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The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World

Page 96

by Daniel Yergin



  Dudek, Daniel

  Dukakis, Michael

  Dunham, Archie

  DuPont chemical company

  Dutch disease

  dynamic pricing

  E10 gasoline

  E85 fuel

  “Early Oil,”

  Earth Day (1970)

  Earth Day (1990)

  earthquakes, in Japan

  Earth Summit (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development)

  East Anglia, University of, Climatic Research Unit at

  Eastern Europe

  fall of communism in

  East Ohio Gas Company

  East Siberia-Pacific Ocean Pipeline

  East Texas oil field

  Eberhard, Martin

  economies of scale

  electricity and


  economy, world

  , air-conditioning and

  Asian financial crisis and

  China in

  climate change and

  demand shock and

  East Asia in

  effects of Fukushima accident on

  electric car and

  electricity and

  energy security and

  global trade and

  hinges of

  India in

  Libya and

  natural gas and

  oil and

  Qatar in

  renewables and

  resource adequacy and

  Russia and

  sovereign wealth funds in

  Soviet Union and

  economy and economic growth

  of Asian tigers

  Caspian Derby and

  climate change and

  electricity and

  of emerging markets

  energy security and

  integration of

  oil and

  of petro-states

  see also specific countries

  Edison, Thomas

  Edison General Electric

  Edison Illuminating Companies


  EEVs (emissions elsewhere vehicles)

  efficiency, energy

  in buildings

  of China

  by design

  of France


  of industry

  mottainai and

  of natural gas

  of natural monopoly

  technology and

  Top Runner program and



  Arab Awakening in

  Ehrenpreis, Ira

  Einstein, Albert

  Einstein, Hermann

  Einstein, Jakob

  Eisenhower, Dwight

  Eizenstat, Stuart

  Ekofisk oil field

  electric cars

  Asian market for

  charging of

  electricity sources for

  government policy and

  lithium batteries for

  problems with

  return of

  Électricité de France (EDF)


  alternating current (AC)

  bills for

  blackouts and

  in buildings

  at Chicago World’s Fair

  from coal, see coal, for electricity

  cyberattack and

  demand for

  dependence on

  deregulation of, see deregulation (restructuring), electricity

  direct current

  dispatchable power sources and

  Edison and

  fuel choice for, see fuel choice

  future needs for

  gadgiwatts and

  from geothermal energy

  Insull and

  lighting and

  “Live Better Electrically” campaign and

  LNG for

  as long-term business

  merchant generators and

  from natural gas, see gas, natural, electricity from

  as natural monopoly

  from nuclear energy, see nuclear energy, electricity from

  from oil

  price of

  PURPA and

  rate shock and

  regulatory bargain and

  from renewables

  shortages of

  smarter grid and


  usage payment for

  uses of

  Electrification Coalition


  Elizabeth II, Queen of England

  Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)

  Energy Biosciences Institute

  Energy Conservation Law (1979)

  energy crisis (1970s)

  Energy Department, U.S. (DOE)

  biofuels and

  R&D and

  solar program in

  wind power and

  Energy Frontier Research Centers

  energy independence

  Energy Information Administration, U.S.

  Energy Policy Act (1992)

  Energy Policy Act (2005)

  Energy Security and Independence Act (2007)

  Energy Security Leadership Council


  automobiles and

  Caspian Derby and

  demand shock and

  LNG and

  Pearl Street station and

  Rickover and

  Tengiz oil field and

  Turkmenistan resources and




  Enron Wind


  biofuels and

  BTC pipeline and

  burning of oil wells and

  cars and

  Castro’s views on

  China and

  coal and

  Croton-on-Hudson meeting and

  fraccing and

  natural gas and

  nuclear power and

  oil sands and

  oil spills and

  renewables and

  Sakhalin-2 and

  shale gas and

  see also climate change; global warming; pollution

  environmental activism

  Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

  Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. (EPA)

  Environment Ministry, Indian

  enzymatic conversion

  “Era of the Super-Major” (Terreson)

  Estrella, Guilherme


  birth of

  of Brazil


  cost of


  antiwar demonstrations in

  biofuels in

  blackouts in

  Chernobyl and

  China compared with

  China’s relations with

  climate change and

  competition policy in

  economy and economic growth in

  energy efficiency in

  energy security of

  feed-in tariffs in

  fuel choice in

  gas market in

  gas prices in

  glaciers in

  global supply chains and

  Iran’s relations with

  Libya’s relations with

  LNG for

  natural gas for

  oil shortage in

  oil supplies for

  renewables in

  shale gas in

  Ukraine’s relations with


  in World War I,

  European Climate Exchange

  European Community

  European Union (EU)

  biofuels and

  climate change and

  competition directorate in

  energy efficiency in

  growth of

  Kyoto conference and

  non-Russian gas and

  renewables and

  Evans, Don

  Everett, Mass.

  EV1 electric vehic

  exchange-traded funds


  Explorer I,


  extra heavy oil (EHO)


  Mobil’s merger with

  solar energy and


  Exxon Valdez accident

  F3DM plug-in hybrid




  Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia


  Falih, Khalid al-

  Faraday, Michael

  “Farewell to Flashman, A” (Talbott)

  Federal Energy Policy Act (1992)

  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

  Federal Reserve

  Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


  feed-in law (feed-in tariff)

  Fell, Hans-Josef

  Fifth Fleet, U.S.

  fifth fuel, see conservation; efficiency, energy

  finance, financial institutions

  financial crisis, Asian (1997–99)

  financial crisis, global (2008–9)

  Finland, nuclear power in

  First Assessment Report, IPCC

  First Solar

  Fischer, Stanley


  floor traders


  flow back, disposal of

  Floyd, Nancy

  foot-and-mouth disease

  Ford, Bill

  Ford, Gerald

  Ford, Henry, I

  Ford, Henry, II

  Ford Explorer

  Ford Motor

  Fossil Fuel Age, Rickover’s prediction of end of

  fossil fuels

  see also coal; gas, natural; oil

  Fourier, Joseph

  Fourth Corridor

  fraccing (hydraulic fracturing)


  biofuel in

  cars in

  electricity of

  Iraq War and

  LNG and

  nuclear power of

  oil-company mergers in

  oil use of

  Suez crisis and

  in World War II,


  Franks, Tommy

  Freedom from Oil (Sandalow)

  Fridman, Mikhail

  Friedan, Betty

  Friedman, Milton

  Friends of the Earth

  Fu Chengyu

  fuel cells

  fuel choice

  coal and carbon and

  making power and

  natural gas as

  the quandary and

  return of nuclear and

  shale gale and

  Fuel Use Act

  Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex

  Fuller, Calvin

  Fuller, Lawrence

  fungus, Trichoderma viride

  Future of Coal, The (MIT study)

  futures contracts

  G7 nations

  G8 nations

  G20 nations

  G21 (global twenty-first century)

  Gabrielli, José Sergio


  Gaidar, Yegor

  gas, natural

  Bowlin’s speech on

  Caspian natural

  climate change and

  demand for

  deregulation of

  disappearance of

  Dutch exports of

  electricity from

  energy security and

  ethanol and

  for fuel cells

  as fuel choice

  as fuel for the future

  in Gulf of Mexico

  job creation and

  in Kazakhstan

  liquefied, see liquefied natural gas

  liquids that accompany the production of

  as motor fuel


  oil made from

  oil sands and

  petro-states and

  pipelines for

  price controls on

  price of

  regulation of

  shale, see shale gas

  shortages of

  in South China Sea

  technology and

  from tight sands

  in Turkmenistan

  see also gas revolution; specific places

  gas companies

  Iran and

  offshore production and

  shale gas and

  gas lines

  Gasmotoren-Fabrik Duetz AG

  gasohol, see ethanol


  biofuels component in

  futures contracts in

  Iranian imports of

  lead in

  price of

  rationing of


  taxes on

  U.S. market for

  Venezuela’s importation of

  Gasolineless Sundays

  gasoline stations

  gas revolution

  diversification and

  emergence of Gazprom and

  fraccing (hydraulic fracturing) and

  global gas and

  Section 29 and

  shale gas and

  Ukraine vs. Russia and




  of China

  energy efficiency and

  of Qatar



  general circulation models

  General Electric Company (GE)

  “Live Better Electrically” campaign of

  wind energy and

  General Motors (GM)

  electric vehicles and

  Geological Survey, U.S.


  Kazakhstan oil and

  natural gas and

  oil and


  Borjomi mineral water in

  pipeline route in

  Georgia (U.S. state)

  nuclear power in

  geothermal energy


  automobiles in

  biofuel in

  China trade of

  climate change and

  denazification in

  electricity in

  natural gas for

  navy of

  nuclear power and

  renewables in

  reunification of

  Tyndall in

  in World War I,

  Germany, East

  Germany, Nazi

  weather and

  Germany, West

  GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)

  Ghadhban, Thamir

  Ghawar field

  Ghosn, Carlos

  Giffen, James

  Giusti, Luis


  Agassiz’s views on


  legacy of

  Gleneagles Hotel

  Glicksman, Leon

  Global Climate Coalition

  global cooling


  of demand for energy

  Middle East and

  of renewables

  Venezuela and

  global warming

  cars and

  China and

  climate activism and

  G. W. Bush’s views on

  King’s views on

  Putin’s views on

  S. Arrhenius’s prediction of

  Senate hearing on

  Goffman, Joseph

  Goldemberg, José

  Goldemberg Curve

  golden share

  Golden Triangle

  Goldfine, Herman


  Gómez, Vicente


  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Afghanistan policy and

  Aliyev’s falling out with

  Kazakhstan oil and

  Soviet collapse and

  Gore, Albert, Jr.

  Gore, Albert, Sr.

  Grady, Robert

  Graifer, Valery

  Grandpa’s Knob

  Gray, C. Boyden

  Great Britain

  auto industry in

  Caspian Derby and

  China compared with

  climate change and

  coal use in

  deregulation in

  electricity in

  energy security in

  female voting rights in

  in First Gulf War

  foot-and-mouth disease in

  Great Game and

  Iraq War and

  Kelvin’s predictions about energy base of

  LNG shipped to

  Lybia’s relations with

  natural gas of

  Nigeria’s relations with

  North Sea oil and

  nuclear power in

  opposition to air travel in

  Qatar’s relations with

  Singapore compared with

  Suez crisis and

  terrorism and

  Tyndall in

  wind energy in

  withdrawal from Persian Gulf of

  in World War I,

  Great Canadian Oil Sands Project

  Great Depression

  Great Game

  Great Lakes

  Great Leap Forward

  Great Recession

  Green, Martin

  Green Building Council, U.S.

  greenhouse effect

  Pachauri’s views on

  Revelle’s views on

  greenhouse gases

  biofuels and

  Clean Air Act and

  U.N. Framework Convention and

  see also carbon dioxide; methane; nitrous oxide

  Green parties

  Green Party, German

  Greenspan, Alan

  Greenstock, Jeremy

  grid parity

  Groningen field

  Guangdong Province

  Gulbenkian, Calouste

  Gulf Coast, U.S.

  Gulf Cooperation Council

  Gulf Oil

  Gulf War, First

  Arab countries and

  CNN effect and

  coalition building in

  Desert Storm in

  energy security and

  looting after

  oil and

  U.S. troop presence after

  Gulf War, Second, see Iraq War

  Haagen-Smit, Arie

  Haass, Richard


  Hadley, Steven

  Hagel, Chuck

  Hahn, Robert

  Halbouty, Michael


  Hamilton, James

  Hamilton, Richard

  Hansen, Finn

  Hansen, James

  “Hansen vs. the World on the Greenhouse Threat” (article)

  Harvard University


  Hay, Lew, III

  Hayes, Denis

  Hayward, Tony

  hedge funds, hedgers

  Heinz, John


  Helix Well Containment Group



  Hess, John

  Hewlett, William

  Hewlett-Packard (HP)

  hexin liyi (core interest)

  Heywood, John


  Hidden Imam (Mahdi)

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hockfield, Susan

  holding companies

  Holland, see Netherlands

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

  home-heating oil

  Homeland Security, U.S.


  building of



  Hong Kong

  Hoover Dam

  horizontal drilling


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