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The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World

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by Daniel Yergin

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  AAR Group

  Abacha, Sani

  Abate, Victor

  Abdullah, King of Saudi Arabia

  Aberdeen Proving Ground

  Abqaiq processing plant

  Abramovich, Roman

  Abu Dhabi

  acid rain

  Ackerman, Bruce

  Adams, Terence

  advanced metering infrastructure (smart meter)

  AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitäts Gesellschaft)


  mujahedeen in

  Northern Alliance in

  pipelines and

  Soviet war in

  Taliban in

  U.S. war in


  China in

  see also specific countries

  Agassi, Shai

  Agassiz, Louis

  aggregate disruption

  Hurricane Katrina and

  Nigeria and

  9/11 and

  Venezuela and

  Aghazadeh, Gholam Reza


  biofuels and

  electricity and

  futures markets for

  Agriculture Department, U.S.

  Ahearn, Michael

  Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud


  AIOC, see Azerbaijan International Operating Company


  aircraft carriers

  Air Force, U.S.


  energy efficiency in

  oil futures for


  Ajaokouta steel complex

  Aktobe Munaigas



  LNG from

  North Slope of

  Albert, Prince


  Albright, Madeleine



  alcohol, tax on

  see also ethanol

  Alekperov, Vagit

  Alfa Bank



  Aliyev, Heydar

  Aliyev, Ilham

  Al Jazeera

  Alo Presidente (TV show)


  Al Qaeda

  energy systems attacked by

  Iraqi links with

  9/11 and

  Yemen and

  Altamont Pass

  alternative energy

  see also renewables

  Amaya, Naohiro

  American Association for the Advancement of Science

  American Research and Development (ARD)


  BP’s deal with

  Annual Threat Assessment, U.S.

  Ansonia Brass and Copper Company


  antinuclear movements


  Arab Awakening

  Arabian Gulf, see Persian Gulf

  Arabian Peninsula

  Arab-Israeli conflict, October War in

  Arab oil embargo (1973), see oil embargo

  Arab Strategy Forum

  Arafat, Yasser

  Archbold, John

  Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)


  ARCO Solar

  Arctic region



  Arkansas, shale gas in


  Army, Chinese

  Army, U.S.

  ARPA-E (Advanced Research Project Agency for Energy)

  Arrhenius, Gustaf

  Arrhenius, Svante

  Arun LNG project


  Caltex joint venture in

  China’s dominance in

  financial crisis in (1997)

  gas market in

  LNG in

  Turkmenistan resources and

  U.S. oil supplies for

  see also Central Asia; East Asia; Southeast Asia; specific places

  Asian Economic Miracle


  Athabasca region

  Atlantic Ocean

  atomic bomb

  Soviet testing of

  in World War II,

  Atomic Energy Commission, British

  Atomic Energy Commission, U.S.

  Atoms for Peace

  Attiyah, Minister Abdullah bin Hamad al-

  Audi />
  Auger platform

  Augusta National Golf Club

  Augustine, Norman



  Austro-Hungarian Empire



  annual sales of, in U.S. and China

  biofuels for

  carbon dioxide emissions from

  in China

  electric, see electric cars

  flex-fuel vehicles

  fuel cell

  fuel efficiency of

  fuel for future of

  of the future


  in Great Depression


  of Japan


  pollution from

  in Soviet Union

  station wagons


  Aven, Peter

  avoided costs

  “axis of evil,”


  Armenia’s war with

  as ground zero for the Caspian Derby

  instability of

  Iran’s interest in

  natural gas of

  oil of

  strategic importance of

  Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

  Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC)

  Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli field (ACG)

  Baathists, Baath Party

  Bab el-Mandeb Strait



  oil of

  Shia in

  Bakassi Boys

  Baker, James

  Baker Runabouts



  as Oil Kingdom

  Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline

  Balachanavaya Field

  balance of power


  Baltic Sea


  banks, banking


  Barnett Shale

  Barroso well


  BASIC group


  cars and

  fuel cells compared with



  submarines and

  Bayh, Birch

  BBC China (German freighter)


  hotels in

  oil company headquarters in

  vehicles and roads in

  Bell Labs

  Benz, Karl

  Berezovsky, Boris


  as Elektropolis

  Berlin, East

  Berlin, West

  Berlin Mandate

  Berlin Wall

  Bern, patent office in

  Bernanke, Ben

  Better Place

  “Beyond Nation Building” (Rumsfeld)


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