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The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World

Page 95

by Daniel Yergin

  bhat, Thai

  “Big Carbon” industry

  Bijur, Peter

  bin Laden, Osama



  from algae

  birth of gasohol and

  daunting logistics of

  flex-fuel vehicles and

  food vs.

  future development of

  new biological perspective for

  vision of

  see also ethanol

  biological weapons


  energy density of

  heating of



  Black Sea

  Blair, Dennis

  Blair, Tony

  Blancard, Jean

  Blavatnik, Len

  Blue Stream


  Bodman, Samuel


  Boesi, Tito

  Bogdanov, Vladimir

  Bohr, Niels

  Bolin, Bert

  Bolívar, Simón

  Bolshevik Revolution (1917)


  Bono, Sonny

  Borderless World, The

  Borjomi mineral water

  Borzhomi springs

  Bosporus Strait

  Boston Harbor

  Bouazizi, Mohammed

  “boutique gasoline” regulation

  Bowlin, Michael


  Amoco deal of

  ARCO and

  biofuels and

  BTC pipeline and

  Deepwater Horizon and

  green credentials and

  LNG and

  Mobil merger attempt of

  in Russia

  BP Amoco, ARCO purchased by

  BP Solar

  Brandeis, Louis

  Brandt, Willy

  Bransby, David


  as BRIC

  climate change and

  economy of

  electricity in

  ethanol of

  hydropower in

  oil of

  Bremer, L. Paul, III


  Breyer, Stephen

  BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China)

  British Antarctic Survey

  British Association for the Advancement of Science

  British Columbia

  British Gas Council

  broadband revolution

  Broussard, Martha Lou

  Brown, Gordon

  Brown, Jerry

  Brown, Scott

  Browne, John

  Browner, Carol


  Brush, Charles

  Bryson, John

  Buenos Aires

  Buffalo Forge Company

  Buffett, Warren



  conservation and

  efficiency by design and

  energy efficiency and

  gadgiwatts and

  mind-set and

  patent number 808897 and


  Bunsen, Robert

  Bureau of Land Management, U.S.

  Bureau of Smoke Control, Los Angeles

  Bush, George H. W.

  climate change and

  renewable energy and

  Bush, George W.

  “axis of evil” and

  biofuels and

  on China

  fuel efficiency and

  Iraq War and

  preemption policy and

  renewables and

  in Saudi Arabia

  Bush, Laura

  Bushehr nuclear reactor


  Butter and Cheese Exchange


  Byrd-Hagel Resolution

  Cabazon, Calif.

  Cabot, Godfrey

  Cabot, Thomas

  Cabot Corporation

  CAD/CAM (computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing) technology


  Caldera, Rafael

  Calder Hall

  Calderón, Felipe


  cars in

  economy and economic growth in

  election of 1998 in

  electricity in

  electricity restructuring in

  energy efficiency in

  hydropower in

  LNG in

  nuclear power in

  offshore production in

  renewables in

  tax credits in

  temperature inversion in

  California, University of:

  at Berkeley

  at San Diego

  California Air Resources Board (CARB)

  California Energy Commission

  California Institute of Technology

  Callahan, Kateri

  Callendar, Guy Stewart

  Callendar Effect

  CalPERS (California State retirement fund)

  Caltex joint venture

  Cameron, David


  acid rain in

  nuclear power in

  oil of

  oil sands of

  shale gas in

  tight oil of

  Cancún meeting (2010)

  CANDU reactor

  CAOP, see Central Asian Oil Pipeline

  cap-and-trade system

  Cape Wind

  capital-intensive industry


  Capitol, U.S.


  Caraghiaur, George


  cap-and-trade system for

  capturing of

  climate change and

  coal and

  energy efficiency and

  natural gas and

  wind energy and

  carbon dioxide

  biofuels and

  Callendar Effect and

  cars and

  climate change and

  energy efficiency and

  reduction of

  rise of

  of Venus

  “Carbon Dioxide Exchange Between Atmosphere

  and Ocean and the Question of an Increase in

  Atmospheric CO2 During the Past Decades” (Revelle

  and Suess)

  carbon and capture sequestration (storage) (CCS)

  carbon tax

  Carlson, David

  Carnot, Sadi

  Carrier, Willis

  Carrier Air Conditioning Company

  Carroll, Philip

  Carter, Jimmy

  natural gas and

  Rickover and

  solar energy and

  Three Mile Island and

  Carter, Roslynn

  Carter Doctrine

  Caspian Derby

  Azerbaijan as ground zero for

  company expectations in

  pipelines and

  players in

  risks in

  Tale of Three Seas conference and

  Caspian oil

  in Azerbaijan

  deal of the century and

  in Kazakhstan

  pipelines for

  in Turkmenistan

  Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC)

  Caspian Sea

  description of

  Tengiz oil and

  Caspian Shah Deniz field

  Castro, Cipriano

  Castro, Fidel


  see also Caspian Derby; specific places

  CCS, see carbon and capture sequestration (storage)

  cell phones

  Arab Awakening and


  cellulosic ethanol

  Central Asia

  Khorastan and

  Turkmenistan resources and

  Central Asian Oil Pipeline (CAOP)

  Central Command, U.S.

  Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB)

  Central Europe

  Central Vermont Public Service


  Ceyhan />
  see also Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline

  Chalabi, Ahmed

  Chamorro, Violeta

  Chandler, Raymond

  Charney, Jule

  Charney Committee

  Chávez, Hugo

  arrest of

  China card of

  in coup

  in election of 1998

  foreign travels of

  in military academy

  nationalization announced by


  chemical weapons

  Cheney, Dick

  Chernobyl nuclear accident

  Chernomyrdin, Viktor


  in battle for Unocal

  Texaco’s merger with

  Chevy Volt

  Chicago, Ill.

  electricity in

  natural gas for

  Chicago Climate Exchange

  Chicago Edison

  Chicago Exchange PLC,

  Chicago World’s Fair (1893)


  automobiles in

  Bamboo Curtain in

  as BRIC

  build-out of

  Caspian Derby and

  climate change and

  coal use in

  Cultural Revolution in

  defense spending of

  demand shock and

  economy and economic growth of

  electricity in

  energy and foreign policy issues of

  energy efficiency in

  energy security and

  extreme weather in

  Great Game and

  Great Leap Forward in

  growth and anxiety and

  Guangdong Province in

  hydropower in

  Inner Mongolia in

  Iran’s relations with

  Japan’s dispute with

  job creation in

  Kazakhstan oil and

  natural gas of

  nuclear energy of

  nuclear weapons of

  oil demand in

  oil of

  opening of

  overlap of interests in

  petro-rivalry and

  pipelines in

  price of success in

  renewables in

  as responsible stakeholder

  Revolution in

  Russia’s relations with

  sea-lane concerns of

  shale gas production in

  Soviet relations with

  Special Economic Zones in

  total energy consumption of

  urbanization in

  U.S. compared with

  U.S. relations with

  as workshop of the world

  China Club

  China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)

  China Syndrome, The

  Chirac, Jacques

  chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)

  choke points

  Christensen, Clay

  Christian Democrats, German

  Christopher, Warren


  Chu, Steven

  Chubu Electric

  Churchill, Winston

  Churilov, Lev


  CIGS (Copper, Indium, Gallium di-Selinide)

  Clay, Lucius

  Clean Air Act (1970)

  Clean Air Act Amendments (1990)

  Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)


  Cleveland, Ohio


  human influence on

  modeling of

  weather vs.

  climate activism, rise of

  climate change

  Agassiz and

  biofuels and

  Callendar and

  Cancún meeting and

  carbon and

  cars and

  China and

  company green credentials and

  Congress and

  Copenhagen conference and

  Earth Summit and

  Gleneagles summit and

  global cooling and

  Great Britain and

  hot box and

  hot summer of 1988 and the White House effect and

  ice ages and

  International Geophysical Year and

  IPCC and

  Keeling and his curve and

  Kyoto Protocol and

  large-scale geophysical experiment and

  markets and, see market-based solutions

  Montreal Protocol and

  as new energy question

  Nobel Prize and

  ozone hole and

  renewables and

  Revelle and

  S. Arrhenius and

  Sassure and

  science meets policy and

  shale gas and

  as strategic threat

  Sundsvall meeting and

  Thatcher and

  twenty-one questions and

  Tyndall and

  Venus and

  Woods Hole meeting and

  see also global warming

  Climate Change Science Program


  Climate Science Technology Program

  Clinton, Bill

  climate change and

  in election of 1992

  Iran policy and

  renewables and

  Clinton, Hillary

  Club of Rome

  Club of Rome Report (1972)

  CNN effect

  CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corporation)

  CNPC, see China National Petroleum Corporation


  carbon and

  disappearance of

  for electricity

  as fuel choice

  high vs. low sulfur

  Kelvin’s fears about


  Mitchell’s views on

  oil made from

  pollution from

  reduction in use of

  Royal Navy’s move to oil from

  synfuels from

  see also specific countries

  coal gas (town gas)

  Coalition Provisional Authority

  Coase, Ronald

  Cocconi, Al


  Cold War

  end of

  Cole, USS


  Columbus, Christopher

  combined-cycle gas turbines

  “Coming Ice Age, The” (Friedan)

  command-and-control regulation

  commodity index funds

  Commonwealth Edison


  electricity and


  Communist Party, Chinese


  cyberattack and


  concentrated solar power

  Congress, U.S.

  anti-Chinese sentiment and

  climate change and

  Conoco’s Iran deal and

  electric car and

  energy spending and

  natural gas and

  oil executives and

  renewables and

  Rickover and

  see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.



  Conolly, Arthur


  buildings and

  see also efficiency, energy

  conservation gap

  consumption, consumers


  of electricity

  of ethanol

  global energy demand and

  of natural gas

  oil price collapse and

  reduction of

  security and

  U.S. gas

  U.S. oil


  of Iran

  of Iraq

  of Soviet Union

  contracts, interruptible

  Copenhagen Agreement

  Copenhagen conference (COP 15; Dec. 2009)

br />   corn

  Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency Standards (CAFE)


  in Nigeria

  petro-states and

  Council of Economic Advisers

  Council of Europe

  Council on Environmental Quality, U.S.

  Crane, David


  Cromwell, Oliver


  Cuban Missile Crisis

  Cugnot, Nicolas Joseph

  Cultural Revolution, Chinese


  in Asian financial crisis

  demand shock and

  see also specific currencies

  Curzon, Lord

  Cushing, Okla.


  Cyber Command



  Daimler, Gottlieb


  Dales, John

  Damon Bankston



  Daschle, Tom

  Daura Refinery

  Davis, David

  Davis, Gray

  Davos, World Economic Forum in (2006)



  Deepwater Horizon

  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

  Defense Department, U.S. (DOD)

  cyberattack and

  DARPA in

  9/11 and

  Rumsfeld’s views on

  defense spending


  de Gaulle, Charles

  DeGolyer, Everette Lee

  Dehlsen, James

  Delay, Tom

  demand shock

  automobiles and

  belief system and

  breakpoint and

  BRICs and

  China and

  engineering and

  financialization and

  Jeddah vs. Bonga and

  paper barrel and

  price surge and

  sovereign wealth funds and

  tight market and

  demand side management programs




  Deng Xiaoping


  nuclear power in

  wind energy and


  deregulation (restructuring), electricity

  economic iron curtain and

  markets and


  Derr, Kenneth


  Desert Storm

  Desmarest, Thierry

  Deterding, Henri


  Detroit, Mich.

  auto industry in

  Detroit Edison Company

  Detroit Electrics

  Deuss, John

  Deutsch, John

  developing world

  climate change and

  electricity in

  gas price subsidies in

  globalization and

  resource nationalism in

  size of oil use in

  wind energy in

  see also specific places

  Devon Energy

  Diablo Canyon nuclear facility

  digital oil field

  digital revolution


  energy security and

  in Japan

  natural gas and

  petro-states and

  in Russia

  Dobbins, James

  Dobriansky, Paula

  “Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon Its Energy Content?” (Einstein)

  dollar, U.S., demand shock and

  Doriot, Georges

  Dow Chemical

  Drake, Edwin

  Draper, William, III


  drop-ins (fungible molecules; green molecules)


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