stage heart failure
cardiac assist devices and, 256
Cheney on, 1–3, 245–46, 283, 317
Reiner on, 3–6, 230, 304
symptoms during, 2–3, 83–84
Cheney and, 9–10, 40, 41, 45, 57, 121, 128, 165, 174, 215, 216, 217, 226, 276, 304, 308
coronary artery disease and, 25
exercise stress tests. See stress tests
Expandable Grafts Partnership, 145
Fahd, king of Saudi Arabia, 105
fainting episodes
from adverse reaction to nitroglycerin, 73–74
from first heart attack, 15
from sudden cardiac arrest, 225, 237
fat, dietary, 21–23
FBI, 47, 102, 122, 132, 191
Federal Aviation Administration, 190, 239
financial crisis (2008), 222
fishing, 7, 8, 106, 108, 158–60, 223, 245, 282
Fleming, Alexander, 20
Florida Supreme Court, 135
fly-fishing, 106, 108, 245, 282
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 146, 179, 240, 301
Ford, Gerald “Jerry”
Cheney as chief of staff under, 9, 10–11, 28, 102, 106
Cheney’s eulogy for, 269
presidency of, 9, 28, 100, 155, 245
presidential election (1976) and, 10–11, 12, 30, 129–30, 131
as vice president, 43, 112, 154
Forssmann, Werner, 53–54
Framingham Heart Study, 25
Frist, Bill, 156
furosemide, 212, 237
Gage, Jack, 14
Galen, 52
Gangel, Jamie, 280
Gardner, Bob, 30
Garner, R. L., 78
Genentech, 80
Georgia (nation), visit to, 221–22
Gibbon, Dr. John Heysham, 91, 93–94
Gingrich, Newt, 107
Giordano, Dr. Joseph, 204, 210, 214
Glenn, John, 102
Gloviczki, Dr. Peter, 205, 206, 207, 210
Goldwater, Barry, 28–29
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 104
Gore, Al, 131, 134, 135
gout, 40, 211, 253
Grassley, Chuck, 156
Greece, ancient, 51
Greenspan, Alan, 155, 165
Griffith, Jim, 13
Gruentzig, Dr. Andreas, 138–41, 144
Gruentzig, Margaret Anne, 141
Gulf War, 82, 200
Halliburton, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 116
Hamilton, Lee, 72
Hanna, Dr. Elias, 140
Hansen, Cliff, 12
Hansen, Martha, 12
Hardy, Dr. James, 287, 290–93
Harrison, William Henry, 123
Harvey, William, 52–53
Hastert, Denny, 156, 190
Hathaway, Stan, 12, 13
Haupt, Clive, 298
health as a political issue
Kennedy’s 1960 presidential campaign and, 123–24
public disclosure and, 124–25
Roosevelt’s illnesses and, 126–27
See also heart disease as a political issue
artificial heart, 119, 257–59
blood flow in, 15–16
catheterization of. See cardiac catheterization
early research using autopsies of, 19
heart attack
Bill Steiger’s death from, 45
blood clots and, 36, 77–78, 151–52
“check it out” approach to feeling of, 15, 48, 69, 83–84, 114, 133, 135
Cheney as prime candidate for, 11–12
Cheney’s father and grandfather and, 8, 85
Cheney’s first (1978), 1, 15, 25, 27–29, 36–37, 40, 45, 50, 58, 76, 97, 120, 127, 143, 192, 199, 208–09
Cheney’s second (1984), 69–70, 71, 76, 98, 127, 143, 157
Cheney’s third (1988), 76–77, 83–84, 127–28, 143
Cheney’s fourth (2000), 133–38, 141–44, 146–52, 200
Cheney’s fifth (2010), 244, 252
Cheney’s reflections on life after, 45–46, 48, 50, 70–71, 111, 153, 173, 192–93, 199–200
Cheney’s statements to media on, 30–32
coronary care units (CCUs) to monitor, 37, 39–40
defibrillation after, 38–39, 179
diet and risk of, 21, 22
drugs for treating, 79–80
Eisenhower’s experience of, 33–34, 36
exercise and activity after, 40–41
false alarms instead of, 48–50, 73–74
family history and risk factors for, 25–26, 85
fitness for a job after, 122–23
follow-up tests for monitor, 57–58, 117–18, 212
Framingham study on, 25
Granddad Cheney’s death from, 7, 8
“hard work” advice following, 29, 193
level of activity after, 36–37
Reiner on patient’s experience of, 16–18, 76
research on causes of, 35–36
smoking cessation after, 24, 41, 50
smoking related to, 24–25
standard of care in 1950s for, 24–25
surviving, 35
symptoms before, 76
time criticality in treating, 77, 79
treatment after hospital discharge for, 40
heart disease
Cheney’s attitude toward, 107, 193, 199–200, 244, 283–84
Cheney’s family history of, 85
Cheney’s risk for developing, 25, 121
cholesterol levels and, 21, 22, 25, 80, 82
diet and, 22–23
end-stage. See end-stage heart failure
fluid retention in, 211
Framingham study of, 25
life expectancy changes and increase in, 20–21
risk factors for, 25–26, 121
vascular surgery risk related to, 203
ventricular fibrillation (V Fib) with, 174–75
heart disease as a political issue
balloon angioplasty and, 172–73, 251–52
bypass surgery and, 86, 98
Cheney’s view of his own health, 70, 107, 153, 192–93, 200
Eisenhower’s experience with, 33–34, 36
heart attacks and, 84, 150–52, 170
as secretary of defense and, 103
as vice-presidential candidate in 2000 election and, 111, 114, 118–22, 127–28, 133–34
Wyoming Congressional campaigns and, 29–32, 37, 40–41, 50
See also health as a political issue
heart failure. See congestive heart failure (CHF); end-stage heart failure
heart transplant
availability of heart for, 285–86, 309, 310–11
Cheney’s consideration of, 261, 284, 285, 306
Cheney’s recovery from, 315–16
Cheney’s reflections on life after, 316–18
Cheney’s surgery in, 285–86, 309–12, 315
Cheney’s waiting period in, 284, 285, 286, 301–02, 307, 309–10
left ventricular assist device as bridge to, 262–63, 284, 301
risk-reward analysis and time to proceed with, 306
waiting list for, 301–02, 306–07
Heath, R. Lee, 239
Heiden, Debbie, 162, 163, 165, 189, 199, 208
Heilman, Dr. Stephen¸ 177
Heller, Dr. Harry, 176
Hennig, Sara, 229, 230
heparin, 33, 35, 213
Herophilus, 51
Herrick, Dr. James, 35–36
Herschler, Ed, 14
high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), 197
Hill, Michael, 214
Hippocrates, 51
Hiser, Dr. Wes, 29, 32, 40–41, 57–58
Hofmann, Dr. Lewis “Lew”
concern about biological terrorism and, 195, 196–97
deep vein thrombosis and, 214�
Holter monitoring and, 174, 179
implantable cardioverter defibrillator and, 187, 217–19, 225, 226
medical transition plan after vice presidency and, 233–34
popliteal aneurysm repair and, 206, 208–10
possible hyperkalemia and, 188–89, 193–94
Reiner’s checkups and, 157, 161, 162, 179, 198, 199, 216, 226, 231
weight gain and possible atrial fibrillation and, 231–32
White House medical care from, 157, 158, 161–63, 173, 180, 204
Holter monitoring, 164, 165, 174, 175, 179–81
House of Representatives
campaigns for Wyoming seat in, 12–15, 28–32, 37, 40–41, 43, 50, 69, 71, 85, 87
Ethics Committee in, 44, 47
Intelligence Committee in, 48, 71, 155
Interior Committee in, 43–44, 46
joint committee on Iran-Contra affair in, 72–73, 75
Republican Policy Committee in, 47–48, 71–72, 83, 106
Howard, John, 212
Howe, Patty, 73, 106
Huffington, Arianna, 173
hunting, 72, 118, 128, 160, 223, 226, 244, 305
Hussein, Saddam, 103, 104–05
hyperkalemia, 188–89, 193–94
indomethacin, 211–12
Imdur, 217, 218
implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)
data from, 219–20, 225, 226, 228, 231, 236–37, 245
decision to use, 181
electromagnetic interference (EMI) and, 184–85, 220
Mrs. Cheney’s concerns about safety of, 184–85
periodic evaluation of, 198–99, 209
procedure to implant, 181–85
removal after heart transplant, 316
replacement of, 217, 218–19
restoring of normal cardiac rhythm by, 4, 241, 248, 308, 316
risk reduction using, 179, 181, 241
statement to media about, 180, 181, 200
infarction, 35
In My Time (Cheney), 189, 283
Inspra, 218
interviews. See media coverage
Iran-Contra affair, 48, 72–73, 75
Iran hostage crisis, 72, 75
Iraq, 103, 104–05
Jarvi, Jerald, 211–12
Jennings, Robert, 78
Johnson, Clay, 132
Johnson, Lyndon, 30
Johnson & Johnson, 146
Journal of the American Medical Association, 39, 124, 291
Jude, James, 39
Julian, Dr. Desmond, 39
Kantrowitz, Dr. Adrian, 287, 294, 297
Karp, Haskell, 258–59
Karzai, Hamid, 212
Katz, Dr. Richard “Dick,” 135, 144, 150
Katzen, Dr. Barry, 204, 206, 207–08, 210
Kennedy, John F., 123–24, 286–87
Kennedy, Robert F., 123–24
Kennerly, David, 9
Keys, Ancel, 21, 22–23
King, Larry, 86
King, Dr. Spencer, III, 139, 141
Kirklin, John, 87
knee problems, 10, 13, 158, 317
Knickerbocker, Guy, 39
Kolesov, Vasilii, 95
Kouwenhoven, William, 37, 39
Kranz, Gene, 149
Lahey, Dr. Frank, 126–27
Lasby, Clarence, 34
Lasix, 109, 198
Lee, Dr. Sung, 179–80, 181–82, 183, 184, 185, 187, 198–99
left ventricular assist device (LVAD)
as bridge to transplant, 262–63, 284, 301, 303
Cheney on, 2, 263, 268–69, 272, 273–74
daily life using, 277–82, 283, 307–08
health changes after year of using, 307–09
power units and backup batteries for, 279–80
rehabilitation after, 276–77, 300–01, 303–05
removal after heart transplant, 316
surgery for, 246–48, 255, 260–76, 299
Leonardo da Vinci, 19, 52
Lewis, Dr. Jannet, 229
Lieberman, Joe, 130, 283
Life magazine, 296, 297
Lillehei, Dr. C. Walton, 92, 295
Lindbergh, Charles, 92
Liotta, Dr. Domingo, 258
Lipitor, 40, 82, 197
Los Angeles Times, 172
Lott, Trent, 83
Lough, Dr. Fred, 240
lovastatin, 75, 80–81, 103
Lower, Dr. Richard, 287–88, 290, 293, 296
Lown, Dr. Bernard¸ 178, 179
Lundberg, Dr. George, 124
Lundergan, Dr. Conor, 147, 150
lung cancer, 23, 24
Malakoff, Dr. Gary, 116, 118, 120, 127, 135, 150, 161, 169, 173, 194, 198, 204, 217
Mansfield, Mike, 49
Maron, Dr. Barry, 178
Mason, Julia, 142–43, 147, 149, 166, 167, 168, 169, 184
Massimiano, Dr. Paul, 269, 270
Matalin, Mary¸ 170, 174, 180
Mazhari, Dr. Ramesh, 56, 251
McCain, John, 222
McConnell, John, 129, 189
McGee, Gale, 14
McIntire, Ross, 126, 127
McLean, Dan, 169
McRae, Donald, 293–94, 296
Medawar, Peter, 289
Medtronic, 185, 219–20, 236
media coverage
atrial fibrillation and, 226, 228
conference on heart disease and, 283–84
coronary artery stenting and, 141, 150–52, 316
coronary balloon angioplasty and, 169, 170–73, 251–52, 316
first heart attack (1978) and, 30–32
implantable cardioverter defibrillator, 180, 181, 200
left ventricular assist device and, 279, 280
popliteal aneurysm repair and, 210
Merck, 80–81
Meyer, Joe, 14
Meyer, Mary, 14
Michel, Bob, 48, 72, 83, 101
milrinone, 4, 5, 246, 247, 264–65, 266, 267
Mineta, Norm, 190
Mirowski, Mieczyslaw, 175–79, 183
Mohamed bin Zayed, crown prince of Abu Dhabi, 244
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 192
Mondell, Frank, 48
Morrow, Elisabeth, 92
Mower, Dr. Morton¸ 177
Mubarak, Hosni, 105
Murphy, Jim, 8
Murray, Dr. Joseph, 289
Musharraf, Pervez, 212
Myers, Ozzie, 47
myocardial infarction (MI). See heart attack
Najera, Fernando, 142, 168–69
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, 25, 36, 178, 261
National Security Agency, 71, 155, 192
National Security Council, 101, 105, 191
Naughton, James, 27–28
Naylor, John, 185
New England Journal of Medicine, 179
New York Times, 27, 121, 152, 251, 257, 297
Nicholas, Dave, 30
9/11 terrorist attacks, 189–92, 194, 195, 283
nitroglycerin, 34, 73–74, 135, 136, 165
Nixon, Richard M., 9, 28, 29, 43, 102, 106, 124, 154
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 211
nosebleed incidents, 243, 248–50
nuclear stress tests, 117, 128, 216
Nunn, Sam, 96–97, 98, 102
Obama, Barack, 222, 233, 235, 241
Oforiwaa, Yaa, 116, 119
Omran, Abdel, 20
Open Heart (Cooper), 257, 295
Operation Desert Storm, 105
Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, 301, 302
Osler, Sir William, 35
pacemakers, 40, 176, 181, 204, 294
Paget, Stephen, 89–90
Palmaz, Dr. Julio, 144–45, 146, 207
papaverine, 33, 34
Parkinson’s disease, 108–09
Paulson, Hank, 222
Pekkanen, John, 70
penicillin, 20
Perry, Kate, 158
Perry, Phil, 107
Dr. Eric, 121
Philips, 167, 169
Plavix, 40, 197, 250, 252
Poindexter, John, 72
political action committee (PAC), 106
Cheney’s love of, 12, 71
family life and, 131
See also heart disease as a political issue
popliteal aneurysm repair, 202–11
potassium concentrations, and possible hyperkalemia, 188–89, 193–94
Potts, Dr. Willis, 92
Powell, Colin, 173
pravastatin (Pravachol), 81
press conferences. See media coverage
Putin, Vladimir, 221
Quayle, Dan, 86
Rakers, Pat, 277
Reagan, Ronald, 48, 69, 73, 83, 85, 97, 104, 106, 119
Rehn, Dr. Ludwig, 90–91
Rehnquist, William, 161
Reid, Harry, 222
Reimer, Keith, 78
Reiner, Charisse, 134, 167, 188, 198, 211, 263, 300, 309, 312
Reiner, Jamie, 300, 309
Reiner, Dr. Jonathan “Jon”
atrial fibrillation and, 226–32, 245, 260
back injury and herniated disk surgery and, 235–36
bypass surgery and, 97–98, 119–20
checkups from, 161–65, 167, 199, 200–02, 216–17, 236–37
deep vein thrombosis and, 214–15
early experience with typical heart attack and, 16–18
fainting while driving and, 237, 241
gradual changes in Cheney’s health, 233–35
heart attack and, 76–77, 134–38, 141–42, 146–52, 244, 252, 255
heart transplant and, 284, 285–86, 306, 309–12, 315
Holter monitoring and, 164, 165, 174, 175, 179–81
implantable cardioverter defibrillator and, 180, 181–85, 198–99
left ventricular assist device and, 246–48, 255, 260, 303–05, 307–09
medical transition plan after vice presidency and, 233–35
nosebleed incidents and, 243, 248–50
popliteal aneurysm repair and, 202–11
possible hyperkalemia and, 188–89, 193–94
ventricular fibrillation and, 225, 241
Reiner, Melanie, 23, 24, 233
Reiner, Molly, 300, 309
Rentrop, Peter, 79
Rhodes, John, 43, 44
Richards, Dr. Dickinson, 54
Ridge, Tom, 116, 173
Rivers of Recovery, 282
Roberts, Dr. William, 36
Rockefeller, Nelson, 112
Romano, Phil, 145, 146
Roncalio, Teno, 13, 14
Rongione, Dr. Anthony “Tony,” 268, 269–71, 274, 311, 312, 313
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 125–27
Rosner, Carolyn, 263, 302
Ross, Dr. Allan, 6, 70, 71, 74–75, 76, 77, 84, 97, 98, 102–103, 116, 120
rosuvastatin (Crestor), 40, 81–82
Rove, Karl, 114, 131
Rumsfeld, Donald, 9, 173
Rush, Boyd, 292–93
Russell, John Richard, 290
Russert, Tim, 172
Saakashvili, Mikheil, 221
Saddam Hussein, 103, 104–05
Sadeghi, Dr. Nader, 249, 250