[Montgomery Ink 00.5 - 01.0] Box Set
Page 39
“Well, yes, but you’re adorable when you’re an idiot.”
She punched him in the shoulder. Hard. “Patronizing much?”
“You love me. Now, I know we’re in the middle of something else right now travel- and life-wise, but I need to tell you I’m so fucking happy we’re having this kid. If she’s a girl, we might need to lock her away from all boys until she’s sixty, but that’s just because I know boys. If he’s a boy, well, we might need to lock him up as well since I know my brothers.”
She snorted, hugging him around his middle. She’d kept the idea of the baby from him for a month because she’d been scared about her own reaction, not his. That had been selfish and horrible, but she couldn’t go back and fix it.
She had another seven months to prove to him that she could do this. Prove to herself. With Shep by her side, she could do it. There was no other option.
“You’re thinking hard again,” he said as he rubbed her back, his hand dipping lower until she gasped into him.
“I’m sorry for not telling you.”
“I’m sorry you felt you needed to deal with everything on your own. But that’s not the important thing anymore.”
“What is then?” she asked on a gasp as he kissed the side of her neck.
“The important thing is we’re going to have a baby…and Griffin won’t be home for hours.”
She rocked into him, closing her eyes, and he cupped her face with his magic hands. “Whatever shall we do?”
Shep pulled back, grinning. “Oh, I think we can come up with something.”
Shea stood on her tiptoes and kissed his chin. “Show me.”
“Always, Shea. Always.”
Chapter Twenty-four
“If you keep staring at the nail rather than pounding it in, you’ll be here for hours, man,” Austin said from Decker’s side, chuckling under his breath.
Decker growled then cursed as he slammed his thumb with the damn hammer. “Seriously, dude? You’re going to distract me while I’m fixing the freaking hole in your wall?”
“You talk to me while I’m doing a tattoo, so I don’t know what your problem is,” Austin said casually as he meandered back to his stool. Griffin sat in the chair, a grin on his face.
“Let’s keep the distracting of Austin on the low side, shall we?” Griffin teased. “He does have a needle in my skin after all.”
“You wouldn’t have this problem if I was doing it,” Maya said as she walked toward them.
Decker laughed at the familiar complaint. Maya and Austin were proprietary when it came to the Montgomery family ink. Come to think of it, they acted the same way about his ink as well.
Kind of nice.
“You have one side, Maya,” Griffin said, his voice calm even as Austin worked on his sleeve, doing the shading that sometimes hurt like a bitch. “Austin gets the other. Stop complaining that it’s his turn.”
Maya rolled her eyes even as she smiled. “Shut up.”
“You first.”
Ah, siblings. He was an only child and thankful for it. Though he’d been raised with the Montgomerys off and on during his childhood, when he went back to his birthplace, he was alone.
That was the way it had always been, and now that he was older, that was the way it would be. He wasn’t a Montgomery, and no amount of ink or wishing would make that true.
He cleared his throat, shaking his head before he got back to work. He needed to keep his mind on task instead of thinking about what was coming, what would never change. The churning in his gut didn’t make it easy, but he’d deal with it.
He had to.
Decker went back to work, trying to finish up so he could get back to his place and just be alone. He had come back to Denver, but he honestly didn’t know if he could handle all the Montgomerys all at once again.
The door opened, and he sighed. Hopefully it would be a customer, rather than another Montgomery. He didn’t know if he could deal with more family right then.
“Hey, family,” Miranda Montgomery said as she walked in. He turned quickly, caught by her smile and the way she winked at her brother.
Decker froze, his body tight like a spring, and he held back a curse. His dick pressed against the zipper of his jeans, and he wanted to run the fuck away.
He couldn’t get a hard-on for Griffin’s little sister.
No fucking way.
She was Miranda. Little Miranda who used to chase him around the backyard.
She wasn’t supposed to get his dick hard.
The object of his arousal and mortification turned to him and smiled. His dick perked up even more.
“Hey you. I didn’t know you’d be here.”
He blinked then cleared his throat. “I’m not. Here I mean.”
Brilliant, Decker. Fucking brilliant.
She snorted as the rest of her family laughed. “Um, Decker, honey. You’re here.”
He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. Or at least trying to. “I just meant I’m leaving.”
Austin stood up and frowned. “You’re not done yet. What’s up, Deck?”
Decker quickly gathered up his things. “I’ll come back tomorrow and finish up. It needs to dry, and I didn’t bring the last of the tools I need.”
Austin’s look told him he clearly didn’t believe him, but Decker needed to get out of there. Fast.
“Okay, whatever. Thanks for coming and doing at least half of it.”
Decker nodded then took his tools and ran, lifting his chin at the others as he scurried out the door, his toolbox in front of his crotch. The last thing he needed was for Miranda’s big brothers to see his hard-on. He’d seen the look of surprise on Miranda’s face as he left, and he didn’t want to think about it.
Fuck. She was his best friend’s little sister.
So off limits.
He just needed to get laid. As he put his things in the truck, he got out his phone. When the person on the other line picked up, he tensed, trying to clear his thoughts of the Montgomery he shouldn’t want and could never have.
“Colleen, hey, you free tonight?”
Colleen was safe. Pretty. And not Miranda Montgomery.
The perfect combination.
Sierra locked up Eden and made her way to her car. It had been a long day of customers who hadn’t known what they wanted, blaming her and the girls for it. During that time, the customers from hell made their opinions known. Often.
All she really wanted to do was to go home—Austin’s place—and relax. She didn’t know when she’d begun to think of Austin’s place as home, rather than her small apartment in Edgewater, but she’d take it. Things were going well for them. Really well. She and Austin talked and worked with Leif together. They were happy, and she was ready to actually tell him her feelings.
She loved him more than anything, and she wanted a future.
A future she never thought she’d have again.
There was that tingling in the back of her mind that told her that her ex’s parents would still be there, but she wouldn’t be alone in facing them this time.
Her phone rang as she started on the highway, and she answered using her car’s Bluetooth. “Hello?”
“Sierra, it’s Rodney.”
Speak of the devil.
Her hands clenched the steering wheel, and she swallowed hard. “Hi, Rodney. What’s going on?” She took the next exit and pulled off to the side of the road. There was a field around her since she’d gone north to Austin’s place, but it was safer than being at the wheel right then.
“They threw out the case, Sierra. It’s over. For real this time. Marsha and Todd don’t have a leg to stand on.”
Sierra blinked, and she turned off the car but kept the battery on so her phone would still work. “What?” She couldn’t believe it. She must have misheard.
“Sierra. It’s over. The case was thrown out with prejudice, and this was their last chance. They can’t come at you
again. You’re free to live your life the way you want to without having to look over your shoulder.
“Seriously?” she asked, her words raspy. After all these years, it was over?
“Seriously. Go home to Austin and celebrate. You won’t have this shadow over you anymore.”
Tears streaked her cheeks, and she bowed her head. “Thank you, thank you so much. God.”
“You’re welcome, Sierra. Live your life.”
After saying goodbye, he hung up, and she sat there, her body shaking.
She was free. Jason’s parents couldn’t hurt her anymore. She could love Austin freely and not worry about lawsuits and the past that wouldn’t take its claws out of her.
She was free.
Headlights blinded her from the driver’s side, and she turned, only to see a car coming right at her. She held up her hands, her mouth opened in a scream before the sound of crushing metal filled her ears. The darkness came over her as she thought of Austin one last time.
Austin ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “I hate math sometimes,” he mumbled, and Leif snickered at his side. “Don’t laugh. This is your homework after all.”
“Math sucks,” his son agreed.
He winced. Sierra wouldn’t like him teaching Leif to hate subjects in school. The fact that he thought of Sierra in a parenting position again scared him a bit, but he was working on it. Hell, the fact that he was a parent scared him.
“Math doesn’t suck. It’s just not the most entertaining thing most times.”
Leif raised a brow in a gesture so like Austin’s that he blinked. Damn, Leif looked just like what Austin had always pictured his son might look like. The DNA test might have been needed for the courts, but none of the Montgomerys had thought twice about accepting him into their fold.
He looked just like a Montgomery.
“Sure, Austin. Whatever you say.”
Austin held back the hurt at Leif still calling him Austin rather than Dad, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. They hadn’t known each other that long after all.
His phone rang, and he picked up, seeing an unknown number on the readout. “Hello?”
“Austin Montgomery?”
A chill ran down his spine, and he gripped the table. “Yes? This is Austin Montgomery.”
“This is Denver Medical. We have a Sierra Elder here.”
The floor fell out from under him, and he sank back into his chair. He felt small hands on his arm and looked over to see Leif standing, his eyes wide.
“What happened? Is she okay? Where are you located? I’m coming there.”
“Mr. Montgomery, take a breath. I can’t tell you her condition or the circumstances over the phone as you aren’t family, but she requested we call you so you can come here.” She rattled off the location, and Austin wrote it down on the top of Leif’s homework, the only piece of paper near him.
“I’m coming. Tell her…” I love her. “Tell her I’ll be right there.”
He hung up and stood on shaky legs.
“What’s going on?” Leif asked, his eyes filling with tears.
Shit. What was he going to do about the kid? Could he call his family and have them watch him?
“Sierra’s in the hospital.” There. He was honest.
Leif’s lower lip wobbled. “What happened?”
“I don’t know. They wouldn’t tell me. I’m heading there now to see her.” He picked up his phone. “I’ll call Meghan to come and pick you up or I’ll drop you off.”
“No. I want to see Sierra too. Don’t leave me.”
Austin sucked in a breath then awkwardly patted Leif’s shoulder. “Okay then. We’ll go.” There was no way he could deal with even hands-free calling with Leif in the back seat. He was too shaky as it was. “Grab what you need and let’s go.”
Leif scrambled off the chair and ran to the back of the house while Austin ran a hand over his hair. The doctor or nurse or whatever had refused to tell him what was going on. He got the legalities of that, but shit, couldn’t they have given him a clue?
Austin grabbed his wallet and phone, texting Wes quickly and telling him to meet him with the family at the hospital. It seemed like a better deal than calling and having to talk to people. He ended the text with “don’t call” since he would be driving.
Wes texted back right away saying he’d be there with the crew.
That was the Montgomerys. There, no matter what.
Leif ran back out with a Kindle in his hands and his shoes on his feet.
“What’s with the Kindle?” Austin asked as he went into the garage, Leif on his trail.
“It’s Sierra’s. She was reading it and left it here last night.”
Austin swallowed hard, nodding. That kid loved Sierra so much; that much was clear. God, she had to be okay. She had to.
He drove as fast as he could without endangering his precious cargo and made it to the hospital, parking in the lot and running toward the emergency room, gripping Leif’s hand so he wouldn’t lose him. Jesus, his life had changed so much since Sierra had first walked into the shop. He couldn’t lose it all in one fell swoop.
When he got to the front desk, he was shaking alongside Leif. “I’m looking for Sierra Elder.”
The woman nodded then raised a brow. “Are you family?”
“She’s my family,” he said instantly. It was true, just not legal. “I’m Austin Montgomery. You guys called me.”
She nodded again then started clicking on the computer. “You’re clear to come in.” She looked down at Leif. “I’m afraid he isn’t.”
He knew the woman was just doing her job, but holy hell, he wanted to push past her. “This is my son. He’s coming with me. Tell me where Sierra is.”
“Don’t get a nasty tone with me, young man. I’m only following the law.”
“Judy, I can handle this,” a man in a white coat said as he walked toward them. Judy huffed then went back to her computer.
“Where’s Sierra?”
“I’m Dr. Michaels, Sierra’s doctor.” He held out a hand, and Austin impatiently shook it. “Sierra gave us permission to tell you her condition in person, and since he is your son, you’re both welcome to come on back.”
Austin glared at Judy then walked beside Dr. Michaels. Leif gripped his hand hard, and he pulled him closer.
“What happened?” he asked.
“She was involved in a hit and run accident. The other car hit the driver’s side, but in the back rather than the front. The impact jarred her, and she had a few cuts and bruises and a mild concussion. However, since she wasn’t moving, and the other car wasn’t going that fast, the airbags were enough to keep her from serious harm.”
Austin froze, clenching his free fist. “But she’s going to be okay?”
The doctor nodded. “Yes. She’s very lucky.”
“And you said it was a hit and run? Did they find the bastard that did this?”
He nodded. “Yes. It was a woman. Apparently, she is the mother of Sierra’s late fiancé. That’s all I know, but you’ll be able to talk to Sierra right away. She’s a little tired, but other than that, she should be fine.”
Fuck. Marsha had done this? And just where was Todd? Holy fuck, that family was insane.
“She’s right in there, Mr. Montgomery.”
Austin nodded absently as Dr. Michaels walked away.
“She’s really okay?” Leif asked, his voice small.
Austin took a deep breath then looked down at his son.
“That’s what the doctor says. Let’s go see.” His entire world was on his arm and in that room. He knew that. It was like a shock to the system. He didn’t know what he’d do without her. God, he loved her so fucking much, and it scared him. He wasn’t supposed to love someone this much. He didn’t know if he could bear to lose her. He had his mind on his son and his father, two major life changes recently, and now he had the love of his life in a hospital bed.
It was just too go
ddamn much.
He took a step into the room and froze. Sierra lay on the bed, her hair tangled around her. Her eyes were open but turned the other way. She had cuts and bruises on her face and arms and he was sure in other places that were hidden by the hospital gown.
“Sierra,” Leif said through tears then ran to her side. He stopped right at the edge of the bed, his hand out but not moving closer, as if afraid to touch her.
She turned toward him, a small smile on her face. “Hey, big guy.”
“Are you okay?” Leif asked softly.
“Yeah, just a little banged up. I get to go home tomorrow. Don’t be scared, okay, honey?”
Leif cried then, lowering his head to the side of her bed. “Okay,” he whispered through tears.
Austin choked back his own tears. He hadn’t moved from his spot near the door, not knowing if he could walk closer. The love of his life was helpless in that bed, and yet he couldn’t stop thinking about what could have happened if the car had been moving faster or if it had hit her at another angle.
He’d almost lost one of the most precious things in the world, and he hadn’t been there.
What kind of man was he?
Sierra ran a hand over Leif’s back, murmuring to him. She met Austin’s gaze, and what he found there scared him.
There wasn’t love in those eyes.
No, they were blank.
He turned on his heel to see Maya and Jake in the doorway, Maya’s eyes wide. “I’m here. It took sneaking in, but we’re here.” Her gaze moved to Sierra. “Hey you. How are you?”
Sierra looked stricken, and he didn’t know what to do.
“I’m fine,” the love of his life croaked. “Do you think you can take Leif out of the room for a moment? I need to talk to Austin.”
Maya gave him a look then took a sniffling Leif toward the door. Before he walked away completely, he ran a hand over his son’s hair then sighed as he was left alone in the room with Sierra.
“Baby, I’m so sorry this happened.”